Friday, February 28, 2020

Mothers Maryam عليه السلام and Aisha عليه السلام || The correct age to "Marry" || Only Islam Protects Children from "Abuse of Fitrah".

(At the twilight of the majority of human population on earth --- this write-up is humbly and lovingly dedicated towards DECISIVELY reinstating the Honour of Blessed Mothers Maryam [Umme-Eisa] عليه السلام and Aisha رضي الله عنه ... against all the centuries of filthy/ infectious lies that have been fabricated against them [to demonize/ desecrate Islam and RasulAllah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam)] by Babylonian-Kabbalah-Vatico-Frankist-Sabbatean-Masonic Yajuj Majuj since (at least) 1666 AD.  All suicidal lies of Rajeem Lucifer/ Dajjal will only Perish, hereon ... as they did numerous times in history.)

This sick, dying, broken, failed and shattered world is filled with [oft-chanted:] ignorance, cognitive dissonance, deception, lies and inversion of Truth.

Frequently peddled lies, and consequent confusion, revolves -- at 5G and without quarantine -- around such matters as:

- The Miraculous Birth of Eisa عليه السلام by Blessed Mother Maryam عليه السلام.

- The age of Blessed Mother Aisha رضي الله عنه when she began her Divinely Blessed married life with RasulAllah ﷺ‎.

- The preponderance of pedophilia and child [Fitrah] abuse --- rooted in every religion/ culture/ 'way' of life other than [only] Islam --- killing this broken/ dying world even faster!

Thereto, the following will enable to reader to discover truths and draw their own conclusions with Yaqeen --- so that all ignorance and [suicidal] lies will Perish [and become Baatil] permanently.

First, to begin in the Blessed Name of Allah, and with the Remembrances:

Al Qur'an, Sūrat Al-Naḥl (The Bees) -- 16:116

"And do not say about what your tongues assert of untruth --- [such as] "This is lawful and this is unlawful," --- so as to invent falsehood about Allah.  Indeed, those who invent falsehood about Allah will not succeed/ prosper [or find any genuine happiness, contentment, guidance, blessing, bliss or meaning in life]."

The incorruptible Truth and Glory of "Islam, the Qur'an and RasulAllah ﷺ" has been a target of the Babylonian/ Luciferian/ Pharisaic/ Nimrodic/ Pheraunic/ Satanist/ Kabbalah-Magi Secret Societies that had already corrupted the original Torah and Injeel --- especially since Yajuj Majuj's "Khuruj" [from their multi-century-imprisonment in Georgia] in the 7th Century AD. 

Like a deadly virus, Yajuj Majuj destroys everything good/ decent/ Sacred/ Truth through "infiltration, deception, theft, usurpation, injustice, IMITATION, oppression, murder and overall CORRUPTION"!  Thus, they serve their god, Lucifer, and their Messiah/ Meshihah, [Lucifer's Son] Dajjal, as a "corrupting/ deceptive/ destructive" phenomenon and continuum through time.

Yajuj Majuj is extremely "Humaza" --- in every sense of the Qur'anic term.  Thus they [and all their establishments including their media and culture] are addicted to "mocking" the Truth.  It's no wonder, for instance, how they taunt their victims by constantly alluding to their own  lies and crimes themselves ... not to mention that they are addicted to the hell-bound habit of "projecting their own ills on their targets/ victims".
And by now, they --- through their corrupt Babylonian agencies/ institutions of "Judaism and Christianity" --- have seriously infiltrated/ meddled/ usurped/ impersonated/ misguided/ murdered/ corrupted/ shattered/ damaged the Muslim world [and its Fitrah], in numerous aspects, into the prophesied seventy-some hell-bound "sects"!
(All selected Hadith screenshots presented on this write-up were taken from

Herein, RasulAllah  is humbly pointing out how following his Path (viz., SunnatAllah] has never been easy for anyone, and will, logically, be far more difficult for anyone after he ﷺ leaves us/ this world.  While the true followers of RasulAllah ﷺ (who is the sole owner of the unimaginable and infinite 'Al-Kawthar') may receive/ inherit a bit of that essence of Al-Kawthar, and thus be "Rich" in every way, they will not, however, be "wealthy"/ popular/ renowned/ comfortable etc. in a "Dunyah"/ world of Riba that opposes and wages war on Allah and RasulAllah ﷺ (and his truest followers, whom this world of Dajjal/ Riba impoverishes, oppresses, loots and kills) ruthlessly/ venomously!

In such a dying/ corrupt world as the one we live in today ... Yajuj Majuj (who, like Khabeeth, constantly dwell on filth of every kind) created numerous false/ disinfo Hadith ...

Now, the question(s) of the age of blessed Mother Maryam عليه السلام (at the time of the miraculous Birth of Eisa عليه السلام), or the age of blessed Mother Aisha رضي الله عنه (at the time she began her married life) ... raises the decisive question as to what exactly the Quran says about the age of marriage

And since the kind readers of this blog have already discovered (to their own conviction) to where the Muslim world has been brought down ...
... it is no surprise to see deplorable google results where a pedo-sodomite [faux Jew/ rabbi] from Yajuj Majuj having the [dajjal/ google/ jassassa-sponsored] audacity to froth and spread their typical [suicidal] garbage/ filth/ venom/ disinformation/ Lies against the incorruptible Truth/ Islam, and "projecting their own ills on Islam" (in the same style as their own Nazi Goebbels) as seen here ...
... while typical Freemasonry/ Rabbi/ Vatican-controlled "scholarship" in the Muslim world remains typically rote-learned, dumbed-down, 'scripted' and stagnant --- with weak and fundamental cookie-cutter facts that never even have the intention of nullifying the Munkar/ Lies of the enemies of Allah/ The Quran/ RasulAllah ﷺ.
Nonetheless, even the best of such scholarship/ articles at least clarify that the Qur'an REQUIRES the age of marriage to be after puberty/ maturity!

And one of the most encouraged/ rigorous/ effective ways of studying any concept or term in/ from the entirety of the Holy Qur'an --- and, here, to specifically understand the terms MARRIAGE and PUBERTY/ MATURITY  --- in terms of the SOUL, HEART, MIND and BODY (the components of the human life, in that order of Creation by Allah) --- is through the Qur'anic corpus:

Please review the following (which ought to be self-explanatory and self-revealing) to discover and understand some stunning Truths and realities (that may well be contrary to the 99.99% people of this brainwashed, ignorant, wicked and [thus] broken/ failed/ dying world believe (or think they know to be true)!



The End.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Sorting Out and Dissolving: diabolical deception/ dialectics/ delusions/ mass-dumbness/ [cognitive] dissonance/ delirium/ dajjala & SSHIt!!

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