Thursday, March 26, 2020

Too Late for ...

Who all have really been dying in the Covid19 pandemic?! [Human? Jinn? Hybrids? Elites? The whole "hive", worldwide?!] ... How exactly are they dying off? What percentage of them committed suicide?! What percentage of them "collapsed"/ dropped dead?! ... Is Covid19/ Coronavirus a whole/ systematic [parallel] cover-up and hijacked phenomenon --- like shadows that follow real objects, and like "Dajjal" throughout history --- for something else that's killing evil ones on earth?!  In that case, isn't it clear that: THAT something is not in any mortal's control, and is historically unprecedentedly/ frighteningly powerful, and will spare no evil until the earth is cleansed, and will outlast even a series of "bio-warfare" story-lines?!

No one in their sane mind will expect the Freemason controlled Media to report on the staggering numbers of Pheraunics/ Freemasons/ Pedophiles/ Sodomites (and Freemasonic system's servants, below the eye on the illuminati pyramid) that have been dying off.  Freemasons, in general, are facing excruciating pain, panic, fear, death-toll and hell right now!  Most media reports are simply: grossly under-reported "dummy projections"/ tip-of-the-iceberg of the ghastly events that are really happening beneath the surface, that 99.99% people don't know!
 The news on coronavirus seems replete with dodgy "references".  E.g., in most locked down countries, only "Key workers" can "Come Out" as they please!  
But such sad/ consolation measures cannot mask the mysterious annihilation of secret society Freemasons any longer! Disclosure will be widespread, anytime now!

The discerning few will quickly realize that the punishment/ annihilation of evil that has begun is from Allah.  And the whole whole Covid 19/ Coronavirus science & storyline is just impersonating that phenomenon (only to cover-up and deny the REAL phenomenon).  No time time needs to be wasted on fools/ shayateen who still don't understand what Lucifer/ Satan/ Babylo-Freemasonry are doing, and have done throughout Real Human History!  But THIS time --- and only True Mu'mineen know why --- Allah will wipe out evil faster than [Dajjal's] evil masons can "kill off/ cremate normal human beings and blame it on Coronavirus"!

Yajuj Majuj is TERRIFIED of being DIVINELY Locked Up again!  They know their end is really near.  So, they'd rather lock up the whole world in their schizophrenic/ morbid paranoia and terror in the face of an unexplained and exponentially increasing death that is engulfing them (jinnat-e wan-naas), worldwide!


She closed her eyes
And let the walls of her prison fall away
The walls that ached with a timeless wait
They had become her walls of this modern TV life
She closed her eyes
And let them fall away
And in her dreams she is standing by an ocean
She is gazing out to sea
She can remember with just a fleeting glimpse
That she was once free
So long ago now, so long it was as if it had never been
Was it a holiday
She thinks it could have been, ah yes, Italy.

And he closes his eyes
And he is gone far away
Gone from all the confusion
Gone from all the pain
He can easily see what a pointless waste
His modern life has become
Chasing the gravy grain
Chasing the dollar
Chasing the clock
Chasing his male friends
Chasing the boss
Chasing as it was everything
It was nothing
Only the sound of his own breathing was all he had
At the end of the day
And reasons to wonder, reasons to cry
Too late for this selfish sinner who never asked why.

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