Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Half-Truth Theatre VS. Full Truth (Both Sides of the Story ... and Triangulation!)

What all thoughts/ fears etc. did your brain process when you saw this 'news' today?

But what all do you realize when you watch this video in combination with the preceding one (watch "The People's" candid reactions/ weariness/ perceptions)?

Triangulating with this news:

"A Russian newspaper says that a married couple faces criminal charges for photographs taken at their wedding five years ago and published online that reveal the identity of a counterintelligence officer with Russia’s main security agency."

... you notice the five years of jail sentence in the first video, and the FSB/ KGB exposure photo of five years ago!

And you wonder what's going on with the demonic/ luciferian deceivers and spooks that fill this dying world?!  Are they (evil) having seizures (or are they being seized by Karma, no pun intended)?!

You see ... 
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Is there anyone out there who could convincingly disprove to the world that the 'babylo-kabbalo-luciferian-freemasonic' puppet leaders --- and all the corresponding establishments, politicians, institutions, media, celebrities, notables, system and components etc. etc. --- of the world are NOT 'Fasiq' (in every sense of the term)?! [You most certainly don't have to be an Arabic linguist to do so, as long as you have a fully functioning conscience!]

Verse 49:7 of the Qur'an offers a very big key to understanding the Hadith regarding 73 sects that will abound in the Muslim world in these End Times --- in tandem with, and in great part owing to, 'following the ways of Yajuj-Majuj, and their Judaism and Christianity' --- of which only 1 group [of individuals, who may or may not know each other, but strive and pray for each other] is "rightly guided", viz, in the Path of Allah, the Path of RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam)!

Salatanw-wa Salaamun Alaika, Ya RasulAllah!

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