Saturday, January 25, 2020

Ominously ... "they"/ demons persist in their murderous sickness, in these final hours!

With VIRULENT and murderous remorselessness that only comes with INSANE rejection of [and hatred towards]: Allah, RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam), and the Truth of the Quran, and of Aakhirah --- Yajuj-Majuj's Kabbalah-Luciferian-Freemasonry Inc. continue their "all in on it" & Hegelian gay theatre worldwide, towards all out destruction of humanity!

[Following the immediately preceding blogposts], there was H & M's shocking move to Canada (contemporaneous with India's CAA!), while Iran felicitated this occult Rosh Hashana by gayly shooting down flight UKraine.. er.. UIA 752! (7+5+2 = 7+7 = 5)

(Corona .. er .. Rona Ambrose quits running for conservative leadership.)

And then, the automobile industry (despite typical denials/ obfuscations of a dying world) begins to show its journey towards death already:
And then Putin's Russian government collapsed (for some regrouping/ Khuruj?):
(Malaysia's Dr. Mahathir has spoken like Putin too many times by now, saying that he wants to work till his dying day!  Anyway ...)

Then, there was a [rather shocking] US-China "trade deal":

And the very very few discerning minds remembered this:

Corona is a beer made by Belgian-Brazilian ANheuser-BUScH! 
(Philip has Hindu Beliefs? My oh my!)

And then there were:

Simultaneously, in this world:
(If only Macron et al had the education/ integrity to acknowledge that: the Mosaic Law/ Torah he et al can only talk about, as in this Hegelian Yajuj-Majuj/ gay theatre in the video, requires: both him and these/ such stupid security forces [worldwide] --- as well as all kabbalah-vatican-imperial-COLONial establishments, RIBA-establishments, the UN, the UNSC countries, silent/ expedient UNGA members, and all Zionist/ Freemasonic/ Templar establishments worldwide behind the formation of satanic Israel --- to have their hands and feet cut off from opposite sides, and spiting their necks, upon a cross!  ... And True Prophesy indicates that such punishment will soon fall upon these Yajuj Majuj galore, and they will likely do it to each other soon!)

In the above sources, we found St. Anne and Ann Frank occurring simultaneously with the ANheuser-Busch's Corona and Holocaust!

And everything is getting much much worse by the minute, for humanity!

Corona is likely already in the West, Russia, Isfahan, Israel, Myanmar and Hindu-India, and then in all other such luciferian/ satanist/ cannibal/ blood-drinking places of the world (incl./ esp. the satanic Vatican's basement), to [eventually] wipe out every wicked oppressor/ Talmudic demon/ Freemason/ Skull & Bones etc. on earth ... as dajjal emerges out of his infernal closet!


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