Friday, April 24, 2020

Ramadan and 99.99%: A TRUE Muslim KNOWS ...

Ramadan Mubarak, Ramadan Kareem.  Blessed Ramadan was ordained to purify (which is, in the language of filthy Yajuj-Majuj/ Kuffar, to disinfect) the Soul [and thus the heart, mind and body].

TRUE Muslims remember, and are aware, that almost every Ramadan (since 9-11-2001, and esp. over the past few years), the [overt and covert] enemies of "Allah, RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) and the Holy Qur'an/ Truth/ Islam/ Peace/ Justice/ Humanity" have perpetrated disturbing/ barbaric events that aim to tarnish, obstruct and destroy the Blessings of Ramadan. 

So, what have True Muslims noticed (from these demonic forked-tongued mockers of Yajuj Majuj Inc./ ilk) so far this year?
noun: light
  1. 1.
    the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.
    "the light of the sun"

    • a source of illumination, especially an electric lamp.
      plural noun: lights
      "a light came on in his room"
    • decorative illuminations.
      plural noun: lights
      "Christmas lights"
    • a traffic light.
      plural noun: lights
      "turn right at the lights"
    • the amount or quality of light in a place.
      "the plant requires good light"
    • LAW
      the light falling on the windows of a house.
  2. 2.
    an expression in someone's eyes indicating a particular emotion or mood.
    "a shrewd light entered his eyes"
    • a person's opinions, standards, and abilities.
      plural noun: lights
      "leaving the police to do the job according to their lights"
  3. 3.
    understanding of a problem or mystery; enlightenment.
    "she saw light dawn on the woman's face"
    synonyms:aspectangleslantapproachinterpretationviewpointstandpointcontextpoint of view, vantage point; More

  4. 4.
    an area of something that is brighter or paler than its surroundings.
    "sunshine will brighten the natural lights in your hair"
  5. 5.
    a device used to produce a flame or spark.
    "he asked me for a light"
    synonyms:match, (cigarette) lighter, flamespark, source of fire
    "have you got a light?"
  6. 6.
    a window or opening to let light in.
    "the bedroom has a wide bay with leaded lights"
  7. 7.
    a person eminent in a particular sphere of activity.
    "such lights of Liberalism as the historian Goldwin Smith"
  8. 8.
    (in a crossword puzzle) a blank space to be filled by a letter.
verb: light; 3rd person present: lights; past tense: lit; gerund or present participle: lighting; past participle: lighted
  1. 1.
    provide with light or lighting; illuminate.
    "the room was lit by a number of small lamps"
    • switch on (an electric light).
      "only one of the table lamps was lit"
    • provide a light for (someone) so that they can see where they are going.
      "I'll light you down to the gate"
      synonyms:make bright, brightenilluminate, make brighter, lighten, throw/cast/shed light on, shine on, irradiate, flood with light, floodlight;
      "a flare lit up the night sky"
    • become illuminated.
      "the sign to fasten seat belts lit up"
      synonyms:become bright, brighten, become brighter, lightenflashshinegleamflareblazeglintsparkleflickershimmerglistenscintillateglarebeamMore
  2. 2.
    make (something) start burning; ignite.
    "Allen gathered sticks and lit a fire"
    synonyms:set alight, set light to, set burning, set on fire, set fire to, put/set a match to, ignitekindleburn, spark (off), fire, touch off, starttorch;
    "Alan gathered sticks and lit a fire"
    antonyms:extinguish, put out
    • begin to burn; be ignited.
      "the gas wouldn't light properly"
    • ignite a cigarette, cigar, or pipe and begin to smoke it.
      "she lit up a cigarette and puffed on it serenely"
adjective: light; comparative adjective: lighter; superlative adjective: lightest
  1. 1.
    having a considerable or sufficient amount of natural light; not dark.
    "the bedrooms are light and airy"
    synonyms:bright, full of light, well lit, well lighted, well illuminated, sunny, sunshiny, undimmedbrilliant
    "a cool and light breakfast room adjoins the bar"
  2. 2.
    (of a colour) pale.
    "her eyes were light blue"

Chloro (bleached) Queen?!
(Could "Holocaust's Human Soap/ Disinfectant" stories be the best explanation as to the untrustworthy numbers of Coronavirus deaths (and missing dead-bodies) worldwide, esp. those in Kabbalah-Vatico-FreemasoNazi-Rothschild's Satanic/ Nazi-China?!)
Pharaoh's CROS[S]IER = Buddhist/ Hindu Phallus Worship = X-ianity .. err .. Judeo-Christianity = Babylonian-Kabbalah-Freemasonic SODOMY/ Pedo-sodomy = Shadow-State/ Dip-State!  ... DUH!

(Extremely unlike the fake history/ paintings of  Albino Yajuj Majuj ... Christ-of-err Colum-bus was merely another filthy/ nasty white trash (Yajuj-Majuj/ pedo-sodomite) criminal and a co-founder/ agent of the modern Imperial-COLONial "Trinity" from Babylon/ Pheraun, and of the East India Co., Swiss Templars, Freemasonry etc. etc.!)
(Span-ish, or any of numerous such other [deceiving & Hegelian] subgroups of Yajuj-Majuj ending with -ISH, may merely be a coded reference to IHS, or the Satanic/ Pedo/ Sodomite/ Jesuit Society of Jeebus?!)

In light of the Covid ... err ... Covert threats from Luciferian shayateen (wa jinnat-e wan-naas) of BOTH Yajuj and Majuj, TRUE Muslims/ Ummat-e RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) are requested to perform extensive reading/ recitation/ proclamation of the Blessed Quran, throughout this [historical] Ramadan ... and remind the ubiquitous/ clueless Muslims to do the same, for their own good!

... رَّبِّ ٱغۡفِرۡ لِى

وَلَا تَزِدِ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ إِلَّا تَبَارَۢا

Salatanw-wa Salamun Alaika, Ya RasulAllah!

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