Thursday, January 14, 2021

What Cuntreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...?! [Yajuj-Majuj's Murderous & oppressive Kabbalah-Masonic falsehoods that incur depopulation!]

An adequate study or search for any "scientific" research, whatsoever, that successfully demonstrates that  "the place of birth of a child" alone (viz., not any other factor later in life, ONLY the place) accords/ earns the child any particular difference/ advantage/ disadvantage/ superiority/ inferiority etc. [biologically, intellectually, emotionally or spiritually] over any other ... 

... will lead to the finding that no such evidence exists!

And yet those who were born on usurped lands (that were claimed upon horrendous bloodshed!) have made such an arrogant/ unjust/ oppressive issue of this [and numerous of such] useless kabbalah-bibble-based non-issues/ wickedness ... that they have spread that toxic/ subhuman mentality like a pandemic around the world, and have completely and irreparably messed up and doomed the world towards complete annihilation?!

[The idiotic irony of this is that parents born in places of claimed (!) prestige whose children were born in non-prestigious lands thereby incur the whole world's most toxic condescension, disseminated complicitly/ willingly, by themselves, upon their own children?!] 

What does any genuine/ decent/ enlightened human being with a conscience wish for such mufsiduun?!

Wouldn't such a human being wish to see such an entirely complicit/ corrupt world Perish entirely in/ from its own Karma/ evil?!

The End.

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