Saturday, January 23, 2021

EXPOSED: Oh SHI-t/ Xi-t! ... Oh Mi [G]old [O]il [D]rugs! ... M L King Dead! ... "Jud[e]o-Nazi-Christian-YajujMajuj" clone/ gholem Putin Shall be Dead!


Luciferaun's/ Dajjal's/ Yajuj-Majuj's/ Hegel's typical kabbalah-masonic FORMULA [/script] since at least 1666 AD:

1. Be like Pharaoh! Create a monstrous ISIS yourself (in the image of Truth/ your target/ enemy).

2. Throw it upon your enemy lands and make ISIS be as monstrous as possible!

3. After your target people (the good few) have been destroyed/ displaced/ killed --- by ISIS and the complicit local niggers/ scum/ hypocrites/ impostors --- go in there yourself as the Meshiha/ Jesus/ false saviour [of servile/ wretched SCUM, though!] and destroy [your own] ISIS in more fake conflicts/ media psyops/ false flags/ hoaxes/ moon-landing-TV-shows/ news etc.!

[And Remember Remember ... this stupid world of residual scum (since you ever killed off the best souls!) will deserve it when you bring in plagues/ pandemics with the same "con science" formula as above!  Hahaha ...]


Exposed: The "CIA-Shia-SHIt" 4yatush-5haytan Deception! (A.K.A. Satanic Verses ... and Hegelian Yajuj-Majuj's Karma/ Death has begun befalling!)

The locked-down world has been forced into its final chance to cure its deplorable indoctrination/ brainwash ... and to acknowledge that everything out there in this world has been --- by Luciferaunic-Kabbalah-Masonic design and social engineering --- false/ Hegelian theatre (or Lucy-Masonic theatre) of pseudo conflicts among crooks who sit unitedly at round tables, in secrecy, to get their share of the loot (from all the theatre)! ... All media etc. obviously belongs to "them" satanists who mask-erade (!) in guises (e.g. religions) that they mock.

(By the way --- the Qur'an [collectively] calls ALL such mockers (of all types), since Babylon till today, as "Shia"!)


87 salute?!

"2" salute news tandem (below)?!


By Allah, "their" Karma shall begin now!

The End.

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Sorting Out and Dissolving: diabolical deception/ dialectics/ delusions/ mass-dumbness/ [cognitive] dissonance/ delirium/ dajjala & SSHIt!!

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