Thursday, February 6, 2020

Coronavirus: The Unconventional, Comprehensive and Fat Epidemiology of Doom!

The Pandemic of Coronavirus (reportedly, 1 of the 6 known ones) is getting worse, fast!
Worldwide Live-tracker: 

"Mom, we've all been increasingly flu-ish since WWII and, esp., the 1960's! Why?"


Big Pharma's/ Big Corporations' Nanotechnology has been trying to step in as a saviour/ Jesus:

But then ...

Xi = 11 (Number of magician)
Jinn = (the 3rd creation, besides angels and humans, who were made of the smokeless flame, viz. electricity)
Ping = (you know what that means in tech./ surveillance etc.)

Add up all three above, and worry about how lucifer's ultimate masonic goal (even with 5G, e.g.) is just combining Jinns with Tech./ electro-magnetics towards the ultimate immersion/ control/ destruction of the "original humans"! 

Ask yourself: do Coronaviruses (and the manufactured likes of 'em) behave predictably/ specifically/ heinously (etc.) under a 5G flux (e.g.)?!  Is that true for all other infectious diseases?!

Is the [arguably methodical] spread of Coronavirus trying to tell humans something that they are just too bigoted and suicidal to heed/ acknowledge?

The Real History of White People

Irrespective of the course, methods, disclosure and intentions of all bio-engineered warfare to date ... who's to say that the truth of the above-mentioned does not effectively predict the eventual outcome of the current pandemic?!

Isn't bio-warfare tech. easily capable of "targeting" specific genes/ types of humans (and their specific admixtures) on earth --- especially given that most earthlings are raised indoctrinated with hogwash such as "country/ race" etc. constructs that are complete 'official' BULLSHIT (that only benefits the luciferian/ satanic social engineers and oppressors/ depopulators of mankind)?!

Wasn't it actually a type of bio-warfare when entire populations/ regions of the world were "remodeled"/ aryanized/ YajujMajuj-ized/ re-faced since: 1898/ WWI/ WWII/ War on Islam?!

The discerning/ enlightened/ educated few among today's humanity reflect ...
... that this [video] barely covers what is called "Arabs" --- a fallacious and ignorant label that serves the post-Renaissance satanic/ luciferian agenda (towards Dajjal's 3rd Temple) so [confusingly] well! ... 

Then, just how much more messed up and mixed up are the other ethnicities/ biologies of this dying world?! ... 

Shouldn't it be common sense that almost ALL humans on earth are [by now] far too complex in their admixture, by now, to be fitted into helpless [and hopeless] little boxes/ labels of [subjugated/ COLONized] race, nationality etc.?!

Shouldn't at least 0.001% of humanity have what it takes to realize the metaphor of "Yansilun as a Pandemic" (and the centuries-long implications/ consequences therein)?!

Germanics don't all live in Germany alone (ask King Lizardbeth, duh!) ... Turks don't all live in Turkey alone (Pootin and Satanyahu are both part Turks too, duh!) ... Slavs don't all live in Slavic countries alone ... Arabs no longer all live inside Arab countries alone (and that's been true for over 14 centuries, duh!) ... and Mongolians/ Orientals don't all live inside Mongolia/ Oriental countries alone (and a lot of Mongolians have become Whites and Rothschilds a while ago, duh!)! ...

We live in a dying world of historically unprecedented/ unparalleled ignorance, bigotry, stupidity, godlessness and low-mentality ... such that even the lowest/ fattest quacks parade as the "gurus/ experts" of this [limited hangout] world [of Yajuj-Majuj dominance], in every walk of life, worldwide!

And this dying world deserves the expediting curse of fat-bottomed epidemiologists whose religion is quantized down to imperially-colonially carved out "cuntries/ races"! [DUH-for-Death, really!]

What is the matter with humans [and their every murderous/ suicidal/ diseased mentality] today?!

As the Coronavirus Pandemic begins to show its true intent, reach and eventuality --- only the Faithful Muslim hearts wonder IF:

- The heedless [shayateen] among humanity --- with all their depraved greed/ lust for all things divinely forbidden (that they forever legalize), and all things of/ from "Dunyah" alone --- have brought this calamity and doom upon all of humanity?!

- The deathly doom we are witnessing, as it overcomes humans in time, is just another act of shayateen (whether Chinese/ Eastern or Western) trying to play god, which has backfired, almost "karmically" (in their own godless language)?!

- Humans are, as a whole, incurring/ facing a precursory/ forewarning bit of Divine Punishment for their: RIBA (of all kinds), materialism, heedlessness, oppression, selfishness, mendacity, perfidy and [for] following the satanic "ways" of Yajuj-Majuj?!

While an immediate and interim solution to fight pandemics --- not only Coronavirus, but the whole lot of 'em already unleashed and/ or yet to be unleashed upon earthlings --- may well be Fasting, Ruqyah and Hijama (the following are only some examples)...

... it remains an exercise of the intellect and the conscience --- perhaps only for the discerning --- to realize how the signs of doom, for "obstinately, rebelliously & transgressingly" heedless Zalimun, were already emanating, though far and few, through the subtle voicings of our universe, for a while now:



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