Sunday, June 7, 2020

Racist Albino Kabbalah/ Kafir "Science" doesn't even know Maths! (The Pandemic of Jahalah killing this perishing world!)

Kabbalah (and its Freemasonry) is what came down at Babylon, during the reign of Prophet Sulaiman (Alayhis Salaam), through Harut and Marut.

True [and UNcompromised] scholars (who, by Allah's Guidance, cannot be fooled by Kabbalah-Freemasonry's typical disinfo/ impersonation) KNOW that:

1.) Since their Khuruj in the 7th Century, Yajuj Majuj have been [jinn-worshipping/ dealing] Kabbalists/ filthy-witches/ filthy-warlocks, who broke into various deceptive factions/ nations/ "religions" (Abrahamic or otherwise), and took over every position of influence over human affairs (especially banking/ media/ academia/ politics/ monarchies/ govt./ military/ jassassa, etc.).

2.) Most people in this world (headed by whites/ albinos and followed blindly by non-whites) are raised, in the very fabric of their every mentality, "Kabbalized"! (It's miserably sad but true, which is exactly why the Hadith regarding 999 out of every 1000 has long manifested, and the world is now already facing depopulation/ perishing entirely!) 

3.) Whence the discerning (who are aware of Real History) notice how, e.g.,: if you take away the "hatred of Islam" (and the condescension of non-white "races") from (what Kabbalic erotica/ fantasy parades as today's "Israel-Jew-Nazi-Buddhist-Hindu-Pagan-Saturnism-Satanism"-loving) "Christianity" then there's NOTHING left in "Christianity (!!!) ... thence the discerning realize how Yajuj-Majuj's white cockroaches are --- irrespective of their various purported nationalities/ "religions"/ "ism's", and their constant Hegelian conflicts (of the homosexual catharsis, really!) --- simply Kabbalists in every way imaginable!  ... And since the pedo-sodomite dawn of the Renaissance/ 1666 AD, these freemasonic cockroaches have killed off all decent members of ALL lands/ ethnicities, to leave alive (and mate with) only those that followed their every cockroach/ masonic "way" of evil!  ... 
The result is today's absolutely corrupt and [thus] dying world of mostly Yajuj-Majuj stock in various colours, placed upon each fractured populace, wherein the birth and survival of a true/ decent/ righteous [INDIVIDUAL] human being who rejects Lucifer's/ Yajuj-Majuj's Kabbalah [and "ways"] has been, for centuries and decades, a matter of chance and Allah's Decree!

(Twin Yajuj-Majuj, like the masonic checkers!)

(The "Ways" of Yajuj Majuj")

"In Race: The History of an Idea in the West Ivan Hannaford guides readers through a dangerous engagement with an idea that so permeates Western thinking that we expect to find it, active or dormant, as an organizing principle in all societies. But, Hannaford shows, race is not a universal idea―not even in the West. It is an idea with a definite pedigree, and Hannaford traces that confused pedigree from Hesiod to the Holocaust and beyond.

Hannaford begins by examining the ideas of race supposedly held in the ancient world, contrasting them with the complex social, philosophical, political, and scientific ideas actually held at the time. Through the medieval, Renaissance, and early modern periods he critically examines precursors in history, science, and philosophy. Hannaford distinguishes those cultures' ideas of social inclusion, rank, and role from modern ones based on race. But he also finds the first traces of the modern ideas of race in the proto-sciences of late medieval cabalism and hermeticism. Following that trail forward, he describes the establishment of the modern scientific and philosophical notions of race in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and shows how those notions became popular and pervasive, even among those who claim to be nonracist.

At the same time, Hannaford sets out an alternative to a race-based notion of humanity. In his examination of ancient Greece, he finds in what was then a dazzling new idea, politics, a theory of how to bring a purposeful oneness to a society composed of diverse families, tribes, and interests. This idea of politics has a history, too, and its presence has waxed and waned through the ages.

At a time when new controversies have again raised the question of whether race and social destiny are ineluctably joined as partners, Race: The History of an Idea in the West reveals that one of the partners is a phantom―medieval astrology and physiognomy disguised by pseudoscientific thought. And Race raises a difficult practical question: What price do we place on our political traditions, institutions, and civic arrangements? This ambitious volume reexamines old questions in new ways that will stimulate a wide readership."

Review (May 18, 2000) by David Livingstone

I highly recommend this book. A well detailed account of the development of scientific racism in the West, showing that it has become a deeply rooted and fundamental aspect of our culture. An another important book on the subject is "The Aryan Myth" by Ivan Polikov, but Hannaford's work concentrates in the evolution of racist thinking in scientific circles, and links much of its influence to pseudo-scientific occult theories, and in particular, the Jewish Kabbalah. According to the Hannaford, racist theories developed from the Kabbalistic interpretation of the curse of Ham, and it was the Kabbalistic science of physiognomy, the study of facial features with the goal of recognizing the elect, that introduced type-thinking to the West. What makes Hannaford's work stand out from others of its kind, is his establishment of this most important connection. I only gave the book 4 stars, because, unfortunately, I don't believe he explored the subject sufficiently. ...

(Masonic Yin-Yang!)


This one illustration (above) is enough to permanently exterminate the "racist/ atheist science" twin of pseudo-religious Kabbalah's religions galore!

You could read the rest of the science and maths facts presented in this good book by Freemason Harun Yahya.  

If you are familiar with all of human melody's work [not "works"!] since the beginning ... you would not have to be told what freemasons are, or what they do (since Harut Marut) on behalf of IMPOSTOR Dajjal, and how to filter the freemasons' every deception/ impersonation/ "gooood works"/ Yin-Yang/ Veda etc. ... to identify the truths they've [historically] stolen from other souls whom no one knows [or no one was allowed to know]!


Even the slightest speck of Kabbalah's filth/ Zulm in one's heart disqualifies one to be a genuine Muslim ... and disqualifies one from ever getting near even the fragrance of Jannah!

Some Maths --- esp. the most crucial/ important/ Eternal ones --- require Tazakkaha first!

Because this world isn't all [or only] Black & White [like the masonic checkered floor]! Thus, an honest soul cannot take any side in a Hegelian world where all choices/ conflicts are tailored by Luci-Pharaoh-Dajjal/ Yajuj-Majuj/ Jassassa/ Shayateen ... and where most conflicts are ultimately between 2 hypocrites or 2 freemasons!

- - -

One Irreversible Revelation!

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ 

رَّبِّ ٱغۡفِرۡ لِى ... وَلَا تَزِدِ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ إِلَّا تَبَارَۢا

"My Lord! Forgive me ... [Please] Grant the Zâlimûn (Babylonian Kabbalists/ Freemasons, polytheists, wrong-doers, impostors, satanists, NOAHIDE-peddlers, munafiqun/ disbelievers et al) no increase but in [complete] Destruction/ Annihilation!" 

(Nuh: 28)

The End.

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