Thursday, January 9, 2020

"Anally Guided" Terrorist Homo-Meshihah Dajjal's bulging blind/ right Eye is about to Khuruj/ detonate/ depopulate!

You've heard, too many times --- repeated like a copy-paste extinguisher of your intellectual flame, and a Jinn-Tech. bomber of your life's aeroplane --- that Dajjal will be blind in the right eye, and that his right eye will be like a bulging grape!
In a [post-1666 AD-satanic-masonic-] world stunted by [satanic/ masonic] literalism --- and it's Hegelian opposite of purportedly-esoteric [satanic/ masonic] Kabbalah-Sufism --- the best explanation you'll get is that of [so-called] spiritual approximation:
These are all Hegelian and misleading approximations (akin to CIA-Nazi-Soviet brainwash/ memes), since any one hemisphere of the brain will not function at all without involving the [corresponding] other!  Thus, some one whose right hemisphere/ eye is destroyed is literally a gholem/ zombie --- whose left brain can be used somewhat by a riding Jinn, and the right brain's absence needs to be compensated by Jassassa and by stealing what belongs to others and others' right brains! ... And so you had these Yajuj Majuj, since 1666 AD --- blind in the right brain/ eye, like their father Lucifer --- stealing, usurping and hijacking everything under the sun from others, only to re-sell it as they're own (this being the darkened core of creepy/ demonic Freemasonry)!

But then, as YajujMajuj tore up the sheaths/ skin of human decency, particularly since the Renaissance/ 1666 AD/ Sistine chapels et al ... the post-9/11 world has been waking up to the unspeakable filth and evil that has been roaming/ infiltrating the earth since:
Rothschilds et al love [19]72 virgin goats?!
(A degenerate woman reveals the bulging grape of Dajjal, with love & affection!)
5G = S.G. = Secretary General = Sodom Gomorrah?!
(You would think that the likes of "Dr. Zakir Naik" would've been able to provide a medical explanation for the bulging blind-eye of Dajjal!  But if rote-learned-Naik was selected by Dajjal's racist [1666 AD-subhuman-illumajoosi-] "elites" as an heir to Ahmed Deedat (Rahimahullah) only to deface the finesse and extraordinarily insightful intellectual brilliance of Deedat ... then Dr. Naik certainly had no Barakah to protect him from being duped/ used (by satanists as a catalyst of the "fastest growing" hypocrite factory), and then canned, post-utility, for "re-education" in [ironically] another of the bulging-blind Masonic/ sodomite/ tranny-manufacturing region of the world!)

Well ...

Look at this most apparently okay view of satan's awfully vulgar Sistine Chapel ...
... and then compare that with this:
There is a reason why [blind and inadequate] RAJEEM Lucifer & Yajuj Majuj made the post 1898 world incrementally vulgar, filthy and devoid of even a shred of authentic human decency!  It was to prep the world to be more "receptive" to Dajjal, just as porn was actually designed as a subliminal initiation to sodomy!

And the only part of all this filth that becomes relevant to any Mu'min remaining on the planet ... is the filthy encroachment/ infiltration by YajujMajuj/ Dajjal/ Jassassa/ Babylonian-Kabbalah-Freemasonry and all its sick and inadequate 1666 AD/ Talmudic/ Queer-James filth into the Muslim world!  

Now, individual discretion [or lack thereof] impacts the individual's Hashr alone.  However, when satan's masonic filth desecrates what ought to be sacred to ALL Muslims (if they are real Muslims), irrespective of whether through hypocrites or dupes ... then one must correct such a heinous act immediately:
WHO PUT THAT ABOMINABLE DESECRATION OF A CASING ON THE HAJR-AL-JANNAH?! ... (The shitty fabricators of filthy faux Hadith on Ali?!)  WHO were the designers and installers of this DESECRATING abomination?!  Out of so many billion so-called "Muslims" in this world, Is there ANY normal/ Heterosexual/ decent Muslim remaining on the planet to break that casing off IMMEDIATELY ... and demand some answers on this BLASPHEMY?!  [Isn't this another proof that filthy faggot Freemasons are the enemies of Islam?! ... By the way, if "they" could get away with this, and for so many years ... don't Muslims wonder if this is the real/ original Hajr-al-Jannah (because it wasn't "aswad" originally, duh!)? ... Is the real one (the REAL KRYPTONITE?) in one of the Nazi's/ Zohar-Talmudites'/ Vatican-Victors'/ Swiss Templars'/ Tel Aviv's/ Isfahani-Russo-Beijing's/ French Le Cercle's vaults etc.?!]

Perhaps, a world that is SO Zalim, corrupt, filthy, scummy, heedless, demonic, depraved and Satanic ... deserves to go straight to hellfire on nukes named Karma!

5G = S.G. = Secretary General of UN = Sodom Gomorrah?!

Perhaps a suicidal and sordid world that stays deaf, dumb and blind has to perish every time.  The following excerpt, from texts such "Stories of Prophets" that have been translated into too many languages since WW2, is a test of the readers own sanctity and spiritual integrity:
WHO introduced such vulgar [Babylo-Biblical-Kabbalo-Luciferian-QueerJames-Zohar-Talmudic-SodoMasonic-Shia] filth into all those supplementary Muslim texts through the centuries?!
And who all --- that were agents of these YajujMajuj/ Frankist-Sabbatean demons through the centuries --- need to face the excruciating FIRE of Karma?!

The current world population -- blind and deceived towards nuclear hellfire as well as eternal hellfire -- was entirely born into deception.  That's all they've known since birth, for generations since Yajuj-Majuj's Renaissance/ 1666 AD -- Lies/ disinfo (Da Ja La) everywhere and in everything, and a covert and overt veil that restricts/ fails them if they were to tear past the veil and discover what this earth was before the 19th century!  

So, where does one begin if one were to lift the veil from the ubiquitous masses' vain, ignorant and arrogantly deceived [material-only] perception? 

[With the prophesied nuclear Perishing of this world imminent, I can only pray that people would, for just once in their lifetimes, think out the [Hegelian] boxes of their prison, since their perceptions/ views till date have only [cognitively dissonantly] failed everyone and everything on the world stage today!]

(And even though this Twain quote reminds many of ol' Morris108, who was sacrificed by his Jassassa handlers, don't lose heart, since many more are already being sacrificed since! And, online, it seems as if most people are just too intellectually constipated or dead when it comes to waking up to the fact that even Dajjal's "exposers" are tightly [Jassassa-] controlled/ freemasonic actors from Dajjal and his freemasonry itself!)
 "Twain" ?! 
😄 Anyway ... 
That is so very imperially, colonially and perennially true! [Notice, a lot of "popular" liars speak a lot of truths that were originally brought/ attained/ taught/ lived by True Mu'min Men of Allah since Adam (alayhis-Salaam)!]  Mark Twain (like ALL other purportedly "great Albino/ YajujMajuj men" of post-Renaissance faux-history) was merely quoting the Qur'an (as merely on of numerous agents of Dajjal's systematic hijack of what was brought/ established by RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam)!
And just as Imperial-COLONial YajujMajuj have been robbing you secretly and then giving you a tiny portion of your [Allah-given] stuff back to you, in front of the whole world's media, as charity/ aid ... the non-material/ intellectual wealth of Islam has ALSO been suffering the same looting at the hands of YajujMajuj!  Just the tip of the iceberg would be for you to match the above with this, below [while realizing that satanist Bono or his/ their fictitious white chrissst was not born over a millennium ago]!
(Are there 'holes' above them?!  Patience!  More on that later!)
Yes, you knew it from Human Melody documentaries.  Even in partial/ disinfo/ caricature confessions, "they" have to admit that Britain -- like the rest of the entire world Allah had given to [Hamaim-min-Salsaalin-] Adam (Alayhis-Salaam) -- belonged to the Swarthy/ Brown/ Original man! [A Crucial Note: all original inhabitants of earth were numerous and impressive phenotypes and shades of Brown.  What we are taught to call 'Black' today implies non-albino and non-mulatto.  That's a seriously delusive/ oppressive brainwash and nomenclature that only benefit YajujMajuj Albinos and their progeny mulattos.
(Doesn't this give the truly discerning a 'light-bulb' moment as to the irony of some swarthy masonic impostor "muslim" preaching truths such as "the island of the hijacker/ impostor Dajjal is Britain?! 😄  Anyway ...)
Examples of Austro-Aboriginal features ...
Ever consider that simply not knowing or failing to acknowledge your ancestry (back to Adam (1st World) and Ibraheem (2nd World), Alayhumus Salaam) breeds no more than a world full of graceless, subhuman and territorial [rabid] dogs that have no constructive talent other than usurpation, theft, fraud, imitation, impersonation, schadenfreude, oppression, consumption, defecation, deception, arrogance, ignorance, destruction and murder?! Anyway ... 

The original BRITISH, just like all other natives of the whole world, had a religion of "FITRA" preservation ("decency/ belief in Akhirah/ justness/ reflectiveness/ compassion/ conscience" etc.), which is an incomplete and preliminary form of Islam that is innate to every soul at birth, and an innate mechanism that can link a human soul to its "primordial covenant", the fulfilling of which is the ONLY path to Jannah!  ... However, ever since their Khuruj in the 7th Century, Yajuj-Majuj have taken over the whole world, and screwed up the very "perception" of humans have of everything including themSELVES!  YajujMajuj created concepts of "races" and "countries" that are totally fake/ wrong!  And today's world is filled with various refurbished copies of the same YajujMajuj in different shades/ names/ claims etc. ... YajujMajuj's Scottish Rite Freemasonry even hijacked the traditional Muslim prayer-cap!!!
Anyway, please take a good look at how you've been raised too blind to notice that even YajujMajuj's Charles I had breasts like baphomet/ lucifer ... 

... and then rub/ clean your eyes, and put on your "open-thinking/ maximum-intellect" cap ... and then have the guts to acknowledge that most of us humans may have a very brief time left before their mass demise from this world this year ... and then consider the following!

Every child is born with the Noor of understanding and insight!  Biases from parents, family, society and school (biases due to none of them having Noor nor a lifelong dedication to living/ attaining the Qur'an/ Furqan/ Akhlaq/ Learning) begin to rip the Noor out of them! [Because, "Babylon" targets the "Baby"!]

The world today can't even see --- let alone (Fi Sabeelillah, Al Wala wa Al Bara) feel anything wrong with --- what OBVIOUS, diabolical, demonic and Babylonian lies and deception surround them!

We live in a world that has a bizarre appearance of things with other things hidden in them! [And Jinn means 'hidden'!]

And then, today's pyramid world, like a swarm of rotting/ heedless zombies, follows the mirage of faux "powers", and "orders" without knowing from whom they came!

A world that is so deplorably steeped in hatred ONLY towards Islam (and NOTHING else!) ... is committing suicide by not acknowledging the hijack and mockery with which satanists have assaulted Islam since at least 1666 AD!  

Just one example of this is the satanist elite's wicked reference to/ mockery of the real story of Prophet King Sulaiman's (Alayhis Salaam) death, in this picture:
Sadly, 99.99% earthlings are already schooled/ re-educated/ mind-raped/ conditioned/ sexualized to see ONLY the phallic reference above. 

And, most unfortunately, not a single REAL/ Alim Muslim is allowed/ alive (either online or offline) to warn all humans that this impostor puppet king is signaling the beginning of the era (in 2017) when all kings have already passed away, and what people see everywhere, especially in the media, are ALL Shayateen --- viz., puppets/ clones/ gholems/ 'transformers' that are being operated by HOLY GHOSTS (viz. "Jinn-Demons+Technology/ 5G")!  

[And the only thing that hurts/ destroys them is the Noor of: CONSCIENCE, Tawba, Taqwa, RAHMA, Innocence/ Decency, Zuhud, Ruqyah, TRUTH [and/ of] The Holy Qur'an!]

And masonic world leaders are all but meat-suits for Lucifer to body-jump/ "possess" and operate! [That's freemasonry in one nutshell, for all the dupes of the world!]

And ALL [Hegelian] "Government" apparatus/ agencies, military/ armed forces et al, intelligence agencies --- and even the wretched masonic police and first responders --- are all full of demonic presence and control by now!  The media that highlights/ covers "only their own demonic kind" have been casting demonic spells on the masses since WW1, way before JFK!

And since WW1/ WW2, and especially since 9/11/2001, these "Mugharribun" are far more [frighteningly] commonplace on earth than most people ever realized!  The following only enables some thought on the mere tip of the iceberg ... on how faces/ images/ media/ entertainment/ comfort-zone-elements/ biases/ "likes" and "dislikes"/ and lifelong indoctrination through lies, disinfo, expediency, conscience-less-ness, and FAITHLESSNESS/ FEARS of a lifetime ... wreak havoc on your subconscious  mind and doom you towards your own suicide!

Today's hive of world leeeders have the same mother?  Is it Lucy or Sophia or both?!


Next, you may find all the aforementioned realizations (which can be researched further in numerous contexts/ walks of life) exploited and compounded by how all humans were raised, for generations, with oft repeated lies/ disinfo/ stereotypes/ memes!
When you mix the European/ YajujMajuj: (1) Grand Muftis of the Colonized Middle East, and (2) Hegelian "Hitlers-and-Settlers" of history ... you get a creepy feeling as to who are the pale Sufis of at least the previous 2 generations, and WHY is Goebbels (above) --- in Babylo-Kabbalah's characteristic hijack and inversion of Islam --- making a reference to [Negative, Inverted, Satanic, MENDACIOUS & PERFIDIOUS applications of] ZIKR/ chanting/ repetition/ Tasbeeh (towards ruining humanity)?!!
(If Islam is a lie to anyone, then Goebbels/ Kabbalah is their ONLY 'truth'! Duh!)

And don't forget Babylo-1666-JewNazi-Kabbalah-Masonry's's CIA and its warehouse of every media variety:

(It's not just the Hegelian American public --- it's the Whole stupid Hegelian World!)

And just when they got you deceived by setting up their alternative/ social media as a [Hegelian] opposition to MainStream Media ... MEMES have been particularly insidious!  Consider this ...

This world has been "programmed" [and led, with every world event and the lying-vs.troothing theirein, up to faux-awakenings!] with the above meme/ perception ...
...  while the Reality of the post 1666 AD- world is this:

Consider again, this meme that's been used from the highest [satanic] elite/ monarchies'/ religious/ political offices, down to the lowest of lowlife [satanic] shills/ trolls/ hasbara online, to wrongly vilify Islam (and project their own ills upon Islam):
And you never had the humanity to acknowledged that this has no resemblance with the REAL ISLAM and Real Muslims, but has every resemblance with the very enemies and impersonators (Freemasons/ Templars/ Munafiq/ Shia etc.) of Islam (as follows):
You see how clearly the Hegelian Dialectics dissolve and, like a newborn & sinless child, you see/ gain twice as much when your heart isn't darkened/ blinded by selfish motives, hidden agendas, greed, psychopathy, schadenfreude, wickedness, mendacity, perfidy, racism, discrimination, arrogance, rejection of Akhirah, stupidity or evil?!

Think of this meme to which everyone online has "awakened" so well by now:
Now observe three different faces of "the Jew" (wherein NONE of them have any real similarity to the original semitic phenotypes of the original Bani Israeel):
AND the "hooked nose evil jew" meme had subconciously prepped you to HATE only whom?
Is it any wonder that you love and hate only for the sake of Lucifer [Hegelian MSM-Alt./Social] media, and not for the sake of Allah and your own discernment?!  You think you know what's going on in this world at all?  

Try another meme that you've "awakened" to, under [YajujMajuj's/ Dajjal's/ Jassassa's anal guidance]...
And all the while, since WW2/ 1979/ 9-11, wherein "Zionist whites/ Christians" were the closest in love and affection to "the white Jew", the following is what was really happening:
In the imminent WW3 depopulation, most [selfish/ arrogant/ ignorant] Muslim-named people won't even know how deceived [and thus hellbound] they were for following the "Ways of YajujMajuj" and all narratives/ mentalities/ disinfo/ lies therein!

Here are some memes that SHOULD be pondered upon, to save one's soul in the last minute:


And that brings us to the current implications [of the above-mentioned, and of Lucifer's sour grapes] on the current events on the demonic, obscene, bulging and reeking gay-theatre towards global destruction ...

And it's disturbing to realize that this may be of the final chances for human beings to reflect, think outside their indoctrination, and pay heed ... before it's all over!

(Ismaili Ali Jinnah --- Come and see Yansilun?!)
See a masonic apparition appearing  above and below?! What are the others?!
Typical Satanic inversion/ forked tongue,  actually implying : from Noor to Naar!
Is the faux fatima simply ⇕ = liberty/ mithra/ baphomet/ lucifer/ lilith/ god of justice etc. for Shia & Christians and ALL freemasons?! 
Hypocrites' "Hafiz" = The Qur'an's "Khafiz"!


Clearly, thus ...
(Kabbalah Tree?!)


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