Monday, March 16, 2020

Last minute clues: Think outside the box (of your colonized/ corrupted/ infected mind)!

Continuing from the preceding blog, and the life-saving benefits of thinking outside the box...

Like Pheraun (and his Qarun, Haman and freemasons et al) --- godless China, after being reduced to ashes and then resurrected [both by the same Babylo-Kabbala-Talmudic-Vatico-Imperial-Colonial-Phearunic-Crown-Trinity-Freemasonic-Illuminati/ Dajjal/ Yajuj-Majuj etc.] like the Phoenix --- has been hell bent, like lucifer, upon outdoing God in every way!  [Clearly, as lucifer's/ Dajjal's/ YajujMajuj's (((( epicenter )))) of [Hegelian] world domination and oppression through Kufr/ Nifaq/ Sorcery shifted, since 9/11, from this world's Western bloc to the Eastern bloc, China (with its overt and covert allies) is simply the new Imperial-Colonial critter with the same diseases as the old one!]

China heard that God built this whole world/ universe in 6 days.
So, China built a hospital for its own dissemination (Coronavirus) in 6 days?!

So, on the eve of Coronavirus' jingle bells ... the whole world is being "locked-down" and told to "prepare"?!
(Note the Kabbalah scale!)
(And most real genocides --- incl. those till date --- are not even reported, ever!)
(Note: Our forefathers were trained to say: "How could a tiny island like Britain take over and control the world?!" ... And today, you all are saying the same damn thing about tiny Israel! (Neither could've been possible without countless treacherous hypocrites/ devils/ "sellouts" worldwide!) ... Infectious coincidence?!)

Since their Khuruj in the 7th Century, and especially after 1666 AD, Yajuj Majuj have indeed infected, usurped and killed original/ native humanity like a virus/ disease, both acute and chronic!

Colonized countries are rendered "denatured" --- Talmudically, killing off the best and most conscientious/ righteous/ meritorious and sparing the worst and most treacherous/ selfish/ cowardly sellouts and scum!  The end result is a people, re-moulded by lucifer/ dajjal/ YajujMajuj, who are damaged so badly that they will never be able to redeem/ retrieve their complete "Fitrah" at birth, nor ever be able to find Eternal Salvation by attaining the Primordial Covenant!
Whenever Yajuj-Majuj infected and then granted a fake "independence" to a people they colonized/ denatured, it actually marked the fact that they will never be what they used to be, originally! (This is seen everywhere, from so called developed countries down to so called 3rd world countries, all alike!)  Colonized people share the same damaged traits (like the Bani-Israel of Pheraun) --- they are ruthlessly schadenfreuded/ sabotaging amongst each other, and spinelessly/ slavishly docile to every order from the "higher-ups"!  Their every goal/ ambition/ behaviour/ judgment/ measure/ "way" in life is as hellishly evil as their colonial masters!  

Most notably, the satanic strains of Materialism, Hedonism, Paganry, Zero-Sum Mentality, Jante's Law syndrome, and Stockholm Syndrome are pathologically/ feverishly high among these people! And these chronic diseases are not only passed on through generations, but are actually spread throughout the social fabric as norms to which every generation is bound and compelled, for social acceptance/ survival!   

The low-self esteem battered into them by the colonial oppressor is a permanent damage in both the conscious and subconscious cores!  Thus, they only worship and live the luciferian "concepts" (of race/ colour/ language/ culture/ nationalism/ status, etc.) in which the oppressor had indoctrinated/ re-educated them down to an abject "Herd Mentality" lockdown!  If these concepts are ever challenged, or if they are ever urged to re-think, substantiate and re-form these "concepts"/ indoctrinations/ hooks within them, they exhibit violent pathology and behaviour!

(Some diseases just cannot be mitigated with herd immunity (which is one of many things that dajjal's/ yajuj-majuj's pundits will never admit to the public!)


(Best Review:)
"Nearly all theologians, professors of religion (secular and nonsecular), bible teachers, preachers, and laypersons (worldwide) are NOT aware of what language Moses used to write the Torah!  Nor do they know the language used on the two tablets of stone given to Moses on the mountain!"

"Almost universally, it is believed and taught in centers of learning and churches worldwide that Moses wrote the Torah in Hebrew. Yet if you believe the masses, or Mr. Friedman, you would be wrong! ... Moses did NOT write in any form of Hebrew!"

Lyrics from this typically post-colonial wreckage, and stiflingly "stagnant" cultural relic, of a [West Bengali] song (that would be condescendingly dismissed by this world as 3rd world pastime):
"If you write the name on paper ... Paper might get torn!
If you carve the name on stone ... Stones wear out (in time)!
But if you write the name into your heart ... It will remain there forever!"

Only the discerning who are capable of thinking critically, and outside the blind box of indoctrination, would wonder if the writers of such seemingly outdated/ backward cultural pulp ... were/ are deceptively camouflaged Yajuj Majuj agents (since 1666 AD) who encrypted an scattered mockery of truths --- such as HOW Musa (Alayhis Salaam) received and propagated Divine Revelation/ The Torah!

The truly knowledgeable/ discerning may even connect this song's origin to the following facts [whose denial is the very foundation of Dajjal's modern world!]:
"R1a and R1a1a are believed to have originated somewhere within Eurasia, most likely in the area from Eastern Europe to South Asia. Several recent studies have proposed that South Asia is the most likely region of origin. But on the other hand, as will be discussed below, some researchers continue to treat modern Indian R1a as being largely due to immigration from the Central Eurasian steppes or Southwestern Asia.
R1a has been found in high frequency at both the eastern and western ends of its core range, for example in India and Tajikistan on the one hand, and Poland on the other. Throughout all of these regions, R1a is dominated by the R1a1a (R-M17 or R-M198) sub-clade."
Since the 7th century and then since 1666 AD, Yajuj Majuj has wrecked this world (especially after 1898 AD) such that, today, no one can even fathom how the original people and civilization of this world used to be before the lethal infection/ malaise/ morbidity of Yajuj Majuj upon humanity! ... By now, they have turned all cultures of the world into materially-obsessed/ challenged stagnant ruins where no light of Faith/ Truth/ Love/ Justice can ever enter again!
Nonetheless, the greatest clues to truths about humanity/ history still lies strewn in those soggy ruins!


(5G hints and Oriental girl in the vid!  Predictive?!)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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They're Everywhere!! || Karma/ Purge/ Sort Out All Such SSHItty SZionazi-Kabbalist-Luciferian-SSatanic-Masonic [Ugly, Crass, Misopedic, Lowlife] Criminality/ Fraud/ Targeted-Gangstalking/ Narcissistic Abuse/ Covert Murder!!

They're Everywhere!! (Sort Out All Such Filth!!) They're Everywhere!! (Sort Out All Such Filth!!) - 2