Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Burn Down ... the 9th [Red] Circle Satanist/ Saturnist Cube Queen/ HIVe!

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, known as Laddy .. err .. Lady Gaga!





A Comment from here:

1889 - first ever man made electromagnetic radiation launched on the populations - 1890 global flu pandemic. 1918 - New intensive radar experiments on an army base in kansas, which was then slowly deployed around the world- 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and the first case was reported in the kansas army base were the radar experiments were performed. Late 2001 - first switch on of 3G. Early 2002- Global SARS pandemic. 2009 - First switch on of 4G 2009 - Global swine flu pandemic. 2019- First switch on of 5G 2019- Global coronavirus pandemic. Let's see who crys COINCIDENCE! Conclusion - not coincendence. Everytime they launch new types or strengths of man made electromagnetic radiation onto the populace it Kills a small percentage of people, and they cover it up via a global flu type pandemic and its been that way since the dawn of man-made radiation. Expect waves of the coronavirus as they turn the 5G on in waves! The governments are very capable of a cover up, evil and cheating the public. Or has everyone forget about Tony Blairs weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? And the countless other cover ups and scams produced by our governments? And the same lying, cheating, murdering goverment scumbags are kindly making a vaccine for us all 👍 5G technology is a weapon in the military... Active denial systems..crowd dispersal weapon... They fire frequencies out of a gun mounted to a hummer. And its 5G technology. So to anyone who wants to say 5G can't harm....Go and take a look at the 5G guns they have In the army. 5G is set to kill millions and will simply be blamed on the conveniently timed covid-19 🙄, there rushing out the 5G masts and satellites whilst we are locked away, and banning and attacking anyone who dares to speak out against 5G and they are calling it harmful misinformation. What happened to free speech? Well I'm not scared and I DARE to speak out against 5G!! Birds falling from the sky dead simultaneously and people are calling it a mystery? Birds all dropping dead because of 5G! WAKE UP Also it's just been reported again that we face another pandemic from our insect population declining so sharply.. there are no insects left because of the man made radiation polluting the environment!! WAKE UP Join Brian Rose at London real to join the fight on censorship. If your not awake then now is the time.

The End.

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