Sunday, December 22, 2019

Huququl 'Ibaad/ Human Rights on Earth! (Al-La'natullahi alaz-Zalimeen)!

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Honestly you should take 75 percent of Canadians to jail because we all think [all treasonous/ traitorous politicians] should of have been shot already, just because the rcmp is too useless to do their job. So they arrested innocent victims, what a shame is the rcmp

We will all be in jail soon the surveillance grid comes online and they really hear what we ALL say should be done with our politicians... LOL ... And passing question to the RCMP and CBC reporters .... why are you protecting these criminals and driving us from the land causing such hardship and poverty ..they now hold over 99% of the land mass and you enforce this insane land resource distribution.. harming you your families and friends your actions are unforgivable .....
Crown and provincial lands almost 90% Agricultural 6% Corporate 3% People of Canada 1% ... and the bank hold title to 90% of that !!!
It's our country why would we charge ourselves to live on our own land ...
250 million acres of land and we have homeless everywhere. ... And owe billions on the crumbs we are allowed to live on .. Really people give your heads a shake 🙈🙉🙊
If every man, woman and child was given an acre the gov would still have over 200 million acres ... And I have traveled this entire country and it's not all tundra and uninhabitable .. most is quite habitable with a little work...

... And YET ...

(This is just one tiny example of why [Imperial-COLONial] Judaism/ Judeo-Pagan-Nazi-Hindu-Buddhist-Christianity/ Shiism and 70-some other agencies/ agents of demonizing Islam and causing Islamophobia/ Shariah-phobia were created by Yajuj Majuj and their Dajjal/ Jassassa over at least one millennium and especially since Renaissance/1898/ WWII/ 11-2-1979/ 9-11! ... Sheeple on earth today are raised to hate the only thing that gives them their rights --- the original Islam perfected/ established by RasulAllah, Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam!)

And who owns the rest of the CUNTries of the world ?!

All of the above will enrage (and move to bold action) ANYONE who is NOT: insane, mentally deranged, stupid, ignorant/ Jaahil, confused, morally-famined, empathy-famished, embarassingly compromised, a pathetic coward, devoid of Imaan/ Taqwa, useless, talentless, morbid-with-inferiority/helplessness-complex, conscienceless, [and thus] a lowlife, or criminally wicked/ hell-bound!

When will dumbed-down/ ignorant/ confused humans [on this perishing earth] realize how stunningly blinded/ deceived they are [raised and kept] since childhood, and for centuries ... and begin to protest and demand for the correct things first?!

When will they stop insulting/ hurting/ deceiving/ wronging each other and go after the real oppressors/ enemies who are trying to usurp everything and everyone including the Most Beneficent Creator (Al Malik Al Khaliq) of humans & the universe?

Lucifer/ Iblis, [its children:] Yajuj Majuj, Dajjal, Jassassa, shayateen (wa jinnat-e-wan-naas) and their followers [both overt and covert/ deceivers/ phonies] have always been [since Adam, Alayhis Salaam] and will always be [till Qayamah] FAILURES and UNFIT LOSERS in everything [incl. their mendacious, perfidious and impoverished usurpation of Dunyah and their lame (wa Tabb) attempts to hijack]: RAHMA, Knowledge/ Shahada, Selflessness, Justice, Hikmah, Haqq, Huququl 'Ibaad, Wudd, Al-Ihsan ... and thus MULK!

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They're Everywhere!! || Karma/ Purge/ Sort Out All Such SSHItty SZionazi-Kabbalist-Luciferian-SSatanic-Masonic [Ugly, Crass, Misopedic, Lowlife] Criminality/ Fraud/ Targeted-Gangstalking/ Narcissistic Abuse/ Covert Murder!!

They're Everywhere!! (Sort Out All Such Filth!!) They're Everywhere!! (Sort Out All Such Filth!!) - 2