Sunday, March 31, 2024

ALL Fraud Will Be Unveiled To The Whole World And Punished With KARMA!!


Ho's Ain't Loyal!! Dajjal/Lucifer Is No Role Model!!

Forged: Writing in the Name of God—Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are

Bart D. Ehrman 

Bart D. Ehrman, the New York Times bestselling author of Jesus, Interrupted and God’s Problem reveals which books in the Bible’s New Testament were not passed down by Jesus’s disciples, but were instead forged by other hands—and why this centuries-hidden scandal is far more significant than many scholars are willing to admit. A controversial work of historical reporting in the tradition of Elaine Pagels, Marcus Borg, and John Dominic Crossan, Ehrman’s Forged delivers a stunning explication of one of the most substantial—yet least discussed—problems confronting the world of biblical scholarship.

While Forged is divided into eight chapters, it really affirms three main theses:

1. Forgery was a widespread phenomenon among early Christian literature (and in antiquity in general).
2. Contrary to popular scholarly opinions, early Christians did not look favorably on books forged in the name of another author but considered them outright lies to be rejected.
3. A number of the books of the NT were forged (or contain false attributions, fabrications, or falsifications).

Ehrman’s helpful overview of the various kinds of early Christian forgeries and his excellent treatment of early Christian views of pseudepigraphy are bright.

Chapter Four, “Alternatives to Lies and Deceptions” is where Dr. Ehrman excels, speaking to the reasoning and justification ... extrapolated to the ... Qur’an!  His study of “pseudepigraphological” writings, secrecy of the writer and of God, and of the spiritual and philosophical rationalization provides the opposition arguments that so many books tend to neglect.

It is the final chapter that provides the true insight that Dr. Ehrman wishes to convey, defining the various forms and degrees of forgery that can be found most anywhere; from false attributions to out and out forgeries for profit or political gain. Throughout the text, the author provides ... the basis of critical thinking when reviewing any documentation.

There is a great lesson in Dr. Ehrman’s writings; don’t take the Bible as fact, but as myth and you will understand it better. This school is one this reviewer has seen and reviewed before. (See God’s Century and The Rise and Fall of the Bible, both reviewed at NYJB). It is the position many atheists take and many fundamentalists reject.

A new interpretation of the Bible reveals the oldest secret in history.

If you read the Bible literally, everything becomes understandable and plain because the biblical authors did not feel the need, as we do, to advocate for a precise monotheistic theological perspective or a moral authority of religious order.

Through the pages of this book “God” will show himself in a light entirely unsuspected to most readers. The final portrait that will emerge will reveal the image of a character very different from what many of our readers are accustomed to.

The Bible, falsifications and mistranslations

From the necessity of harmonizing the biblical text with the theological and monotheistic conception of God of Western culture arises a whole series of falsifications and mistranslations, in view of which that first innocent printing typo I had discovered twenty-five years ago really seems like a “speck in the eye of the brother.” Instead, here we talk about massive logs that have remained in our eyes for hundreds and thousands of years, so long that we even ignore our blindness.

God or Gods?

In this book, I focus on the identity and character of Yahweh and the meaning of the term “Elohim.” When we read the term “God” in the Bible, this usually comes from the Hebrew term “Elohim.” However, at least when I worked for Edizioni San Paolo, the term “Elohim” was left untranslated into the interlinear edition of the Bible that we prepared for scholars and academia.

In the Bibles available to the public, the same term was translated as “God.” Therefore, where people read “God” and believe that the biblical authors wrote the equivalent of the word “God,” scholars read the term “Elohim.” This was to alert them that this word is problematic, to say the least, for the unbiased translator.

"My reading will result in most passages being unorthodox to a religious perspective. Some would say even heretical. For this reason, for all passages that indicate an unconventional, unexpected, and non-heterodox reading, we reproduce the original Hebrew text with the literal translation verbatim, word for word."

Retraction Watch: Clinical trial fraud leads to prison; journal editors resigning en masse!

Our list of retracted or withdrawn COVID-19 papers is up past 400. There are more than 48,000 retractions in The Retraction Watch Database — which is now part of Crossref. The Retraction Watch Hijacked Journal Checker now contains more than 250 titles. And have you seen our leaderboard of authors with the most retractions lately — or our list of top 10 most highly cited retracted papers? What about The Retraction Watch Mass Resignations List — or our new list of papers with evidence they were written by ChatGPT?

Here’s what was happening elsewhere (some of these items may be paywalled, metered access, or require free registration to read):

Targeted Individuals (viz. targeted by vatican/sstate-sponsored terror, and esp. those targeted by the WHOLE UN) -- esp. subjects of [all unconsented & thus unlawful] ssecret human experimentation/ slow-kills/ crucifixion [by the UN/Vatican/Jesus etc.] -- are never given full/ adequate/ appropriate medical treatment, no matter WHERE they go on EARTH!! ... I experientially know of N. America/ Canada, Africa, Saudi Arabia (& SSHIa Axis), the Subcontinent and SouthEast Asia [and ALL WHO/Chabad-Vatican/Aga-Khan affiliated Hospitals & Clinics, worldwide, really] to be [as a huge COMPLICIT network/ HIVE!!] murderously/ psychopathically/ criminally GUILTY of [and WILL get its Karma for] administering the same [overt & covert] horrors/ abuse/ injustices/ murders [long before the covid scamdemic], as glimpsed from:
Every [medical institution/ "professional" from EVERY] country will have to come forward & confess [& apologize] like the [featured] Doctor did. Names & faces [esp. that of the soulless/ classless motherfucker Aga Khan & cult, & ssecret ssociety/families] will drop publicly, with all [hidden] details, to be prosecuted/ punished (if not through the system then at the hands of the public!!) ... and to be given EXACT Retribution/ Consequence/ KARMA KARMA!! Due amends/ recompense will be made, by ALL those responsible, to the injured/ harmed (vaxxed & unvaxxed, keeping in mind that the unvaxxed's lives may've been harmed in much worse ways than just physically, & that the injuries of (aforementioned) targeted individuals/ experimentees are INORDINATELY GREATER than the vaxxed's injuries]!! (by Liberium Arbitrium)
Brief summary of the highlights:
1) I participated in the mass vaccination and I apologize to all those I harmed.
2) I knew that these drugs were EUA, Emergency Use Authorized, so no experiments had actually been done on animals or humans
3) I knew as a pharmacist and doctor that a product that forces the cells themselves to express the most toxic part of the virus would cause an enormous amount of autoimmune diseases, given that the immune system would attack and destroy all these cells that produced abnormal proteins. It would have destroyed cells in the heart, brain, ovaries, testicles.

Karma Karma (for Sion/ Zion/ SSHI(a)t/ Lucifer/ Dajjal/ Yajuj-Majuj/ Gog-Magog/ Freemasons/ GREED)!!

A Hegelian world since [at least] 1666/ 1776/ WW's. Unitedly, the East-West [North-South] crow[n]-demons piloted the [terrorist/ ssatanic/ luciferian] "C0vid" [depop and theft] scamdem[on]ic, from the Chinese epicentre (as is embarrassingly exposed by now). Evidently, the [ssatanic/ luciferian] starvation/ murder/ zombie/ jack-the-ripper scamdem[on]ic [depop and theft], and the "return-to-victorian-era-prostitution" sscamdem[on]ic has started at the ssame ORIGIN!!

[All countries should watch this with fear ... for this is how Hegel's BOTH sides will [BOTH] collapse and perish, from the Karma of their every evil.]

Failure/collapse of every lie/ liar/ fraud/ dajjal/ demon/ occultist/ pedoSSod ... all around the world.

322/ B.B.C./ Skull-&-Bones/ Dajjals/ Stars-Saturn-Sun-Moon-g0d[esse]s/ UN-WEF-Vatican-Chabad-Yoruba-Santeria-Voodoo-Hindu-Buddhist-SSHI(a)t-Hypocrites-Wicca/ London-Vatican-Washington-Pentagon-Octogon-Sion-Zion-Aga-Ottawa-NY-TX-LA-CO-CA-GA-Cuba-Swissrael-SSHI(a)t-Axis-Subcontinent-Saudi-Isfahan-Istanbul-Caribbean-NATO-BRICS-Bolsheviks-Goth-Greco-Roman-Franglo-Frankist-Zevites-(and-filthy-murderous-pedoSSod-occultists/witches-all-over-esp.-in-the-Bohemian-Grove-and-the-Tristate-and-the-5-boroughs-and-UNDERGROUND), etc./ Terrorists/ 33-&-13-&-ALL-Freemasons/ HYPOCRITES/ Sellouts/ Fraud/ Occultists/ Kabbalists/ Luciferians/ Narcissists/ Psychopaths/ PedoSSods/ Media/ Medical-Mafia/ Big-Tech-Big-Pharma/ Covert-Murderers/ Mercenaries/ Spooks-Gangstalkers-Rats-Snitches-Torturers-Harassers-Hives-Demons/ Entrappers-Thieves-Extortionists/ SSecretSSociety/ Illuminati (& its evil governments/ institutions/ organizations/ corporations) etc. ... are all FUCKED, and will all DIE DIE DIE from Karma!!

Karma & Death Upon All Those Who Made This World Unlivable for Me!!
Karma/Death Upon That "Boring, SSick, Parasitic & Evil F**king SSod of a SSun god/ MedUsa"!!
Death Upon Spooky Mendacio-Perfidio-Klepto-Pluto-Familio-Inverto-Culto-Lucifero-Molocho-cracies!!
Death Descends Upon All Dragons, Crowns, Agas and Families!
The Fat Lady Sings.
You Will Return My Life, In Full, Or You Will Perish.
All Kabbalists & Talmudists Will Die from Their Own Sorcery & Evil
Death 2 Death Dealers!! (Justice For Every Genie Wiley, Known & Unknown, & for Me)!
Wrong, Liars! Only the Circa 610 A.D. White[ness]!
Death 2 SSynagogmagog of SSatan/ SShadow SStates (Karma!)

Scientology: The SSick & Criminal Illuminati [Roman] Christian Church/ Cult That's Been Running Saudi Arabia (and Too Many Other Countries/ "Muslim" Countries) For Over A Century!! 


(What is the number/ percentage AFTER the c0vid SScamdemic?!)

Tactics and Defense Mechanisms of Evil


Always pretending to be in control.

Psychotic and delusional lying.

Childishly saying "no you" to ever person and thing that exposes them and then acting arrogant which includes everything exposing them here.

Constant slander and lying accusations.

Constant denial of their crimes.

Raging faggotry.

Raging blasphemy.

Arrogant grinning to appear confident when they are really scared.

Blood drunken induced psychopathy.

Violence, torture, and murder.

Declaring themselves brilliant for acting like demented and violent liars.

Using sadistic, murderous, and cannibalistic women as a weapon.

Blood drunken praising of themselves.
Financial persecution and paying people off to target people through employment.

Financing liars and slanderers.

Financing propagandists to dominate the internet.

Control the perception of "public opinion" through paid propagandists.

Claiming gang stalking is a democratic process. Organizing and ganging up on individuals in larger numbers and calling it democracy.

Gang stalkers acting like their victims are in a court room where the gang stalkers operate as the judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, and jury. 

Dictating lies with covert violence.

Calling the use of self defense against them "dictating lies with covert violence."

Psychotic insolence and terrorism.


Electronic vandalism like hacking vehicles and electronics to cause them to break.

Electronic harassment.

Recruiting local gang stalkers who use electronic weapons.

Insolent and demented mockeries.


Framing people.

Stealing other peoples writings, claiming them as their own, and using them as bait to target people in a controlled environment.

Poisoning people.


Electronic spying.

Violently attacking people and then running away and calling the people who expose them false accusers. That is them violently attacking people and calling their victims false accusers. That is a form of gaslighting.

Using more violence to dictate their lies and false accusations.

Claiming that exposing a criminal or criminal group while that criminal group is taking a break from their criminal activity is a false accusation. 

Claiming that a person can only expose criminals who are currently being criminal. 

Reverse psychology like the media pretending to be against Trump or Trump pretending to be against the media. The entire Trump psyop is using reverse psychology.

Political theater. Democratic and Republican shills covertly working together to spread division.

Divide and Conquer.

Republican cult members falsely accusing people of being liberal shills for exposing corrupt republican politicians

Democratic cult members falsely accusing people of being conservative shills for exposing corrupt democratic politicians.

Criminals arrogantly pretending they are in control. Fake omnipotence.

The weaker and more fearful they are the more they finance shills to defend them with boldness and arrogance. Fake omnipotence.

When they are scared they murder children.

Claiming they are gods or  claiming god does not exist because they really do murder children and if "god" existed then he would stop them and this is all because the Creator expects good people to do something about it.

When these criminals get killed they retaliate by killing innocent people or children.

Charlie Sheen's tactic of saying the word "winning" over and over again which is what Trump and his QAnon cult members do.

Always pretending to be in control even if they have to contradict themselves constantly to do it.

When members of these criminal families get killed they pretend that they are in control.

Using the placebo effect to induce mindless arrogance when they are scared.

Violently attacking people for exposing them and then also claiming that they controlled the person that exposes them. They are this blasphemous, insane, and childish. 

Pathological lying which includes contradicting lies and stupid lies built onto other stupid lies.

Attacking someone and claiming before they attack that person that their victim will react by exposing the ones attacking them and then the attackers claim to be all knowing. Part of their fake omnipotence and fake precognition.

Falsely accusing people of crimes they believe people are going to do in the future.

Pretending to "know what's going to happen."

Claiming that psychotic behaviors and insanity is genius.

Claiming that deep stupidity is genius.

Claiming that using violence and gang stalking is genius.

Making bold false claims. Bold lying.

Radiating vague one word spells at people.

Vague denial. Denial of information without debating any of the facts.

Them saying "NO YOU" to everything you say about them. "I know you are but what am I"

Evil people claiming that their evil associates are innocent. Defending each other.

Evil people trying to hijack opposition against evil like the Freemasons of 1776 or the alternative media that claims to oppose the NWO and then completely ignores those running the NWO.

Making lying accusations against people who really expose criminals.

Child murderers and pedophiles calling people that expose them false accusers.

Falsely accusing the victims usually of their crimes and usually only after they get called out first.

Claiming that if you are aware of evil then you are in on it. It is like saying if a woman was raped and then she exposed her rapist that because she had information on her rapist that she must have been in on it. They are really that insane and do claim this.

Calling people greedy for exposing their financial persecutors.

Calling people violent for using self defense.

Claiming that violence cannot be used against war criminals, gang stalkers, poisoners, pedophiles, child traffickers.

Promoting "Peaceful Protests" against murderers, war criminals, and lawless tyrants.

Claiming that pacifism against tyrants solves tyranny.

Claiming that exposing evil people is an act of violence.

Falsely accusing people of being trolls for calling out shills.

Shills spreading fear and threatening the destruction of society when they get exposed.
Radiating the spell they call "deceivableness" at people who become aware of them. Vaguely calling someone deceived and then acting arrogant without ever naming the so called "deception."

Gang stalkers making up the most insane lies like claiming they control the royals and nobles they work for. 

Inverted witchcraft or engineered lies.

Reflective witchcraft or engineered lies.

Radiating doom spells on society and individuals.

Sabotaging a persons life through covert methods like poison, financial persecution, violating rights, violating privacy, electronic vandalism, slander, and also bribing or corrupting people and turning people around the victim into gang stalkers.

Christians threatening destruction on society and saying its because the Bible says so.

Christians claiming to own "belief in a creator."

Gang stalkers calling their victims "sinners."

Gang stalkers claiming that their gang stalking is "punishment from god."

Christians calling people Satanists for exposing Satanism in the Bible and Christianity.

Christians threatening society and telling people they will burn in hell if they don't bow down to Jesus.

Christians who are also gang stalkers and murderous cannibals calling themselves "sinners" and saying things like "only god can judge" for a false piety and fake humbleness. 
Forcibly imposing compassion onto others for themselves.

Denial of self defense.

Demanding that people "love their enemies."

Claiming that killing an attacker in self defense is a sacrifice.

Claiming that defending your life is the same as the initial attacker. Someone assaults you so you fight back and then they claim both are equally guilty.

Ignoring context.

Distortion of context.

Ignoring motives.
Total denial of facts.

Claiming that calling a fascist male bisexual rapist a "faggot" is homophobia and offensive. The correct definition of a faggot is a male bisexual rapist who rapes other men for control and most male members of the NWO are faggots.

Claiming that exposing racist cults of supremacists who target individuals of different races is racism.

Using gang stalkers and shills to attack people as distractions and as a defense for high level criminals.

Claiming that ignoring the annoying low level shills and gang stalkers means the low level gang stalkers control a person because they are not focusing on them.

Child murderers and murderous cannibals claiming that naming and exposing them is the most evil thing there is. 

Attempting to hijack facts and truth by agreeing with it and then mix the truth with lies and completely made up information.

Trolls latching onto people who expose evil as an attempt to make the legitimate person seem like they are associated with trolls.

Known liars agreeing with truth to make the truth seem like a lie as a form of reverse psychology through a fake association.

Demanding proof while completely ignoring existing evidence and proof.
Deflecting onto other subjects.
Arrogant and bold lying.
Playing dumb.
Claiming that evil people are dead when they are not.

Claiming that evil people are in prison when they are not.

Falsely accusing people of being false accusers for exposing criminals that other criminals claim are dead and or in prison when they are not. They are this insane.

Dictating their fantasy world and delusions onto others.

Acting demented, childish, and insolent to annoy or enrage people.
Claiming that exposing evil enables evil and therefore attempting to put the blame on the victims who expose their attackers.

Claiming that exposing gang stalkers is gang stalking.

Claiming individuals who expose gang stalkers is gang stalking and completely ignoring the meaning of the words "gang" and "individual"

Claiming that exposing the murderous gang stalkers is a "murderous plot against them"
Pretending they are mind controlled.

Pretending they are brainwashed.
Pretending to be victims.

Claiming that women cannot be evil.

Gang stalkers claiming that only wealthy or famous people can be evil.
Claiming they are insane. "Criminal Insanity" defense.
Claiming they are demonically possessed.

Calling a person a false accuser and basing it on their claim that they are "possessed" and therefore innocent of their evil actions.

Claiming they don't have to pay back for damage and thefts they caused or did while they are "demonically possessed" and then saying they have "repented."

Claiming that taking a vacation from gang stalking is "repentance."
Claiming they are slaves to others. They are not.
Deflections, distractions, and false accusations.
Calling their victims "drug addicts" for exposing them.
Calling their victims "mentally ill" for exposing them.
Claiming its "aliens" or "interdimensional entities" and then also totally ignoring the high level criminals running society

Blaming evil technologies for gang stalking. 
Blaming all Jews for all evils and never really naming actual criminal Jews.

Falsely accusing people of being Jews for not generalizing and blaming all Jews.

Blaming Russia for all evils.

Blaming "Satan" for everything evil.

Blaming "Sorcerers" for gang stalking.

Claiming its "supernatural" and claiming there is nothing that can be done to combat it.

Christians saying that their god and Jesus will take care of the evil. Spreading apathy.

The moment the Black Nobility get scared they finance thousands of YouTube shills that blame all Jews for all evils and if you don't agree they claim you work for Jews.
Claiming that evil is normal.
Claiming that their criminal actions and that evil is the will of god.
Using confusion.
Claiming that there is no such thing as truth.

Claiming "life is an illusion."
Threatening to torture and murder children if you go after them.
Claiming they are blackmailed into attacking innocent people which seems to be the primary reason to what makes them feel justified for their crimes.
Claiming that they are controlled by others while disregarding the fact they directly attack people. They take no responsibility for their own actions.

World Crime Syndicate 
Ordo Ab Chao

Spies, informants and new enemies - Today’s intelligence agencies | DW Documentary

Spy Cables reveal Israel’s Mossad tactics

Human Rights Abuses in Saudi Arabia with Joey Shea  (All bogposts, esp. the recent months', apply),expense%20to%20combat%20this%20issue.  

Corruptology: Cheats Never Prosper.

The scope of this blogpost can be substantiated, evidenced and expounded infinitely when reviewed in light of the excellent wealth of information and documentation contained in: 

World Crime Syndicate 
Ordo Ab Chao

Sorting Out and Dissolving: diabolical deception/ dialectics/ delusions/ mass-dumbness/ [cognitive] dissonance/ delirium/ dajjala & SSHIt!!

  The True Authors of Communism & Socialism [and almost every "-ism"]: The JESUITS  !! June 19, 2020   James Arendt 6     This...