Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wisdom Requires Pure-Hearted Empathy/ Fitra! ... Speech vs Communication! ... The End has Begun!

An unusual talent, displaying: the enormous range/ diversity of human speech patterns, as well as the enormous range/ capacity of the "observation-expression" feedback loop that is innate to the stunning potential of human skill and learning!
1: British (UK) - Southern English - East London - Cockney - 0:28 2: British (UK) - Southern English - London - Street/Mandem/Rudeboy/Badman/Roadman (Jamaican slang dialect) - 0:40 3: British (UK) - Southern English - Formal RP (Received Pronunciation) - 0:51 4: British (UK) - Southern English - Posh RP - 1:00 5: British Asian (UK) - (2nd generation, Southern English, South Asian youth) - 1:13 6: British Asian (UK) - (2nd generation, Northern English, South Asian youth) - 1:21 7: British (UK) - English - West-country (farmer) - 1:28 8: British (UK) - Northern English (unspecified variant) - 1:38 9: British (UK) - Northern English - Lancashire - 1:47 10: British (UK) - Northern English - Liverpool (Scouser) - 1:57 11: British (UK) - West Midlands - Birmingham (Brummie) - 2:05 12: British (UK) - North Eastern English - Newcastle (Geordie) - 2:11 13: British (UK) - Scottish (unspecified variant) - 2:17 14: British (UK) - Welsh (unspecified variant) - 2:25 15: Northern Irish (UK) (unspecified variant) - 2:34 16: Southern Irish (Republic of Ireland) (unspecified variant) - 2:43 17: American (USA) - General - 2:53 18: Italian American (USA) (Mafia mobster) - 3:01 19: American (USA) - Southern States (unspecified variant) - 3:12 20: American (USA) - Southern States (Redneck) - 3:20 21: African American (USA) (Ebonics/Vernacular) - 3:34 22: Mexican (Chicano) - 3:41 23: Canadian (unspecified variant) - 3:51 24: Jamaican (unspecified variant) - 3:58 25: French (unspecified variant) - 4:08 26: German (unspecified variant) - 4:16 27: Italian (unspecified variant) - 4:26 28: Russian (unspecified variant) - 4:34 29: Indian (unspecified variant) - 4:50 30: Chinese (Cantonese) - 4:59 31: Japanese (unspecified variant) - 5:09 32: Australian (unspecified formal variant) - 5:19 33: Australian (unspecified informal variant) - 5:27 34: New Zealand (unspecified variant) - 5:56 35: New Zealand (Maori) - 5:44 36: South African (Afrikaans) - 5:55 37: Nigerian (Igbo or Yoruba) - 6:04 38: Random unspecified African - 6:15 39: Squeaky English school kid that thinks he is tough (mini mandem) - 6:23 40: Random deep Northern English - 6:33 41: American surfer/stoner dude - 6:46 42: Old film and broadcast voice (USA) - 6:55 43: Old film and broadcast voice (UK) - 7:09 44: Stereotypical old age pensioner (UK) - 7:18 45: Stereotypical old age pensioner (USA) - 7:30 46: Toddler/young child (UK) - 7:41 47: Stereotypical geek/nerd (UK) - 7:55 48: Stereotypical geek/nerd (USA) - 8:08 49: Stereotypical gay/camp (USA) - 8:20 50: Stereotypical gay/camp (German) - 8:29 51: Stereotypical gay/camp (UK) - 8:40 52: Text to speech (USA) - 8:51 53: Text to speech (UK) - 9:04 54: Automated voice (UK) - 9:16 55: Automated voice (USA) - 9:34 56: Random clueless person (UK) - 9:52 57: Arnold Schwarzenegger - 9:58 58: Gollum from The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit - 10:04 59: Big Smoke from GTA San Andreas (game) - 10:18 60: OG Loc from GTA San Andreas (game) - 10:33 61: Ghoul from Fallout (game series) - 10:47 62: Super Mutant from Fallout (game series) - 10:56 63: Vorcha from Mass Effect (game series) - 11:13 64: Talking whilst breathing in - 11:24 65: Growly voice - 11:31 66 & 67: Lou and Andy from Little Britain - 11:42
(Tafseer is NOT 'Bidah', duh!)
(Allah Grants the embryo in the mother's womb Hearing first, and then Sight!)

(And RasulAllah, Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam, who was the Most Educated Human Being there ever was, is and will ever be ... was 'ummi' as per Allah's Hukm/ Plan!)

In these End Times (of this dying world, with its so called value systems and education systems from Lucifer/ Yajuj-Majuj/ Dajjal/ Freemasons), the most that one can expect out of the ubiquitous (blind, ignorant, arrogant and cognitively dissonant) masses is some recognition/ worshiping of "accents" --- along with the cognitively dissonant/ hypocritical disdain for "dialects"! --- with virtually no appreciation/ regard/ understanding of any "substance or content" in anyone or anything whatsoever!


ŁˆَŲ„ِŲ°َŲ§ Ų±َŲ£َŁŠۡŲŖَŁ‡ُŁ…ۡ ŲŖُŲ¹ۡŲ¬ِŲØُŁƒَ Ų£َŲ¬ۡŲ³َŲ§Ł…ُŁ‡ُŁ…ۡ‌ۖ ŁˆَŲ„ِŁ† ŁŠَŁ‚ُŁˆŁ„ُŁˆŲ§ْ ŲŖَŲ³ۡŁ…َŲ¹ۡ Ł„ِŁ‚َŁˆۡŁ„ِŁ‡ِŁ…ۡ‌ۖ ŁƒَŲ£َŁ†َّŪُŁ…ۡ Ų®ُŲ“ُŲØٌ۬ Ł…ُّŲ³َŁ†َّŲÆَŲ©ٌ۬‌ۖ ŁŠَŲ­ۡŲ³َŲØُŁˆŁ†َ ŁƒُŁ„َّ ŲµَŁŠۡŲ­َŲ©ٍ Ų¹َŁ„َŁŠۡŪِŁ…ۡ‌ۚ Ł‡ُŁ…ُ Ł±Ł„ۡŲ¹َŲÆُŁˆُّ ŁَŁ±Ų­ۡŲ°َŲ±ۡŁ‡ُŁ…ۡ‌ۚ Ł‚َŁ€ٰŲŖَŁ„َŁ‡ُŁ…ُ Ł±Ł„Ł„َّŁ‡ُ‌ۖ Ų£َŁ†َّŁ‰ٰ ŁŠُŲ¤ۡŁَŁƒُŁˆŁ†َ (Ł¤)

"When you look at them, their exteriors/ appearances please you; and when they speak, you listen to their speech [keenly/ ardently]. They are as (worthless as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own merit). They think that every cry is against them (viz., they have no inner peace, and always play victim, and wrongly blame their victims, e.g.)!  They are the [sworn/ incorrigible] enemies; so beware of them.  The curse of Allah be on them! How they are deluded (away from the Truth)!"

(Al Munafiqun: 4)

All souls (Mursaleen, Anbiyah, Saleheen, "An-Amta Alayhim", Awliya-Allah, Siddiqun, Ash-Shahideen, Ar-Rasikhun, Men of Knowledge/ Insight/ Understanding, and so on ...) upon whom Allah had bestowed His Mercy, Guidance and Blessings ... were blessed/ endowed with excellent Communication/ Education, which is very different from (or even the polar opposite of) mere popularity or impressive Speech/ Literacy!!!

“…and he calls Allah to witness as to that which is in his heart,” meaning that such people pretend to be Muslims, but defy Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala by the disbelief and hypocrisy that their hearts conceal.
[Hypocrites] are people who use the religion to gain material benefit. Their tongues are sweeter than honey, but their hearts are more bitter than Sabir [a bitter plant, aloe]. They show the people the appearance of sheep while their hearts hide the viciousness of wolves. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala said, ‘I swear by Myself that I will send a Fitnah [trial/calamity] on them that will make the wise man bewildered.’


(Don't let Babylo-Kabbalah-Freemasons confuse you about the prophesied Stones that will Speak!!!)

Khawarij/ Hypocrites/ Luciferians/ Satanists/ Babylo-Freemasons/ Al-Humaza/ Yajuj-Majuj etc. ... are incapable of Empathy or Sincerity, which they only feign, wherein they inevitably fail (immediately or eventually)! ... 

THAT is why "pretty" is not (necessarily) Beautiful ... "wealthy/ popular" is not Rich/ Successful ... "true-fact-tellers" are not (necessarily) Truthful ... "information" is not Knowledge ... "speech" is not Communication/ Expression (Al-Bayyan) ... "rituals" are not Deen ... "impersonation" is never Faith/ Observation ... "literacy" will never be Education/ Enlightenment ... and "naar" will never be Noor!


The End.

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They're Everywhere!! || Karma/ Purge/ Sort Out All Such SSHItty SZionazi-Kabbalist-Luciferian-SSatanic-Masonic [Ugly, Crass, Misopedic, Lowlife] Criminality/ Fraud/ Targeted-Gangstalking/ Narcissistic Abuse/ Covert Murder!!

They're Everywhere!! (Sort Out All Such Filth!!) They're Everywhere!! (Sort Out All Such Filth!!) - 2