Friday, January 15, 2021

Karma-virus/ Coronavirus/ Covid Pandemic SSecrets eXposed!

Hello World,  

You have come across the following [satanic-kabbalah-zionist-freemasonic] terms/ phenomena/ concepts/ realities, at some time [and in some form] or the other, in your life: human experimentation, surveillance, satanic pedophilia & sodomy, organized crime, satanic ritual abuse (SRA), narcissistic abuse, satanic deprivation and sensory deprivation, entrapment, defamation/ demonization/ slander, crisis acting, propaganda, state-sponsored-terrorism, shadow state/ police state, shills/ trolls/ hasbara/ disinfo actors, censorship, psyops, [state sponsored] false flags, street theatre, snitching, bullying, blaming the victim of that which the oppressor is guilty, marginalization and displacement [of people], bio-terrorism, financial terrorism, rackets, scams, no-fly listing, no-hire listing, human rights violations, targeted individuals, targeted harassment, covert harassment, electronic harassment and torture, electromagnetic (EMF) harassment and torture, mind control, gangstalking, gaslighting, organized stalking, mobbing, etc. --- which are all characteristic mercenary/ murderous forms of Yajuj-Majuj's "Yansilun", which had peaked since 1666 AD, and then 19th century, and then most viciously since WWII towards global depopulation!

[Ever since WWII, global poverty and wealth disparity has increased historically unprecedentedly, and in direct proportion to the mushrooming of development agencies/ activities/ charities/ economic development industry!!!]

Most of you, by now, were complicit [whether at workplaces or elsewhere] in destroying the life of at least one person/ family [and then, without repentance, kept it a secret and thus became unwittingly initiated into satanic/ babylo-kabbalah/ luciferian/ talmudic/ freemasonic secret societies of some sort] ... because you hate your Creator, Allah, and you hate goodness and repentance!

Most others of you witnessed such psychopathic cruelty/ crimes/ wickedness and either turned away or silently abetted them, in cowardice and in fear of "getting into trouble/ problems" ... [wherein, without repentance, you kept it a secret and thus became unwittingly initiated into satanic/ babylo-kabbalah/ luciferian/ talmudic/ freemasonic secret societies of some sort] ... because you hate your Creator, Allah, and you hate goodness and repentance!

Both categories of "people" justified their evil with ubiquitous "herd mentality", schadenfreude and "normative evil" ... and they buried all their darkness under one petty scoop of  new-age "self-forgiveness" and similar "wickedly glorified luciferian/ satanic/ mushrik religion or philosophy or ideology or culture"!

And now, since 2019, you all realize that this never-ending Covid 19 pandemic from the Grim Reaper is simply your Karma ... because all the mocking/ demonic news in the [corporate & govt.] media actually showcase the horrible symptoms, losses, pains, betrayals, falsehoods, trauma, torture and death that you had complicitly abetted/ imparted upon innocent souls (viz., the targeted individuals)!  And now your own sins have gone viral/ global, and backfired, and have begun to punish/ threaten/ murder you ALL!

Meanwhile, the keys to TRULY understanding the nature of the never-ending [COVERT] Covid pandemic --- its intricacies, causation, pathways/ modes/ methods, sufferings, realities and potential mitigation --- are in the knowledge and experience of the very targeted individuals that you had complicitly attempted to destroy and murder!

And that is one colossal sign that "The End Times" have come upon their grand finale!  You all must be enjoying how the same Kabbalah-Masonic Luciferaun/ Dajjal/ Yajuj-Majuj --- that have schooled/ groomed/ rewarded/ [mis]led you on to the mountains of sins & crimes you have accrued & accumulated upon your Eternity [that has already begun] --- are now JUDGING and PUNISHING and MURDERING you FOR YOUR SINS!

And the innocent victims of your soullessly justified wickedness ... will now be comforted by watching you regretfully/ desperately seek their help [if at all, or at best] in finding ways to avert your own ghastly and excruciating deaths! And while you wonder if your apologies/ repentance/ amends are way too little too late ...

... those innocent victims will find even more comfort in watching the entire evil establishments and pyramids of state-sponsored mercenary torture/ experimentation taste their own punishment, destruction, terror, torture, horror, murder and DEATH!

And satan and [both willing and unwitting] satanists/ shayateen will be singing this satanic U2 bit:

"In waves of death, and horrors that destroy,

We reached out for the [good] ones we tried to destroy,

But they said they'll wait until the End of the World?!"

The following comment --- likely written by a victim of evil --- sums up what the least of Karma will be for the wicked children/ accomplices/ vessels of Rajeem Lucifer Iblis:

And much as only the incurably bigoted & psychopathic shayateen would have loathed reading this ...

... by Allah's stern standards & justice for Huququl-Ibaad, and by the curse of countless innocent souls ... the same [and much worse] Karma will befall anyone/ anything/ any shaytan/ any dajjal like this freemasonic demon called tRump, anywhere and everywhere in this world ... past, present and future!

The End.

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