Thursday, January 21, 2021

Game Over for Luciferaun/ Dajjal/ Yajuj-Majuj/ Riba, and all their: lies/ disinfo/ deception/ desecration/ mockery/ Shia/ Zulm/ impersonation/ murder!

Remember these Yajuj-Majuj/ Frankist-Zevite fools, sorcerers and deceivers (all whose lies/ disinfo/ sorcery/ perversity/ "prophesy"/ bibbles/ sects etc., along with the last of their little dajjals or false meshihas/ tRumps, have clearly become broken/ shattered/ failed laughing stock in the eyes of the very dunyah they both worshipped and exploited)?! :


Instead, for a defining moment, let's look at the findings of Berg (Extra Capsa), whose work was featured, appreciatively, many times in Human Melody videos/ presentations/ blogs (that, as the kind readers know, were all taken off the internet by filthy-satanist-pedo-sodomite Yajuj Majuj losers/ demons) since 2016.

 The following were taken from Extra Capsa ( ... and anyone in this dying/ perishing world who has any sincere respect and longing for our Creator (Allah) and RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam, the ever-living and dynamic Qur'an) and Eternity (Akhirah) --- and any hatred for luciferaun/ Iblis/ satan/ dajjal --- will find, in the excerpts below, all that they need to know ... to realize that : 

Iblis'/ Luciferaun's/ Dajjal's/ Yajuj-Majuj's every lie/ corruption/ deception/ ploy/ satanic-inversion/ evil/ sorcery/ crime/ genocide/ theft/ oppression/ abuse (etc.) since at least [the] 7th century/ 1666 AD/ 19th century --- if not since Ibraheem (Alayhis-Salaam) --- is, hereby, utterly exposed, destroyed and [thus, by Allah, SHALL be] thrown back at them [shayateen] in unstoppable/ inescapable Karma and Divine Retribution [akin to perished nations of yore, such as sodom and gomorrah, or Luciferaun's/ Samiri's organized genocide/ "purge" at the base of Mt. Sinai]!

Luciferaun's/ Dajjal's/ Yajuj-Majuj's entire corrupt world is criminally evil [lucy-masonic] Hegelian theatre ... and since they were "all in it together", they shall "all die together", now!

Let it be that every soul shall die [and be raised in eternity] with what they TRULY Love/ Worship/ Serve?!



The End.

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