Thursday, December 28, 2023

Faux-lams & UN-lams!!

Ho's Ain't Loyal!! Dajjal/Lucifer Is No Role Model!!

Oh [SS]crypture/Frauducation!!  Look at the sstupid, ugly & toxic mess of ignorant/ massonic/ SSHItty disinfo, mockery and fraud that [garbage, sscum] Lucifer/Dajjal/YajujMajuj-GaygMagayg made: ... Babylam, KABBALAm, Lucilam, Jewshlam, Chrislam, Catholam/Witchlam, Pedolam, SSodolam, Trannylam, MITHRAlam, Doglam, Cowlam, Camelam, Goatlam, Ratlam, Snakelam, Talmudlam, Gematrialam, 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/11-lam, 13-lam, 11/22/33/44/55/66/77/88/99-lam, SSHItlam/ SSHIalam, Nazilam, Ziolam, Sionlam, Westlam, Eastlam, Mullahm, Starlam, Moonlam, Sunlam, UNlam, WEFlam, AGAlam, Queerlam, Hindulam, Buddhalam, Sikhlam, Gujjulam, Nordilam, Scandilam, Turklam, Desilam, Sinolam, Huwhitelam, Niglam, Dicklam, NOI-lam, Irelam, Skull-&-Boneslam, SPOOKYlam, Snitchylam, Pharaohlam/Trinitylam, Royalam, Khazarlam, Frankilam/ Zevilam/ ibn sABBAlam, UKlam, USlam, EUlam, NATOlam, BRICSlam, Italam, Spanilam, Deutschlam, Dutchlam, IMPERIALam/ COLONialam, Saudlam, Gulflam, Shamlam, Bathlam, ASEAN-Philipilam, Afrilam, Bahailam, Oilam, Choplam, Templarlam/Octolam, Smartlam, Sophialam, FEMI-lam, Globalam, Natiolam, Bolshelam, A.I.lam, Covidlam, Medialam, RACElam, CLASSlam, RIBAlam/ Vatilam/ Chabadlam/ Rotschlam/ Rooshlam, Illumilam, Materialam, Schadenfreudlam, Machivellam, B.S.lam, Gatekeepslam, Lielam, Shillam, Trollam & Hypolam!! ... (And none of 'em's Real! ... Disgusting are the reprobate & low IQ "minds" behind em!) 

The Dying God: The Hidden History of Western Civilization

Few would acknowledge that our knowledge of history could be significantly inaccurate. The most common conception of history is one that begins in Greece, the "cradle of Western civilization", then progresses through Rome, and finally Europe and America. However, this merely represents a strictly Western version of history, and one that is often confused with the history of the World. Fortunately though, recent scholarship has begun to elucidate the extent of the indebtedness of Western history to other civilizations, rendering our notion of "Western" civilization obsolete.Rather, a more accurate assessment of the past will reveal a neglected account, the hidden history of Western civilization, which began in Mesopotamia, in the sixth century BC, with the birth of a tradition centered around the myth of a dying god. The development of this tradition led to the emergence of philosophy among the Greeks, then influenced the formation of Christianity, and was appropriated and elaborated upon by the Arabs during the Middle Ages. Ultimately, being introduced to Europe during the Crusades, it eventually spawned the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

Far too ignorant of the histories of the rest of the world, being aware of only the accomplishments of Greece, Rome and Europe, Westerners have been made to believe that their societies represent the most superior examples of civilization. However, the Western value system stems from a misconception that, as in nature, human society too is evolving. The idea derives from the hidden influence of secret societies, who followed the belief in spiritual evolution of the Kabbalah, which taught that history would attain its fulfillment when man would become God, and make his own laws. Therefore, the infamous Illuminati gave its name to the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century,which claimed that human progress must abandon "superstition," meaning Christianity, in favor of "reason." Thus the Illuminati succeeded in bringing about the French and American revolutions, which instituted the separation of Church and State, and from that point forward, the Western values of Humanism, seen to include secularism, human rights, democracy and capitalism, have been celebrated as the culmination of centuries of human intellectual evolution. This is the basis of the propaganda which has been used to foster a Clash of Civilizations, where the Islamic world is presented as stubbornly adhering to the anachronistic idea of "theocracy." Where once the spread of Christianity and civilizing the world were used as pretexts for colonization, today a new White Man's Burden makes use of human rights and democracy to justify imperial aggression. However, because, after centuries of decline, the Islamic world is incapable of mobilizing a defense, the Western powers, as part of their age-old strategy of Divide and Conquer, have fostered the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, to both serve as agent-provocateurs and to malign the image of Islam. These sects, known to scholars as Revivalists, opposed the traditions of classical Islamic scholarship in order to create the opportunity to rewrite the laws of the religion to better serve their sponsors. Thus were created the Wahhabi and Salafi sects of Islam, from which were derived the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been in the service of the West ever since. But, the story of the development of these Islamic sects involves the bizarre doctrines and hidden networks of occult secret societies, being based on a Rosicrucian myth of Egyptian Freemasonry, which see the Muslim radicals as inheritors of an ancient mystery tradition of the Middle East which was passed on to the Knights Templar during the Crusades, thus forming the foundation of the legends of the Holy Grail. These beliefs would not only form the cause for the association of Western intelligence agencies with Islamic fundamentalists, but would fundamentally shape much of twentieth century history.



In 1956, there was a big conspiracy involving the UK, France and Israel.

There was a joint plot to attack Egypt.

In 1956, Israel wanted an excuse to seize the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula.

Israel held secret talks with Britain and France.

The UK Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden, agreed to the illegal joint attack on Egypt.

Documents (Sir Anthony Eden's cabinet discussed concealing Suez 'collusion) released after more than 50 years show: the UK Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden's cabinet discussed how to lie to the public and the world about the secret pact with France and Israel to seize Egypt's Suez canal in 1956.

The Mad Muslims in Aceh are reportedly controlled by the CIA and its friends.

In the 1960s, MI6 supported Islamic guerrillas in Indonesia.

According to The Independent (UK): "Cabinet papers show that British spies, including MI6, supported Islamic guerrillas in order to destabilise Sukarno."

For more than fifty years, the CIA and its friends have been employing militant Moslems to do their dirty work.

1. Before World war II, British intelligence used the Moslem Brotherhood against Britain's German rivals in North Africa.

(The British, Muslim Terrorism and September 11)

2. Around 1955, the CIA began to co-operate with the Moslem Brotherhood. 

The CIA and MI6 used the Moslem Brotherhood to weaken both Egypt and Syria.

3. In the 1960s, MI6 supported Islamic guerrillas in Indonesia.

According to The Independent (UK): "Cabinet papers show that British spies, including MI6, supported Islamic guerrillas in order to destabilise Sukarno."

(The Secret State: MI5 (Home Office/MoD), The Security Service and ...)

4. Israel funded the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, in order to divide the Palestinians.

John Buchan, who worked for UK military intelligence, wrote Greenmantle, which is about a warlike Islamist, who is secretly working for the security services.

5. In 1979, the CIA and MI6 used the Moslem Brotherhood to topple the Shah of Iran and install the Ayatollahs.

(The British, Muslim Terrorism and September 11)

6. In 1979 the CIA was building up and arming the militant Moslem Mujahadeen in Afghanistan.

The idea was to lure Russia into Afghanistan.

7. In 1991, the CIA and NATO used Al Qaeda to break up Yugoslavia.

(Global Research, 8 September 2010, Andrew Gavin Marshall: "The Anglo-American Terror Network")

Yugoslavia was a friend of Russia and was next door to a lot of oil wealth.

Moslems arrived in Bosnia from Afghanistan and other Moslem countries.

Clinton gave the 'green light' to Iran to arm the Bosnian Muslims.

Israel armed the Bosnian Serbs.

The idea was to foment conflict.

The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which took control of the Balkan heroin trafficking routes, fought the Serbs.

The KLA, which had links to bin Laden, was trained and armed by the USA.

8. The CIA and its friends employed Moslem militants to create trouble for Russia in its province of Chechnya.

("The Anglo-American Terror Network")

US intelligence helped fund and transport al-Qaeda into Chechnya in the early 1990s.

In Chechnya, the two main rebel leaders who came to power had been trained by the CIA in Afghanistan.

A war in Chechnya was planned in a secret meeting in 1996 attended by Osama bin Laden and officials of the Pakistani ISI.

In other words, the CIA was directing the war through the ISI.

US intelligence helped fund and transport al-Qaeda into Chechnya in the early 1990s.

9. In 2002, it was revealed that, “British intelligence paid large sums of money to an al-Qaeda cell in Libya.”

Anas al-Liby, a Libyan al-Qaeda leader, “was given political asylum in Britain and lived in Manchester until May of 2000 when he eluded a police raid on his house and fled abroad.”

("The Anglo-American Terror Network")


10. In the 1990s, Osama bin Laden 'built a shadow air force to support his terrorist activities, using Afghanistan's national airline Ariana, a surplus U.S. Air Force jet and clandestine charters.'

(Global Research, on 8 September 2010, Andrew Gavin Marshall: 
"The Anglo-American Terror Network")

Bin Laden's US Air Force jet in 1992 “was used to ferry Al Qaeda commanders to East Africa, where they trained Somali tribesmen..."

And now, Algerians and Moroccans are said to be in Al Qaeda training camps in Israel.

Algerians and Moroccans in El Qaida training camps in Israel 



Radical Islam Created by British Intelligence

The Muslim Brotherhood is a Masonic movement that includes Hamas and Hezbollah and the Iranian mullahs. It's a tool by the British-based Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global governance.

"Appearances belie reality. In fact, the Muslim nations are the victims of terror from the West. With their near-complete control of the media, the powers that be have instilled an inverted image of the real world."

Makow - As in the Second World War, Freemasons control both sides of the coming world war. Agenda 2030 will be implemented one way or another. Humanity is victim of a grotesque trick. We cannot comprehend how completely society is satanically possessed, because we're contaminated ourselves.  Demonically possessed by lust and greed, we're like lemmings, racing to our demise.

Muslim Brotherhood created by British Intelligence

Dr. John Coleman, a former British Intelligence agent...states in his report on Iran's Islamic Revolution that the Muslim Brotherhood was created by "the great names of British Middle East intelligence"...and that their mission was to "keep the Middle East backward so that its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted..."

The Muslim Brotherhood is a London creation, forged as the standard-bearer of an ancient, anti-religious (pagan) heresy that has plagued Islam since the establishment of the Islamic community (umma) by the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century. Representing organized Islamic fundamentalism, the organization called the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Muslimum in Arabic) was officially founded in Egypt, in 1929, by the British agent Hasan al-Banna, a Sufi mystic. Today, the Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella under which a host of fundamentalist Sufi, Sunni, and radical Shiite brotherhoods and societies flourish.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a tool by the British-based Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global governance.

Without the British, "radical Islam would have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and prosperous."

The real Muslim Brothers are...the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchic elite, with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.

By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity. Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious rule.

The globalists have long been using wars to subvert, demoralize and destroy Western civilization.

They plan a new feudalism that will impoverish the middle classes, depopulate and enslave the masses, and leave only the rich served by a technocracy. The whole world will resemble a repressive third world country governed by the IMF, UN and World Bank.

The globalists are headquartered in London and centred on the Rothschild-dominated Bank of England, MI-6 and the secretive Round Table society, which spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Israel and Iran Are Both Run by Freemasons Plotting WW3

Islamists (Hamas) are the Muslim equivalent of Jewish Communists or Zionists. 

Both sides are satanic Masonic cults. Their dogmas are just a pretext to rob their people of freedom and property. 

Now they are joining to destroy us by staging a nuclear war. Pike's prophecy below is coming true! Muslim and Zionist leaders are literally Illuminati agents.

Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871 regarding a conspiracy involving three world wars, that were planned to bring about a "social cataclysm." Pike's letter was on display in the British Museum Library until 1977. British Library denies the letter exists. (They're Masons too.) The world is controlled by Freemasons.

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economic exhaustion."

First Comment from K-

Peter said (October 25, 2023):

Henry, the letters from Pike to Mazzini are a good prophecy. But I am nixed with the use of the word Nazi in his 2nd world war reasoning. This word was not around at the time of his letter.

You are mistaken Peter, The term Nazi or Nazism can be traced back to the völkisch Parties which date back to the 1800s. These parties created the Nationalist Socialist Party. Many members of the Nazis had actually been members of the Thule Society, even before becoming members of the Nazi party, like Rudolf Hess. 

Albert Pike wrote extensively about the Mythical and Mystical Lost Tribe of the Aryans as being the source of Freemasonry. So you only have to connect the dots to actually see that this letter to Mazzini is 100% genuine and puts the debate about this argument about the word Nazi to bed once and for all. The letter is genuine behind a shadow of a doubt. 

Iran Also Controlled by Satanists 
This was written by an 18-year-old Iranian and posted here Oct. 4, 2010

From the beginning of the Islamic revolution, key positions such as the judiciary were handed over to Mullahs who had no experience in running the country. Commanders of the military, engineers, and doctors who opposed the regime were hanged because they were "enemies of Allah".

The Islamic revolution of Iran had nothing to do with Islam. Just like any other revolution in recent history, it was basically aimed at handing power to a few individuals. In the case of Iran's 1979 revolution, the state was handed over to the Khomeini cult, a Muslim Brotherhood group that has direct links with foreign intelligence agencies.

One must not be so naive as to believe Iran is an opposition against the new world order. We have TV shows made every year and fed to the public on the anniversary of the Islamic revolution showing the public that before that revolution Freemasons ran the show. It's very difficult for me to believe the notion that the British who fought Mussadeq so vigorously would suddenly give up Iranian oil and let the Mullahs take over the country's oil resources.

The true story is that the British instigated the Islamic revolution of Khomeini. The objective was to control Iran's energy by weakening it (reducing the Iranians to hunger) and to destroy Iran's religious and family-oriented society.

(Iranian Parliament - a pyramid)

Many of our grand Ayatollahs are also Freemasons, members of the Muslim Brotherhood and I have reliable sources that tell me they have trips to London every few months to get their orders. One of the powerful figures of the cult regime of Iran is Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi. He is the leader of a very powerful cult called the Haqqani School. Members include Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (a top student of Mesbah), commanders of the revolutionary guards, the Basij militia, lawyers, judges, and the heads of major newsprints.

We have evidence that the same group was behind last year's election fraud and also the harsh crisis management that came after the election that resulted in many deaths, arrests, and many newspaper outlets being shut down.


Ahmadinejad's internal objective is to hand over power to members of the cult. Multibillion-dollar enterprises that were state-owned are now owned by the IRGC (i.e. the Revolutionary Guards.) Also, infrastructural projects, oil fields, housing projects, and many others are awarded to the IRGC. Any opposition such as the green movement or worker strike is handled by the IRGC secret service and the Basij militia.

For outsiders, Ahmadinejad might pose as a brave leader who dares to deny the holocaust or challenge the events of 911. He enjoys the kind of security that Obama does in New York City and he has the chance to sit down and talk with all major media outlets in the United States.

Meanwhile, it's noteworthy that after returning from the UN general assembly, Ahmadinejad was due to address the students of Tehran University but the plan was canceled unexpectedly. The reason is that the man who enjoys publicity in the US does not have the guts to face Iranian students; he simply fears that his presence might spark unrest in the university and destroy all the "achievements" that he gained from his trip to the USA.

On that same day, Ayatollah Khamenei was due to visit the city of Qom but his trip was canceled due to his unpopularity among top religious figures and their unwillingness to attend his welcoming ceremony.

Meanwhile, I am not sure if Ayatollah Khamenei is a member of the cult but we do know that his chief of staff is a member therefore the flow of information to the leader is controlled by IRGC secret service, and his decisions and speeches are against the opposition.

Khamenei supports developments in sciences and technologies that guarantee the survival of the cult regime. Meanwhile, he doesn't favor modernization of the country's economy and he truly opposes raising people's living standards. To me, he is in line with the British method of controlling the masses through hardship.


Iranian people are currently experiencing difficult times and the sad news is that they are told by government officials to prepare for even worse. We're experiencing a high inflation rate and high unemployment. Oil revenue has fallen and the latest round of sanctions on banking and energy sectors has made life very difficult for businesses. For example, in order to meet local demand for fuel, refineries are told to drastically reduce their industrial chemical production and to refine fuel instead.

Businesses are limited to telegraphic transactions for foreign trade; therefore foreign currency is in high demand resulting in higher prices on good imports. Making matters even worse, the incompetent and inexperienced government of Ahmadinejad is planning to overhaul the economy by increasing taxes on energy.

Iran's inefficient economy has caused serious social problems for families, especially the younger generation. To name a few of our social problems, we have the world's highest number of drug addicts based on a UN report, high divorce and low marital rates, promiscuity of the younger generation in schools and universities, rise in abortion and AIDS, an increase of crime rate and increased belief in magic and Satanism.


(Netanyahu and Fidelito in Masonic, thumb on knuckle handshake)

I believe that the main source of these problems is that our society and especially the young generation no longer have faith in values such as family, religion, and hard work. The cause is that the cult has taken away our basic rights and is feeding us a version of Islam that has led to the destruction of religion and society.

I have no doubt that Satanists are among the religious teachers in Qom since I have heard many true stories of child abuse. Our Mullah social engineers have made the public so confused that they no longer know what is right or wrong and therefore are ready to accept a NWO takeover.

"Hamas does not serve the Palestinian people, Hamas serves Iran.

"Israel ... is doing the Palestinian people the greatest favor by bringing Hamas down."

Israel Created Hamas to Stall Peace

How Israel and the Americans foster Islamic fundamentalism to stall peace with the Palestinians and other imperialistic objectives

The Israelis created Hamas. But before we explore that question, let's start with a more important one. Let's be honest with ourselves. If we can look at the situation from beyond the confines of current political discourse, and look at the emperor without his "new" clothes, we all know that Israel does not want peace. They want all of Palestine, and their belligerent settlement practices confirm that.

But the Israelis are taking advantage of the world's ignorance of the realities in Palestine, and posturing as being willing to talk "peace", only to actually stall that very peace process, so as not to interrupt the further colonization of Palestine.

So anything that can be offered as an excuse, will be. The most convenient ploy, presented with the sycophantic assistance of the media, is that of "terrorism".

But the masses are naive, and fail to suspect the Machiavellian extremes that certain leaders will resort to to aggrandize their power. This includes creating a false enemy, in this case, Hamas, whereby the right-wing leadership of the Israelis can point the finger to some "enemy" to blame otehr than themselves for supposedly stalling the process.

The use of Islamic terrorism for the political ends of Western nations is nothing new. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1924, the British and Americans stepped in to fill the vacuum by providing their own versions of "Islamic" leaders. This started with the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was created through a grant from the British. Under British sponsorship, the Brotherhood flourished, and today represents a sizeable and powerful force in the Islamic world, but most worryingly, as the institution behind almost every act of terror in the name of Islam.

More correctly, the Brotherhood has been a tool shared my numerous Western intelligence agencies, starting with the Nazis, followed by the CIA, but also the Russians, French, Germans and Israelis.

Since the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, it has been a staple of foreign policy of the Cold War to exploit the Muslim Brotherhood to rally naive Muslims to reject "atheistic" Communism as an arch enemy of Islam. Ever since, the Americans and others have been able to manage the Brotherhood like a rabid dog on a leash to keep the Communist threat at bay.

With the collapse of the Cold War however, the Brotherhood has been used for new imperial objectives, where they pose as the bogey man which the Americans can chase with their armies into the Middle East and Central Asia, starting with Iraq and Afghanistan.

But, as NSC official Sheila Haslin explained, in a testimony at Senate hearings into illegal fund-raising activities, US policy in the region was to "promote the independence of these oil-rich countries, to in essence break Russia's monopoly control over the transportation of oil from that region, and frankly, to promote Western energy security through diversity of supply."

Israel has also maintained a long-standing relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, with its most recent manifestation being its participation in the founding of an offshoot organization, Hamas.

According to Robert Dreyfuss, who details the US' troubling relationship with Islamic fundamentalism, in "Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam":

And beginning in 1967 through the late 1980s, Israel helped the Muslim Brotherhood establish itself in the occupied territories. It assisted Ahmed Yassin, the leader of the Brotherhood, in creating Hamas, betting that its Islamist character would weaken the PLO.

According to Charles Freeman, a veteran US diplomat and former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, "Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet [Isreali domestic intelligence agency], which had a feeling that they could use it to hem in the PLO."

In 1965, Yassin had been arrested by Egyptian intelligence, but after 1967, when Israel took control of the West Bank and Gaza, Yassin was freed. In 1973, under approval from Shin Bet, Yassin founded the Islamic Center, and began to establish effective control over hundreds of mosques. In 1976, Yassin created the Islamic Association, which membership branches throughout the Gaza Srip, and the movement grew.

Israel's formal support for Islamic fundamentalism came with the election of the right-wing Likud party. In 1978, Begin's new government formally licensed Yassin's Islamic Association, as part of a strategy to undermine the power of the PLO. One aspect of that strategy was the creation of the Village Leagues, over which Yassin and the Brotherhood exercised much influence. Up to 200 members of the Leagues were given paramilitary training in Israel, among whom Shin Bet recruited many paid informers.

David Shipler, a former reporter for the New York Times, cites the Israeli military governor of Gaza as boasting that Israel expressly financed the fundamentalists against the PLO:

Politically speaking, Islamic fundamentalists were sometimes regarded as useful to Israel, because they had conflicts with the secular supporters of the PLO. Violence between the two groups erupted occasionally on West Bank university campuses, and the Israeli military governor of the Gaza Strip, Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, once told me how he had financed the Islamic movement as a counterweight to the PLO and the Communists. 'The Isreali Government gave me a budget and the military government gives to the mosques,' he said.

As Dreyfuss notes, "during the 1980s, the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza and the West Bank did not support resistance to the Israeli occupation. Most of its energy went to fighting the PLO, especially its more left-wing factions, on university campuses."

US diplomats and CIA officials were aware that Israel was fostering Islamic fundamentalism among the Palestinians, but, as noted Martha Kessler, a senior analyst for the CIA, "we saw Israel cultivate Islam as a counterweight to Palestinian nationalism", but neither the CIA nor the State department did anything about it.

It was primarily Israel's far right, Begin, Shamir and Ariel Sharon who pursued this policy. It is with them that we see the very cynical basis for the exploitation of Islamic fundamentalism in the region. This was explained by Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad officer who left the agency and became a strong critic, and wrote two books about the service:

Supporting the radical elements of Muslim fundamentalism sat well with Mossad's general plan for the region. An Arab world run by fundamentalists would not be party to any negotiations with the West, thus leaving Israel again as the only democratic, rational country in the region. And if the Mossad could arrange for Hamas… to take over the Palestinian streets from the PLO, then the picture would be complete.

Very suspiciously, in 1983, Yassin was arrested by Israeli authorities, but although he was sentenced to 13 years in prison, he was released after only a year. Then in 1986-7, Yassin founded Hamas. According to Philip Wilcox, counterterrorism expert a former US ambassador who headed the US consulate in Jerusalem at the time, "there were persistent rumors that the Israeli secret service gave covert support to Hamas, because they were seen as a rival to the PLO." Wilcox said the US officials in Jerusalem dealt "regularly and intensively" with Hamas.

After the Palestinian uprising of 1987, the PLO accused Hamas and Yassin of acting "with the direct support of reactionary Arab regimes… in collusion with the Israeli occupation." Yasser Arafat complained to an Italian newspaper: "Hamas is a creation of Israel, which at the time of Prime Minister Shamir, gave them money and more than 700 institutions, among them schools, universities and mosques." Arafat also maintained that Israeli prime minister Rabin admitted to him in the presence of Hosni Mubarak that Israel had supported Hamas.

Essentially, as analyst Ray Hannania pointed out, in "Sharon's Terror Child", published in Counterpunch, "undermining the peace process has always been the real target of Hamas and has played into the political ambitions of Likud. Every time Israeli and Palestinian negotiators appeared ready to take a major step forward achieving peace, an act of Hamas terrorism has scuttled the peace process and pushed the two sides apart."

This pattern continued throughout the shifting developments of the stalled peace process. In 2001, when the PLO secured a Hamas pledge to halt its terrorist attacks, then prime minister Ariel Sharon ordered the assassinations of one of their top officials. As Alex Fishman commented in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Achronot, "whoever gave the green light to this act of liquidation knew full well that he was thereby shattering in one blow the gentlemen's agreement between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority".

In "Hamas and the Transformation of Political Islam in Palestine", for Current History, Sara Roy wrote:

Some analysts maintain that while Hamas leaders are being targeted, Israel is simultaneously pursuing its old strategy of promoting Hamas over the secular nationalist factions as a way of ensuring the ultimate demise of the [Palestinian Authority], and as an effort to extinguish Palestinian nationalism once and for all.

Essentially, the Muslim Brotherhood, with its many manifestations like Al Qaeda and bin Laden, serve as a Samuel Goldstein of Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty-Four, an ever-present and manufactured "terrorist" threat, used constantly as a pretext to justify repressive measures at home and expanded imperialistic objectives abroad.

Because, despite all the rhetoric employed in the War on Terror about the threat of "political Islam", unbeknownst to the general public, the manipulation of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the world is still a mainstay of American foreign policy.

According to Reuel Marc Gerecht, a former CIA officer with experience in Iraq and the Middle East, as well as a neo-conservative hardliner with the notorious American Enterprise Institute:

Most American liberals and conservatives will strongly resist the idea that Islam's clergymen and lay fundamentalists, who usually dislike, if not detest, the United States, Israel, and progressive causes like women's rights, are the key to liberating the Muslim Middle East from its age-old reflexive hostility to the West. There men, not the much admired liberal Muslim secularists who are always praised and sometimes defended by the American government and press, are the United States' most valuable potential democratic allies."

As Robert Dreyfuss ends his book, "the devil's game continues."

Vision 2030: Modern Saudi Arabia and the era of post-Wahhabism

What does it mean for the world order when we move away from dependence on oil, and Saudi Arabia is no longer called upon to play the transformational role it has until recently? We may be on the brink of a Copernican shift, and we may be witnessing the secularization of Saudi Arabia, and the slipping of the holy sites of Islam away from Islamic protection, where the country may become no more Muslim than Dubai. As the birthplace of the religion, the country of Saudi Arabia is a living symbol of Islam, whose sanctity gives the Muslim world a sense of security, despite whatever upheavals might be happening to Muslims elsewhere. For 1300 years, Arabia was able to remain protected from any imperialistic encroachments. Then came the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War II. With the establishment of the state of Saudi Arabia, the regime managed to maintain a semblance of Islam, which temporarily allayed the fears of Muslims that their holy sites would no longer fall under an Islamic authority.

The reality is, the Saudi state is a Zionist puppet created to manipulate Islam’s transformation into a neutralized opponent. The country have been adherents of what is called “Wahhabism,” founded in the eighteenth century by a fanatic named Mohammed Abdul Wahhab. According to the infamous Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, Wahhab was a British agent. The Wahhabi movement was designed to undermine Islam by proposing that Muslims needed to bypass the centuries of Islamic scholarship, and return to the “sources” of the Shariah.[1]

The precedent they made use of was Ibn Taymiyya, a radical Islamic scholar of the thirteenth century, who was highly controversial, and even jailed several times during his lifetime, until he was finally denounced as a heretic by Sunni scholars a few centuries later.[2] The same adherence to Ibn Taymiyya also inspired the Salafi movement, founded by Jamal ud Din al Afghani in the late nineteenth century. Not only was Afghani a British agent, but he was also Grand Master of the Freemasons of Egypt, and a source for the occult teachings of H.P. Blavatsky and the synarchism of Saint-Yves d’Alveydre.[3]

Those occult traditions laid the groundwork for the founding of the Nazi Party, which maintained close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, which would remain closely associated with the Saudi regime in their service of the Zionists by way of the CIA.[4] When the reigning Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was asked about the Saudi-funded spread of Wahhabism, the Washington Post reported that “he said that investments in mosques and madrassas overseas were rooted in the Cold War, when allies asked Saudi Arabia to use its resources to prevent inroads in Muslim countries by the Soviet Union.”[5]

A year after the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932, the Rockefellers were granted concessions, to what became the world’s largest source of oil. And as most people know, most of the wars in the twentieth century have been fought over oil. That wealth permitted the Rockefellers to fund the Rockefeller Foundation, which was one of the principal fronts of the CIA, allowing them to carry out not only covert operations and the overthrow of democratically-elected governments around the world, but the wholesale transformation of Western culture, from Abstract Expressionism, feminism, the New Left and political correctness, and even the New Age and Environmentalist movement.[6]

When the Americans wanted a covert war against the Soviet Union, they funded the Muslim Brotherhood in Afghanistan, which forced the Russians to retaliate. A triangle was put in place where Israel illegally traded weapons with Iran, whose proceeds were used to finance the right-wing Contras of Nicaragua, through the purchase of cocaine, which was shipped to Mena, Arkansas, under Bill Clinton’s supervision, igniting the devastating crack epidemic across the US.[7]

Those proceeds were then transmitted to the Pakistani secret service, the ISI, for distribution among the so-called “Mujahideen.” Those same “Mujahideen” were then educated in “Madrassas” supported by Saudi Arabia, and taught in the austere “Deobandi” tradition of India, which has had long-standing ties with Wahhabism, thus producing the infamous Taliban, which has substantially marred the reputation of Islam, with their phony brand of “Shariah.”[8] The bagman was Osama bin Laden, whose group of Wahhabi Jihadist were responsible for the attack of 9/11. [9]

Evidently, Saudi Arabia has played a central role throughout the twentieth century in the advancement of the Zionist goals, using the United States as proxy. That political order now stands to be completely transformed, with the numerous reforms being recently put in place by bin Salman.

Until recently, the Saudi state had also been chiefly responsible for also transforming the belief and practice of Islam throughout the world. It was estimated that the Saudis controlled as many as 80% of the mosques in the US. Their worldwide spending for the spread of Wahhabism had been characterized by some of the largest propaganda campaign in history. "Our allies demanded that we use our resources to accomplish this task," Bin Salman said. The Crown prince also admitted that successive Saudi governments have gone astray, and now “we have to get it all back.”[10]

But now MBS, as bin Salman is called, is making an explicit break from the Wahhabi past, to what has been described by some as the "post-Wahhabi era". A decision was enacted to celebrate the "Saudi Founding Day" annually on 22 February to commemorate the 1727 establishment of Emirate of Dir'iyah by Muhammad ibn Saud, rather than the past historical convention that traced the beginning to the 1744 pact of Ibn Abdul Wahhab. According to MBS, the traditions of Wahhabism are not the only legitimate interpretation of Islam, and he has allowed for a return for the acceptance of the role of the 4 traditional schools of legal jurisprudence, known as Maddhabs.[11]

While that should normally represent a return to the true traditional practices of Islam, in the context of Saudi Arabia, they serve an entirely other objective: the secularization of the Saudi state, and the marginalization of Shariah in favor of an economic transformation designed to prepare the country for its move away from singular dependence on oil, known as Vision 2030.[12] Women have been finally given the right to drive, cinemas and other forms of Western entertainment have been permitted, and even the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice have been largely disbanded. Tourists have now even been allowed to enter the sacred city of Medina, which had been off-limits to non-Muslims for centuries.[13]


Shapps, who is Jewish

Anonymous has left a new comment -

UK government ministers ‘could be tried for Genocide’

“Expect the UK to intervene on Israel’s side in the South African case against Israel for Genocide at the International Court of Justice.

“If Israel loses, British ministers, civil servants and military personnal could end up in the dock for genocide — not only in the Hague, but in the UK …

“What has the UK government done to aid and abet the genocide? It has:

1) Actively encouraged and incited genocide, including by the systematic obstruction of ceasefire resolutions at the UN Security Council;

2) Provided military equipment to Israel, with dozens of flights from RAF Akrotiri to Israel during the course of the genocide itself;

3) Provided communications intelligence to Israel to assist in genocide;

4) Provided aerial surveillance to Israel to assist in genocide.

“These are for certain. It is also widely rumoured that UK Special Forces have participated directly in the genocide. That is something the prosecution will have to determine …

“… [If] you ask the police to investigate [UK prime minister Rishi Sunak] for aiding and abetting genocide today, they will laugh at you and say there is no genocide.

“After an ICJ judgment they can no longer do that …

“Our ruling classes will find they are less fixed in power than they believe.

“I would not bet on their impunity being permanent …”

Police left children at mercy of grooming gangs, review says

Alexis Jay

Professor Alexis Jay led the inquiry in child abuse in Rotherham which found that at least 1,400 children were sexually abused in the town between 1997 and 2013.

It can be argued that the Rotherham child abuse inquiry was a cover-up.

After the Rotherham inquiry, 'nobody faced disciplinary action.'

There was no mention of the possible links between the Rotherham child abuse rings and the security services.

Police Constable Hassan Ali, 44, was secretly under investigation by the police in relation to the Rotherham child abuse scandal.

Four complaints had been made against Ali to South Yorkshire Police by two members of the public.

Police advised the media not to expose his involvement in the scandal, assuring them that they were mounting an operation to monitor the officer.

But on 6 February 2015 it emerged that PC Ali "had died in a road crash."

"On 28 January 2015, Ali was hit by a car in Sheffield.

"He died in hospital nine days later.

"Ali was on foot when he was struck by a blue Vauxhall Corsa." 

No-one has been arrested in connection with the crash.

Hassan Ali / Rotherham abuse scandal

Mayor of Rotherham, in Yorkshire, Shaukat Ali and Colonel Simon Newton

Yorkshire in the UK, has links to the military, false flag terrorism and pedophile rings.

The three go together.

1. Rotherham, in Yorkshire, has links to the military

In 2009, Rotherham, in Yorkshire, presented the 'Freedom of the Borough' to the Yorkshire Regiment.

London Bombings 'ringleader' Mohammad Sidique Khan photographed by Yorkshire Police in 2001.

2. Yorkshire has links to terrorism.

In 2001, Yorkshire police filmed a terrorist camp, in the North of England, attended by some of the 7/7 'bombers'.

These bombers were not apprehended, and it is assumed that they were working for MI5/MI6 when they were involved in the 2005 London bombings.

There is a belief that UK military intelligence recruits Moslems and trains them to carry out acts of false flag terrorism.

In 2009, five Moslem community workers accused MI5 of waging a campaign of blackmail and harassment in an attempt to recruit them.

Exclusive: How MI5 blackmails British Muslims.

The men claim they were given a choice of working for the Security Service or facing detention and harassment.

3. Yorkshire is linked to powerful pedophile rings, reportedly protected by government agencies.

Reportedly, Sir Jimmy Savile, whose main base was Yorkshire, worked for the intelligence services.

Reportedly, Savile was able to abuse children at a Royal Marines Commando base, and get away with it.

Jimmy Savile in sex assaults at Marine base.

There has been massive child abuse in the town of Rotherham, in South Yorkshire.

"A dossier of ... intelligence reports shows that agencies in South Yorkshire were aware that vulnerable girls were being abused, but a catalogue of alleged crimes were not prosecuted."


Were the security services running the Pakistani pedophile rings in Rotherham?

Reportedly, the CIA, MI5 and MI6 do run pedophile rings.


An investigation has now found that, in the town of Rotherham in South Yorkshire in the UK, at least 1,400 children were sexually abused over a period of 16 years.

For 16 years, the police and social services turned a blind eye.

Sometimes the police harassed those who were whistleblowers.

Reports on the child abuse, by various officials, were suppressed.

Cliff Richard has been quizzed about an alleged sexual offence in South Yorkshire.

People associated with Rotherham include the notorious William Hague (formerly responsible for MI6) and the notorious Denis MacShane (Denis Matyjaszek) a Jewish former government minister.

So, between 1997 and 2013, at least 1,400 children were subjected to "appalling" sexual exploitation in Rotherham.

"Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated...

"Children were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone".

It sounds like an exercise in CIA/MI5 mind control?

"Rotherham Council and the police knew about the level of child sexual exploitation in the town, but didn't do anything about it."

Rotherham child exploitation report 

Jimmy Savile and a Yorkshire police inspector.

Five Pakistanis from Rotherham were jailed for sexual offences against girls in 2010, but the report said that the police "regarded many child victims with contempt".

The majority of the child abusers referred to in the Rotherham report are Pakistanis.

Gangs of Pakistani men have been convicted of child abuse in Rotherham, Oxford, Rochdale, Derby, and Shropshire.

MI5 and MI6 are said to recruit Pakistanis.

Mohammad Sidique Khan, who was involved in the London Bomb attacks, is of Pakistani origin.

Governments... love child abuse...

No other criminal activity... gives such control over those who commit it. 


British Moslems are recruited by MI5 using sex?

Might the UK security services have used sex to recruit UK Moslems to fight in Iraq, Kosovo, Pakistan, Libya, Syria...

Denis MacShane (Denis Matyjaszek) was the member of parliament for Rotherham and a leading figure in Labour Friends of Israel

Young girls were trafficked from Yorkshire to Manchester, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Dover and other cities.

Similar child trafficking gangs operated in other parts of the UK.

Many people complained to the police and many girls gave evidence to the police, but prosecutions did not follow.


Police were summoned to a house outside which a father was demanding the release of his daughter.

The young girl was being held by a group of men of Pakistani origin. The police found the girl, who had been drugged.

The police arrested the father for racial harassment and arrested the girl for assault.

The police left the Pakistanis at the house with two more girls.


Two girls from South Yorkshire were dragged into a car and driven to Bristol to be used for sex as part of a drugs deal.

When the girls managed to escape, the South Yorkshire Police did not question them about the incident.

After neighbours heard screaming, a 13-year-old girl was found at 3am in a house with a large group of men.

The men had given her vodka. Police arrested the girl for being drunk and disorderly but did not question the men.


"Asian sex gangs were able to groom, pimp and traffic girls across the UK for more than a decade while authorities failed to publicly acknowledge the problem was happening, confidential documents reveal.


"A dossier of internal police, social services and intelligence reports shows that agencies in South Yorkshire were aware that vulnerable girls were being abused, but a catalogue of alleged crimes were not prosecuted."

On February 5, 1999, in the U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, Paul Bonacci said that he had been ritualistically abused by Lawrence E King, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment.

On February 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."

During the February 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch gave the court sworn testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring. 

Her son, Johnny, then 12 years old, was kidnapped off the streets of West Des Moines, Iowa on September 5, 1982, while he was doing his early-morning newspaper deliveries.

Reportedly, the British security service MI5 used to take foreign diplomats to children's homes in North Wales, give them boys to 'play' with, secretly film them as they buggered, abused and tortured boys then kept the tapes as evidence.

Over a dozen victims who complained of abuse by the paedophile ring 'have met suspicious deaths'." 

North Wales paedophile ring, top people, the police and the security services

For years, MI5 was aware of a child abuse ring operating within the Kincora Boys Home in East Belfast, which was run by William McGrath, a notorious homosexual.

"McGrath had been employed by MI5 since the mid 1960s.

"MI5 allowed the ill-treatment and sexual abuse of residents at the Kincora Boys Home to continue..."



(What is the number/ percentage AFTER the c0vid SScamdemic?!)

Tactics and Defense Mechanisms of Evil


Always pretending to be in control.

Psychotic and delusional lying.

Childishly saying "no you" to ever person and thing that exposes them and then acting arrogant which includes everything exposing them here.

Constant slander and lying accusations.

Constant denial of their crimes.

Raging faggotry.

Raging blasphemy.

Arrogant grinning to appear confident when they are really scared.

Blood drunken induced psychopathy.

Violence, torture, and murder.

Declaring themselves brilliant for acting like demented and violent liars.

Using sadistic, murderous, and cannibalistic women as a weapon.

Blood drunken praising of themselves.
Financial persecution and paying people off to target people through employment.

Financing liars and slanderers.

Financing propagandists to dominate the internet.

Control the perception of "public opinion" through paid propagandists.

Claiming gang stalking is a democratic process. Organizing and ganging up on individuals in larger numbers and calling it democracy.

Gang stalkers acting like their victims are in a court room where the gang stalkers operate as the judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, and jury. 

Dictating lies with covert violence.

Calling the use of self defense against them "dictating lies with covert violence."

Psychotic insolence and terrorism.


Electronic vandalism like hacking vehicles and electronics to cause them to break.

Electronic harassment.

Recruiting local gang stalkers who use electronic weapons.

Insolent and demented mockeries.


Framing people.

Stealing other peoples writings, claiming them as their own, and using them as bait to target people in a controlled environment.

Poisoning people.


Electronic spying.

Violently attacking people and then running away and calling the people who expose them false accusers. That is them violently attacking people and calling their victims false accusers. That is a form of gaslighting.

Using more violence to dictate their lies and false accusations.

Claiming that exposing a criminal or criminal group while that criminal group is taking a break from their criminal activity is a false accusation. 

Claiming that a person can only expose criminals who are currently being criminal. 

Reverse psychology like the media pretending to be against Trump or Trump pretending to be against the media. The entire Trump psyop is using reverse psychology.

Political theater. Democratic and Republican shills covertly working together to spread division.

Divide and Conquer.

Republican cult members falsely accusing people of being liberal shills for exposing corrupt republican politicians

Democratic cult members falsely accusing people of being conservative shills for exposing corrupt democratic politicians.

Criminals arrogantly pretending they are in control. Fake omnipotence.

The weaker and more fearful they are the more they finance shills to defend them with boldness and arrogance. Fake omnipotence.

When they are scared they murder children.

Claiming they are gods or  claiming god does not exist because they really do murder children and if "god" existed then he would stop them and this is all because the Creator expects good people to do something about it.

When these criminals get killed they retaliate by killing innocent people or children.

Charlie Sheen's tactic of saying the word "winning" over and over again which is what Trump and his QAnon cult members do.

Always pretending to be in control even if they have to contradict themselves constantly to do it.

When members of these criminal families get killed they pretend that they are in control.

Using the placebo effect to induce mindless arrogance when they are scared.

Violently attacking people for exposing them and then also claiming that they controlled the person that exposes them. They are this blasphemous, insane, and childish. 

Pathological lying which includes contradicting lies and stupid lies built onto other stupid lies.

Attacking someone and claiming before they attack that person that their victim will react by exposing the ones attacking them and then the attackers claim to be all knowing. Part of their fake omnipotence and fake precognition.

Falsely accusing people of crimes they believe people are going to do in the future.

Pretending to "know what's going to happen."

Claiming that psychotic behaviors and insanity is genius.

Claiming that deep stupidity is genius.

Claiming that using violence and gang stalking is genius.

Making bold false claims. Bold lying.

Radiating vague one word spells at people.

Vague denial. Denial of information without debating any of the facts.

Them saying "NO YOU" to everything you say about them. "I know you are but what am I"

Evil people claiming that their evil associates are innocent. Defending each other.

Evil people trying to hijack opposition against evil like the Freemasons of 1776 or the alternative media that claims to oppose the NWO and then completely ignores those running the NWO.

Making lying accusations against people who really expose criminals.

Child murderers and pedophiles calling people that expose them false accusers.

Falsely accusing the victims usually of their crimes and usually only after they get called out first.

Claiming that if you are aware of evil then you are in on it. It is like saying if a woman was raped and then she exposed her rapist that because she had information on her rapist that she must have been in on it. They are really that insane and do claim this.

Calling people greedy for exposing their financial persecutors.

Calling people violent for using self defense.

Claiming that violence cannot be used against war criminals, gang stalkers, poisoners, pedophiles, child traffickers.

Promoting "Peaceful Protests" against murderers, war criminals, and lawless tyrants.

Claiming that pacifism against tyrants solves tyranny.

Claiming that exposing evil people is an act of violence.

Falsely accusing people of being trolls for calling out shills.

Shills spreading fear and threatening the destruction of society when they get exposed.
Radiating the spell they call "deceivableness" at people who become aware of them. Vaguely calling someone deceived and then acting arrogant without ever naming the so called "deception."

Gang stalkers making up the most insane lies like claiming they control the royals and nobles they work for. 

Inverted witchcraft or engineered lies.

Reflective witchcraft or engineered lies.

Radiating doom spells on society and individuals.

Sabotaging a persons life through covert methods like poison, financial persecution, violating rights, violating privacy, electronic vandalism, slander, and also bribing or corrupting people and turning people around the victim into gang stalkers.

Christians threatening destruction on society and saying its because the Bible says so.

Christians claiming to own "belief in a creator."

Gang stalkers calling their victims "sinners."

Gang stalkers claiming that their gang stalking is "punishment from god."

Christians calling people Satanists for exposing Satanism in the Bible and Christianity.

Christians threatening society and telling people they will burn in hell if they don't bow down to Jesus.

Christians who are also gang stalkers and murderous cannibals calling themselves "sinners" and saying things like "only god can judge" for a false piety and fake humbleness. 
Forcibly imposing compassion onto others for themselves.

Denial of self defense.

Demanding that people "love their enemies."

Claiming that killing an attacker in self defense is a sacrifice.

Claiming that defending your life is the same as the initial attacker. Someone assaults you so you fight back and then they claim both are equally guilty.

Ignoring context.

Distortion of context.

Ignoring motives.
Total denial of facts.

Claiming that calling a fascist male bisexual rapist a "faggot" is homophobia and offensive. The correct definition of a faggot is a male bisexual rapist who rapes other men for control and most male members of the NWO are faggots.

Claiming that exposing racist cults of supremacists who target individuals of different races is racism.

Using gang stalkers and shills to attack people as distractions and as a defense for high level criminals.

Claiming that ignoring the annoying low level shills and gang stalkers means the low level gang stalkers control a person because they are not focusing on them.

Child murderers and murderous cannibals claiming that naming and exposing them is the most evil thing there is. 

Attempting to hijack facts and truth by agreeing with it and then mix the truth with lies and completely made up information.

Trolls latching onto people who expose evil as an attempt to make the legitimate person seem like they are associated with trolls.

Known liars agreeing with truth to make the truth seem like a lie as a form of reverse psychology through a fake association.

Demanding proof while completely ignoring existing evidence and proof.
Deflecting onto other subjects.
Arrogant and bold lying.
Playing dumb.
Claiming that evil people are dead when they are not.

Claiming that evil people are in prison when they are not.

Falsely accusing people of being false accusers for exposing criminals that other criminals claim are dead and or in prison when they are not. They are this insane.

Dictating their fantasy world and delusions onto others.

Acting demented, childish, and insolent to annoy or enrage people.
Claiming that exposing evil enables evil and therefore attempting to put the blame on the victims who expose their attackers.

Claiming that exposing gang stalkers is gang stalking.

Claiming individuals who expose gang stalkers is gang stalking and completely ignoring the meaning of the words "gang" and "individual"

Claiming that exposing the murderous gang stalkers is a "murderous plot against them"
Pretending they are mind controlled.

Pretending they are brainwashed.
Pretending to be victims.

Claiming that women cannot be evil.

Gang stalkers claiming that only wealthy or famous people can be evil.
Claiming they are insane. "Criminal Insanity" defense.
Claiming they are demonically possessed.

Calling a person a false accuser and basing it on their claim that they are "possessed" and therefore innocent of their evil actions.

Claiming they don't have to pay back for damage and thefts they caused or did while they are "demonically possessed" and then saying they have "repented."

Claiming that taking a vacation from gang stalking is "repentance."
Claiming they are slaves to others. They are not.
Deflections, distractions, and false accusations.
Calling their victims "drug addicts" for exposing them.
Calling their victims "mentally ill" for exposing them.
Claiming its "aliens" or "interdimensional entities" and then also totally ignoring the high level criminals running society

Blaming evil technologies for gang stalking. 
Blaming all Jews for all evils and never really naming actual criminal Jews.

Falsely accusing people of being Jews for not generalizing and blaming all Jews.

Blaming Russia for all evils.

Blaming "Satan" for everything evil.

Blaming "Sorcerers" for gang stalking.

Claiming its "supernatural" and claiming there is nothing that can be done to combat it.

Christians saying that their god and Jesus will take care of the evil. Spreading apathy.

The moment the Black Nobility get scared they finance thousands of YouTube shills that blame all Jews for all evils and if you don't agree they claim you work for Jews.
Claiming that evil is normal.
Claiming that their criminal actions and that evil is the will of god.
Using confusion.
Claiming that there is no such thing as truth.

Claiming "life is an illusion."
Threatening to torture and murder children if you go after them.
Claiming they are blackmailed into attacking innocent people which seems to be the primary reason to what makes them feel justified for their crimes.
Claiming that they are controlled by others while disregarding the fact they directly attack people. They take no responsibility for their own actions.

The scope of this blogpost can be substantiated, evidenced and expounded infinitely when reviewed in light of the excellent wealth of information and documentation contained in: 

World Crime Syndicate 
Ordo Ab Chao

Spies, informants and new enemies - Today’s intelligence agencies | DW Documentary

Spy Cables reveal Israel’s Mossad tactics

Human Rights Abuses in Saudi Arabia with Joey Shea  (All bogposts, esp. the recent months', apply),expense%20to%20combat%20this%20issue.  

Sorting Out and Dissolving: diabolical deception/ dialectics/ delusions/ mass-dumbness/ [cognitive] dissonance/ delirium/ dajjala & SSHIt!!

  The True Authors of Communism & Socialism [and almost every "-ism"]: The JESUITS  !! June 19, 2020   James Arendt 6     This...