Thursday, January 7, 2021

Yajuj-Majuj's Diseases (since the 7th Century, or even earlier, before their lockdown by Dhul Qarnayn)!


Since Musa (Alayhis Salaam) never knew or uttered the word "Jew" (a term which, historically, meant impostors posing to be followers of Musa Alayhis Salaam, or posing to be the Bani Israel that was only a part [and not the filthy/ satanic/ majosi whole] of Qawm-e Firawn/ Luciferaun) ... and since Bani Israel's whole generation already PERISHED by the time of Yusha ibn Noon ...

... and since [correspondingly and similarly] Eisa (Alayhis Salaam) never knew or uttered the word "Christian" ...

... this blogpost shows only the tip of the iceberg of diseases that were incurred by Yajuj-Majuj (a.k.a. fake jews, mainly, including their servile: fake christians/ majosis and fake muslims/ majosis and, esp., the hindu/ buddhist/ atheist/ pagan/ voo doo/ sectarian/ secular/ scientologist/ masonic-humanist/ theosophist/ MK-ultra-orthodox (!) varieties, etc.) ... all of whom are KABBALAH-Zevite-Freemasonic Luciferians/ Kafirs/ Mushriks in reality, who're all set to PERISH off the earth!

[As is clear to those few with understanding --- Mufsidun/ Zalimun are far far far more cursed than the Maghzuub (just as Allah's curse/ punishment upon the shayateen/ Munafiqun/ Mushrikun/ Zalimun is greater than the already severest one (!) upon Kuffar)! ... And there's no cure other than real "Tawba" (viz., the one that is to Allah, and thus the one that works in both worlds.]

List of Jewish Genetic Diseases

The 5 Most Common Ashkenazi Genetic Diseases

The list could go on infinitely! Please research for yourself, the rest of Yajuj-Majuj's admixtures/ mulattos (a.k.a. the most masonic and thus most privileged "races"/ "cuntries", hahaha!) worldwide ... (who were kept alive after "they" Talmudically killed off the best human beings through time, especially since 7th century/ 1666 AD/ 19th century/ 9-11-2001/ 2016/ 2019!)


The End!

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