Sunday, March 15, 2020

Last minute clues: To "Delay" is to UNspeak through demonic/ forked tongues ... while the Fire of Karma engulfs all!

Corona-JonesPlanet!  ... It's already too late for humanity.  For the love of Allah and RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam), we [Mu'mineen] strive till the very end of our lives on earth.

I know that 99.99% of people on earth today --- just like the people of Pheraun who created too many vanity/ piss/ cow-worshipping "Shia's"  --- are already hopelessly raised/ blinded in: statism, stereotypes, indoctrination, brainwash, lies/ disinfo, 'brands'/ value-judgment mentality, etc. ... to the doom of a meth/ crack addict who is almost useless without the lies/ chemicals running in their veins! ... However, the world does NOT revolve around the 'idols' that 'people' were indoctrinated to worship as 'important' --- and such 'people' are eventually mocked/ punished by their own faux-gods/ indoctrinators who hide the proofs and clues of their own crimes in unexpected and lowly-regarded places!  [Viz., wake up: your tombstone/ fate was probably sealed in some 'example', far away where you couldn't care less to look!]

And I can only hope and pray that the 99.99% people of this world can muster the least bit of re-thinking/ awakening/ courage to avert the doom/ suicide that they have already incurred through their own blind/ arrogant/ self-centred "choices"!

[All Occultists (Jew, Christian, Shia, Hindu, Buddhist, Nazi, Pagans, Freemasons etc.) on the Wall of Shame are pedo's, sodomites & trannies etc. for a reason, you think?!]
(Question: ...  In Statism, you are already the opposite of a Muslim because you have SUBMITTED YOUR WILL to something/ anything other than ALLAH?!)

And so ... how are people enjoying the recent [frightening] discovery that all their governments/ authorities/ lords/ saviours/ idols are completely empathy-deleted, irresponsible, POWERLESS, useless and helpless --- like 'lord'-Namrud, e.g., who was killed by the tiniest bug --- against the simplest of diseases and inescapable mortality, especially against the most mysterious of viruses like (what they call) Covid 19?!

((((( DELAY! )))))

((((( BORDERS! )))))

((((( ISOLATE! )))))

(Bangladesh govt. had responded after 45 minutes' ((( DELAY ))) on purpose!)
(And the decades of deliberate ((( DELAY ))) in addressing the infection of viruses upon Palestine, Kashmir and more lands continues till date! ... And even the complicit as well as silent onlookers are suffering the same fate (under Coronavirus today!) as what they had abetted?!! ... You KNOW it gets more horrendous/ depopulating, soon!)
LOSS of LAND ...



= = = = = = = = = = =

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