Saturday, March 13, 2021

MUST READ: Extra Capsa -- Think Outside the Box. (Berg's Blogs and Tweets exposing this babylonian-demonic-luciferaunic-massonic world's deception)!

 For Thoughts ... as pedo-sodomite "Babylonian-Kabbalah-Riba-Massonic-Tranny" Empires, Pyramids and Shadow States Crumble to Disaster and Death!

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيم

الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذى أَنزَلَ عَلىٰ عَبدِهِ الكِتٰبَ وَلَم يَجعَل لَهُ عِوَجا ۜ ﴿١
قَيِّمًا لِيُنذِرَ بَأسًا شَديدًا مِن لَدُنهُ وَيُبَشِّرَ المُؤمِنينَ الَّذينَ يَعمَلونَ الصّٰلِحٰتِ أَنَّ لَهُم أَجرًا حَسَنًا ﴿٢
مٰكِثينَ فيهِ أَبَدًا ﴿٣
وَيُنذِرَ الَّذينَ قالُوا اتَّخَذَ اللَّهُ وَلَدًا ﴿٤
ما لَهُم بِهِ مِن عِلمٍ وَلا لِءابائِهِم ۚ كَبُرَت كَلِمَةً تَخرُجُ مِن أَفوٰهِهِم ۚ إِن يَقولونَ إِلّا كَذِبًا ﴿٥
فَلَعَلَّكَ بٰخِعٌ نَفسَكَ عَلىٰ ءاثٰرِهِم إِن لَم يُؤمِنوا بِهٰذَا الحَديثِ أَسَفًا ﴿٦
إِنّا جَعَلنا ما عَلَى الأَرضِ زينَةً لَها لِنَبلُوَهُم أَيُّهُم أَحسَنُ عَمَلًا ﴿٧
وَإِنّا لَجٰعِلونَ ما عَلَيها صَعيدًا جُرُزًا ﴿٨
أَم حَسِبتَ أَنَّ أَصحٰبَ الكَهفِ وَالرَّقيمِ كانوا مِن ءايٰتِنا عَجَبًا (٩
إِذ أَوَى الفِتيَةُ إِلَى الكَهفِ فَقالوا رَبَّنا ءاتِنا مِن لَدُنكَ رَحمَةً وَهَيِّئ لَنا مِن أَمرِنا رَشَدًا ﴿١٠


Epstein Gets Suicided: Early Retirement

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Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire financier and convicted sex offender who operated child trafficking rings for the occult elite, died of an apparent suicide in prison on 10 August 2019. His death has sparked conspiracy theories from every angle, including the mainstream media who are openly questioning how this could have happened and who killed him (or indeed if he was killed at all, and didn’t just have his death faked to go spend the rest of his days in some kibbutz or private island. Epstein was Jewish and a member of both the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, and the most popular conspiracies are directly connected to the Clintons, as Bill was a frequent guest at Epstein’s private island and of course the Clintons are notorious for being connected to suicided whistleblowers. 

As Vigilant Citizen summarizes: “Epstein was inside the most secure prison in the U.S. and he was an extremely high-profile inmate. He was in the most secure area of that prison and he was also on suicide watch. There is absolutely no way he could have died by hanging without him being stopped by prison security.  Something was clearly allowed to happen.” And remember that the FBI recently stated that conspiracy theorists are threats to national security – well now even the mainstreamers are on the conspiracy theory bandwagon with this latest blatant psy-op all by design.  

  • Jeffrey Epstein died at the age of 66 years 6 months old, a day short of 666 days after the #MeToo movement began, and when the Cubs’ Theo Epstein was 16,660 days old. Epstein was arrested 66 months 6 days after NYC Mayor De Blasio took office while Harvey Weinstein was arrested the day after he turned 66 years 66 days old. The US Supreme Court was founded a day short of 660 weeks 6 days after the birth of America. 

QAnon =666.  Sex Trafficking =666 [in Jewish G, same as] Theo Nathaniel Epstein =696. 

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Jeffrey Epstein was arrested 69 years 6 months after the formation of the Mossad and when US Attorney General William Barr (who announced an investigation into the death) was 69 years 6 weeks old. Epstein also died 66 years 69 days after Queen Elizabeth’s coronation  and when NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio was 699 months old and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu was 69 years 9 months old. Judge Robert Sweet (who presided over Epstein’s key lawsuit) was born 699 weeks after the birth of Judge Scalia (who also died in mysterious circumstances) and Sweet died when Epstein was exactly 66 years 9 weeks old.  

  • Paedophilia =699.  Clinton =669.  Trilateral Commission =966.  Theo Epstein =966.  The Cubs =666.  Human Trafficking =966.  Apparent Suicide =966.  PizzaGate =666. 

The 36th triangular number is 666 just as the sum of 1 through 36 equals 666.  

Epstein was found dead at 6:30 AM exactly 6 months 3 weeks after his birthday, 63 weeks after Weinstein’s arrest, and 36 days after Epstein’s latest arrest: 630 days after the #MeToo campaign began – and he pleaded guilty for the first time on 6/30 exactly 6 months 3 weeks before his birthday. Epstein also died when Ghislaine Maxwell was 3006 weeks old.  Masonic =360.  Hoax =360.  Death Hoax =36. 

Some curious forensic analysis if you haven’t seen it yet. 

And of course we see our Fibonacci Code playing in full force yet again: 

Jeffrey =235 died 230 years 5 months after the establishment of the Supreme Court of the United States, 20 years 3 weeks 5 days after the premiere of Eyes Wide Shut, and 2 months 3 weeks 5 days after De Blasio’s presidential campaign began. Epstein was born a day short of 235 years 30 weeks 2 days (235/235) after the founding of the United Grand Lodge of England and was arrested 53 years 2 months after the founding of the Church of Satan – and 2305 days after Pope Francis took office.

Epstein died at  Metropolitan Correctional Center =532.  Weinstein =235.  Federal Reserve =235.  Federal Reserve System =235.  #MeToo =235.  Predictive Programming =235.  Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York =235.  Alexander Acosta =2305.  Hoaxes =235.   

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  • Conspiracy Theorist =253.  Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton =253.  Jorge Mario Bergoglio  =253.  Jeffrey Edward Epstein =253 died 25 weeks 3 days after Barr (born on 5/23) took office as US Attorney General and 13 years 5 weeks 2 days after the “death” of Enron’s Kenneth Lay.   Make America Great Again =2053. 

Guantanamo of New York =352.  Freemason Ritual =352.  Benjamin Netanyahu =352.  State of Israel =253.  The Deep State =253.  MK Ultra Mind Control =253.  Me Too Movement =253.  Clinton Foundation =253.  Bill & Hillary  =352.  Clintons =352.  The Global Elite =352.  Clintons =352. Council on Foreign Relations =3502.  Human Trafficking =3502. 

Suicide Watch =3205.  Epstein died 3 years 25 weeks after Judge Scalia died, 32 weeks 5 days after Ghislaine Maxwell’s birthday, 5 months 23 days after Prince Andrew’s birthday, 5023 weeks 5 days after the founding of Bear Stearns, the investment bank where Epstein began his career, and 105 years 230 days after the Federal Reserve Act. Epstein was arrested 5 months 2 weeks 3 days after his birthday and he was born 5 years 2 months 3 weeks 5 days after Hillary.  Sex Trafficking of Minors =325.  Jimmy Savile =523.  Donald Trump =523.  Satanic Ritual Abuse =5231.  

Not all of those are necessarily bangers but when taken together, it’s dozens of synchs where other alphanumeric patterns only show a few, even on stretches. By far the most common theme currently.  

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Jeffrey Epstein won $29.3 million in the Oklahoma Powerball lottery on 2 July 2008, which incidentally was just TWO FRICKIN DAYS after he pleaded guilty to a state charge of procuring for prostitution a girl below age 18. I mean c’mon. Almost like he was receiving a payout for playing his role…

Jeffrey =101 Epstein =101 died 11 years 1 month 1 week 1 day after winning the lottery, 11 years 1 month 11 days after pleading guilty for the first time, which happened exactly 11 years 1 week before his latest arrest, which came 1 year 1 month 11 days after Weinstein’s arrest, which was 1 year 11 weeks 1 day before Epstein died: 11 weeks 1 day before Hillary Clinton’s birthday.  #ClintonBodyCount =1111.  Grand Lodge of New York =111.  

Jeffrey E Epstein =333.  Sex Trafficking of Minors =333.  Sex Offender =3330.  Clinton =333.  Bill and Hillary Clinton =3333.  Council on Foreign Relations =333.  Epstein =333

Epstein died 33 months 3 days after Trump’s election and exactly 30 months 3 weeks after Trump took office (or 133 weeks), as well as 133 months after pleading guilty for the first time, 33 months after PizzaGate broke, and 3 weeks 3 days after Epstein’s bail request was denied. 

  • Assassination =611.  Jeff Epstein =611 pleaded guilty for the first time 11 years 6 days before his arrest and exactly 11 years 6 weeks before his death, which came 1 year 106 days after Bill Cosby was found guilty.  Pedophile =116.  Sex Trafficking =1106.  Sex Slaves =1106.  PsyOps =116.  Psychological Operation =1106.  Psychological Operation =1116. 

Clinton =262.  Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation =2620.  Epstein died 26,020 days after the creation of the State of Israel and 26,260 days after the formation of The Central Intelligence Agency =262.  Paedophile =262. Epstein was born 26 years 2 months after Jimmy Savile.  PsyOps =262. 


Saoirse Kennedy: Black Moon Sacrifice

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The Kennedy Curse continues with Saoirse Roisin Hill, the granddaughter of Bobby Kennedy, who died of a suspected overdose at the Kennedy Compound on 1 August 2019. Saoirse, whose name means ‘freedom’ (Roisin means ‘little rose’ – like the Rosicrucians, which RFK’s mind-controlled assassin Sirhan Sirhan was a part of) died beneath a Black Moon – two new moons in one month – which is a sacred time to the Occult, when any rituals, spells, or workings are more powerful or effective. As a Kennedy, she obviously had the hookup on that top-notch CIA cocaine, so it’s hard to imagine an accidental overdose, and rumours are that she took her own life, though I’ll tell ya – with her death fitting both the number patterns and the ongoing themes of recent rituals, there’s a fair chance she was sacrificed.

  • As we examined way, way back in Issue #4, Chris Lawford-Kennedy, the nephew of JFK, passed away while doing yoga on 4 September 2018. Lawford was 303 weeks 3 days old when his Uncle JFK took office and was 103 months 3 weeks 3 days old when JFK died: a span of 3333 weeks into the 20th Century.  Kennedy =33.  Curse =33.  Hot Shot =33 (term for spiked drugs with intent to assassinate). Overdose =330.  RFK =33.  JFK Jr =330.  Saoirse Kennedy was born 3 years 3 days after the death of Jackie Kennedy.

Saoirse died on the same day as the 33-year-old mayor of Malvik Sweden, Ingrid Aune =303, who was killed in a boating accident.  Ingrid Aune =33.  Aune =133 was born on (10+19+19+85) =133. 

  • Chris Lawford-Kennedy died at the age of exactly 3310 weeks old – – and the very next day was the attempted assassination of Brazil’s Jair Bolsanaro during his campaign trail, at the age of 3311 weeks old. I emphasized this 331 pattern in that issue, and now what do you know:  

Saoirse =331 died 331 days after Lawford and was born 13 years 3 weeks after David Kennedy OD’d. 

 Saoirse Kennedy =133.  Hill =133.  John Fitzgerald Kennedy =3301.  Bobby =331. 

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SAOIRSE =325 [Jewish Gematria] and she was born and died in HYANNIS PORT =523 

Chris Lawford-Kennedy died 50 years 2 months 30 days after Bobby Kennedy’s assassination and RFK died 5 months 2 weeks 3 days before the JFK Assassination anniversary. Saoirse died 3 months 2 weeks 5 days before Bobby Kennedy’s birthday while Jackie Kennedy died 30 years 25 weeks after the asassination of JFK (his final full day alive the 325th day of 1963). 

  • Robert F Kennedy =1352.  Aune =352.  Moon =352.  The Kennedy Compound =352.  Saoirse was 25 months 3 weeks old when JFK Jr died and she died 253 days after JFK. Joseph P Kennedy Sr died 25 years 3 months after the death of Joseph P Kennedy Jr, while JFK died 20 years 5 months 3 days before the overdose of Saoirse’s uncle David Kennedy.

Lawford would have been 23,500 days old on Saoirse’s final full day alive, the ‘party’ at the Joseph P Kennedy House =235.   This August 9/10 will be 20,350 days after the JFK Assassination, which happened exactly 532 weeks after he married Jackie. Nice Fibonacci Codes showing up again here.

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  • Robert F Kennedy =216.  Saoirse Kennedy =216 died 20 years 16 days after the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr =2160 who was Assassinated =2016 at the age of exactly 2016 weeks old: great synchronicity. (666+666+666+6+6+6) =2016. 6x6x6 =216.  Saoirse was also 21 years 106 days old when Lawford died, which is bangin.

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RFK died at the age of exactly 2220 weeks old. 

Saoirse Hill =222  died age 22 years 2 months old and 20 years 2 weeks 2 days after the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr =1222.  Hill =222.  Saoirse’s uncle David also OD’d 20 years 22 weeks 2 days after the death of JFK.  Chris Lawford-Kennedy =222.  Senator Kennedy =222. 

Saoirse Roisin Hill =113.  The Kennedys =113.  Kennedy =1103.  RFK =113. JFK Jr died 31 years 1 month 10 days after RFK who died 311 months before Jackie. RFK was born 101 months 3 weeks after JFK and would have been 1113 months old when Lawford died – 101 years 3 months after JFK’s birth.

David Kennedy OD’d on (4+25+84) =113 while Saoirse OD’d 113 days before the JFK anniversary and 311 days before the RFK anniversary. The Swedish Mayor Ingrid =311 was born 11 years 30 weeks before Saoirse and died 11 weeks 3 days before her own birthday.

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Finding Nero: The Root of False Flags

Archaeologists have discovered a secret underground room in Emperor Nero’s palace in Rome, news says on 5/9, the so-called Sphinx Chamber depicted with centaurs and men being attacked by jaguars, and I’m just curious why Nero is in the news right now. Nero is the guy credited with launching history’s first false  flag attack on his own city, starting the Great Fire of Rome in 64 CE and blaming it on the Christians. As the story goes, Nero (then the youngest emperor to ever take the throne) wanted to clearcut a bunch of the city so that he could build his mighty palace, and he played his lyre as he watched it burn. Indeed he was a noted lover of the arts, a musician and actor who performed for crowds, to the embarrassment of the older generations. One year he made the Olympics include drama and singing contests, in which he competed, along with every other event and of course he won every single event, ha. Sounds like a real character. 

During the time of Nero’s reign (54-68) the Jewish-Roman War began, the first of three major rebellions by the Jews against the Roman Empire in Judea, which resulted in a Roman victory and the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple. With all this talk of false flag fire sacrifices and Jewish wars we find it very curious to note that according to the Talmud, Nero came to believe that God wanted the Temple of Jerusalem destroyed but for Nero to take the blame and be punished, and so he converted to Judaism to avoid such retribution. As much as things change the more they stay the same, and I get the idea that since mainstream history remembers Nero as being so evil (despite his preoccupation with singing songs and playing games) that he was probably used as a patsy by the Powers That Be back then.

(An interesting shot of the Sphinx Chamber, with pi symbols and Pan, the horned & hooved devil archetype)

Another interesting detail about Nero is that his name is often used in discussions of gematria – even on his wikipedia page it mentions the contention that the number 666 in the Book of Revelation is code for Nero. It also mentions the prophecies that the Antichrist would be the return of Nero, his reincarnated form, back for another delusional reign apparently. And speaking about numbers, it’s said that Nero married a man  named Pythagoras (ostensibly after the mathematician from 500 years earlier) in a same-sex wedding where Nero wore a bride’s veil… He’s also said to have committed suicide, the first sitting Emperor to do so. 

  • The thing about the Number of the Beast is that the Hebrew value for “Nero Caesar” is what’s used to arrive at the value. And it’s said this number was used at the time to secretly speak against the emperor… Interesting. Scholars totally ignorant to gematria in the English alphabet claim that the Greek for Maometis, a Latinized translation of ‘Muhammad’ also sums to 666, and they say people would claim the Prophet Muhammad died not in 632 CE but in the Year 666. Well hey those ‘scholars’ are on the right track anyway.

Sphinx Chamber =666.  Fire Sacrifice =666.  Think about the Great Fire of London in 1666.  Great Fire of Rome =966 and it began 9 years 9 months 6 days after Nero became Emperor. It burned for 6 days which means that at it’s peak it was a clean 9 years 9 months 9 days after Nero’s reign began. Pretty clear what’s going on there, tying gematria to long-counts. Nero also died 6 months 6 days after his birthday. 

And oh hey you know that May 23 date we’ve been talking about for months now? That will be exactly 101,999 weeks after the Great Fire of Rome began, ha! (That’s also exactly 102,000 weeks on 5/29). 

  • Nero’s birth name was Lucius =669 which is close. And of course the classic “Antichrist” in Reverse Extended:  Hitler =666.  But holy smokes get a load of this: the Roman Empire was officially disolved on 29 May 1453, or a god damn span of 16,666 months after the Great Fire of Rome. WHAT!?  That’s also a span of 19,096 weeks before the birth of Queen Victoria.

The connection there that the British Empire is the new Roman Empire, all with the same royal bloodlines. 

Oh shit we also see that Queen Elizabeth took the throne 26,020 weeks after the dissolution of the Roman Empire. WHAAAT :O  After everything I’ve been saying about this number being THE royal number and all the hundreds of finds, we get the big boy…  The British Empire =262.  The House of Windsor =2062. 

Roman Emperor Nero =3033.  Romans =1330.  Lucius Ahenobarbus =133.  False Flag =33.  England =33. Empire =33.  The Queen was born as Elizabeth Alexandra Mary =303. Agrippina =303 was the name of Nero’s mother who he’s said to have had killed by causing a shipwreck… which she survived only to be knifed on the beach. And on Emperor Nero’s last full day alive he was 11,133 days old.  

Apparently Nero looked a helluva lot like Donald Trump…

The Roman Empire =137.  British Empire =137.  The 33rd prime is 137 as you know and Nero died 13 years 7 months after becoming Emperor. Curiously he also died 11 years 137 days before the eruption of Vesuvius at Pompeii…  Now how do you figure that? Guess it’s a subjective interpretation, either these dates have all been tinkered with in the millenia since (or at the time) or it’s the organic matrix, or some sort of combination. Or the same sorcerers who torched Rome as a ritual sacrifice and blamed it on Nero were able to summon a fire demon in the form of a volcanic eruption. Just kidding, or am I… 

  • Emperor Nero =1130.  Royal =1130.  Rome =113.  The Beast =311.  His reign began on 10/13 and Mount Vesuvius erupted 300 months 11 days later. Damn, another very clean count. The House of Windsor was founded 3010 months 11 days after the end of the Great Fire of Rome… Huge.

It’s interesting to tie Vesuvius in here as, catastrophic fire event notwithstanding, the eruption preserved many painted inscriptions written by the commoners in praise and celebration of Nero. The man with no taste for war and whose last words were, ‘Oh, what an artist dies with me,’ it’s easy to imagine him a champion of the people and an enemy of the Power Elite. Easy to imagine a sensitive fella in the wrong line of work getting turned into a monster by those behind the scenes; the ones who thrive on inversions. Although being part of the Illuminati bloodline himself, I’m sure Nero was psycho in his own way. 

“Who controls the past, controls the future; and who controls the present, controls the past.” – Orwell

I’ve been listening to a Hardcore History podcast on the ‘Celtic Holocaust’ where Julius Caesar brought genocide to Gaul, an horrific atrocity celebrated until just a few years ago. And there’s a detail that stood out regarding the historic first sack of Rome in 390 BCE, the event that became the rallying cry for his genocide two hundred years later, Caesar repeating it as loudly and as often as he could, and that’s that many historians today believe that it wasn’t actually the Gallic tribes that sacked Rome but a band of mercenaries from Sicily. Yes for millennia, the Power Elite has been shifting the blame for attacks on the homeland onto the enemy it wished to destroy, manipulating the soldiers to fight and die for them, all in the name of conquest and imperialism. Also interesting, that event known as the Battle of Allia is recorded as having occurred on July 18 and the Great Fire of Rome began on July 19.

It’s also fascinating to read the words of Julius Caesar and how he justifies and sells the expansion of empire as liberating the barbarians from oppression by even worse barbarians (the Gallic tribes allegedly under constant assault from the Germanic tribes on the far edge of the world) and that it was always the other who started it, and never about the need to put to use a standing army and unite the citizens under the fear of a common enemy, and from order out of chaos, conquer the world. Same old shit. 

The Beast =1464.  On this 64/46 inquiry, the Great Fire of Rome =1464 happened in 64 CE and Nero killed himself 46 months later. And as it turns out, the Roman Empire officially dissolved 464 years before the founding of the House of Windsor and 6000 months 4 days before the coronation of Queen Elizabeth =640.

  • Roman Empire =64.  Roman Empire =460.  Emperor of Rome =146.  Emperor Nero =146 was born with the name Lucius Ahenobarbus =1146.  Archie Windsor =146.  United Kingdom =146.  Vesuvius =164.  


Lil Archie Windsor & the Archie Comics Predictive Programming

Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor is the new royal baby, born on 6 May 2019. The Greek prefix archi means ‘master’ while Harrison means ‘son of Harry.’ Prince Harry said that his son is “absolutely to die for” which we can go ahead and take literally that there will be (and has been) ritual blood sacrifices in exchange for the life of the new Windsor brood, same as it always was with these people. 

There’s a black chick in the Archie Comics named Valerie Brown, from Josie & the Pussycats, an American celebrity who got married to the ginger Archie Andrews, predictive programming just like Wonder Woman’s real name being Princess Diana and her character dying in the comics that hit newstands just days before the real Diana was killed. In the spinoff storyline “Archie Marries Valerie” they see the future and having a baby together named Star who becomes an object of attention for the media.

That issue (shown above) is dated 1 June 2012, which just so happens to be the day that Meghan Markle turned 30 years 303 days old. Hilarious. Making things even wackier, the issue where Archie & Valerie started dating (Archie #608: 4/21/10 – the Queen’s 84th birthday) released 3303 days before the birth of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor =3331.  Valerie is played in the TV series Riverdale by Hayley Law who just so happened to be 1330 weeks 3 days old for the wedding of Harry & Meghan. 

Probably just a coincidence that Valerie is always dressed like a beta kitten Monarch slave…

Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor =3331 and Windsor =331  [both Trigonal].  Meghan =133 [Primes] and Prince Harry Duke of Sussex =1033 [R Primes] and Archie was born 33 weeks 3 days after Harry’s birthday and 133 days before it. Prince William is the Duke of Cambridge =3031.

  • England =33.  Meghan =33.  Markle =33.  KJ Apa =33 who plays Archie Andrews on Riverdale was exactly 1133 weeks old when Luke Perry, his father on the show, passed away, and he’s the first contender that comes to mind as someone absolutely to die for the royal baby. KJ Apa was born just two days after the birth of Perry’s real son, Jack – meaning he was also 1133 weeks old for the Sacrifice =133  of  Coy Luther “Luke” Perry III =331.  Archie Mountbatten Windsor =331. 

Archie Comics founder John L Goldwater =1303 [Trigonal, same as Archie Windsor’s full name] died the day before he would have turned 30,330 days old. We talked about Goldwater back in Issue #27 when we decoded the Twins Trick sacrifices of Luke Perry & Keith Flint from The Prodigy (in a big 33-run), and he resonates again as Goldwater’s last full day alive in 1999 was 1 month 3 weeks 3 days before the Columbine Massacre, brought back into the consciousness with the STEM Shooting.

Rachel Meghan Markle =331.  Kate Middleton =133.  Meghan Duchess of Sussex =333.  Duke of Cambridge =333. The United Kingdom =331. And remember Queen Elizabeth was born Elizabeth Alexandra Mary =303 a perfect span of exactly 303 months after the death of Queen Victoria, the last female monarch before her.  Elizabeth =33.  Victoria =33. 

Meghan & Harry born 3 years 1 month 11 days apart and married 311 weeks 1 day after  ‘Archie Marries Valerie’, which came 110 weeks 3 days after the issue where they started dating. 

  • Archie Harrison =1113 [also Trigonal].  Government =1113.  Judaism =1113.  Blue Bloods =3101.  Royals =311.  Royal =1130.  Emperor Nero =1130.  The Royal Family =1130.  Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor =311.  Archie’s induced birth, to hit on a key date, came a gap-span of exactly 1131 weeks after Princess Diana’s death and 1 year 13 days after the last royal baby was born.   

There’s an article in The Sun that says Meghan had a cat named Archie while she was in college and that she was “obsessed with the antics of the ginger-haired teen Archie Andrews.” And then of all the covers out there look which one the editors go with (top of the next page): Archie checkin’ out a white girl while the black girl looks on jealously. The article ends with a strange anecdote: “Prince William and Kate Middleton’s son Prince George also bizarrely revealed to a dog walker who bumped into him in Berkshire earlier this year with his gran Carole Middleton: “I’m called Archie.” … What the hell is going on here!

Revealed to a dog walker of all people. It makes me think of Indiana Jones’s old man giving him shit that they named the dog Indiana. Which then makes me think of how Chewbacca just died a few days before the birth of Archie… That actor, Peter Mayhew, died in the same small town of Boyd Texas (population 1207) where he lived and where, as it so happens, Barack Obama’s dog, Bo, was bred…

Bo was 10 years 206 days old (or 126 months) for the death news of Peter W Mayhew =126, and we know this number is key to Royal =26 coding – especially as Archie Windsor was born on the 126th day of the year. Mayhew was 12,060 days old for the release of the first Star Wars on (5+25+19+77) =126.  George Walton Lucas =126.  Wookiee =26.  Han Solo =262.  Carrie Fisher died aged 60 years 2 months 6 days old. Leia, one of the most famous princesses ever.  Princess Diana =262.  

The House of Windsor =206.  Archie Marries Valerie =206 released when Meghan Markle was 11,260 days old (!!) and the Issue #608 where Archie & Valerie start dating released 262 days after Meghan Markle’s birthday. The KJ Apa kid who plays Archie Andrews was 260 months 2 weeks old when Luke Perry died and 262 months old when Archie Harrison was born.  Archibald “Archie” Andrews =2600.

  • Harry & William were born 26 months 26 days apart. Archie was born exactly 260 months 1 week after the death of Diana, which happened the day after Meghan turned 16 years 26 days old. Meghan and Harry were born 162 weeks apart and married on 26/62 numerology, and you know we’ve got oh so many more royal synchs with the 26/62 set as it’s their biggest number. 

Heads up May 14 as it’s 110,262 days after the founding of the United Grand Lodge of England. 

Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor =159.   STEM School Highlands Ranch =159.

Meghan =1590 and she and Kate were born 159 days apart while Harry was born on 15/9. Harry & Meghan were married on 5/19 (incidentally Peter Mayhew’s 74th birthday, making him exactly 888 months for the royal wedding). The Colorado shootings at Columbine and Aurora happened exactly 159 months apart. John L Goldwater and his business partner Louis Silberkleit were born 15 years 90 days apart. Emperor Nero died aged 1590 weeks old.  Colorado =159.  Royal Bloodline =159.  

Psychological Operations =155.  Archie Andrews + Valerie Brown =155.  ‘Archie Marries Valerie’ released a gap-span of 5 years 50 weeks 1 day before the wedding of Meghan and Harry and in the comic the characters have a celebrity baby named Star Andrews =155 [R Ordinal]. Rachel Meghan Markle =155 [Ordinal]. Emperor Nero =155 and Elizabeth =155 [both R Ordinal].  The House of Windsor was founded 105 months 5 days before Elizabeth’s birth and 1055 months before the 2005 London Bombings. 

Royal =551.  The Illuminati =551.  Diana died on (8+31+19+97) =155 when Prince Harry was 155 months old and Prince William was 1505 weeks old for his wedding to Kate Middleton =155.  Freemasonry =155.  John L Goldwater =1055 and Harry and Meghan =1055 both in English Extended. O what a tangled web!


Notre Dame Ritual Arson: Simpsons Predictive Programming

The Simpsons is at it again with the predictive programming, and once again the path is littered with disinformation landmines. ‘Husbands and Knives’ (S19 E07, 11/18/07) features a scene at the Notre Dame of Springfield with torches subliminally creating the impression of a burning roof in the subconscious mind. There’s a bunch of fake images going around that people have doctored to add more flames and thus throw most casually curious investigators off the track – just like the Trump Elevator meme hoax (that released after it happened IRL and went viral as falsely claimed to have happened before). But as we know, The Simpsons is absolutely chock-full of genuine & authentic predictive programming, confirmed as always by the numbers – the date counts in support of harmonic gematria that tells the story better than anything.

I’ve also found two other Simpsons episodes that feature the destruction of the First Church of Springfield. ‘She of Little Faith’ (S13 E06, 12/16/11) depicts a space race of rocket launches where Homer’s accidentally destroys the church before Mr Burns steps in with fundraising as the church is rebuilt to run like a business. Sounds familiar. ‘Sky Police’ (S26 E16, 3/8/15) depicts a nearly identical scenario as a military jet-pack crashes into the church destroying its roof and to raise funds for the rebuilding the Simpsons cheat at the casino using card-counting. 

In Issue #32 we saw how the 114/411 set is firmly in play. The fire at the Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral =1114 struck exactly 4 years 1 month 1 week after ‘Sky Police’ and 11 years 4 months after ‘Husbands and Knives’.  The Mossad =114.  Zionists =411.  Freemason =411.  Liberté Égalité Fraternité =1014. Let Them Eat Cake =4101.  Franc-Maconnerie =411 (Freemasonry in French).  Fire Festival =411.   Illuminati =114.   

  • Sri Lanka =411 got hit with a series of six suicide bombs on the Queen’s birthday, including three churches burning, a gap-span of 4 years 101 days after the current Sri Lankan president took office.  The Paris Attacks happened exactly 410 years 1 week 1 day after the Gunpowder Plot of 1605: Remember the 5th of November.

St Patrick =411.  St Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC was hit by a bomb 4 years 1 week 1 day after its dedication, and was allegedly almost torched on April 18th by a philosophy teacher who rocked up with several jerrycans of petrol and a few bottles of lighter fluid (apparently in case the gasoline didn’t light – always be prepared).

The Notre Dame Fire came 711 years after the Knights Templar were burned at the stake outside the same cathedral and 70 years 11 months 1 day after the creation of the State of Israel. The Simpsons episodes ‘Husbands and Knives’ and ‘Sky Pilot’  aired 7 years 111 days apart. The French Revolution began 71 years 10 months 11 days after the founding of the United Grand Lodge of England, which oversees French Freemasonry, which orchestrated and controlled the Revolution to replace the overt monarchy with the hidden Illuminati who have long since siezed control of nearly the entire world – but not yet all. Not yet us. 

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  • Montgomery Burns =711.  Arson =1107.  Third Temple =1017.  Zion Church =1107 one of the cathedrals bombed in Sri Lanka.  Temple of Solomon =1170.  Rothschild Zionist =1170.  Claude Frollo =117  (the villain from Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame who sings about Hellfire to demons).  Mossad =117. Central Intelligence Agency =117.

And if you’ve yet to subscribe to the Extra-Capsa Insider, email me ( and I’ll send you Issue #33 so you can see what it’s all about. 


Notre Dame Ritual Arson

As I was putting the finishing touches on the latest Insider issue examining the prevalence of ritual arson and fire sacrifices connecting to the Calgary Flames (as I’d been reporting on since preseason as it ties to world events) the Notre Dame Cathedral is set on fire – and as the world weeps for the loss, in this clear case of elite pyromania, the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem – on top of Temple Mount – the third holiest site in Islam, ALSO erupts in fire. It doesn’t take a genius to see that it’s the Mossad behind these staged and scripted events. Or more accurately, the inner core of the secret societies who command the world’s intelligence community to their behest and at our detriment.

Twin flames, parallel blazes at two of the most important religious centres in the worlds of Catholicism and Islam, just like the Woolsey & Camp Fires sparking minutes apart, sacred sites burning side by side as victims to sacrifice by fire. Remember that the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem is a key part of Jewish eschatology, and Masonic lore, following Solomon’s Temple and the rebuilt Second Temple. And sure enough, France now “vows to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral”. This is the secret language of symbolism. 

  • Cathedral Fire =322.  Notre Dame Cathedral =223 was lit up exactly 3 years 22 weeks after the Paris Attacks and 110,223 days after the founding of the United Grand Lodge of England, as well as 32 weeks 2 days after the National Museum of Brazil Fire (which lit 200 years 2 months 3 weeks after it opened). Mayer Rothschild born 2/23.

Solomon’s Temple =223.  Masonic =223.  Catholicism =223.  The Synagogue of Satan =223.  Zionist =223/322. Judaism =223/322. Psychological Operations =3220. 

Korban =223, which in Judaism refers to sacrificial offerings described and commanded in the Torah. Orthodox Jews believe in the rebuilding of a Third Temple and the resumption of Korban. Holocaust, or ‘burnt offering’ is Korban Olah =322.

Notre Dame Cathedral =331.  Al Aqsa Mosque =133.  Arson =133.  Fire =1330.  Mossad =1133.  

The Notre Dame Ritual Arson broke out 3301 months after the birth of Mayer Rothschild (who died 133 years before the birth of Trump) and 133 years after the death of Victor Hugo (author of The Hunchback of Notre Dame) as well as 33 months 1 day after the Bastille Day Truck Ramming in Nice and 1033 months 3 weeks 3 days after the Reichstag Fire False Flag.

It also happened 3 years 303 days after the Charleston Church Shooting, 1333 days (or 3 years 33 weeks) after the Thalys Train Hoax, and 3 years 3 weeks 3 days after the Brussels Bombing – as well as 3 weeks 3 days after Macron’s birthday – and Macron took office 3 weeks 3 days after the “Notre Dame Attack” when a man allegedly ran at police with a hammer outside the cathedral shouting THIS IS FOR SYRIA, a rare variation from their ALLAH AKBAR script.

  • The Notre Dame Fire was 3 years 33 weeks after the “ISIS” destruction of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra Syria =330 and 330 weeks 3 days after Sandy Hook, as well as 33 months 3 weeks 3 days after the Brexit =33 referendum. Our long-mentioned April 26 target date will be 101 years 333 days after the birth of JFK.  Kennedy =33.

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The Notre Dame Fire also happened 1330 weeks 3 days after the release of Rudy about Samwise Gamgee playing for the Notre Dame Fighting Irish – a movie that had an explosion scene – and the fire struck two days before riots in Ireland that killed the journalist. Fighting Irish. 

Adding to this, we see the Paris Attacks happened 13 years 33 days after the Bali Bombing, 3 years 3 months 3 weeks 3 days after the Batman Shooting, 30 months 30 days after the Boston Bombing, 333 days after the Peshawar Massacre, 30 weeks 3 days before the Pulse Massacre, and 103 weeks 3 days before the Sutherland Springs Church Massacre.

  • Well I’ll be fucked. We also see that The Simpsons episode ‘She of Little Faith’ that depicts the destruction and rebuilding of The First Church of Springfield =133 happened 3 years 333 days before the Paris Attacks. Jacques de Molay became Grand Master of the Knights Templar 113 months 3 weeks 3 days before the Templars were rounded up on Friday the 13th to be burned at the stake as ordered by Pope Clement who died 10,333 days after the coronation of King Philip IV. 

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Did you catch the story where the statues of the 12 Apostles and 4 Evangelists were safely removed from Notre Dame (on 4/11) just four days before the fire? Its since destroyed spire was in need of renovations, ongoing at the time of the blaze, which makes it obvious that it was another massive insurance fraud synchronized as an open-air Masonic ritual. No doubt it fell on the anniversary of the deliberate sinking of the Titanic: switching ships after one had been badly damaged and taking out the opposition to the Federal Reserve in one fell swoop.

They’ve raised over a fucking BILLION DOLLARS in donations from the debt slaves to pay for renovations to a fire that they started. And by they I of course mean the banksters (and their own sorcerers behind the scenes) who run the biggest magick trick / con-job there is in creating money out of thin air and who hold essentially wealth and  could end all the world’s poverty and starvation and wars overnight if they wished, let alone repair a fucking church. But instead they steal even more of our own hard-earned debt dollars – and that’s a goddamn crime that should have us getting our own Fighting Irish on and tearing down the system. 


Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Terrorists: Rothschild-Zionist Operations Decoded

The United States labelled Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization on 8 April 2019, the first time it has named another nation’s military as a terror group. As Trump’s statement said: “This unprecedented step, led by the Department of State, recognises the reality that Iran is not only a State Sponsor of Terrorism, but that the IRGC actively participates in, finances, and promotes terrorism as a tool of statecraft… If you are doing business with the IRGC, you will be bankrolling terrorism” Replace ‘Iran’ and ‘IRGC’ with ‘Israel’ and it’d be about right. 

Saudi Arabi’s King Salman called Israel the “spearhead of global terrorism.” Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said, “Israel is the most malignant terrorist in history; the mother of terrorism.”

  • As I reported on when it happened, pro-Palestinian protesters in Iran unveiled a Doomsday Clock of their own on 24 June 2017 (incidentally the 300th birthday of the United Grand Lodge of England), a digital countdown beginning at 8,411 days until the ‘destruction of Israel’ – alluding to an alleged statement by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei two years earlier that there would be nothing left of Israel by the year 2040.

The Revolutionary Guards were founded on 4/22 which is the 1408th birthday of the Prohet Muhammad who will be dead 1408 years when the Iranian countdown expires – – and it began with 8411 days remaining. As it just so happens, Mayer Rothschild died exactly 8411 weeks before the death of David Ben-Gurion, the primary founder and first Prime Minister of Israel, and 84 years 11 months before the World Zionist Organization first met on 29 August 1897.  

And how do the bankers control the world? Usury =1148. Iran’s President: Hassan Rouhani =148 born Hassan Fereydoun =1480. Their Supreme Leader: Ali Khamenei =148. 

Extra-Capsa Insiders know that we’ve been tracking the 477/744 sequence since it revealed itself in the New Zealand Mosque Attack, which happened 40,707 days after the founding of the New Zealand Grand Lodge, 477 weeks after the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood took office, and exactly 10,774 weeks after the death of Mayer Rothschild (born in 1744). 

Well as it so happens, 8411 days after the countdown was unveiled is the date 7/4/40. That’s America’s 264th birthday and we see that this 26/4 leaves a perfect 7440 days remaining on the countdown. Indeed it appears that this countdown is perfectly rigged to give the world numeric clues as to what’s really going down behind the scenes of our scripted reality.

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps =1477 same as the UK’s full title: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland =1477.  Israel State =774.  Jewish Agency =774.  Ayatollah Khomeini =774.   Ritual Sacrifice =477.   Masonic Grand Lodge =477.  Mayer Anschel Rothschild =477. 

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei was 477 months old for the founding of the IRGC (on the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday) which was named a terrorist group when President Rouhani was exactly 70 years 4 months 4 weeks old, and it’s been 1447 years since the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Zionism founder Theodor Herzl was 447 months old for the First Zionist Congress (8/29/1897) then died 14 years 4 months 7 days before the end of World War I – and was buried 44 years 70 days after his birth. 

  • Temple Mount =447.  The British Empire =744.  Her Majesty =744. Secret Intelligence Service MI6 =447 will be 40,047 days old on May 24. The Mossad is the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations =447. Nowruz =447 is the name of the Iranian New Year, which incidentally was the day that nearly the entire country of Iran was struck by massive flooding in what appears to be weather warfare. 

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps =113.  Revolutionary Guards =113.  Terrorist Organization =113. The Islamic Republic of Iran =1130.  Revolutionary Guards =3011. Foreign Terrorist Organization =3110. Judaism =1113.  Government =1113.  Royal =1130.  Her Majesty’s Secret Service =113.  Iranian =311.  Islamic =311.  Terrorists =113. David Ben-Gurion =311.  Regime =113.  Jews =113.  Statecraft =113.

Ali Khamenei became Supreme Leader of Iran 10 years 1 month 13 days after the Guard Corps founding. Our new 4/26 target comes 3 years 10 months 11 days after Trump’s campaign began. The Iran Hostage Crisis =113 began on (11+4+19+79) =113 and ended exactly 31 years 1 month 1 week after the formation of the Mossad aka HaMossad leModiʿin uleTafkidim Meyuhadim =1130. Netanyahu took office for the second time when he was 3101 weeks old and his first stint as PM lasted 1113 days and ended 1103 months after the death of Theodor Herzl.Herzl’s last full day alive was 1101 months 13 days after the death of Mayer Rothschild who died 111 years 1 week 3 days before the British Mandate for Palestine.

The Hostage Crisis ended  a gap-span of 13,303 days before the countdown unveiled. Israel was created 1333 weeks before the death of Ben Gurion. Theodor Herzl =1333 died 1333 years after the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, 13 years 3 months 30 days before the Balfour Declaration and 30 years 30 days before Hitler became Führer of Germany. Netanyahu’s brother was killed in action during a hostage rescue – at the age of exactly 30 years 3 months 3 weeks old. Bibi and his wife were born 3303 days apart.

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps =1404.  Revolutionary Guard =1440. Mayer Anschel Rothschild =1440.  Jewish =444. Islamic Revolutionary Guard =441. Hassan Rouhani =404.   The news of their terrorist label came 14,400 days after the Iranian Hostage Crisis began; the Crisis lasted 444 days and on our long-discussed red alert date of April 11th will be 14,404 days after it began on 11/4.

The 4/11 target is also 40,004 days after the founding of MI6 – – and Ariel Sharon died 40,004 days after the death of Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, who died exactly 114 years 40 weeks before this terrorist branding and 44 years 44 weeks 4 days before Israel joined the UN, an event that happened a parallel 44 years 44 weeks 4 days before the date on the Denver Airport capstone.

The Guard Corps will be 40 years 4 days old on April 26.  Ali Khamenei became Supreme Leader of Iran 10 years 44 days after the Guard Corps founding and MI6 will be 40,044 days old May 21.  Rouhani took office on (8+3+20+13) =44 a span of 1404 weeks 4 days before the countdown expires. May 6 2019 will be 44,444 days after the first meeting of the World Zionist Organization =144. The Knesset =144. The Knesset =1440.  The Knesset =144.  Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei =1144.  Terrorist =144.  HaMossad leModiʿin uleTafkidim Meyuhadim =444.  Lucifer =444.  Muhammad =444.  Masonic =444. 

Zionists =888 and Mayer Rothschild =888 (both Jewish G). Rothschild was born exactly 8888 weeks before the assassination of Franz Ferdinand while Donald J Trump =888 was 8088 days old for the assassination of Bobby Kennedy.  Deep State =888.  Elders of Zion =888.  Satanic Ritual =888.   The Synagogue of Satan =888.  Communist Conspiracy =1888.

  • The Texas Grand Lodge is headquartered in Waco and was founded exactly 8088 weeks before the end of the Waco Siege. Benjamin Netanyahu’s parents were born 888 days apart and Bibi’s mother’s last full day alive was 18,888 days after the birth of Israel, the state founded 8880 days before the Munich Massacre, which happened the day after the birth of the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter. The first Zionist Organization meeting ended 18,880 days before Israel joined the United Nations.


Christchurch Mosque Shootings PSYOP

The New Zealand Terrorist Attack happened the day after the United Grand Lodge of England, the Masonic head office, turned 101,190 days old (or the day the news was reported in North America) and 1119 weeks after gun control measures in Australia concluded following the hoax massacre at Port Arthur =1019 on the 119th day and 10 years 1 month 19 days before Virginia Tech.

Hours before the shootings occurred, Israel launched a massive airstrike on Gaza (allegedly in response to a couple Hamas rockets thrown at Tel Aviv) for the first time since the Israel-Gaza Conflict of 2014, which lasted 1 month 19 days.  Mainstream news should be reporting on that, but instead all the channels are non-stop repeat loops of this Christchurch event – a perfectly timed smokescreen that appears to be using one false flag to cover up another. And it’s got MOSSAD written all over it, or as it’s known in Hebrew: HaMossad leModiʿin uleTafkidim Meyuḥadim =11090.  All-Seeing Eye =119.  Star of David =119.  Holy =119.  Call of Duty =119.  Ardern =119.  The Illuminati =1190.

(DID YOU KNOW: A”Mossad spy ring” was unearthed in the Christchurch Earthquake: read here). 

  • Brenton =911.  Brenton Tarran, the shooter, professed to be a member of the Reborn Knights Templar =119 (the Templars founded in 1119 CE and went on to become modern Freemasonry, the Masons with their fingerprints all over this as well). We also see references to Mind Control, people theorising that the shooter was a Manchurian candidate, those as always, the true mind control target is the captive home audience.  Psychological Operations =119.  Project MK-Ultra =1119.  Hoax =1190/119.  False Flag Attack =119.  Terror Hoax =1119.

I watched the raw footage and the guy struts along a busy street holding his weapon and into a packed parking lot past pedestrians, yet somehow was able to shoot some seventy people over a period of six minutes and police never showed up. Then there’s an interview they keep playing of a bystander who had to cordon off an area and help people who’d been shot while the ambulance took 10-15 minutes to arrive. It doesn’t add up, but the alphnamuerics do.  We should also point out that this April 24th will be exactly 1190 months after the founding of the Nazi Party =1191 (in Jewish Gematria) making 5/24 exactly 1191 months to synch (or 99 years 90 days). 

I’ve been reporting on this common symbol for nearly four years now, the classic one-shoe that almost ALWAYS appears in the press photos of a false flag or staged hoax event. I mentioned it in the last post on the Ethiopian Airline crash and now here it is again. “The Masonic Shoe also called the Blue Slipper is a symbol that represents the physical confirmation of a spoken deed or bond. In ancient times, when you remove your shoes and give it to someone, you are confirming a contract, and in the First Degree of Freemasonry, the shoe is a symbol of a promise or covenant to be entered into.” It’s called the Blue Slipper and this time they literally show a blue slipper… After so many instances over the year, this one takes the cake.

The Grand Lodge of New Zealand was formed a perfect 40,707 days before this Christchurch event and 477 weeks after the current Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood took office, which finds an interesting synch with phrases that could be associated:

  • Ritual Sacrifice =477.  Death Hoax =477.  Black Mass =477.  New Zealand Defence Force =1477 (on the scene defusing bombs). Canterbury =477 (Christchurch’s region/state). We also see that the Vegas Massacre happened 477 days after the Pulse Massacre.

Operation Protective Edge =4077: aka the 2014 Israel-Gaza Conflict; Israel’s airstrike on Gaza (100 targets) that should be receiving coverage if not for this event dominating the airwaves. Masonic Blue Slipper =774.  Bonesmen =774.  Skull & Bones Society =1774.  Psychological Warfare =1774.

Christchurch =133.  White Supremacy =3310.  The Knights Templar =331.  Government =133.  Zionism =133.  Chosen People =133.  Secret Society =133.  Freemasons =133.  CIA =133.  Mossad =1133. Psychological Operations =133.

Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern =1330 (Jewish Gematria) the NZ Prime Minister and her birthday fell both 133 days after the event and 33 weeks 1 day before it. Ardern was also born 1 year 330 days before the birth of Prince William and she just gave birth in office, on William’s 36th birthday.

BBC was reminding people all week about the anniversary of Dunblane on 13/3 which happened 1133 days before the shooting at Columbine High =133 while S.Hook happened 11 years 3 months 3 days after 9/11/01. The Christchurch Massacre happened 3 years 33 weeks 3 days after Lafayette Shooting at the premiere of Trainwreck and 33 months 3 days after the Pulse Massacre, which in turn happened 30 weeks 3 days after the Paris Attacks and exactly 33 weeks before the Quebec City Mosque Shooting.

Hoax Attack =330.  False Flag Terrorism =3030.  False Flag =33.  Mind Control =33.  MK-Ultra =33.  Islamophobia =330.  Israel =330.  Templar =330.  Scott Morrison =3300.  Ardern =33.  ASIS =33.  KKK =33.  Zionists =33.  Racists =33.  Holy War =33.  The Blue Slipper =333.  New Zealand Security Intelligence Service formed on (1+1+2+8+1+9+5+6) =33 on the 333rd day with 33 days remaining. 

The 33rd prime number is 137 and the Christchurch event happened exactly 1307 weeks after the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre when an American-Israeli opened fire on a large number of Palestinian Muslims gathered to pray in the West Bank, killing 29 worshippers on 25 February 1994. The shooter, Baruch Goldstein, was beaten to death by the survivors of the massacre. And as we see in the pic below, more loose shoes (though for once it makes sense, being in a mosque).

The State of Israel was created 10,307 days after the creation of the Nazi Party.  Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern =137.  The Crusades =137.  Mind Control =137.  Government =137.  God’s Chosen People =137. 

Christ =510.  Islam =51.  Jews =51.  Conspiracy =51.  It happened exactly 51 months after the Sydney Siege and 51 days before the start of Ramadan. PM Ardern was born (7+26+1+9+8+0) =51 and it also happened in mirror gap-spans of 1005 days after Pulse and 5001 days after the London Bombings.

  • As documented on my new instagram account (@extracapsa) it happened exactly 5 years 11 months after the Boston Bombing, 50 months 1 week 1 day after Charlie Hebdo, and the day after Aussie PM Morrison turned 50 years 10 months 1 day old. It also went down 5 years 1 week 1 day after MH-370 vanished and exactly 5101 weeks after the birth of Prince Philip.

False Flag Terror =511.  A Staged Shooting =511.  Christchurch Shooting =5101.  The United Grand Lodge of Freemasonry =511.  Slaughter =511.  Saturn =511 (in the repeated imagery of the Black Sun) which is the root of much occult worship,

This event also happened 111 years 5 months after New Zealand independence, 110 weeks 5 days after the Quebec Mosque Shooting, 11 weeks 5 days before Ramadan (and 11 weeks 5 days after the KKK birthday) and 1015 months after Hitler declared himself Führer.

  • Religion =115.  Watchlist =115.  False Flag =115.  Psychological Operations =115.  Reborn Knights Templar =115.  Freemasons =115.  Racists =115.  The Royals =115.  Conspiracy =115/1105.  Fake Attack =1115.  Al Noor =1115.  Muslims =1105.  The Great Replacement =1015 (the title of the manifesto, probably written by some workshop of spooks).

Hardcore Henry was shot entirely first-person, just like this event. The movie opened exactly 153 weeks before the shooting in Christchurch New Zealand =153 on the date 15/3 which was also 153 years after the formation of the KKK and exactly 1153 weeks after the Raurimu Massacre, the previous such in New Zealand, called a “cannabis-fuelled shooting rampage” which is laughable.

  • The PM of New Zealand and the Mayor of Christchurch were born 1050 weeks 3 days apart. It also happened 3501 weeks after Elizabeth took the throne. The Queen =153 was then coronated on the 153rd day of the year in ’53.  Christchurch New Zealand =351.  

Christ =153.  Religion =153.  Judaism =153.  The Bible =153.  The Crusades =153.  Conspiracy =153.  Canterbury =153.  Scott Morrison =153.  NZGL =153.  Society of the Muslim Brothers =153.  United Grand Lodge of England =1503.

So what really went down in Christchurch? Think for yourself and come to your own conclusions. 


Notice the article was posted at 113 = Mainsteam | Green-Screen | Dishonest; a number often coded on blatant propaganda. 

“Israel will not exist in another quarter century, Iran’s supreme leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said during a speech this week in Tehran, state-run media report.” – CNN

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei =739 in Jewish Gematria: Subliminal Messages / Prophet of Darkness / Muslim Hot Fire in Hell / Christian Murder / Murderous / Iran Nuke Israel Sink / Thy Kingdom Come / Freemason a Satanist / A Terrorist Force. 

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei =183 in Simple Gematria: Order Out of Chaos / Egyptian Pyramid / Manifest Destiny / Apocalyptic Plans / The Source of Evil / Economic Meltdown.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei =84 in Pythagorean Gematria: Obama (his birthday is 8/4) / Arab / United States of America / Bomb / Jesuit / Iran War). Note that Tehran has a population of 8.4 milllion.

  • Born 17-7-1939 =82 (Armaggedon / Persian) / =63 (Divine / Deja Vu)
  • Replaced Ayatollah Khomenei: Died 6-3-1989 =98 (Prophet / IRAN ATTACK)

So the spiritual leader of Iran – who is the demonized in Zionist-ran Western media as one of the world’s most evil men while sabres rattle for war – just happens to have a name Gematria of IRAN WAR… Not to mention all the other equivalent values that synchronize tellingly. “Order out of Chaos” is the slogan of the 33rd-degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the Egyptian Pyramid is a major Masonic symbol. Those clues in addition to the Jesuit connection (recall that the current Pope Francis is the first openly Jesuit pope in history) reveal the truth behind this agent / actor of the innermost secret society. 

The Ayatollah spoke at the “Imam Khomeini Mosque” =93: the number of Crowley’s religion of Thelema; also equivalent to Propaganda / Saturn / Vishnu. Remember that Saturn is the occult essence behind Satan. In Jewish Gematria, Imam Khomeini Mosque =676 (Satanic Hexagram / Refuse Christ / Corrupted Rabbi / He Proclaims Himself as God / Islam Antichrist Clock / The Hour is Near / Nuclear Annihilation / Zealot); and in Simple Gematira =210 (All Church To Be Removed / Writing on the Wall).

“Khamenei raised the issue while discussing the recent nuclear deal between Iran and the so-called P5+1 — the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and Russia — by which, among other things, Iran agreed to cut its uranium stockpiles and centrifuges and limit uranium enrichment in exchange for the West lifting sanctions against the Islamic Republic.” – CNN

P5+1 could be interpreted as P=16 (5)+1 =166 = Lilith / Madonna / The Lamb / Preached / Twin Towers / September Eleven / One World Order / The White House / Annuit Coeptis / New York Nuked / Sudden Rapture / The Alien Invaders / It Is Written / Gematria is True / Light and Darkness / Of Divine Genetics / Secret Society / Reptilian Queen.

So now we have the secret code to reveal the true meaning of codename “P5+1″: the Secret Society of Divine Genetics operating out of the White House. [Also: 1+6=7(5)+1 =76 = Revenge / Bible Codes / Master / Human DNA / Europa / Barack H Obama]   

“God willing, there will be no such thing as a Zionist regime in 25 years. Until then, struggling, heroic and jihadi morale will leave no moment of serenity for Zionists,” he said, according to IRNA

Notice the article contradicts itself as it states that Iran is threatening to physically destroy Israel yet the direct quote clearly indicates a call for a new political party. Although with Israel’s very existence based on its religious politics, they kind of go hand in glove. I also think the parasitic secret society of Zionism’s gotta go. I guess that makes me the bad guy too eh. Like Iran, I also believe ISIS is an American (read: Psychopathic Secret Society) plot.

“He has made it clear that the U.S. is the Great Satan and that Iran intends to destroy the state of Israel. This will not happen. Israel is a strong country and it will become even stronger,” Netanyahu said in a statement. “However, the conclusion that arises from the remarks of the tyrant in Tehran is that all responsible countries must cooperate in order to stop Iran’s terrorism and aggression which, to my regret, will only increase as a result of the agreement.”

Netanyahu is one of the biggest psychopaths around; and a war criminal who should be hanged.

Great Satan =34 (representing the step above the 33-step pyramid, the all-seeing eye of Ra / Allah / Arabic / Ankh); =425 (Satanic Barack Obama / Obama Hand of Satan / Disgraceful / Imperialistic) =106 (Prophecy / Infinity / Divine Plan / Nuclear Bomb / Destroy / Heil Hitler / Exorcism / The Kingdom / Beast of Death / Sociopath) 

 Tehran =66 (Islamic / Thirty-Three / Ancient / Lunar)


Iran =130 (Saddam / Hamas / Promised Land / Washington / Moon and Sun) =42 (Freemason / World / War / Blood Moon / Equinox / Hamas)

Notice the latest update at 55 = SATAN (and the God number in numerology). These creeps even code the auto-post timer for those with eyes to see.


Pride Goeth Before Destruction: Narcissism and the Trans Agenda

My Thoughts Have Been Replaced By Moving Images =191. Egoism =191. Vanity =91. Mirror =91. Deception =91. Megalomania =91. Pride Comes Before A Fall =190. Aleister Crowley =190. Synagogue of Satan =190. 

Chelsea Manning =125/62. Transgender =125/62. The woman once known as Bradley is the original transgender military psyop, the prologue to the Caityln Jenner spectacle, and she’s in the news today for attempting suicide. Manning was sentenced to 35-years imprisonment for being a whistleblower, and once the divisive espionage scandal had run its course, Manning became Womanning – the armed forces providing her hormone replacement therapy. As his/her story amounts to the beginning of the current stage of the transhuman movement (for that is what transgenderism is leading to), it’s fitting that her name synchs with the first line from the bible.

Chelsea Manning =299. In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God =299. Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law Love is the Law Love Under Will =299, the main tenet of Thelema – not by coincidence. After all, what’s more ‘do what thou wilt’ than transitioning into the opposite gender? It should also be noted that Nine Eleven Two Thousand One =299, New Years Day on the Coptic Calendar, the day that marked the transition into a new age and a beginning of its own.

  • Bradley =67. Bradley Manning =67. Female =67. Transgenderism =67. System of the Beast =67. Freemasonry =67. Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law Love is the Law Love Under Will =767. Manning makes front page news for her suicide attempt on 7/6, 76 days after the death of Prince, an icon of gender fluidity, who was born on 6/7 and died 67 days after his protegé, Vanity =1250. Transgender =125. Gender Identity Disorder =125. Predictive Programming =125. 

The Vanity connection to this whole saga makes me think of the myth of Narcissus =33 (Selfish =33 / Satanism =33 / MK-Ultra =33 / Cait =33) who became so fixated upon his own reflection that he lost the will to live. Think of the Pulse Massacre villain – most of the images that were shown of him were selfies, posing for the mirror. So too in the Bangladesh Bakery psyop was one of the assailants remembered for his obsession with taking pictures of himself.

TRANS AGENDA =369. THE BEAST AGENDA =369. Nikola Tesla said, “If only you knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” A Key To The Universe =223. Secret Numeric Proof =223. Pattern Recognition =223. Masonic =223. The Synagogue of Satan =223. Let Him That Hath Understanding Count the Number of the Beast =223. Number of the Beast =1044. 

Pride Goeth Before Destruction =144. Prince Nelson =144, who died 14 weeks 4 days after David Bowie, the other major icon of gender fluidity. Gender Neutral =144. Orlando Florida =144. Pulse Gay Club =144. Fifty Dead =144. Mark of the Beast =144. The first 144 decimal points of Pi sum to 666, which represents the illusory reality, the so-called “System of the Beast” =202. Manning’s suicide attempt comes 202 days after her birthday and the Pulse Hoax started at 2:02 with 202 days remaining in (666+666+666+6+6+6) 2016.

  • 6x6x6 =216. The suicide news comes 2 months 16 days after Prince’s death and 2 years 11 months 6 days after she was convicted of violating the Espionage Act.
  • Pride =312. Chelsea Elizabeth Manning =213. Disinformation Agent =213. Gay Pride =85. Transgender Agenda =85. System of the Beast =85. Gay Pride =566. Chi Xi Stigma =566, the Greek letters for 666.

Another dimension of the Narcissus theme involves the societal obsession with mass media imagery and the illusory reality it depicts. Gazing into the telescreen as if it were a mirror, we perceive what the subconscious interprets as an honest representation of our collective psyche, most people unaware as to the true extent of the manipulation; unaware of the distortion. Unaware that it’s a funhouse mirror designed to deceive, and people love it. Lapping the shit up, #NoSpoon #NoFilter.

Traitor =420. Bradley =402. Bitch =42. Female =42. Lady =42. Sin =42. Self =42. Manning considered by some to be a traitor to both her country and his gender. Prince died 240 days before Manning’s next birthday. Maya =240 (which means Illusion or Magic). Thelemic Magick =240. Magic =24. Satanism =24. Narcissism =124. Approriate energetic synonyms, as Satanism is very much the worship of self and ego.

Narcissistic =143. The suicide news comes as Chelsea is 10,430 days old. Narcissistic =53. Chelsea =53. Transgender =53. Gender =53. Confusion =53. Hormones =53. Transhumanism =53. Vanity Fair =53. Family Guy predicted Bruce Jenner’s transition on 5/3 and his spin-off reality show is called I Am Cait =153. Manning attempted suicide exactly 153 weeks after her conviction. The Illuminati =153. Pride Goeth Before Destruction =153 (an interesting theme in this year of so many deaths of celebrities considered to be the Greatest).

  • Call Me Caitlyn =49. Bruce =49 (born in ’49). Transition =49. Gender Swap =49. Megalomaniac =49. Revelation =49. Beast System =49. 
  • The pilot episode of I Am Cait, opens with an alarm clock at 4:32 AM. Trans =432. Manning =432. Hexagram =432. Maya =432. That’s the 272nd minute of the day and there are 272 numbers mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Beginning =272. End of the World =1272. Bavarian Illuminati =1272. The Truth of Reality =1272. Rigged Reality =727. Four Thirty Two =2083. Six Hundred and Sixty-Six =2083.

The 666 is represented by the hexagram (Star of David) with its 6-sided hexagon surrounded by 6 equilateral triangles of 60-degree angles, or two intersecting triangles (As Above So Below) each with three points (3+3=6). I Am Cait =336. Selfie =336. Selfies =75. Chelsea Manning =750. Transitioning =79/169. Gender Confusion =79/169. Thelema =169. The Law of Thelema =1259. Ego Worship =1259/135. Selfishness =135/45. Egomaniacal =45/167. Manning =167. 

Meeting Cait =52/106. Prophecy =52/106. I Am Cait Meeting Cait =162/81. Ego =162/18. A Transhuman Agenda =162. The Society of the Spectacle =1602. Egomaniacal =81. Ego Worship =810. The Beast System =181. 


Gary Webb Sacrifice & CIA-Cocaine Numerology

“Authentic journalism is telling people something that the government doesn’t want them to know.” – Webb

Gary Webb, the investigative journalist who exposed the CIA’s involvement in the crack epidemic with his series of articles and book titled Dark Alliance =180, died at the age of exactly 18,000 days old, a “suicide” by two gunshots to the face.  Webb =18.  The Drug Enforcement Agency =108.  

  • Crack =18.  Sinaloa =18.  Narco =18.  Drug Trafficking =180.  Dope =180.  Masonic =108.  Narcotics =81.  Kill the Messenger =810  is the name of the film about Webb’s life. The Iran-Contra Affair lasted 80 weeks 1 day and Pablo Escobar was born exactly 10 years 8 months before Rick ‘Freeway’ Ross, the kingpin who moved the crack into the ghettoes on behalf of the CIA, as Webb exposed in part through multiple interviews with Ross. 

Kill the Messenger released exactly 118 months after Webb’s death, confirming the code. It stars Jeremy Lee Renner =1180 playing Gary Stephen Webb =811 and Webb & Renner were even born 801 weeks 1 day apart. Webb also died a perfect 11 years 8 days after the death of Pablo Escobar. 

 The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 was the big international treaty that was the precursor to the War on Drugs, signed 11 years 108 days after the formation of the Mossad. Now check out all the 118 synchs with the CIA and its derivatives in the covert coke game. 

  • The Central Intelligence Agency =118.  CIA =118.  Central Intelligence Agency =1118.    Medellin =118.  Colombia =118.  Dope =118.  Central Intelligence Agency =1811.  Webb also died 18 years 11 months after the first newspaper article on CIA involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking was published. The Iran-Contra Affair lasted 18 months 11 days.                El Chapo =118.  Sinaloa =118.  Narcos =118. 

Kill the Messenger also happened to open a parallel span of 811 days after the death of investigative journalist Alexander Cockburn, one of the three men associated with exposing CIA-coke – all dead.

The Central Intelligence Agency =1081.  Central Intelligence =181 and Mossad =181 founded 818 days apart.  Illicit Drugs =181.  El Chapo =181.  Kill the Messenger opened 18 years 1 months after Webb’s ‘Dark Alliance’ series published, as well as a gap-span of 10,081 days after the end of the Iran-Contra Affair and 181 days after the death of fellow investigative journalist Michael Ruppert, also suicided with a gunshot to the head just like Webb.

The Netflix series Narcos released 10 years 8 months 18 days after the death of Gary Webb and a parallel span of 10 months 18 days after the release of Kill the Messenger. 

Central Intelligence Agency =117 and Mossad =117 founded a day short of 117 weeks apart.  Sinaloa =117.  Crack =117.  Rick Freeway Ross =1170.  Cocaine Trafficking =1017.  

  • Princess Diana, who we can’t seem to go an article without mentioning, was killed on Webb’s birthday, and he died 7 years 101 days later. Webb was also born 7 years 11 months after the formation of the CIA, just as El Chapo was born 7 years 111 days after the formation of the Mossad. El Chapo’s last prison escape was on 7/11. 
  • Reminder: this 2/22 is 110,170 days after the birth of the United Grand Lodge of England. 


Controlled Substances =999.  Gary =999.   Illicit Drugs =1669.  Joaquin Guzman =1699.  Iran-Contra Affair =966.  The CIA =696.  Narco State =696.  Ricky Donnell “Freeway Rick” Ross =669.  

  • Webb published the Dark Alliance series in 1996 and he turned exactly 1996 weeks old the day before Escobar was assassinated. Kill the Messenger opened when El Chapo was 690 months 6 days old and El Chapo’s last escape came when he was 699 months old. Michael Ruppert died 66 years 6 months after the formation of the CIA. 

Escobar was assassinated 6690 days after the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs became effective. Manuel Noriega, also involved in CIA-drugs, died at the age of 999 months old.  

Pasted Graphic.pngPasted Graphic 1.png

Webb was born a gap-span of 2903 days after the formation of the CIA and died 20,903 days later.  

  • Freemason =293.  Controlled Substances =293.  The Drug Enforcement Agency =392.  Rick Ross =392.  El Chapo =392  was found guilty 9203 days after the death of Escobar. 

And that’s crazy, right? Especially because 293 is the 62nd prime. Nothing direct as I see with 62 but that’s one we always cover. And to further confirm the intelligence tribute:

  •   • Gary Webb was born 2087 days after the formation of the Mossad and died 20,087 days later.  Conspiracy =2087.  El Chapo Guzman =287. 

Pasted Graphic 2.pngPasted Graphic 3.png

Now you gotta respect that CIA / Mossad synch with Webb, especially considering the 18s we started this investigation with. Total sacrifice by the numbers. A threat to truth-purveyors like me. 

Kill the Messenger opened 1440 weeks after the end of the Iran-Contra Affair. Escobar died aged 44 years 1 day old and Rick Ross was born 10 years 44 days after the formation of the Mossad and a day short of exactly 4 years 4 months 4 weeks after the birth of Webb who died when Ross was 44 years 10 months old. Ross was also 44 years 4 months old for the death of Reagan =44.  

  • The CIA =44.  Drug Trade =44.  Crack Cocaine =144.  The Crack Epidemic =1044.              Drug =440.  Pablo Escobar =4441.  Medellin =444.  Coke =444.  Weapon =444.  Occult =444. Energy =444.  Masonic =444.  Illicit Drugs =444.  The Iran Hostage Crisis lasted 444 days. 


We’ve been covering the 313 code lately, verified with the 3-13 Super Bowl score, and what do you know: El Chapo was sentenced 1313 days after his last escape. Pope Francis took office on 3/13/13 and Wade Wilson died at the age of exactly 3131 weeks old. 

The CIA =313.  Pablo =313.  Controlled Substances =313.  


Eli Cohen’s Watch & the Worship of the Moon Goddess

Eli Cohen was an Israeli spy publically executed by Syria on numerology of [5+18+1+9+6+5] =44 at the age of 44 years 4 months (22 days) or 44 years 144 days old. Forty-Four =144. Clock =44. Time =144 and there are 1440 minutes in One Day =44. Israel =44. Zionism =44. HaMossad leModiʿin uleTafkidim Meyuḥadim =441, the full name of the Mossad. Eli Cohen =44. 

  • With the recovery of Eli Cohen’s Watch =144 we’re reminded of Iran’s Doomsday Clock =144/440, which began an 8,411-day countdown on 24 June 2017 – the 300th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of England. The intelligence that Cohen gathered before his arrest is said to have been an important factor in Israel’s success in the Six-Day War. And as it just so happens, that war of June 5-10 in 1967 coincided in perfect harmony with a New Moon.

June 8th, the exact day of the New Moon, was the failed False Flag =1044 on the USS Liberty, when unmarked Israeli gunships and fighter jets attacked the American naval vessel in international waters in order to blame it on the Egyptians =144/44. Liberty =44.

Eli Cohen was born on the exact date of a New Moon. Princess Diana was killed the day before a New Moon and Princess Grace was killed the day after a New Moon. Prince William was born on the exact day of a New Moon and Kate Middleton was born on the exact day of a Full Moon (as was Donald Trump, during a total lunar eclipse). In the Jewish Calendar, the birth of a New Moon marks the start of a new month.

Cohen’s watch recovery made the news on 6 July 2018, or 19,408 days after his death. 1948 was the year that the Jewish Agency declared the independence of the State of Israel on May 14th. The very next day the First Arab-Israeli War began (which ended 6666 days before the Six-Day War ended).

The time on the watch is frozen at 6:31 (pointing to 9 & 6), which if in PM means that it’s the 1111th minute of the day [(18×60)+31]. HaMossad leModiʿin uleTafkidim Meyuḥadim =1111 [in Primes, which further supports this cypher]. Hidden Knowledge =1111. 

HaMossad leModiʿin uleTafkidim Meyuḥadim =155. Jew =1505. Freemasonry =155. Cohen was 15,500 days old the day before the Six-Day War broke out (and 15,505 days old the day before it ended) and he died 15 years 5 months 5 days after the formation of the Mossad.

Over the past few days I’ve been working on the Ritual Sacrifices of Goddess Figures, like Princess Diana and Princess Grace, as well as Queen Astrid of Belgium and Jayne Mansfield, all four glamourous celebrities killed in car wrecks. And we’ve got a whole bunch of this sequence: 

Princesses Diana & Grace were born 11,555 days and Diana died when Prince William was 5,551 days old. William would then wed Kate at the age of 1505 weeks 5 days old.

  • Queen Astrid’s funeral was held the day after she turned exactly 1,555 weeks old. Exactly 155 weeks into World War I, the House of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha rebranded itself as the House of Windsor =1555. British Monarchy =1555.

Jew =1505 [in Jewish Gematria]. Freemasonry =155. Luna =155. Princess Diana and Princess Grace were both killed in automobile accidents in France, while Queen Astrid was killed in a car crash in Switzerland (where French is an official language) and Jayne Mansfield was killed in a car crash in New Orleans (the French capital of the United States). France =155. Switzerland =155. New Orleans LA =1155. The Illuminati =551. Royal =551. 

Assassinated =551. Grace Kelly =551 was pronounced dead at 10:55 PM and Diana died on numerology of [8+31+19+97] =155, a span of 5 years 5 months 1 day after the 1992 death of her father, the Earl Spencer. Diana’s younger brother (also Charles) was 1055 days younger than she. Diana was married exactly 551 months after the death of Queen Astrid and was wed to Prince Charles for a total of 5510 days.

Diana is the Moon Goddess in Roman mythology, also known as the Queen of the Witches in the Wiccan faith, and she was killed beneath the Alma Bridge. In Arabic, Al-Mah means ‘Moon Goddess’, and the bridge was built beside the ancient site of a temple to the Cult of Diana =1550, which demanded sacrifices in its underground chambers.

As we covered previously, Wonder Woman’s alter ego is Princess Diana, and the character first appeared in an issue of All-Star Comics from December 1941 – a span of 55 years 10 months before her death in August 1997 (days after a Wonder Woman comic hit newsstands saying that Princess Diana was struck down). The film Wonder Woman (2017) – starring Gal Gadot, an Israeli Jew – hit theatres exactly 55 years 11 months after Princess Diana’s birth.

The Metonic cycle of the Moon lasts exactly 19 years and Gal =19 Gadot =19 was born exactly 19 years after the founding of the Church of Satan =19. The 19th prime is 67 and the news of Cohen’s Watch broke on 6/7, as July 6th is written everywhere outside America.

Sacha Baron Cohen is set to play Eli Cohen in an upcoming series called The Spy. Sacha Cohen was 17,067 days old on 7/6. Diana of Wales =767 will be dead 7676 days this 9/6, September 6th (perhaps a clue in Eli Cohen’s watch) or exactly 21 years 6 days.

  • Princess Diana =216 born 21,006 weeks after Elizabeth I took the throne and died 21 weeks 6 days after the Roman festival to Luna. The UK =2016.

And I’ve got so much more juicy goodness on these Princess Assassinations, which you’ll be able to read in my upcoming book on Ritual Sacrifices by the Numbers – coming soon. 


Kevin Smith & The Church of Satan

Lisa Spoonauer, who played Caitlin Bree in Kevin Smith’s cult classic, Clerkspassed away on 20 May 2017 at age 44 due to unknown causes. It’s pretty obvious to us however that Pi cycles had something to do with it – as did Smith’s curious connections to Baphomet. His upcoming film Helena Handbag (about mankind teaming up with Hell to save the world from a rapturing giant Jesus) notwithstanding.

In 2009 he authored a six-issue comic book series called Batman: The Widening Gyre that pairs the Dark Knight with a new masked hero named Baphomet. Batman grows close to Baphomet, revealing his identity to his new friend & helper, and together they take down Calendar Man – known for committing crimes that correspond with holidays and significant dates. Sound familiar? The series ends with a cliffhanger as Baphomet is revealed to be the supervillain Onomatopoeia.

  • Onomatopoeia =131. The Devil =131. The Great Beast =131. Church of Satan =131. Anton LaVey =131. God =131. 

Kevin Smith =49. Caitlin Bree =49. Clerk =49. In the film Bree is dating Dante Hicks =49 and Clerks was based on Dante’s Divine Comedy, its first section Dante’s Inferno =49. Pi =49. The 49th prime is 227 and her last day on Earth was exactly 22 years 7 months after the release of Clerks. Notice the 227 on Calendar Man’s belt. The Church of Satan was founded on April Thirtieth =227. 

  • Devil =227. Satanic Bible =227. A Satanic Ritual =227. Lucifer the Lightbringer =227/314 (yes both pi codes in one).
  • Jehovah =314. Solve et Coagula =314 (as is tattooed on the arms of Baphomet). Kevin Patrick Smith =413 who played Silent Bob =413. Anton LaVey died 1413 days before 9/11/01, or 3 years 10 months 14 days, for a perfect tribute to the Law of Reversals.

KEVIN SMITH =480. BAPHOMET =480. SATAN =480. Solve + Coagula =48. Smith =48. Illuminati =48. Hollywood =48. Clerk =148. Satanic Ritual =148. Presidential Assassination =148 and JFK was killed exactly 148 weeks after his inauguration. The 148th prime is 857 and Spoonauer was born 857 days after Smith.

With end date that’s 858 days. Kevin Smith =85/58. Kevin Patrick Smith =85. Smith + Spoonauer =85 (Bree =58). Dante Alighieri =85 (Alighieri =58). Templar =85 (Freemasonry =58). The Devil =85 (Satan =58). Baphomet =85 (Lilith Samael =58), as it reads on the Sigil of Baphomet, which is the official symbol of the Church of Satan. And as we’ll see, the connections between Satanism & Kevin Smith run deep.

SOLVE means to separate or dissolve & COAGULA means to coagulate or bring together. The maxim of duality as represented by the symbol of Baphomet, it means that something must be broken down before it can be built up. Ordo Ab Chao (order out of chaos) is another way of expressing this philosophy of the occult elite. Before we dig deeper let’s point out that SAMAEL =666. Law of Reversals =666. Perfection =666. Batman =666. God Incarnate =666. Horned Beast =666. Zodiac Wheel =666. Karma Cycles =666. Dissolve =666. Clerks: The Animated Series first aired 66 weeks 6 days before 9/11. Remember the giant Baphomet statue in Detroit was unveiled 6 years 6 months 6 days after Obama took office.

Samael =24. Lilith =42. Individually they’re equal: Solve =24 & Coagula =24. Combined they’re inverted: Solve + Coagula =402 and expressed similarly in English: Dissolve + Coagulate =242. Satanism =24/42. Magick =24/42. Qabalah =24/42. Dante Alighieri =242. Dante’s Inferno =1242. LaVey =240/420. Caitlin =24. Bree =24. Lisa =402.

  • Kevin Smith =124/142 was exactly 2442 weeks old when Spoonauer died. (244+442=666). Alphanumeric Palindromes =2244. 
  • Smith =244 was born 2 years 4 months 4 days before the birth of Spoonauer =124 who died 1020 weeks 4 days after the death of Anton LaVey =124. Dante Hicks =124. Clerks Three =124 was cancelled 14 weeks 2 days before she died. Palindromes =142. 
  • Kevin P Smith =224 was born 122 weeks 4 days before Spoonauer. Clerk =224. Jay and Silent Bob =1224. Batman The Widening Gyre =224. The Satanic Bible =224. The Secret Elite =224. Secret Elite =422. Occult Elite =422. Blood Sacrifices =422. Satanic Inversion =244. 

Spoonauer was 21 years 10 months 14 days old for the Clerks premier. Smith was born on the 214th day. Coagula et Solve =214. Anton Szandor LaVey =214. A Palindrome =214. Satanic Inversion =214. Satanic Bible =412. 

Dissolve =111. Coagulate =111. Samael =111. The Devil =111. Templar =111. Batman =111. Onomatopoeia =1110. Smith + Spoonauer =1110. The Apollo Program ran for 11 years 1 month 11 days. Alphanumeric Palindrome =111. View Askew Productions =111, Smith’s production company.

Spoonauer =119. View Askew Productions =119. Clerks opened on 10/19 of 1994. The Devil =119. Satanic Mass =119. Palindromes =119. Coagula =119. This is the name of the first Transgender =119 superhero in comics, who can coagulate liquids and dissolve solids at will.

Kevin Smith =44. Silent Bob =44. Spoonauer =44 dies age 44Ritual Sacrifice =44. Magick =44. Her character was dating Dante =44. Full name Dante Hicks =444. Batman The Widening Gyre =444. Order of Thelema =444. Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of the Law =444. Lucifer =444.

  • Spoonauer =114 was exactly 1141 weeks old when Clerks opened. Anton LaVey =141. Dissolve & Coagulate =1140. Aleister Crowley =1140. Satanic Bible =114. Manifest =411. Knowledge =411. LaVey was born on 4/11. 

Lisa Ann Spoonauer =777. Order Out of Chaos =777. The Long Count Calendar =777. Smith =77. Spoonauer + Smith =77. Coagula et Solve =77. Dante Alighieri =77. Hexagram =77. Elite =77. Judaism =77. The Powers That Be =77. Superheroes =77. 

There’s really something to this alphanumeric palindrome phenomenon. Bree =29/92 dying 292 days after Smith’s birthday. Batman The Widening Gyre =292. Dante =260/62. Solve =26/62. Kevin =26/62. The Church of Satan =262. Anton Szandor LaVey =2602. Satanic Inversion =262. 

Square and Compasses =262. The Perfected Man =262. The Hidden Truth of Reality =262. The Blueprint of God =262. The Alphanumeric Source Code =262. The Fibonacci Sequence =262. Harmonic Vibrations =262. Holographic Matrix =262.

Compass =331. Lisa Spoonauer + Kevin Smith =133. Solve + Coagula =133. Lilith + Samael =133. Church of Satan =133. Government =133. Inversion =133. Now how’s this. The 33rd prime is 137. Lisa Spoonauer + Kevin Smith =137. Anton LaVey =137. The Church of Satan =137 was founded exactly 1307 weeks after the birth of Donald Trump.

  • Anton LaVey was also born 5909 days before Trump and LaVey died 9950 days after Smith was born. Fuckin weird eh? Dante’s Inferno =599. 
  • Kevin Smith was born 1555 days after the Church of Satan was founded. Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law =555. 

Spoonauer died exactly 753 weeks after Clerks: The Animated Series ended. If we employ the Law of Reversals we find yet another tribute to the Church of Satan in the inversion: Smith =357. Anton Lavey =1357. 

Calendar Man indeed. Truth hidden in plain sight for those with eyes to see. And I’d like to give a massive THANK YOU to everyone who’s donated lately, even without my asking. That’s proof of an abundant universe. 


The Queen’s Birthday Gift: The Ritual Sacrifice of Prince

Sorry for the delay in game, truth-seekers! I’ve been going full steam ahead at my book and am now up to 48,000 words. I’ve been getting a few requests for the Prince story so, old news but let’s have at er. Prince and Chyna, two transgender icons, dying on the Queen’s birthday – the same day that ex-MLB pitcher Chris Schilling was fired from ESPN for transphobic comments. They died 14 weeks 4 days (3 months 11 days) after the death of another androgynous icon, David Bowie. All just coincidence I’m sure 😉 Prince who donated to 9/11 Truth organizations and spoke out against chemtrails.

  • Chyna =452. Transgender =452. Nelson =245 (Prince’s surname). My favourite Prince song is “Gett Off” =79/34 (Murder =79/34, Prince Dead =79, Nelson =34, and he died on a 34 date – now we know why the odd spelling of Gett). The song’s hook goes, “Let a woman be a woman and a man be a man,” which takes on a whole new meaning in light of the current transgender hype.
  • Chyna =51. Transphobia =51/123. Conspiracy =51/123. It Was Murder =151. The Artist Formerly Known As Prince =151. Royalty =1051. 

Royal Sacrifice =144. Gender Neutral =144. Prince Gett Off =144. Prince’s real name is “Prince Nelson” =144. Prince William =144 and Prince (born with 90 numerology [6+7+19+58]) died on William’s grandmother’s 90th b-day. Queen =62. Transgender =62. Transphobic =62. Transhuman Agenda =62. Prince & Chyna =62. The perfect dual sacrifice set to the perfect soundtrack: When Doves Cry =62. Ritual Murders =62. Musicians Killed =62. By The Numbers =62. King Charles =62, as we’ll have once Queen Elizardbeth kicks the bucket.

  • Consider his trademark purple colour theme, the symbol of ROYALTY =71. Rockstar Killing =71. Musicians Killed =71. Joan Marie Laurer =71 (Chyna’s real name). Transhumanism =71, which is what the transgender agenda is leading to and priming for. Seventy-One =144. PURPLE REIGN =69. Harmony =609. Prince Public Death =609. This is the symbol of cancer that we’ve seen connected to every death by ‘cancer’ in 2016, including Bowie who died at age 69. Indeed it would appear in some cases that these blood sacrifices are engineered public deaths of the celebrity character, the Prince and Bowie rippin duets together in some deep underground military base or secret island.
  • Prince Public Death =166. Transgenderism =166. Joan Chyna Laurer =166.
  • With the 69 theme, we’ve seen that 6 can be expressed in reverse as 9. Prince Nelson Fake Death =97. Prince =197. Lebron =197, which is an interesting connection to Lebron James’ Cavaliers, as historically, a cavalier is a soldier who fought for King Charles.

Born on 6/7, Prince died 67 days after the death of Vanity, his protege. Blood Sacrifice =67. Joan Chyna Laurer =67. Transgenderism =67. She died 113 days before Prince’s next birthday, like the 3 months 11 days after Bowie, reminding us of the Paris Attacks of 11/13 coming 311 days after Charlie Hebdo. Chyna and Prince Sacrificed =131. Prince died at ‘Fifty-Seven’ =131, 131 days after the release of the second phase of his last album. Assassinated =131. They’re saying he was found “Unresponsive In An Elevator” =313. This was the exact frame in the Zapruder Film that showed Kennedy’s split melon.

Transhuman =48. Six Six Six =48. Hollywood =48. Prince died 48 days before his 58th birthday, born in ’58. Vanity was sacrificed the day of the 58th Grammys -it was said she died of “Kidney Disease” =58. Purple Rain =58. His ’84 movie based on the song ran 111 minutes and his death date of 4/21 is usually the 11th day. His final tour was called the “Piano & A Microphone Tour” =111. Year of the Celeb Assassinations =111. Slaughter =111. The Windsor-Bush Bloodline =111.

  • Prince =38. Mr. Nelson =38. Death =38. And he died in a town called “Chanhassen” =38 in “Minnesota” =38.
  • He died at age 57 in “Carver County” =57. Transgender Agenda =157. Prince @ Fifty-Seven =88. Purple =88.
  • Year of the Dead Celebrity =216 (6x6x6 =216). Year of the Dead Celebrity Continues =2016 (666+666+666+6+6+6 =2016).Gender Neutralization =63 (sum of 1 through 63 equals 2016).

Notice Prince’s death date of 4/21 can be expressed as 421, the 82nd prime number. April Twenty-First =82. His last studio album was released 226 days before the death of “Prince Rogers Nelson” =226. Purple Prince Sacrifice =226. Chyna was known as “The First Lady of Sports Entertainment” =181. Gender Bending Chemicals =181, which she would have been on. Maybe that’s part of what they’re spraying in the chemtrails.


International Women’s Day and the Suppression of the Sacred Feminine

Frauen Tag =440. The Sacred Feminine =440. Feminine =144 (Goddess Worship =1447). Hermaphrodite =440 (Gender Neutral =144). Bring Home The Bacon =440. The Annihilation =440. Mothership =440. Kill =44. Sexism =44. Frauen Tag =93 (Propaganda / Reprogram Reality / FLOTUS / End of Days / Parents / Trouble).

That’s the poster on the Wiki for International Working Women’s Day. Notice the date [3+8+19+14] =44, matching the headline with its embedded blend of Baphomet-esque gender-neutral kill coding and genuine empowerment.

Women’s Day, March 8th (Equality =38, Girls =38, Divine Feminine =138), the 67th day of the year. Day of the Goddess =67. Primal Mother =67. Female =67. Sixty-Seventh Day =67. Equality for Women is Progress for All =167. The Suppression of the Sacred Feminine =167. Human Equality =167. Some celebrate with purple ribbons. Purple Ribbon =67. Purple =88. Program =88. Independent Ladies =88. Feminism =88. Purple =425. Lady =425. (And it’s exactly 245 days or 8 months until the 8th of Nov, voting day, when Hillary will most assuredly be elected).

  • Ladies =300. Single Ladies =300. Eighth of March =121. Motherhood =121. Woman =1021/66. Goddess Within =66. Bitches =66. Feminism Agenda =66. Destruction of Families =99. Social Engineering =166.
  • Ladies =23. Dame =23. Males =23. Men =32. Mistress =32. Mrs =23. Miss =33. Women in the Workplace =230. Social Engineering =420. Women =420. Lady =42. Female =42. Bitch =42. Bitches Day =42/96. Independent Ladies =960. MK-Ultra =96.

Great Mother of All =176. Eighth of March =315/76. Columbia =315/76 (female personification of America). Artemis =315 (Goddess of the Hunt). The Fates =314 (squad of goddesses dictating the destinies of men). Independent Ladies =79. Anti-Sexism Day =1079. Mother =79. Nature =79. Our Mother Earth =797. Inner Goddess =79. Goddesses =97. Goddess Worship =181. Art =181. Female Empowerment =81. Independent Women =81. Lesbians =81. Venus =81. Gaia =108. Female Woman =108. Free Energy =108. The Spiral =108. Full Moon =108. God is Love =108.

Motherhood =58. Goddess Day =58. Bad Bitches Day =58. Day for Women =58. The Sacred Feminine =158. Mother Nature =158. Sacred Feminine =327/125. Better Half =327. Gender-Bending Chemical =327. Transgender =125. Women =1025. International Working Women’s Day =152. Anti-Sexism =152. Feminism =52. Semiramis =52.

  • If You Can Dream It You Can Be It =117. International Bitches Day =1117. Mother of Humanity =1117. The Thirty-Third Degree =1117.

We Can Do It =94/1112. Social Engineering =94. Destroying Family =94. {Feminist Agenda =64. Destroy Family =64. Earth is a Goddess =64.} Human Being =94. Harmony =94. Abortion =94. Sasha Fierce =94. Occult Conspiracy =1112. The Supreme Priestess =1112. Maria Sharapova =1112/143 — a female role model in the news for cheating on International Working Women’s Day =143. Feminism =43. Her ban goes into effect on 3/12. Matriarch =312. First Lady Michelle Obama =213. Next US President =213. Hillary Rodham Clinton =231.

Thank you, ladies. I love you.

"The Firm" = "The Company" = "The East India Company"?!

Allah's Eternal Wrath and Catastrophes upon all [Luciferaunic, Kabbalah-Massonic, misanthrophic, pedo-sodomite] "governments"/ corporations/ mafia/ secret societies/ Vatican Chabad etc./ people/ hypocrites/ satanists/ deceivers/ impostors/ psychopaths/ Riba of this world [who shall be increasingly and completely exposed for all their filth and crimes and thence punished to death!] ... and Allah's most severe punishment upon those who oppress/ deceive/ connive/ plot against Allah's Mu'minun ... shall befall now!

The End.

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