Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coronavirus "Volunteers" ... DEATH to the DEEP STATE MAFIA (wa jinnat-e wan-naas)!

(Chapter-19 is about demon Jimmy Savile.  Out there, it's Covid-19, right now!)

"Incredibly for 60 years (1951-2011) while a volunteer porter at Leeds General Infirmary, Savile bragged about volunteering to have unconsented sex with dead corpses and how he made jewelry from glass eyes removed from their bodies. We’re talking one extremely demented sick fuck here. More than any other single figure in the history of humankind, Sir Jimmy’s six decade long crime spree cavalcade connects all the demonic dots like no other, from the Luciferian royals to the top government movers and shakers to the most infamous serial killers to his far-reaching BBC entertainment pedophile ring.

54 pages with 315 linked end-notes. This is the central chapter connecting the past to the present, demonstrating how pedophilia (including murderous pedophilia and necrophilia) are a root aspect of the Deep State and the Shadow Governments that the Deep State controls. Particularly sad is the constant evidence of how law enforcement at all levels, local to national, was fully witting of crimes against children but turned a blind eye to them. Pedophiles -- and murderous pedophiles operate with impunity because law enforcement (and the media) refuse to do their jobs in the public interest."


750,000 health volunteers in UK, and in USand Canada, Australia, and Hungary, NGOs, Shenzhen, Italy, India,  etc.?!

(Sarah Goodenough)


According to research compiled over two decades ago, it was estimated that 20% of girls and 10% of boys had been sexually victimized as minors. 

A more recent finding asserts that now one in three girls and one in five boys is sexually molested. 

Multiple reports are now coming in from around the world, in places like Africa, India and Europe, all confirming that child sexual abuse is surging, including online child pornography, to become a worldwide epidemic today. 

We must take a decisive stand now to stamp out this growing scourge, first by educating ourselves as to the extent and pervasiveness of the problem, and second by becoming proactive activists committed to positive change that includes taking steps to protect children from further exploitation and abuse, helping victims of all ages heal, while eradicating this malignant network of child rapists operating behind a millennium of sealed off impunity and previously impenetrable power.

Where is all this going ... (in April 2020) ?!

DEATH to the SHADOW STATE MAFIA (wa jinnat-e wan-naas)!

The End.

Monday, March 30, 2020

SOLVING Covid-19 --- Is THIS the only way remaining for the common man?!

Is this the only way the common man can find answers to what's really behind the ongoing Freemasonic Coronavirus/ Covid-19 pandemic that is threatening to [suddenly and eventually] destroy/ depopulate the earth?!

 The End.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Coronaviru$ Meltdown$! ... DEATH to EVIL!

Coronavirus sends justice system into 'meltdown'!!!


And this is just the beginning of Yajuj-Majuj's/ Freemasonry's entirely rotten "system's" meltdown and outburst of pus, worldwide!

One can hear the heartbreaking screams of the countless souls (alive and deceased) that were oppressed by this entire greedy/ luciferian system (of freemasonic web, worldwide)!  

One by one, the true extent of the meltdown of all departments/ branches/ aspects of the failed "system's" meltdowns --- especially as the meltdowns destroying/ killing off the soulless zionists/ "elite" inc., as the mafia and deep state kill each other off --- will begin to show up everywhere, now!


Transgender "Mama Mia Khalifa" is a "whore of Babylon" icon and a silent salute to the "Lebanon-Vatican-UN-Shia-JeudeoNaziChristian-Zionist" connection!

[COVIDWatch]: Was A Chinese Prostitute With COVID-19 Asked To NAME Her Clients By MOH?



Is this a "Social Isolation" song? ("You've gotta stay away from me"?)...
Is this the Meltdown song of what Isolation will reveal about people/ lives?! ...
Do at least some humans realize what they've lost, and what's coming?! ...


The End.

Sorting Out and Dissolving: diabolical deception/ dialectics/ delusions/ mass-dumbness/ [cognitive] dissonance/ delirium/ dajjala & SSHIt!!

  The True Authors of Communism & Socialism [and almost every "-ism"]: The JESUITS  !! June 19, 2020   James Arendt 6     This...