Sunday, February 4, 2024

Bull-SSHIt Science/Tech/"Authorities" ... And The [Unlawful, Spooky & Ugly] "Innovative-Murder-Practice" Pandemic/Scamdemic/Plunder Business[es]!!


Ho's Ain't Loyal!! Dajjal/Lucifer Is No Role Model!!

Fake research papers [will] jeopardise drug development [and the Big Pharma Cabal & Medical Mafia], warn academics.

‘The situation has become appalling’: fake scientific papers push research credibility to crisis point!

Last year, 10,000 sham papers had to be retracted by academic journals, but experts think this is just the tip of the iceberg

Tens of thousands of bogus research papers are being published in journals in an international scandal that is worsening every year, scientists have warned. Medical research is being compromised, drug development hindered and promising academic research jeopardised thanks to a global wave of sham science that is sweeping laboratories and universities.

Last year the annual number of papers retracted by research journals topped 10,000 for the first time. Most analysts believe the figure is only the tip of an iceberg of scientific fraud.

“The situation has become appalling,” said Professor Dorothy Bishop of Oxford University. “The level of publishing of fraudulent papers is creating serious problems for science. In many fields it is becoming difficult to build up a cumulative approach to a subject, because we lack a solid foundation of trustworthy findings. And it’s getting worse and worse.”

The startling rise in the publication of sham science papers has its roots in China, where young doctors and scientists seeking promotion were required to have published scientific papers. Shadow organisations – known as “paper mills” – began to supply fabricated work for publication in journals there.

The practice has since spread to India, Iran, Russia, former Soviet Union states and eastern Europe, with paper mills supplying ­fabricated studies to more and more journals as increasing numbers of young ­scientists try to boost their careers by claiming false research experience. In some cases, journal editors have been bribed to accept articles, while paper mills have managed to establish their own agents as guest editors who then allow reams of ­falsified work to be published.

Dr Dorothy Bishop: ‘People are building careers on the back of this tidal wave of fraudulent science.’ Photograph: Alicia Canter/The Guardian

“Editors are not fulfilling their roles properly, and peer reviewers are not doing their jobs. And some are being paid large sums of money,” said Professor Alison Avenell of Aberdeen University. “It is deeply worrying.”

The products of paper mills often look like regular articles but are based on templates in which names of genes or diseases are slotted in at random among fictitious tables and figures. Worryingly, these articles can then get incorporated into large databases used by those working on drug discovery.

Others are more bizarre and include research unrelated to a journal’s field, making it clear that no peer review has taken place in relation to that article. An example is a paper on Marxist ideology that appeared in the journal Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. Others are distinctive because of the strange language they use, including references to “bosom peril” rather than breast cancer and “Parkinson’s ailment” rather Parkinson’s disease.

Watchdog groups – such as Retraction Watch – have tracked the problem and have noted retractions by journals that were forced to act on occasions when fabrications were uncovered. One study, by Nature, revealed that in 2013 there were just over 1,000 retractions. In 2022, the figure topped 4,000 before jumping to more than 10,000 last year.

Of this last total, more than 8,000 retracted papers had been published in journals owned by Hindawi, a subsidiary of the publisher Wiley, figures that have now forced the company to act. “We will be sunsetting the Hindawi brand and have begun to fully integrate the 200-plus Hindawi journals into Wiley’s ­portfolio,” a Wiley spokesperson told the Observer.

The spokesperson added that Wiley had now identified hundreds of fraudsters present in its portfolio of journals, as well as those who had held guest editorial roles. “We have removed them from our systems and will continue to take a proactive … approach in our efforts to clean up the scholarly record, strengthen our integrity processes and contribute to cross-industry solutions.”

But Wiley insisted it could not tackle the crisis on its own, a message echoed by other publishers, which say they are under siege from paper mills. Academics remain cautious, however. The problem is that in many countries, academics are paid according to the number of papers they have published.

“If you have growing numbers of researchers who are being strongly incentivised to publish just for the sake of publishing, while we have a growing number of journals making money from publishing the resulting articles, you have a perfect storm,” said Professor Marcus Munafo of Bristol University. “That is exactly what we have now.”

The harm done by publishing poor or fabricated research is demonstrated by the anti-parasite drug ivermectin. Early laboratory studies indicated it could be used to treat Covid-19 and it was hailed as a miracle drug. However, it was later found these studies showed clear evidence of fraud, and medical authorities have refused to back it as a treatment for Covid.

“The trouble was, ivermectin was used by anti-vaxxers to say: ‘We don’t need vaccination because we have this wonder drug,’” said Jack Wilkinson at Manchester University. “But many of the trials that underpinned those claims were not authentic.”

Wilkinson added that he and his colleagues were trying to develop protocols that researchers could apply to reveal the authenticity of studies that they might include in their own work. “Some great science came out during the pandemic, but there was an ocean of rubbish research too. We need ways to pinpoint poor data right from the start.”

The danger posed by the rise of the paper mill and fraudulent research papers was also stressed by Professor Malcolm MacLeod of Edinburgh University. “If, as a scientist, I want to check all the papers about a particular drug that might target cancers or stroke cases, it is very hard for me to avoid those that are fabricated. Scientific knowledge is being polluted by made-up material. We are facing a crisis.”

This point was backed by Bishop: “People are building careers on the back of this tidal wave of fraudulent science and could end up running scientific institutes and eventually be used by mainstream journals as reviewers and editors. Corruption is creeping into the system.”

Disillusioned Americans are losing faith in almost every profession 

To paraphrase Flannery O’Connor, much like a man, a good job is hard to find. And selling your soul (or at least a year and change of your life) to the man is no simple feat either, especially in the 21st century, where most jobs feel like swimming through muck as Americans navigate the polluted waters of late-stage capitalism. But don’t take our word for it.

People across the nation are looking at most professions with narrowed eyes and a level of skepticism once reserved for a dog with chocolate on its beard. The widespread malaise dates back at least to that modern classic of sociology, Robert Putnam’s Bowling Alone, published in 2000, which employed the metaphor of the decline of the suburban bowling league for Americans’ disenchantment and isolation. Two decades later, we are emerging from the convulsions of the pandemic to a “loneliness epidemic” that the surgeon general compared last year to smoking a dozen cigarettes daily. Now another nail in the coffin is none other than Gallup and its most recent 2023 Honesty and Ethics poll, revealing America’s slipping trust in its workforce.

Surveying about 800 U.S. adults on 23 jobs, Gallup found that almost all professions have declined in terms of how most people view the moral standards of workers in them. In other words, more and more of us think most jobs are pretty shady these days.

The survey, which dates back to 1976, finds that almost all (12 out of 13) jobs have declined in ethical ratings in just one year. In a sweepstakes of mistrust of sorts, the only profession that escaped the slump was labor union leader. Trust has been chipped away over the years, to the tune of an average of six points since 2019.

It’s no shock that Americans’ belief in the system is dwindling. In a time of increased polarization, especially on the right, many Americans have found that candidates on both sides of the aisle fail to deliver on their lofty promises. As trust in our federal institutions crumbles to almost record lows, Americans are forced to deal with an economy that can only be described as feeling “bad.”

Even if economists insist that the situation is less gloomy, many adults feel especially fatigued as they graduate from a crumbling education system and enter the pressure cooker of applying to college in order to somehow access an elusive dream job. Many young adults leave higher-ed with oversize student loans and navigate an economy marked by high inflation that stretches all the way into a $1 million price tag on a comfortable retirement. Americans are also living in an age with higher access to information, keenly aware of the problems of today, from pervasive climate change to constant news about socioeconomic turmoil and war. It’s all enough to make even optimists a little cynical, as the dissolution of a dream is blamed on professionals across the board.

The most and least trustworthy of the lot

The good, bad, and ugly find a new name in politics, the media, and pharmacists. Senators, clergy, and congresspeople, as well as journalists and pharmacists, had an especially difficult year as their ethics ratings “hit new lows,” per Gallup. Most of the least trusted jobs are held by those in government as well as people in sales, including car salespeople and advertising practitioners.

On the other side of the spectrum are jobs including dentists, engineers, and veterinarians. Nurses have held the title of the profession with the highest regarded ethics for 22 years now. When the pandemic was raging, nurses were held in even higher regard but have since dropped in ethics ratings. Even if we trust our nurses, we don’t pay or treat them all too well. As the banging of pots receded in the wake of the first waves of COVID-19, real respect wasn’t reflected all that much in the sector as about 100,000 nurses quit owing to burnout.

Wrinkles develop in our trust of professions depending on a respondent’s college education and political leaning. On the whole and across years of conducting the survey, college graduates tend to rate professions higher on the ethical scale than non–college graduates. And depending on what political party one identifies with, some jobs are more likely to be trusted as Republican-leaning respondents trust cops more than Democrats and vice versa when it comes to college educators. Gallup attributes some of the disparity to election cycles and the party that is currently in office. So, while across the board we feel our jobs are less ethical, which jobs seem the most corrupt might depend on how you identify.

And as Gen Z enters the workforce, they’ve made a name for themselves as they look to accept jobs that align more with their ideals and morals. It’s a tricky dance, as some financially strapped adults are often put in a bind while looking for good pay as well and find themselves forced to compromise one or the other desire. It seems as if, across the board, people are realizing the term “dream job” is too often an oxymoron.

Our understanding of the virus [/"pandemic"] has changed so much. Yet some ‘experts’ doggedly cling to theories they proposed two years ago

The ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero

After Admitting Mistake, AstraZeneca Faces Difficult Questions About Its Vaccine

Experts said the company’s spotty disclosures have eroded confidence.

The plandemic stripped the West of any moral legitimacy, or pretence of freedom or democracy. The Rothschild WEF freely admitted that they control all governments and plan to steal our money and freedom. Every social institution in the West was complicit in this hoax which killed or maimed millions: government, medicine, the mass media, church, the justice system and law enforcement. Why would they destroy their system? Did they simply overreach? Or was destroying our faith in society the real goal?  

The WEF has pulled off scams like COVID for a long time. Included are both world wars, the Cold War,
JFK and other assassinations,  9-11, climate change wonder they thought they could get away with it.

Fauci Admits That the Six-Foot Social Distancing Rule Was Completely Made Up and Had Zero Scientific Basis!!

'The public is right to be skeptical of any health mandates.'

Theresa Tam is Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, and for the past three years, she told you how to think, where you could go, what you could do. She told you whether or not you could have job, go to school, visit sick and dying parents and friends, ... and for many she even told them when to die!

Guru. Salesman. Sex pest

By chance, Aangirfan visited Rajneesh in India. 

Reportedly the CIA and its friends are linked to Rajneesh.

The 'CIA-run' Rajneesh Foundation is known as Osho.


Guru. Salesman. Sex pest

'Perhaps the most complex of the Indian godmen was the Bhagwan Rajneesh, suggests Brown. 

'The Gordon Gekko of the swami scene, Rajneesh looked both to the heavens and the bottom line, building an empire in the 1970s and 1980s that included a town in Oregon — which he renamed Rajneeshpuram — and the world's largest collection of Rolls-Royces. 

'In 1976, the actor Terence Stamp arrived at Rajneesh's Indian base in Pune and immediately recognised a fellow performer, likening him to Orson Welles.

'Stamp became ensconced in the ashram: 'I had a new name, I was wearing orange, I was studying tantric sex. It wasn't uninteresting!'

'Rajneesh's American enterprise, which drew thousands of visitors, crumbled in the mid-1980s, following reports of violent therapy sessions, sex scandals and a litany of crimes: followers were convicted of bio-terror attacks, arson and attempted murder. 

'Their leader was arrested, fined and deported back to India.'


Behind the scenes at the Rajneesh Foundation (Osho)

We paid only a brief visit to the Rajneesh compound in Pune in India.

As I wandered round the place I decided that the Rajneesh movement was designed to entice gullible, rich idiots - the sort who are only too happy to have their minds controlled and their money removed.

Sai Baba

When I came across Sai Baba in London, I could see almost immediately that he was a total conman.

While everyone had their heads bowed, I looked Sai Baba in the eye.

He grinned at me; as if he was happy to see at least one person who admired his genius as a trickster.

I was accompanied by the wife of a spook.

She thought Sai Baba was most impressive. 


'In India, he was known as the 'Sex Guru' and attracted tens of thousands of followers from all over the world, including celebrities, from the venerable British journalist Bernard Levin to film star Terence Stamp.

Read more:

'In the U.S. he was dubbed the 'Rolls-Royce Guru'. Given that he owned 93 of the luxury cars, the title was more than fair.

'His followers were often highly educated professionals ready to reject the strictures of middle-class convention and seek enlightenment first in India and later at communes in Oregon, Cologne and Suffolk.

'Some left spouses and children, while others donated everything they had to the cult...

'However, it was the group's attempt to build a $100 million utopian city in a remote corner of the northwestern state of Oregon that became its downfall in the Eighties, -

Resulting in a jaw-dropping scandal that included attempted murder, election rigging, arms smuggling and a mass poisoning that still ranks as the largest bio-terror attack in U.S. history.'

Rajneesh's move to Oregon in 1981 was prompted by an investigation by the Indian authorities over immigration fraud, tax evasion and drug smuggling. 

Rajneesh left day-to-day running of the movement to Ma Anand Sheela, his secretary, who became his official mouthpiece.

Rajneesh was spending heavily to feed his serious dependence on drugs, taking large amounts of Valium and inhaling nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to get high... 

He returned to Pune, renamed himself Osho, and died aged 58 of heart failure in 1990.

Today, there are still small numbers of Rajneeshi devotees around the world.

In the years since the cult's heyday, former members have exposed ugly truths about the free-love culture: some women were raped, abortions were sometimes enforced and nearly 90 per cent of disciples had a sexually transmitted disease.

Insiders have also admitted that Rajneesh had some very unsavoury views, including being a fan of Hitler and euthanasia.

In a final irony, the Oregon ranch that was once a haven for free sex is now a Christian youth camp where evangelical young Americans are taught the virtues of sexual abstinence.

Read more:

Palestine has been a testing ground for repressive technologies exported around the world, from spy software to killer drones.

Whether it’s drone technology or the infamous Pegasus spy software, Israel has long developed and refined repressive technologies used by governments around the world by testing them on Palestinians. Antony Loewenstein, journalist and author of The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a deep dive into the disturbing links between Israeli Apartheid, the arms industry, and global repression of civilian populations.

Studio Production: David Hebden, Adam Cole, Cameron Granadino
Post-Production: Adam Coley, Kayla Rivara
Opening Sequence by: Cameron Granadino


Chris Hedges:  The Palestinians are human laboratory rats to the Israeli military intelligence services and arms and technology industries. Israel’s drones, surveillance technology including spyware, facial recognition software, and biometric gathering infrastructure, along with smart fences, experimental bombs, and AI-controlled machine guns are all tried out on the captive population in Gaza, often with lethal results. These weapons and technologies are then certified as “battle-tested” and sold around the world.

Israel is the tenth largest arms dealer on the planet and sells its technology and weapons to an estimated 130 nations, including military dictatorships in Asia and Latin America. Israeli weapons sales totaled $12.5 billion last year. Its close relationship with these military internal security surveillance, intelligence gathering, and law enforcement agencies explains the fulsome support Israel’s allies give to its genocidal campaign in Gaza.

When Colombian president, Gustavo Petro refused to condemn the October 7 attack by Palestinian resistance groups as a terrorist attack and said, “Terrorism is killing innocent children in Palestine,” Israel immediately halted all sales of defense and security equipment to Columbia. This global cabal dedicated to permanent war and keeping its populations monitored and controlled has hundreds of billions of dollars a year in sales.

These technologies are cementing into place a supernational, corporate totalitarianism: A world where populations are enslaved in ways that past totalitarian regimes could only imagine. It is not a far cry from Gaza to the camps and detention centers set up for migrants fleeing to Europe from Africa and the Middle East. It is not a far cry from the carpet bombing in Gaza to the endless wars in the Middle East and the global south. It is not a far cry from the anti-terrorism laws used to criminalize dissent in Israel to the anti-terrorism laws introduced in Europe and the US. Joining me to discuss this use of Palestinians as human guinea pigs for the Israeli weapons and technology industry is Antony Loewenstein, author of The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World.

So your book, which is a great read, lays out the rise of this arms industry, which originally was a state industry and then privatized. One of the points you made at the end of the book, which is very fascinating, is how much of the apparatus to keep the Palestinians under control is essentially now handed over to private firms. I want to quote Elliott Abrams, whom I’ve interviewed, “The role of Israel is to serve as a model, an example in military might, in innovation, in encouraging childbirth.” This is one of the themes of your book that much of Israel’s support and power derives from its connection to this global arms network. So let’s lay out some of the innovations that Israel has pioneered. We can begin with Pegasus and drones. They’re at the forefront of some of the most advanced technologies and weapon systems that are used to control subject populations.

Antony Loewenstein:  In some ways, the genesis of the book was partly due to some of the reporting around Pegasus a few years ago. Listeners or viewers will be aware that Pegasus is a spyware tool that is made by NSO Group, which is an Israeli company and it was started to be used about 15 or so years ago by a range of countries. The country that it was first mostly used in was Mexico as various governments there were desperate to fight a failed drug war, and it only made the violence worse. But what’s interesting back then and also now is Mexico remains, Chris, to this day, the world’s biggest and most obsessive user of Pegasus. Obsessed.

Whether it’s the right-wing government or nominally left-wing government, Pegasus is now in dozens of countries. I don’t even know how many, I think about 70, 80, or 90. In some ways, the reason I partly wrote the book was to say that the media was obsessed with Pegasus. Pegasus is an important investigation; It’s a tool that is put on the phones of activists and human rights workers in countless countries. And it breaches human rights. That’s terrible. But the problem was that it was too often framed as this rogue Israeli company doing terrible things. As I show in the book, it’s not that: It’s an arm of the state as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are arms of the US government. Now, Lockheed Martin is a private company. It has a board, sure, and it makes profits or not. But essentially it’s an arm of the state. Right? It’s used by the government in various foreign policy agendas or goals.

Pegasus is the same. I started looking at that issue by saying that now probably, Israel is number one or two in the world for spyware, and Pegasus and NSO Group in some ways are a smokescreen. Because there are so many other companies that are doing the same thing. So if NSO Group goes bust tomorrow – And it’s in a bit of financial trouble at the moment – It’s not going to make any difference. There are so many other companies doing the same thing using that whole allure of being able to spy on pretty much anybody, which is why to this day no country wants to regulate this, no country. They’re all obsessed with it. That’s been the fundamental problem at the moment.

Chris Hedges:  Explain how Pegasus works. We should note that it was also used on Jamal Khashoggi’s fiance, Jamal, who I knew being a Saudi journalist who was dismembered in the Saudi embassy and a consulate in Turkey. But explain how it works.

Antony Loewenstein:  Pegasus is a silent tool. It can be installed on your iPhone or Android. It doesn’t matter what phone you have. Years ago, a lot of us used to get random text messages. You’d click on the link, you’d forget about it, and you’d move on. That was the way it used to work. So country X or intelligence agency Y would have this tool, let’s say, in India, in some other country. They would then send a message to the phone of an activist, human rights worker, or a lawyer, that person would click on a link, their phone would be infected, and they wouldn’t know.

There’s no way to know yourself without it being forensically checked. These days it doesn’t even require a text message. All it requires is someone knowing your number. That’s it. And it can access all your information. It can even access your phone and microphone when the phone is off. So it can be used as a weapon against you. As I show in the book, I interviewed huge amounts of people in Mexico, India, and elsewhere. These are people often lawyers who are challenging the state.

In Mexico, I interviewed a woman whose husband was murdered by, almost certainly, Narcos. Then after his death, her phone was being surveilled by the Mexican state. It’s never entirely clear even to this day why in her case it was surveilled. But it shows that there is this utter obsession with various intelligence services to get access to all this personal information. It’s important to note that one thing that was clear in researching this particular tool is that Pegasus and tools like this have become – And it was said to be in The New York Times a few years ago, and I questioned some of this in the book but two journalists wrote – The most powerful weapon in the world since the invention of the nuclear bomb.

Now, I would question that because nuclear bombs clearly can cause carnage, to put it mildly. Pegasus doesn’t directly kill anybody per se, but what it does is it means that privacy is close to dead. At the moment there is this massive proliferation of these tools. Israel of course – This is the key point – Uses Pegasus and other tools as a key foreign policy agenda. I show in the book Netanyahu and Mossad, over the last decade, would go to countries where Israel had no close relations: Rwanda and India when Modi came in, and others: Saudi, UAE. They hold Pegasus up as a diplomatic carrot saying, we will sell you this amazing tool which you can surveil your citizens, whatever you want. But in return, we would like you to vote in a certain way in the UN or buy certain weapons. That’s how it works. I show a timeline when Netanyahu goes to Hungary to visit Orban or Modi in India, and 6-12 months later, Pegasus is in use. This is not accidental. This is a key part of Israeli foreign policy now.

Chris Hedges:  Let’s talk about the drone program. They pioneered drones. As I remember from the book, India is maybe their largest drone customer. These drones are used against migrants fleeing towards Europe, particularly Greece as well as the US-Mexico border.

Antony Loewenstein:  I have some interesting declassified documents from the ’80s where Israel was using drones in its war in Lebanon. When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, it was before the digital era, but Israel was using drones. In this amazing document that I have in the book from the CIA, they’re shocked and amazed at how incredible – That’s their words – These drones are, how effective they are, and they wonder – Back in the ’80s – How Israel will be a global pioneer of drones. Fast forward to the last decade or so, and as I show in the book, I have spent a lot of time in Gaza as a reporter in the last 15 or so years there has been a proliferation of testing of drones, particularly around Gaza.

I’m putting aside what’s happened since October 7, although it’s happening since then too. But in the last 15 years huge amounts of drones are being tested above Gaza, some armed, some not, used in the various Israeli invasions, incursions, or whatever you want to call it in Gaza. Those drones are then called “battle-tested” and then they’re sold to huge amounts of nations around the world. The part that shocked me the most was the use by the EU. The EU is buying Israeli drones. They’re unarmed, yes. And viewers will be aware that in the last 10 or so years, there’s been a huge influx of migrants coming from Africa and the Middle East, after 2015 when the Europeans said they didn’t want to repeat that huge influx of people coming. Of course, if you’re Ukrainian and white, they’ll welcome you in. And I have no problem with Ukrainians being welcomed in. But clearly, if you’re Black or Brown it’s not going to be the same.

EU created this fortress, and European and Israeli drones are part of that. Frontex, which is the European border force, uses Israeli drones 24/7 in the Mediterranean, circling the Mediterranean, sending back real-time images to Frontex, which is based in Warsaw, Poland of what’s happening. The EU has made a clear decision to let people drown; That is obvious. They barely issue rescue boats and they criminalize people who are trying to rescue migrants. Israeli drones are a key part of that infrastructure and eye in the sky and Israeli drones have appeared in India and various other countries. In the last years, Israel remains one of the key drone makers of the world, and increasingly, so is Turkey. Turkey makes a cheaper version of what Israel has been developing and therefore Turkish drones are now also appearing in many nations around the world in many conflicts.

Chris Hedges:  Let’s talk about who Israel sells to. It’s easier to tick off the list of who they don’t sell to. I covered the conflicts in Guatemala and El Salvador in the 1980s. Israel was supplying weapons, including napalm, to the Salvadorans and the Guatemalans. They were one of the most fervent supporters of the apartheid regime in South Africa, they worked with Pinochet’s Chile, and the Rwandan genocide was perpetrated with Israeli weapons. They will provide military equipment to the most heinous regimes, including the latest ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh. You mentioned three countries: Iran, North Korea, and I don’t know who the other one was.

Antony Loewenstein:  I think I say Syria.

Chris Hedges:  Maybe Syria

Antony Loewenstein:  As far as we’re aware.

Chris Hedges:  Right. As far as we’re aware.

Antony Loewenstein:  As far as we’re aware. It’s interesting to note though, that before 1979 and the Islamic Revolution, Israel and Iran were incredibly close. The fact that Iran was run by a dictator did not impede the selling of weapons. They were worried that the rise of the Islamic Revolution would impede their sales, which it did. On the one hand, I shouldn’t have been that surprised. It’s important to note America remains the world’s biggest arms dealer. 45% of the world’s arms come from America, so they are leaders by far. Israel is tenth. One of the things that shouldn’t have shocked me but did was Myanmar, in the last years, has been committing genocide against its Rohingya population – Many of them have been killed and many have been kicked out into Bangladesh – Even after the UN found that Myanmar was committing genocide, Israel was still selling surveillance and weapons to the Myanmar regime.

As you say, it’s hard to list. There are so many of them. It’s also worth saying that India – And India is a big focus of the book because India is now the world’s biggest country population-wise, the world’s biggest self-described democracy. Although I would very much question that. A key ally of the US and certainly my country, Australia, and most Western nations, because it’s not China – India is building a Hindu fundamental estate under Modi, a proudly chauvinist nation where Muslims are discriminated against openly. There are pogroms against Muslims. Now, India and Israel didn’t have a great relationship before Modi came in. There was a relationship in decades past. Modi comes in 2014 as Prime Minister and there’s a love affair between Netanyahu and Modi. There’s this image that some viewers may have seen of the two of them stepping onto the beach, getting their feet wet, talking about how much they love each other, who knows, no audio was recorded.

But this relationship is central to why I wrote the book. There is a growing global ethno-nationalist surge, India being the most obvious example, of nations that proudly discriminate against non-majority populations. In India, it’s against Hindus, against Muslims. In Israel, it’s Jews against anyone who’s not Jewish. And I say this as someone Jewish myself, that the whole alliance between Israel and India reminds me very much of Israel and South Africa: Nations that proudly discriminate against non-so-called acceptable populations and are therefore inspiring others. Israel has become the inspiration to so many countries and far-right and rightists around the world, putting aside liberal Zionists for a minute, who over the years have had a love for Israel. I’m talking about India, Hungary, and various other nations, not selling weapons but selling the idea of getting away with it.

That’s something I talk about a lot in the book, that the idea that Israel can get away with it, each being occupation, endless colonization, brutalizing Palestinians, selling weapons to God knows who and God knows where, goes to the heart of why Israel is, to me, a danger. Not only to Palestinians, which is bad enough, but a model. Finally, Chris, I say in the book that you often go to far-right rallies – And I go there for work, to be clear. For work purposes – In the US, Australia, and elsewhere, the Israeli flag is a constant presence. It’s not unusual and these are not groups that traditionally like Jews. They don’t. I quote in the book Richard Spencer, that hideous alt-right leader in America who said a few years ago, I’m a white Zionist. He doesn’t like Jewish people but he loves the idea of creating, for him and many like him, a Christian ethno-nationalist state.

You’ve written a lot of incredibly important work on Christian theocracy in the US and its potential growth and rise in domination. Israel is a touchpoint, as you would well know, for many of these groups. Not all, but many. And it’s not because lobbyist groups like Jews; Many of them do not. But they like what Israel is doing to Palestinians to unbelievably dominate and control them. And they’re proudly Jewish chauvinists. They’re Jewish supremacists. That’s what they want to create for Christians in America or Hindus in India. That to me is the danger.

Chris Hedges:  This is from your book according to Netanyahu, Jewish writer Peter Beinarr explained, “The future belonged not to liberalism as Obama defined it – Tolerance, equal rights, and the rule of law – But to authoritarian capitalism: governments that combined aggressive and often racist nationalism with economic and technological might. The future, Netanyahu implied, would produce leaders who resembled not Obama, but him.” It fits in with what you said. And unfortunately, I fear – I don’t know what you think – That he’s right.

Antony Loewenstein:  I fear that too because it’s worth saying that Obama wasn’t exactly a big believer in –

Chris Hedges:  No, he wasn’t.

Antony Loewenstein:  – Democracy and human rights either. Putting that issue aside, I fear that that is correct. And Netanyahu, I suspect, possibly hasn’t got a long life left as leader of Israel. It’s unclear because so many Israelis, even many who supported him, are understandably angry with him after what happened on October 7. He may not last long as a leader himself but his general analysis, I fear, is correct. Absolutely. There is this sense of country after country after country becoming enamored, not just with technological repression either from Israel or the US or others, but this idea somehow that you can maintain that domination forever.

October 7, as I touch on in the book or imply, although the book came out before October 7 is arguably a delusion. If you believe as a nation that you can repress people through technology forever, it’s a lie that will not work. Gaza is a key example of that; Even though Gaza was the key laboratory of Israel, they spent billions and billions in building walls and drones and surveillance. Hamas was able to breach that relatively easily. It took years of planning to do so but I fear the lesson will not be learned.

Gideon Levy, who’s a good friend of mine and an amazing Israeli journalist in Israel, has said that he fears that even now the lessons are not being learned by Israel and other leaders. What he means by that is that the lesson that Israel is taking from October 7, and the US took from 9/11, was the wrong one. It was that we need to invade and bomb and dominate even more which is born out of insecurity, not strength. Nonetheless, that’s the lesson that Israel is taking, not so much that we need to talk to Palestinians or negotiate with Palestinians. Those Israelis, some are saying that, but it’s a tiny minority.

Chris Hedges:  In your book, you talk about Sri Lanka. You can explain what happened. They destroyed the Tamil Tigers and the Israelis were full partners in that project. That fascinated me because I wondered if that was in the playbook for Gaza.

Antony Loewenstein:  A bit of background: 2009 was the end of the Sri Lankan civil war. It’d been going on for decades between the majority of the Sinhalese population and the Tamil Tigers who were a resistance movement for more Tamil rights and a Tamil homeland in Sri Lanka for years. Israel had been supporting the Sri Lankan government in selling planes, fighter jets, and other forms of technology weapons. 2009 happens and as some viewers remember, the Sri Lankan government was able to target the Tamils in a smaller, and smaller, and smaller part of the northern part of Sri Lanka.

Probably 40,000 Tamils were killed. We don’t know the exact number. There’s never been any real accountability for that. I do look at what’s happening in Gaza and I have thought of quite a lot about Sri Lanka since October 7. I don’t think there’s one united plan, there is to some degree a discussion, although within very narrow bounds in the Israeli political and military establishment. Northern Gaza is obliterated. It’s apocalyptic. It’s probably very likely there will be a resumption of some fighting in Gaza. I don’t know when, but soon. I have, as I’m sure you do, Chris, Palestinian friends in Gaza who are sheltering in refugee camps in their own country and now in the southern part of Gaza, who are struggling. Their homes have been destroyed. They have no connection to Hamas.

These are civilians living in Gaza. If Gaza’s infrastructure is completely obliterated that leaves only a handful of options: Permanent tent cities in Gaza, or the dream of many of the Israeli political elite – And also let’s be clear, many in the Israeli public based on public opinion polls – Kicking the Palestinians out. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon. So far, Egypt, despite bringing dictatorship, has not acquiesced to that. They have not opened the borders enough to allow that many Palestinians into the Sinai. That could change. The Egyptian economy is on its knees. Will they accept lots of money and bribes? I very much hope not, but we don’t know. I do fear the plan in Gaza is not dissimilar to what Sri Lanka did in the northern part of that country. And the outcome in Sri Lanka is that the war is over but Tamils are still regarded as second-class citizens in their own country.

Chris Hedges:  Let’s talk about the Alpha Gun Angels. It’s a little sidelight but something disgusting that I didn’t know existed until you wrote it and until I read it.

Antony Loewenstein:  Yes. Well, there is a side industry, you could call it, of Israeli and Jewish women. They’ve often been in the military. They have fetishized or sexualized the Israeli military. You have these groups of women who are scantily clad, often holding guns, and posing in photo shoots as if they’re at war in Gaza or somewhere else as an idea and a way to show two things: One, the IDF is female-friendly. You can be an incredibly sexy woman and still be in the IDF and kill Palestinians. That’s the implication. Secondly, that Israeli women are cool. That’s the message they’re trying to send. I don’t know if it’s particularly effective but that’s the message they’re trying to send. For years I’ve been following this story and there’s been a real push by the IDF Israeli army to show how gender-friendly they are, how gay-friendly they are, how trans-friendly they are, and how vegan-friendly they are.

We laugh in a way by saying this but I have a big section in the book talking about how this is such a key part of Israeli messaging, so-called Hasbara. I’m not entirely convinced it’s massively successful. People can argue that either way but a lot of Israel’s social media in the last 10 or so years has focused on this issue. We give vegan meals to soldiers who want them. We are trans-friendly, we are women-friendly, we are gay-friendly. You can wave the rainbow flag. About two weeks after the Israeli invasion of Gaza, there was this Israeli soldier in Gaza – The background was apocalyptic – Holding the rainbow flag. This image went viral. I did a story about it. The message was very clear: We want to liberate Palestinians in Gaza who are gay to be themselves.

Now, the mocking that this got, justifiably, was clear. As if people were saying, right, so you’ve decimated Gaza and it’s apocalyptic, but gee, you can be a gay Palestinian and some may have freedom in Gaza. The cognitive dissidence to believe that. And that ties into these girls you’re talking about. These women over the last few years have been traveling around Israel and the world promoting an image of Israel as liberal, but also militaristic. Pro-feminist, but also gun-friendly. That’s why a lot of pro-gun groups in the US – Mostly men, let’s be honest – Are into the sexualization of Israeli gun-wielding women.

Chris Hedges:  We should note that one of the uses of Pegasus or the spyware was to entrap gay Palestinian men, as you write in the book, and turn them into informants.

Antony Loewenstein:  Indeed. There’s a big part of 8200, which is the equivalent of the US’s NSA. Its whole base injector is to monitor Palestinians 24/7 across the occupied territory. So one thing they do is to try to find, so-called weak spots: A man who’s married to a woman who might be gay, a man who might be having an affair with a woman. In other words, someone who is “doing something unconventional.” I use that term loosely. When they get that information, they will then try to turn that person into a spy. We don’t know how many Palestinians are collaborators. Some are. It’s a tiny minority, but some are. In Gaza too. And it’s often, as I say in the book because there’s been a siege on Gaza for close to 20 years, enforced by Israel and Egypt to get out of Gaza.

I’ve spoken to Palestinians who have been offered this but refused it. To get out of Gaza on the Israeli side, they’ve been told you can leave to go to study overseas or go to a hospital in Israel or elsewhere, you have to spy for us for Israel. And that’s how they blackmail people because they gather information from this 24/7 global surveillance network. Interestingly, October 7 shows that not only did the Israeli intelligence fail, was arrogance and hubris, but also the American intelligence failed. It’s interesting to note since speaking to the various sources I have – And there’s been some decent reporting in the last six weeks – That although the US after 9/11 is spying on Israel a lot… I talk in the book that there are about 3-400 NSA employees in the US whose everyday job is to spy on Israel. That’s their job. So they’re an ally, but also America doesn’t entirely trust them. I’m sure that works both ways, but America was not particularly “helping” Israel to detect so-called terrorist threats.

I want to add this if I could, that I’m the co-editor and co-founder of a group called Declassified Australia, which is a news-gathering organization. We did a story a few weeks ago that showed that Pine Gap, which is a key US intelligence gathering center in my country, Australia, is used as a key intelligence-gathering venue the US used in Iraq and Afghanistan to target so-called terrorists but kill huge amounts of civilians. It’s been used by the US since October 7 to give intelligence to Israel in its so-called targeting of Hamas. Now, the reason that’s relevant is – Apart from the fact that you have a massive US intelligence base in the center of Australia, which is being expanded in the US expansion in my part of the world to target China. And Australia, sadly is a key ally in that madness – To have a US and Australian spy base in the center of Australia, being used to funnel information to Israel – How they’re using that information is not entirely clear – It makes legal culpability very clear.

On the US side and the Australian side as it was when the US was targeting so-called terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria or elsewhere – I say so-called because huge amounts of civilians were killed – That global US intelligence infrastructure is being used as is the F-35A. F-35A is a weapon that Israel is using over Gaza. The global supply chain involves many countries. At Declassified Australia we also had a story showing that a key part, of when the door is being opened at the bottom of the F-35 to drop weapons on Gaza, that part is made here in Melbourne, Australia. So you have a global supply chain of companies that are directly complicit in what Israel is doing which seems like, if the ICC is listening, hello, there’s a lot to be done.

Chris Hedges:  Let’s talk about privatization. You talk about the neoliberalism that transformed Israel, which was a socialist state, major state-owned enterprises were sold off, and privatized, especially in the 1990s. Israel has very high-income inequality: The poverty rate is 23% in Israel and 36% for the Arab population. And you write, “Many Palestinians are unaware of how the occupation has been privatized because it makes no difference if a state officer or private individual harasses or humiliates them.” You go on to write, “Many checkpoints through which Palestinians are forced to travel to access their schools, workplaces, or Israel – If they are fortunate enough to get one of the few work permits handed out by the Jewish state – Use facial recognition technology and biometric details to document their every move.” But these are private companies. So explain that. What’s happened to how private for-profit firms are managing the occupation?

Antony Loewenstein:  It’s worth saying obviously that Israel was a self-described socialist country, but a socialist country for Jews. It’s obvious to say that.

Chris Hedges:  Well, yes. That’s right.

Antony Loewenstein:  As some older viewers will be aware, it’s amazing to think now that so much of the global left was enamored with Israel for the first 20 years of its existence. Anyway, that was a bit of blindness that we can talk about some other time. But Netanyahu was a key factor in this, that yes, Israel had a quasi-socialist background. In the last 20 or so years, there’s been a shift, not just neoliberal policies within Israel itself, but also outsourcing the occupation. And in some ways, it goes along with the massive expansion of settlements. You now have roughly three-quarters of a million Jewish settlers living in occupied territory, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. A lot of the guards or security officers who are working on both settler checkpoints but also Israeli checkpoints are run by private companies. I lived in East Jerusalem between 2016 and 2020 and have been visiting there for close to 20 years. I’ve spent a lot of time looking into these issues and it’s worth saying that it’s been outsourced and the accountability was zero. Even if an Israeli soldier commits an abuse, let alone if a private interest does.

It’s important also to say that a lot of these companies are Israeli, but many of them that are doing this are foreign and international. That’s relevant because the UN had tried for years to release this list of global companies and Israeli companies that were directly complicit in the occupation, and therefore they should be boycotted. They released a list several years ago, it caused a big scandal in some circles, and about 20 or so of those companies then removed themselves from being involved in managing the occupation, so to speak. But there are still around 100 companies, Israeli and foreign, that are directly involved day-to-day in so-called managing the occupation. That to me is not only illegal and immoral, but also right for a boycott campaign, which I suspect will increase in the coming years after what we’ve seen the last six weeks.

Chris Hedges:  Can you talk about AnyVision? It’s changed its name to Oosto and then Unit 8200.

Antony Loewenstein:  AnyVision, which has changed its name, is a facial recognition company, an Israeli company that was testing this at Israeli checkpoints. So what that means is that when Palestinians want to, say, move around the West Bank, if they want to potentially go from the West Bank into Israel proper, they have to have their details checked, their irises often checked now, and they were gathering all this information. We don’t exactly know where that information was going. Still, it was going into Israel in a massive database that they were using to gather personal data on every single Palestinian, in the occupied territories. Those tools are then marketed globally. They have appeared in huge amounts of infrastructure from airports to other places around the world. And when those companies promote it, whether AnyVision uses the term “battle-tested” I’m not sure, but they are saying it’s been tested in Palestine “successfully.”

And that does tie into Unit 8200, which is, as I said, Israel’s NSA. It is the body that gathers intelligence on Israelis and Palestinians. I should say, that there is a lot of evidence that the occupation is coming home, that a lot of Israeli Jews who for years believed that this was only happening to Palestinians down the road, are increasingly being surveilled themselves. And I’m not talking about since October 7, although particularly since then. There is a move within Israel to criminalize dissent entirely, whether it’s by Arabs or Jews.

But Unit 8200 has become this quite infamous funnel of people who have worked in the military for years, developing all these tools and methods to surveil Palestinians, which they then take to the private sector to develop various forms of repression which they can then sell around the world. And by maintaining those close ties, that’s how it goes to my point earlier on, the NSO Group was essentially an arm of the state. Many of these companies, these surveillance companies, repressive tools, and biometric companies operating in the occupied territories or Gaza, are then used by Israel as a key selling point to make new friends, so to speak. It’s a transactional friendship, a transactional relationship.

And it’s why I think the Israeli armed industry is an insurance policy. It’s an insurance policy because some countries oppose what Israel is doing. Not many, not enough, but even the countries that publicly do oppose what Israelis are doing, many of them are still buying Israeli repressive technology. Mexico is one example amongst many. Often I think words matter, sure. What a government or prime minister or president says, it’s not irrelevant but what matters more is what you are doing, what you are buying, what you are deploying in your own country. So when you have 130, 140 nations in the world that in the last decades bought some form of Israeli defense technology, drones, missiles, spyware, whatever it may be, that’s what matters. Israel believes, probably with justification, that those nations, at least for now, are unlikely to turn on Israel while they’re so reliant on those tools of repression.

Chris Hedges:  Let’s talk about Blue Wolf or the Wolf Pack database.

Antony Loewenstein:  So this is a system that has been developed in the last five or so years that every Israeli soldier operating in the occupied territories has. The aim is to get personal information and data on every single Palestinian man, woman, and child. It’s entered into a massive database. That is then used to discriminate against those people potentially. What does that mean practically? Person X wants to go from the West Bank to Israel to work to get medical care. A Palestinian does not know what information has been collected on them, there’s no consent.

There’s testimony given usually anonymously, by Israeli soldiers, where it’s almost like a game. How many Palestinian personal details can we get on our mission tonight when we’re serving in the occupied territories? It goes without saying, but there is no transparency in this process. Zero. So Palestinians living in Hebron or Nablus or somewhere else, don’t know what information is being gathered, but we do know that it’s impacting their freedom of movement from place to place within the West Bank and also potentially further afield into Israel or overseas.

Chris Hedges:  “Israel innovates all sorts of crowd control,” you write. Sea of Tears, a drone that dropped tear gas canisters over a broad area, skunk water, the skunk water drone, a form of liquid emitted from a water cannon that left a foul smell on clothes and body for a long time. They were used on the Great March of Return, which was a largely nonviolent protest movement in Gaza where they went up to the border. Many of them, of course, were shot. Talk about some of the forms of crowd control that have been pioneered by Israel, that we have seen in places like Ferguson.

Antony Loewenstein:  Yeah. Well, this is something I talk about in the book, Chris, that there is a sense that Israel is using the West Bank, particularly East Jerusalem and Gaza, as a testing ground. Some of those examples then explain what they are. The Great March of Return, as you said, was Palestinians trying to march for their freedom and for the right to return to Israel where their ancestors used to live. The Sea of Tears was a drone that was dropping tear gas on people. It didn’t kill them but it certainly caused huge damage. And literally, while the March of Return was happening and while that drone, the Sea of Tears, was being used – I document this in the book – Other countries were wanting to buy it because it was being tested, so to speak, in real-time.

The connection between the US and Israel is key here. Soon after 9/11, there was a massive attempt by the pro-Israel lobby in the US, the Anti-Defamation League particularly, but other groups as well to have information sharing. So huge amounts of police forces went between Israel and the US and vice versa, training in tools of “people management.” They’re examples of police officers who have these quotes in the book going to Israel after 9/11, being inspired by what Israel is doing to Palestinians. Let’s be clear, as I say in the book, American police don’t need Israeli training to be repressive against Blacks and minorities. I’m not arguing that. But what I am saying is that they’re getting new tools of repression to the point where quite recently you had major Israeli border security individuals on the US-Mexico border looking at how the US “maintains” its border.

And it’s worth saying, you mentioned this before, I didn’t fully answer that, that on the US-Mexico border, there is a key part of that infrastructure, which was started by Obama, deepened by Trump, and continued by Biden now, of Israeli surveillance. There are massive Albert surveillance towers all across the US-Mexico border. Elbit is Israel’s biggest defense company. The reason the US initially was interested in this technology was because it had been tested and tried in Palestine, and “it works.” So you have all these massive surveillance towers. The aim is to both surveil potential migrants crossing the border and importantly Native Americans who live on their ancestral territory. And I have quotes in the book saying they can’t live securely in their territory because of these surveillance towers.

So again, it’s worth saying that there is this ideological alignment between many in the US who view Israel as almost on the frontline, I hate to use the term, the Wild West of crowd control, crowd management, crushing any resistance to overwhelming force. And they take those examples back to the US and vice versa. It’s like a feedback loop. It goes both ways. So as you say in Ferguson there was a lot of evidence that some, particularly, police in Ferguson had gone directly to Israel. That’s not necessarily the case. But some of the training that police forces in the US had used, including in Ferguson, had partly come from Israel.

Chris Hedges:  Talk about Frontex and how this Israeli technology is used to break into encrypted messaging apps, especially on refugee mobile phones.

Antony Loewenstein:  Yeah. Frontex is the EU’s border “security force.” And there was a real trauma inside Frontex, not that I feel sorry for them, but trauma after the 2015 refugee surge, mostly from Syria and elsewhere. Let’s not let that happen again. So now you have a situation where huge amounts of migrants are still trying to come from mostly Africa and the Middle East, escaping walls or conflicts or climate crisis disasters. And their phones, which are their smartphones – And are a vital way of knowing how to get there, people have maps on their phones, and personal details, and photos – Are often taken from people at EU border crossings. Information is taken from them. We don’t know exactly what information is taken but presumably, I sense that contacts in European nations – In an attempt to try to break up what they would call people smuggling networks, what I would say is humanitarian paths to a better life – And Israeli technology is part of that. It’s important to say that those Israeli drones are part of that infrastructure, but also the EU, which is Israel’s biggest trading partner.

It’s worth saying that. So when you have all these European nations in the last years expressing, now and then, concern about the occupation and concern about settlements. Just this week, one of the heads of the EU said, and I’m paraphrasing, in times of war, it’s outrageous that Israel would spend huge amounts of money on building more settlements because Israel has released its latest budget and there are huge amounts of money for settlements. I responded on Twitter, and what are you going to do about it? Because history suggests nothing. They’ll do nothing about it. Apart from the fact that I’m a German citizen and an Australian citizen, obviously in Germany, this issue is toxic: Germany is using its historical calamity, and disgusting actions during the Holocaust, including much of my family who were killed in the Holocaust, using that to support Israel’s historical absolution to somehow say that to be madly pro-Israel is to atone for our sins during the 12 years of Nazi Germany.

That has a practical impact because Israel is not only selling lots of weapons to Germany, but the Germans are also selling huge amounts of technology to Israel. Since October 7, there’s been a tenfold increase in weapons that Germany is selling to Israel, to assist in its horrific war in Gaza. This is what it means. So EU support for Israel. Gideon Levy, the journalist I mentioned before from Haaretz, went to a meeting with Netanyahu several years ago. Netanyahu looks at a map and says the whole world’s basically in support of Israel. There are a few nations in Europe, he pointed to Belgium, that gives us a bit of trouble, but overall we’re fine. Meaning occasionally the Belgian authorities express concern about settlements, which Israel doesn’t care about, but ultimately the EU has decided that they will not challenge Israel, even though EU infrastructure, Chris, is being destroyed in the West Bank constantly. And I wonder how and when that will change because it hasn’t changed yet.

Chris Hedges:  I want to close your last chapter. You quoted an Israeli human rights lawyer “Because of surveillance tech, a country can avoid massacring protestors now. Today, we’re able to identify and stop surveillance of the next Nelson Mandela before he even knows he’s Nelson Mandela.” What you describe in the book is the formation of a frightening, dystopian, Orwellian world that extends far beyond Israeli borders. But that, of course, Israel is integral to creating.

Antony Loewenstein:  I certainly don’t suggest that Israel is not able to commit massacres. And obviously, we’ve seen that since October 7. That quote was from Eitay Mack who is a great Israeli human rights lawyer. He spent a lot of time trying to uncover the Israeli arms industry. A lot of his work is in my book. I have quotes from people in Togo, for example, and various other nations across the globe that are often run by US-backed or Israeli-backed dictatorships back in the so-called bad old days, there were repressive regimes that were able to surveil people through various forms. Of course, that’s existed forever. But the difference now is that we are so, frankly, overly reliant on phones and the internet that all this technology is monitored 24/7. It doesn’t mean all information is always captured. The US issue after 9/11 was they were getting so much information, they couldn’t process it. Israel has a similar problem as we saw on October 7, but as you say, Israel to me is becoming, and has been for years, one of the global inspirations for repressive tech. Long before 9/11 and long after 9/11.

The danger of that is clear, that it becomes a model for repression. Israel shows countries how to do it. You can also repress your people if you buy this technology, this spyware, this drone, whatever it may be. The technology is not perfect – They of course don’t say that, but that’s what I’m saying – But it can create a global, almost architecture of control that is close to unbeatable, and the impact of that at a time where democracy is in decline. You could argue that even self-described democracies aren’t democracies anyway, but nations that claim to be democratic are increasingly moving more and more to an Israeli-style model. I’m not talking about an occupation, particularly. I’m talking about language. I was also talking about surveillance. The whole US rhetoric after 9/11, the so-called war on terror, was the Israeli playbook. It wasn’t the same but it was remarkably inspired by what Israel had been doing in Lebanon in the ’80s and onwards. Hugely similar.

Similar rhetoric about, so-called terrorism, they call it collateral damage but I would call it collateral murder. Something that a mutual friend Julian Assange – A fellow Australian, a great huge hero of mine, I’ve known Jillian since 2006, right at the beginning of Wiki Leaks – What people like him and many others have been saying for years is this is the threat, the idea of a complete architecture of global surveillance, which is close to unbeatable. Israel is a global leader in that. Alerting people to that is the first step. The next step is how to challenge that. A lot of the global response to October 7, both the attack by Hamas but also the insane, overwhelming, brutal war crimes that Israel is committing in Gaza, is bringing out a civil society action that I have not seen on this issue in my lifetime. I have Palestinian-Israeli friends, and I’m talking about mostly globally, not so much in Palestine, Israel itself, including fellow Jews and many Palestinians. And that to me is the only sliver of hope in what is a very dark time.

Scientology: The SSick & Criminal Illuminati [Roman] Christian Church/ Cult That's Been Running Saudi Arabia (and Too Many Other Countries/ "Muslim" Countries) For Over A Century!! 

The scope of this blogpost can be substantiated, evidenced and expounded infinitely when reviewed in light of the excellent wealth of information and documentation contained in: 

World Crime Syndicate 
Ordo Ab Chao


(What is the number/ percentage AFTER the c0vid SScamdemic?!)

Tactics and Defense Mechanisms of Evil


Always pretending to be in control.

Psychotic and delusional lying.

Childishly saying "no you" to ever person and thing that exposes them and then acting arrogant which includes everything exposing them here.

Constant slander and lying accusations.

Constant denial of their crimes.

Raging faggotry.

Raging blasphemy.

Arrogant grinning to appear confident when they are really scared.

Blood drunken induced psychopathy.

Violence, torture, and murder.

Declaring themselves brilliant for acting like demented and violent liars.

Using sadistic, murderous, and cannibalistic women as a weapon.

Blood drunken praising of themselves.
Financial persecution and paying people off to target people through employment.

Financing liars and slanderers.

Financing propagandists to dominate the internet.

Control the perception of "public opinion" through paid propagandists.

Claiming gang stalking is a democratic process. Organizing and ganging up on individuals in larger numbers and calling it democracy.

Gang stalkers acting like their victims are in a court room where the gang stalkers operate as the judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, and jury. 

Dictating lies with covert violence.

Calling the use of self defense against them "dictating lies with covert violence."

Psychotic insolence and terrorism.


Electronic vandalism like hacking vehicles and electronics to cause them to break.

Electronic harassment.

Recruiting local gang stalkers who use electronic weapons.

Insolent and demented mockeries.


Framing people.

Stealing other peoples writings, claiming them as their own, and using them as bait to target people in a controlled environment.

Poisoning people.


Electronic spying.

Violently attacking people and then running away and calling the people who expose them false accusers. That is them violently attacking people and calling their victims false accusers. That is a form of gaslighting.

Using more violence to dictate their lies and false accusations.

Claiming that exposing a criminal or criminal group while that criminal group is taking a break from their criminal activity is a false accusation. 

Claiming that a person can only expose criminals who are currently being criminal. 

Reverse psychology like the media pretending to be against Trump or Trump pretending to be against the media. The entire Trump psyop is using reverse psychology.

Political theater. Democratic and Republican shills covertly working together to spread division.

Divide and Conquer.

Republican cult members falsely accusing people of being liberal shills for exposing corrupt republican politicians

Democratic cult members falsely accusing people of being conservative shills for exposing corrupt democratic politicians.

Criminals arrogantly pretending they are in control. Fake omnipotence.

The weaker and more fearful they are the more they finance shills to defend them with boldness and arrogance. Fake omnipotence.

When they are scared they murder children.

Claiming they are gods or  claiming god does not exist because they really do murder children and if "god" existed then he would stop them and this is all because the Creator expects good people to do something about it.

When these criminals get killed they retaliate by killing innocent people or children.

Charlie Sheen's tactic of saying the word "winning" over and over again which is what Trump and his QAnon cult members do.

Always pretending to be in control even if they have to contradict themselves constantly to do it.

When members of these criminal families get killed they pretend that they are in control.

Using the placebo effect to induce mindless arrogance when they are scared.

Violently attacking people for exposing them and then also claiming that they controlled the person that exposes them. They are this blasphemous, insane, and childish. 

Pathological lying which includes contradicting lies and stupid lies built onto other stupid lies.

Attacking someone and claiming before they attack that person that their victim will react by exposing the ones attacking them and then the attackers claim to be all knowing. Part of their fake omnipotence and fake precognition.

Falsely accusing people of crimes they believe people are going to do in the future.

Pretending to "know what's going to happen."

Claiming that psychotic behaviors and insanity is genius.

Claiming that deep stupidity is genius.

Claiming that using violence and gang stalking is genius.

Making bold false claims. Bold lying.

Radiating vague one word spells at people.

Vague denial. Denial of information without debating any of the facts.

Them saying "NO YOU" to everything you say about them. "I know you are but what am I"

Evil people claiming that their evil associates are innocent. Defending each other.

Evil people trying to hijack opposition against evil like the Freemasons of 1776 or the alternative media that claims to oppose the NWO and then completely ignores those running the NWO.

Making lying accusations against people who really expose criminals.

Child murderers and pedophiles calling people that expose them false accusers.

Falsely accusing the victims usually of their crimes and usually only after they get called out first.

Claiming that if you are aware of evil then you are in on it. It is like saying if a woman was raped and then she exposed her rapist that because she had information on her rapist that she must have been in on it. They are really that insane and do claim this.

Calling people greedy for exposing their financial persecutors.

Calling people violent for using self defense.

Claiming that violence cannot be used against war criminals, gang stalkers, poisoners, pedophiles, child traffickers.

Promoting "Peaceful Protests" against murderers, war criminals, and lawless tyrants.

Claiming that pacifism against tyrants solves tyranny.

Claiming that exposing evil people is an act of violence.

Falsely accusing people of being trolls for calling out shills.

Shills spreading fear and threatening the destruction of society when they get exposed.
Radiating the spell they call "deceivableness" at people who become aware of them. Vaguely calling someone deceived and then acting arrogant without ever naming the so called "deception."

Gang stalkers making up the most insane lies like claiming they control the royals and nobles they work for. 

Inverted witchcraft or engineered lies.

Reflective witchcraft or engineered lies.

Radiating doom spells on society and individuals.

Sabotaging a persons life through covert methods like poison, financial persecution, violating rights, violating privacy, electronic vandalism, slander, and also bribing or corrupting people and turning people around the victim into gang stalkers.

Christians threatening destruction on society and saying its because the Bible says so.

Christians claiming to own "belief in a creator."

Gang stalkers calling their victims "sinners."

Gang stalkers claiming that their gang stalking is "punishment from god."

Christians calling people Satanists for exposing Satanism in the Bible and Christianity.

Christians threatening society and telling people they will burn in hell if they don't bow down to Jesus.

Christians who are also gang stalkers and murderous cannibals calling themselves "sinners" and saying things like "only god can judge" for a false piety and fake humbleness. 
Forcibly imposing compassion onto others for themselves.

Denial of self defense.

Demanding that people "love their enemies."

Claiming that killing an attacker in self defense is a sacrifice.

Claiming that defending your life is the same as the initial attacker. Someone assaults you so you fight back and then they claim both are equally guilty.

Ignoring context.

Distortion of context.

Ignoring motives.
Total denial of facts.

Claiming that calling a fascist male bisexual rapist a "faggot" is homophobia and offensive. The correct definition of a faggot is a male bisexual rapist who rapes other men for control and most male members of the NWO are faggots.

Claiming that exposing racist cults of supremacists who target individuals of different races is racism.

Using gang stalkers and shills to attack people as distractions and as a defense for high level criminals.

Claiming that ignoring the annoying low level shills and gang stalkers means the low level gang stalkers control a person because they are not focusing on them.

Child murderers and murderous cannibals claiming that naming and exposing them is the most evil thing there is. 

Attempting to hijack facts and truth by agreeing with it and then mix the truth with lies and completely made up information.

Trolls latching onto people who expose evil as an attempt to make the legitimate person seem like they are associated with trolls.

Known liars agreeing with truth to make the truth seem like a lie as a form of reverse psychology through a fake association.

Demanding proof while completely ignoring existing evidence and proof.
Deflecting onto other subjects.
Arrogant and bold lying.
Playing dumb.
Claiming that evil people are dead when they are not.

Claiming that evil people are in prison when they are not.

Falsely accusing people of being false accusers for exposing criminals that other criminals claim are dead and or in prison when they are not. They are this insane.

Dictating their fantasy world and delusions onto others.

Acting demented, childish, and insolent to annoy or enrage people.
Claiming that exposing evil enables evil and therefore attempting to put the blame on the victims who expose their attackers.

Claiming that exposing gang stalkers is gang stalking.

Claiming individuals who expose gang stalkers is gang stalking and completely ignoring the meaning of the words "gang" and "individual"

Claiming that exposing the murderous gang stalkers is a "murderous plot against them"
Pretending they are mind controlled.

Pretending they are brainwashed.
Pretending to be victims.

Claiming that women cannot be evil.

Gang stalkers claiming that only wealthy or famous people can be evil.
Claiming they are insane. "Criminal Insanity" defense.
Claiming they are demonically possessed.

Calling a person a false accuser and basing it on their claim that they are "possessed" and therefore innocent of their evil actions.

Claiming they don't have to pay back for damage and thefts they caused or did while they are "demonically possessed" and then saying they have "repented."

Claiming that taking a vacation from gang stalking is "repentance."
Claiming they are slaves to others. They are not.
Deflections, distractions, and false accusations.
Calling their victims "drug addicts" for exposing them.
Calling their victims "mentally ill" for exposing them.
Claiming its "aliens" or "interdimensional entities" and then also totally ignoring the high level criminals running society

Blaming evil technologies for gang stalking. 
Blaming all Jews for all evils and never really naming actual criminal Jews.

Falsely accusing people of being Jews for not generalizing and blaming all Jews.

Blaming Russia for all evils.

Blaming "Satan" for everything evil.

Blaming "Sorcerers" for gang stalking.

Claiming its "supernatural" and claiming there is nothing that can be done to combat it.

Christians saying that their god and Jesus will take care of the evil. Spreading apathy.

The moment the Black Nobility get scared they finance thousands of YouTube shills that blame all Jews for all evils and if you don't agree they claim you work for Jews.
Claiming that evil is normal.
Claiming that their criminal actions and that evil is the will of god.
Using confusion.
Claiming that there is no such thing as truth.

Claiming "life is an illusion."
Threatening to torture and murder children if you go after them.
Claiming they are blackmailed into attacking innocent people which seems to be the primary reason to what makes them feel justified for their crimes.
Claiming that they are controlled by others while disregarding the fact they directly attack people. They take no responsibility for their own actions.

The scope of this blogpost can be substantiated, evidenced and expounded infinitely when reviewed in light of the excellent wealth of information and documentation contained in: 

World Crime Syndicate 
Ordo Ab Chao

Spies, informants and new enemies - Today’s intelligence agencies | DW Documentary

Spy Cables reveal Israel’s Mossad tactics

Human Rights Abuses in Saudi Arabia with Joey Shea  (All bogposts, esp. the recent months', apply),expense%20to%20combat%20this%20issue.  

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