Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Infection of [or upon] Imaan?!

If you claim to be Muslim, and have been living on earth since 1666 AD, or even the 19th century -- then you grew up seeing/ accepting things that are satanic/ babylonian/ occult/ freemasonic corruptions, imitations and mockery of all that's Sacred and Original to Islam!

Besides your 5 times' Salaat per day, do you ponder upon all that Allah expects you to ponder upon?  The least of such things would be to ask why the flesh-eating/ blood-drinking Hinda's son Muwawiyah removed the Khilafah HQ from Madinat-ar-Rasul to Damascus ... or why Muwawiyah inserted Hindu 'red dots' into the font system of writing/ printing the Quran ... all within a few decades of the passing away of RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam)!

Do you see anything at all?  Do you see anything wrong?  Do you feel anything at all (al wara wa-al bara, Fi Sabeelillah)?!

You feel no grief/ anger (al wara wa-al bara, Fi Sabeelillah) at such desanctification/ desecration in the name of beautification and calligraphy etc.?  Are you sure you're [a Mu'min] Muslim, then?  Do you even understand what is Sacred ("Haram")?! 


Do you wonder when/ where it all began?  ... Do you come from generations of"ghafla" and blind belief in in fake/ cursed Hadith such as those that claim that Ibrahim (Alayhis Salaam) had a pagan 4th wife who bore children with Hindu names such as the pagan/ sun-wroshipping "Suraj"??!!

It is certainly beneficial to the Muslim Ummah, in many ways, that individuals within the Ummah learn Arabic. [Though the primary rationale for doing so would be to read/ understand/ live the Quran --- one must remember that spoken Arabic, as it cumulatively, exists in all its dialects today is a far cry from the scholarly wealth and universe of Qur'anic Arabic!  A large majority of Arabic speakers today cannot understand the Qur'anic Arabic, just as (e.g.) the citizens of most [native] English speaking countries do not have linguistic proficiencies at the level of classics/ Shakespeare!] However, one must be careful about how one goes about that initiative, or about the mentalities they harbour beneath such ideals.

The Hadith about RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) saying: that whoever speaks Arabic is an Arab ... is outright false! [In these Harj & Hasad filled End Times of toxic ignorance and arrogance, a Muslim must fear Allah before callously asserting things that are detrimental to the whole Ummah!  As much as the common culture/ indoctrination out there is to [Talmudically] cut everyone down to the status quo ignorance/ low-levels, one must FEAR Allah before even attempting to habitually/ callously do the same to the level of RasulAllah's (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) thought/ deliberations/ teachings!] The Prophet and Messenger of Allah (Salllallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) saw the future and he was perfected by Allah in a manner that will remain unprecedented/ unparalleled through all of human history, from Creation to Qayamah/ Aakhirah!

RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) had the best knowledge regarding "Dajjal/ Yansilun".  So, he (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) would never ordain anything that leaves even one loophole for evil to infiltrate!

To give just two examples (out of countless) ... are these type of people (below), by their sheer proficiency of Arabic, considered "one of the Arabs"?!  ...

You say/ feel a warm and fluffy "Ahlan-wa-Sahlan" to the dajjals/ enemies/ infiltrators of the Muslim Ummah?!  NO, right?  Because that would be dumb-ass [subconscious self-worship SHIRK]!, right?!

All fake Hadith --- as are clearly caught by the eyes of those few true Muslims with discernment --- were coined (in impressive Arabic) ONLY to benefit the Pagan/ Satanist enemies of: Allah, RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam), the Truth of the Qur'an, and Islam!

RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam] picked his Sahabas (RadhiAllahu Anhum) based on sincerity, integrity and psycho-spiritual merits, NOT based on cultural elements/ language/ looks/ habits/ apparel etc.! (Duh!) ... He (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) would encourage his Sahabas to learn of other languages and cultures etc., so that they may increasingly understand the vastness of the Qur'an in view of their constantly expanding horizons and knowledge of this world/ Dunyah/ people as well!  [Think about it: If it wasn't for ONE RasulAllah Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) speaking Arabic, then all the rest of the Arabic speaking pagan people, with their garbage/ heedless mentalities, would still be proudly speaking Arabic all the way to Hell!]

The Muslim world is often full of arrogant and presumptuously self-righteous (and thus devoid of Taqwa) characters -- frequently complacent/ arrogant due to their ability to speak some 'street-Arabic' -- that compensate their 'Wahn'/ ignorance with characteristically loud/ abrasive/ offensive outcries such as : "ARE YOU MUSLIM?!" ... If you asked such people "what is a Muslim?", you will be far more appalled to see their miserable inability to provide a soulful and sound (true-to-the-Qur'an) answer!

It is thus appalling to observe as to what ruin of gaudy Jahiliyyah the Muslim Ummah has relapsed! The sheer cognitive dissonance of worshipping the gaudy and PAGAN glitter/ "ways" of Yajuj-Majuj's/ Dajjal's civilizations without caring to learn Yajuj-Majuj's languages (in the least, to be aware of what is being schemed against the Ummah in those languages) alone speaks volumes about the Prophesied "destruction of Arabs [and thus Muslims]"!

Entire foundational perceptions/ beliefs/ mentalities of Muslims in this world today have been brought down to fatal/ suicidal errors!

And that's how this world is asking for a ghastly "Catastrophe/ Perished World Event" to strike down the earth from the Heavens!


Do you wonder when/ where it all began?  
Are the 4 characters in this illustration [the fictitious] Mark, Mathew, Luke & John?
Why is it that there were, reportedly, only 4 Khalifa-e-Rashidun, 4 Imams of Islamic Teachings, 4 Schools (Manhaj?) of thought in Islam?

You really can't see or understand the mockery of the four Khalifa-e-Rashedun (Radhi-Allahu 'Anhum) -- the youngest being Ali -- in the 1666-Illustration (above)? ... 

Who's that John Lennon behind 'em? ... 

What does each hat on 'em signify as to which regions/ cultures of the world are hijacking which Khalifa and in what ways? ...

What's that Nazi sun doing in there?! ... 

Do you wonder? CAN you wonder?  ... 

Does anyone or anything stop/ prevent you from wondering, and if so, who and why?

Are you sure that Allah doesn't have the Right to question you on ANYTHING He wishes to, on the Day of Hashr?

Look out at the PERISHING world out there, as we speak!  Do you not see the entire world of cursed/ demonic lies and liars, spun over centuries (since YajujMajuj's khuruj) --- who have had the audacity to call Islam/ Imaan a disease, particularly thanks to Muslims who don't feel/ say anything against lies --- have already begun dying out under Divine Punishment?!

Dying demons will depopulate the world, indeed... since it has always been easy to wipe out [only] the heedless.  And satan/ lucifer/ dajjal had always, eventually, eaten their own.


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They're Everywhere!! || Karma/ Purge/ Sort Out All Such SSHItty SZionazi-Kabbalist-Luciferian-SSatanic-Masonic [Ugly, Crass, Misopedic, Lowlife] Criminality/ Fraud/ Targeted-Gangstalking/ Narcissistic Abuse/ Covert Murder!!

They're Everywhere!! (Sort Out All Such Filth!!) They're Everywhere!! (Sort Out All Such Filth!!) - 2