Sunday, March 22, 2020

Covid-19: WW3! ... Money, Meltdown, Murder! ... Oppressors and allies frightened and dying! ... It's too late, but people need to rise anyway!





The corrupt, useless and broken governments that have already failed to protect people from the Coronavirus pandemic ... are showing their true colo[u]rs by persisting in policing/ martial-law/ control issues (out of their fear of being guillotines as useless by the Georgia Guidestones, and the fear of worldwide mass uprisings) instead of attaining pass marks in their job of taking care of The People with regards to crisis-time health, finance, housing, food/ nutrition, etc.!  Does an already sick and confined population need more police unpleasantness, bullying, anxiety, panic, inconvenience and enslavement/ herding ... which are ALL [further] detrimental to health?!
The elite (and their whole pyramid of broke/ failed/ shattered system) are scared! Woe to those who served such a vile system blindly, as "simply following orders"!  The Georgia Guidestones are itching to eat their own, viz., kill off these soulless/ foolish "forces" of all kinds --- from military to police to spooks/ snitches --- during (or by the end of) the depopulation that has started in preparation for Dajjal's Khuruj!

One exception here, and a wonderful thing about Covid-19, is that: the bullies (e.g., the police/ military/ security/ spooks/ snitches etc.) are all, now, several times more vulnerable to Covid-19 infections [to themselves and, thus, their own families!] than the common populace ... and are, thus, far more likely to drop dead like flies while being a hellbound/ oppressive arsehole/ asshole!

But people must still try to exercise their best/ most patient humanity!  IF some officers are genuinely there for you with sensible/ genuine/ respectful concern (and not their typical Zio-trained pettiness/ arrogance/ awfulness), then reciprocate the same.  But in case the common/ well-meaning people get swarmed/ harassed by subhuman police/ security etc. pigs, then the people now have the ultimate advantage of simply coughing/ sneezing/ spittling/ spitting to give those oppressive motherfuckers a nice shot of Covid-19 on the spot, and [therein] give them the highly likely death-sentence on the spot!  Hah!

And soon, when people will muster enough humanity/ courage to up their game, they could do the same justice to any "crook/ banker/ politician/ corporation/ govt. officer/ oppressor" that abounds in the corrupt system/ establishment of Yajuj Majuj!

On that note: the failed parents of failed teens who are coughing on produce in grocery stores may wish to fix their own moral compass and then immediately fix/ teach their children better as to WHOm to cough at and who to reach out and protect, really!


(See, reflect and understand! This is modern day Yansilun!  Clearly, Lucifer's 'elite' social engineers rewarded the murder/ genocide and usurpation by scum Yajuj-Majuj albinos, as seen in the picture!  Know this: History was just as upstart, soulless, reeking filthy and criminal as this, in increment after increment of Yajuj Majuj's Yansilun!  And that's why the current world is failed/ broken!)

Meanwhile, those with true understanding of this world and the big picture of everything that's happening on this Hegelian world stage and where everything is heading and why ... would tell you that everything only makes sense if you assumed that Queen Lizardbeth (like the Rothschilds/ Khazars/ elites/ "the 1%" etc.) is a gender-fluid MONGOLOID-Dravidian-Frankist-Turk-Germanic Albino (Yajuj Majuj) "jinn-human" hybrid!  And the very few knowledgeable/ educated/ well-read ones on this planet already know that to be true!
And the DYING blind and stupid people worldwide, just don't get it!

And even when people/ citizens are dying, US, UK and Canada (to mention just 3) are still pouring The Peoples' money into Israel!  No one knows how much more goes to the Trinity Crown Corp. and Isfahan!
And these wanker "babylo-luciferian-kabbalah-vatico-trinity-jesuit-chabad-freemason" Yajuj-Majuj of Pharaoh have taken control of all countries/ Muslim-countries/ Shia-Axis countries ... and they built Israel (incl./ using Nazi Balfour) to usher in Dajjal, son!  So, from now on, say "Swissrael"!

See any pattern? Still deny Real History?!



All choices in this Hegelian world are false [except One]!  ... 

The filthy/ psychopathic/ misanthropic/ lowlife [Trinity trash] Babylo-Kabbalah-Jew-NAZI-Jesuit-Masons have stolen from/ looted the whole world right before every war!  This is the very last chance for common/ oppressed people to rise before the devils/ shayateen all FLEE to their own death ... otherwise "people" will ALL PERISH anyway!

The End.

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