Saturday, April 18, 2020

NaZion's WW3! ... Tom, Dick or Harry: WHO's got money for nothing and ...?!

Coronavirus: Veteran Tom Moore (who still doesn't know the Truth about the world war in which he participated!) Raised £25 million for NHS!
(The masses are way below the consciousness of critically thinking, and asking, from where the money came ... who are the donors in these difficult times of economic lockdown ... and whether the donations came from the same corporations who have laid off record numbers of citizens, in which case these donations were a sick joke on the people!)

And despite this (and such) mammoth fundraiser(s), NHS staff are running out of PPE, and are threatening to quit?!

The locked-down world (of every Tom Dick and Harry) can't even verify any "news" (for reality checks, or even a shred of truthfulness) they receive anymore, isn't it?!  Anyway ...

At the same time, Meghan and Harry, after having donated a royal/ huge £90K for feeding the poor, have been looking for a humble (!) £XX-Million Mansion!
("COR-ON-A"?! ... All's Kosher, worldwide?!)
C. Dick has the clap for NHS, upon a masonic bridge!
(Supernatural: Leviathan Dick ROMAN!)
(Military preparing to lockdown the US Capitol! ... The END of the USA?!)


Remember, as Rome was burning, Nero was playing concerts at his home, together with his fellow shayateen!

(Coronavirus symptoms include difficulty in/ impairment of breathing!)
True End Times' Prophecy/ Hadith foretold of how the lowest scum (and the wickedest Jaahil, esp. the worst/ lowest Romans) will swarm & usurp every walk of life and every avenue of human affairs, worldwide, in these End Times of Yajuj-Majuj/ Dajjal!

The End.

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