Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Luciferian-Masonic Theatre ... and the UN-Islamic 1979-Iran-Revolution from Lucifer, Dajjal & Yajuj-Majuj!!

11 February, 1979 (Gematria: 11+2 = 11+11 = 22 = 4)

And the gay theatre brazenly continues till date, despite all it's shameful exposure!





Weren't the "babylo-kabbalo-luciferian-freemasonic" pedo-sodom elite/ Illuminati who installed this impostor 'Muslim' Iran ... simply stating their long term ambitions of taking over The Hejaz in time?!

Has the Muslim world gone completely blind, or completely/ permanently asleep?!

Seriously!  Consider these popular movies embedded in the Muslim psyche/ mind:

And if I refuse to consider the non-Muslim 'actor' Anthony Quinn as a Muslim, or as Hamza (RadhiAllahu Anhu), or as Omar Mukhtar (Rahmatullahi Alahyi), or as 'my Muslim brother' (!!!) ... simply because of these movies ... does that mean I am: breaking up the Ummah, or doing Takfeer, or refusing to "coexist with lucifer/ satan", or causing division among Muslims?!?!?!

Wouldn't that be absurd and MENTALLY ILL of someone to accuse me so?!

Then HOW is it different if I should refuse to acknowledge any of the seventy-some 'sects' -- such as the Shia -- that RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) HIMSELF warned me (and his whole Ummah) against?!

Has this whole [Riba-infected] world gone that dumb, that blind, or that CRAZY?!

No one out there actually studies a topic before they accept/ say anything about it?!

Did Abu Lahab die of Syphilis, among other painful punishments?!

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