Monday, April 27, 2020

Coronavirus! ... "PHARAOH CHRIST"!!! ... Ahle/ Qawme-Firawn vs. The Genuine Islam!

Pharaoh/ Firawn was a tyrant that actually existed. [The truly educated/ well-researched/ well-inferred few remaining in our world know/ understand this, and the following.] 

He claimed to be the creator and OWNER of everything in the world.  He claimed to be God in flesh. Sometimes he claimed to be the Sun ... err ... Son of God.  His [faux] claim to god-hood was based on absolutely nothing other than USURPED and hogged wealth/ money, occult/ witchcraft, and the resultant/ cumulative 'power' (?!) to do nothing but to humiliate/ enslave/ indebt/ control/ surveil/ harm/ hurt/ indoctrinate/ rabble-rouse/ kill people ... through a [central bank and only infrastructure/ builder based] pyramid scam/ scheme/ system of Freemasonry that stood upon stunningly nothing other than people's Nafs/ base-impulses/ Fahsha/ carnality/ spiritual ineptitude/ Wahn and Faithlessness [and the consequent ignorance, jinn-worship, spiritual blindness, hedonism/ Wahn, ignorance, arrogance, cowardice, psychopathy and self-sabotaging: Stockholm syndrome/ schadenfreude/ petty-or-low-mentality/ hypocrisy/ corruption/ mendacity/ perfidy/ weak-and-ruined character/ denatured-and-ruined-or-lost-FITRAH/ following of only what is within 5 senses ... etc.]

The pedo-sodomite freak [Jinn-homo-sapien-hybrid] Firawn claimed to have "precious blood"/ god-DNA ... and claimed that "he was the life, the only way, the only truth"!  He claimed/ performed miracles (or, witchcraft, rather).  He 'appeared' to be the god of: wealth/ money/ 'material-prosperity'/ material-'success', comforts, privilege, renown, elitism, classism, racism, and "authority" to only harm!  

Phallus worshipper [jinn/ lucifer-ridden] Firawn's templars/ mercenaries/ military/ police were of 2 miserable kinds --- the dog-faced and the crow/vulture-faced, who oppressed and looted people abjectly, and carried crosses (/ crossiers) that looked like keys (because sodomy is the anal-fecal Freemason's filthy key)!  ... Firawn, with his all-seeing eye symbol (which is actually a symbol of Lucifer's Hasad for ibn Adam) ran an orwellian society of stifling/ unhealthy surveillance, spooks, gangstalking/ covert-harassment in a snitch-filled and snitchy society upon which Firawn conducted his inhuman/ nasty [Nazi] human experimentation!

Firawn had a filthy army of Majosis, and even a whole bunch of invented [occult and disinfo] sects/ text/ "bibbles", so that his blind/ deceived/ dumbed-down subjects will fall for one or the other from among the [pharisaic] concoctions!  And that was easy because he --- like the ultimate Imperial COLONial Globalist --- deceived and fractured his people [through endless confusing HEGELIAN dialectics] into numerous "groups" (viz., "Shia", as defined by the Qur'an), akin to numerous "countries"/ "races"/ "religions"/ "brands"/ "labels"/ "classes"/ "tribes"/ "languages" etc. etc. ... for which the blind/ wretched "people" would frequently war among [& KILL] each other bloody ... which constantly satisfied the degenerate (/ pedo-sodomite/ impotent-and-thus-phallus-and-anus-obsessed/ TRANS-obsessed/ sadomasochistic/ torturous-"inquisition"-imparting/ demonic) Firawn and his heavenly father Lucifer/ Iblis (the fugly & messed-up criminal tranny Rajeem jinn)!

This fracturing/ sodomising of the people was further enabled by the fact that Firawn forcefully kept Bani-Israel in a demented habit (or sole leisure) of mushrooms/ intoxicants/ narcotics-fueled stupor,  and then peddled the filthy idolatry of numerous 'gods' (and corresponding faux-pious priests!) besides/ under himself in his scam-pyramid [hierarchy]!  (It is clear that almost every character in the hieroglyphics of that time was likely a 'god/ demi-god' of some sort, and such a language would have hopelessly sodomized the people's intellect/ brains/ consciousness down to a nasty and useless mess of ruin!)

Proud-LGBTQ-Rabbi-Pope-King Firawn was a "Jesus/ CHRIST/ Messiah/ Meshiha" to his people (Bani Israel)!  He (with his jinn-gods and majosis) --- with his rabid Roman misanthropy/ hypo-phallic sadism/ sickness, especially against women and CHILDREN --- frequently unleashed avarice & misfortunes & illnesses upon his people and then appeared/ claimed to be healing them (as he PARTIALLY removed what he threw upon them himself!), as their "false saviour"! ... And he "entered" ... err ... screwed up and prolapsed ALL his subjects to such a miserable extent --- especially given the toxic Babylo-Kabbalah/ exile that befell those people, thereafter --- that even the Aule-Azam Musa (Alayhis Salaam), ultimately, could not save those wretched people ... and they PERISHED (as 999 out of every 1000 of the Maghzub/ Zalleen/ Mushrikeen/ Fasiqeen/ Sahireen/ Mufsideen/ allies/  serfs etc. --- wa jinnate wan-naas --- had entered hellfire, over 2 millennia ago)!

It behooves the IQ of 99.99% earthlings today, that Drag-QUEEN Firawn is hated only in hindsight and only by the few True Muslims remaining [from Ummat-e RasulAllah, Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam] on earth today!  In contrast, during the time of the Firawn, the abject majority in his "Society of Jesus/Pharaoh" full of ruined people --- all in perennial "survival mode" --- actually considered him a Royal, and 'elite/ celebrity', and a [faux] holy figure like Buddha/ Sri Ram/ Christ etc. [who're all hijacked/ fake/ disinfo caricatures of blessed men of yore] ... and they would actually fondly and blindly do/ accept/ put-in/ swallow anything Firawn orders just to scrape out a wee bit more privilege/ gain/ comfort/ social-status from his RIBA/scam-pyramid (or government), which they [pathetically enough!] called "success", because their talentless depth/ reach/ imagination/ aspiration/ knowledge/ standards/ education/ capacity/ self-actualization were as miserably low as the mere top of the [tawdry/ tacky] Pyramid[s]!!! 

It also behooves the IQ of 99.99% earthlings today, that if only "unbridled heedlessness/ occultry/ injustice/ inequality/ oppression/ degeneracy/ pedo-sodomy/ Fahsha" etc. was locked down and banned for a week or two, then the lawless pyramid/ system/ society/ reign of Firawn [and his khabeeth jinn masters] would have gone insane and collapsed/ prolapsed/ died immediately ... like a vampire deprived of blood, or a pedophile socially distanced from children, or a sodomite deprived of anal stimulation, or a corporation deprived of any slave labour, or lying media deprived of any audience, or a fish out of water, or a torturer/ predator deprived of any victim!

In the dying End Times' World, today --- under ongoing depopulation from Divine Wrath --- there's no time to "wake up" anyone anymore!  The knowledgeable/ conscientious few on earth will need only a glimpse of the following to realize what horror has already cast its darkness over the world (esp. since 7th Century/ 1666/ 1898/ 1914/ 1945/ 2001 AD) ... as [historically repeating] "Reverend-Rabbi-Chairman-Yogi-Dragon-Jim-Jones"-Firawn's filthy history repeats itself! ... And Firawn surely had the sick habit of killing off his most devoted followers/ allies/ serfs/ slaves!

SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La Ilaha ILLALLAHU, wa Allahu Akbar!  ... Even today, the Genuine Light of Islam still stands apart and above a-l-l of the other pseudo-religions/ ways/ beliefs/ ruins (all put together) that a-l-l belong to Firawn's Freemasonic devilry/ deception! ... And only the deaf, dumb, blind and DOOMED will fail to acknowledge this and strive towards the needful ... in this final hour!


Wad, Suwa, Yagooth, Ya'uq, and Nasr?!  ... LOL!
(Below: Buddhism loves Jizz-us Christ?! Isn't that Talmudic?!)
Pharaoh's CROS[S]IER = Buddhist/ Hindu Phallus Worship = X-ianity .. err .. Judeo-Christianity = Babylonian-Kabbalah-Freemasonic SODOMY/ Pedo-sodomy = Shadow-State/ Dip-State!  ... DUH!

... رَّبِّ ٱغۡفِرۡ لِى

وَلَا تَزِدِ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ إِلَّا تَبَارَۢا

The End.

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