Friday, February 21, 2020

Yes, It's All Over! ... The BROKEN WORLD/ System of SUICIDAL Yajuj Majuj/Dajjal/Lucifer!

Truth Vs. Yajuj Majuj's Suicidal Lies -- 10 D (The BROKEN WORLD of Yajuj Majuj/Dajjal/Lucifer)!


Officially now, to all but the blind/ numb, it is clear that the inhuman, corrupt, degenerate and satanist world [and ‘system’] of/ from [Jinn] Lucifer, Yajuj Majuj and Pheraun-Dajjal is now COMPLETELY BROKEN, FAILED and SHATTERED! ... And the few discerning [Human] souls remaining on earth will promptly recognize that this deplorable and sad end[ing] was ‘by luciferian design’ from the beginning – achieved only through the decimation of human decency/ empathy/ morality/ ethics/ conscience first! This is merely the umpteenth time that Shaytan (and its shayateen, Jinnat-e wan-Naas) have irreparably corrupted/ infected/ debased/ damaged/ putrefied the world – only to try to show Allah that “the human experiment/ project has failed”, and only to depopoulate humans towards a horrid ending in both worlds, and only to get humans ignorant/ heedless/ insane/ wicked enough to INCUR/ trigger a Perished Nations event! ... And much as Lucifer forever implodes in its hissy fits --- it FAILED to ever achieve a single instant through time, where: (1) it could dupe/ destroy ALL humans, (2) it could ‘win’! ... Yet, as per its MISERABLE reprieve --- the doomsday clock has finally struck Midnight! Allahu Al-Hakeem. Ya Seen. Peace and success is only from [and by] Allah (wa Al-Malik Al-Quddus As-Salaam Al-Mu’min Al-Muhaymin Al-Aziz Al-Jabbar Al-Mutakabbir Al Khaliq Al-Bari Al Musawwir Al Hakeem)! Tabarakallazi bi’yadihil Mulk! Tabarakasmu Rabbika Dhil Jalaale wal Ikram! Salatanw-wa Salaamun Alaika, Ya RasulAllah! Featured Azaan by Firas Qazzaz, the Muazzin of Masjid Al-Aqsa Al Quds. Featured Qur’an Recitation by Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy. Featured Human Melody Tracks --- “(By Heaven) I Want you going down ...” by Camouflage (1991), and “Confusion of Land” by Genesis (1986) --- were made with GarageBand for iOS.

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