Thursday, December 26, 2019

Sad and Deceived Suicide/ Death for Dummies!

Once upon a time, 2020 years ago, reportedly: "Jews" claimed to "kill" the Messenger "Jesus" sent specifically to them by The Creator Almighty, and then wrote a book/ Bible on what "Jesus" had said to his followers.  

For centuries/ millennia since, "Christians", claiming to be the followers of "Jesus", have claimed to follow that book/ Bible ["reportedly" compiled by the very killers of "Jesus", the saviour of "Jews"]!

Clearly, this "Only-5-Pillar-Islam" is NOT what RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) originally established!

The babylo-chaldean-greco-helleno-mithraic-kabbalo-vatico Shia Magi/ Dajjal-Christ-Majoosis/ Magi --- 'shirking' .. er .. 'preying' as immaculately as all their Khawarij [pedo-sodom] ancestors?!

"Christians" are not sure, till date, as to (1) "who" wrote the "Bible" that has been "revised" for thousands of times, (2) "who" did the "revisions".

Mother-Suns, or Father-daughters, with little to no genetic resemblance?!
(One e.g. of Satanists' ritual reference to Qur'an: Surah 71, as on 1971?!  Check the rest of world history!)
(Subliminal suggestion in countless such events WORLDWIDE & throughout time:

(1) "Never forget how Allah wronged (?!) Satan/ Lucifer by turning him into an effete, sick, perverse, androgynous, effeminate/ faggoty & destroyed "Rajeem"?!!!" LOL! 

(2) "You must never forget to carry, like a cross, Satan's vengeance/ grudge/ vendetta against God and against the virtuous Children of Adam whom God favoured ... and carry it through some concocted form, ideology, 'issues/ problem' or 'history', for all your wasted life?!  ... You must also suffer -- what Satan's children, Yajuj-Majuj, suffered behind the wall of Dhul-Qarnayn -- in a myriad of evil/ vengeful "ways [of Yajuj Majuj]" such as: surveillance, police-states, false-flags, hoaxes, wrongful imprisonment, demonization, Riba, debt-slavery, mortgage-slavery, corporate toxicity, wage-deprivation, zero human rights, invasion/ displacement, zio-imperial-colonization, race & cuntry "assignment/ label", poverty, illness, landlessness, homelessness, imposed-masonic-sodomy, legal/systemic desecration of family & dignity, etc. etc. etc. " ?!

(3) "Never forget the pain (!) of murderous chameleons, who hijacked the identity of (viz., guised themselves as) their own victims, for life!" ... etc. etc.)?!

(Jinn Lucifer/ Satan, like all his children, is too low/ narcissistic/ cold/ cursed [& thus stupid] to understand even fundamentals/ concepts such as "free will", "conscience", "discernment (Najdayn)", and "accountability/ consequences (Hisaab)" that's within the innate core of every human and jinn"?! That's why Allah gave him an absolute 'Fail', which is the obvious inheritance of his ilk in a world about to PERISH, again! )
(And that coinage: "The "Jew" cries out in pain before he strikes ...?!")


For whom/ WHAT are they all wailing & bleeding so gaily/ gayly, really?!
("Now that we've shed BLOOD, we'll shed more BLOOD! No one can stop us!" ~ 1971 Majoosi Masonic NLP by Sheikh Devdas CHAKRAborty
Saffron/Orange-Chakra (Hindu-Buddhist) Masonic Terror!
-legged Fallen baphomet/ lucifer?!

Meanwhile, almost every deplorable and miserable world event (esp. since 1898, wherein the [scripted] fate of the most highly regarded lands are frequently "piloted" in lowly regarded lands!), with correspondingly rampant crimes against humanity, indicate -- to those with even the most minimal education and discernment -- that everything about the "Bible" and "Christianity" has only benefited the "Jews" alone, and has been devastatingly/ satanically barbaric, usurping, oppressive and murderous towards Muslims only!

Further, these characteristically mendacious/ perfidious/ satanic "Jews" (mentioned immediately above) are: (1) mostly albino/ pale-skinned, along with their mulattoes, (2) cannot [and will never] truthfully trace their history back any more than 2 or 3 centuries, and they, thus, institutionally impede anyone on earth to bring ALL of true human history into the narrative of world affairs today; and (3) form a worldwide trinity/web of secretive bees [or snakes/ worms/ leeches], called Freemasons [on the "purportedly-non-Illuminati" surface or front]  wherein they have infiltrated [or rather, assumed the guises of] every "religion" on earth, such as Judaism, Christianity, Muslims, Hinduism, Buddhism, and the rest of them all!

Unfortunately, for them --- they may have infiltrated/ re-modeled/ face-lifted/ defaced the "Muslim" people, but they will never be able to corrupt/ imitate the Qur'an, which (as Promised by Allah) will always be the only Light of Truth until [and even after] Qayamah (The absolute End of the World). 


Meanwhile, a bit of [mostly chronological and big-picture-enabling] Real History on: [mendacious, perfidious and "Hasid"] Cain's/ Dajjal's/ YajujMajuj's historically perennial invasion/ infiltration/ deception/ murder/ usurpation/ hijack/ loot and faking all history [and thus all Truths], which only expedites the catastrophic PERISHING that's imminent upon the whole world today [as is clear to those with 20-20 vision!] ...

Black and White ... 
Yajuj Majuj broke loose from the wall of Dhul-Qarnayn (in Georgia) after 632 A.D.!
Yajuj-Majuj's British Empire (East India Co.) Looted Muslims and empowered Munafiqs (= Majusis, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Kafirs, Pagans, Buddhists, Munafiqs)! 

(Note: How Dajjal's Hindu India even falsely claims the "Muslin" of Muslims/ Dhaka!)
Babylo-Mithra-USA's [/ UNSC's] Hegelian Babylo-Shia Crescent is only bad news for the Real/ Original Islam, and only good news for the Babylo-Kabbalo-Nazi-Zionist-Vatico-Russo-Pagan-HIndu-Buddhist-Mushrik-Satanist-Masonic white Christ-ian "Jews"!
(Crown-Babylo-Kabbalo-Vatico-Masonic Shia Trinity!)

How astonishingly FEW, on a doomed earth of almost 8 billion people on their deathbeds, realize, from this section (above) ... how everything the Demonic-Babylo-Kabbalo-JewNazi-Christian-Satanist-Lucy-Mithra-Mason chameleons Yajuj Majuj are "staging" as "Biblical" world events/ conflicts/ crisis [historically, but ESPECIALLY since WW-I/ WW-II/ 9-11] ... are really references to (and, often, inverted/ twisted re-enactments of) Real History?! 

Now, back to what I was saying earlier ... 


Here's a sad and sick example of what ignorance and misguidance begets (and this merely begins the domino effect of sad destruction worldwide, because even Lucifer knows as well as ALL [repeatedly] fallen Romes through real history, that there is NO BARAKAH, esp. ultimately, in anything or any identity or any land that is wrongly usurped):

If only Billions of people on earth, at the dumbest/ blindest/ most-deceived period of human history, knew that satanist pharisees, when they talk about the Son, are not referring to "Jesus" OR to "Dajjal" ... they're, often, originally referring to RasulAllah Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam), in their luciferian/ satanic continuum of the "historical phenomenon of Dajjal"!  

[And the real Mu'minun surely know, with every Yaqeen, that Dajjal will never be able to imitate/ hijack the reality of RasulAllah Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam)!]

In the absence/ unwillingness/ incapacity/ inability to See such Truth, the following is befalling them ...

WHY did the suicidal US [and global] debt-bubble begin AFTER the Muslim Caliphate was wrongly sabotaged/ destroyed/ [hijacked]/ looted/ abolished?! 
(Today Westerners, and thence/ thus people worldwide, are SO ignorant/ brainwashed/ bigoted towards "Islam" -- and suicidally so -- that they don't even know/ understand which "Islamic Caliphate" I mentioned in the preceding [trillion-dollar]- question!)  

More than 50% of the world's poor are Children!!!
More than 50% of the world's poor are Children! WHY?!

Comments on video above:

Its only to get Worse. America Has Fallen.

Jennifer Whitehouse
Lower class and even middle class white Americans are suffering greatly. The numbers are higher, due to the demographics and ratios of white and black populations. Just cut the crap with identity political jargon, it's highly insulting. There's, I would say of 70% of the American population suffering and living in poverty and those living pay cheque to pay cheque. The whole of society in the US is in dire straits excluding the 1%. Hunger, no homes, no healthcare. Beyond disturbing.

Maria Dowler
Jennifer Whitehouse over 40 million living below the poverty line in the USA. No surprise really as most of the American government hold Israeli passports, they just help themselves to American taxpayers hard earned money and throw it at Israel.

yankees gohome
America is a bankrupt society 

The USA is dying. 

And the UK is dying simultaneously: 


(Search the Lyrics of this (yet another) Self-fulfilling-Kabbalah-proffecy song!) 



Some End Times' Prophecies by RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) have clearly manifested already -- as seen in all of the above-mentioned!

However, discernment raises further reflections beyond just the descriptions and linear observations on the prophesies.  

Since the advent of Yajuj-Majuj's Christopher Columbus, the essence of that America has been the diabolical opposite of  Islam in every way (to the extent that Lucifer was avowed never to let the Original/ Real Islam ever enter or flourish in America (or the entirety of Dajjal's Samael-Lilith/ Sam-Britannia 'West', or UNSC, really!) without some Freemasonic 'crompromise' in it (which is one of many implications of the prophesied smoke/ dust of Riba)! Thus, America's [as well as Britain's] current [and now speedy & gaily/ proud] decline towards Perishing is not because they're "Mun'minun" who have fallen into "Jumur"!  [Quite the contrary!]  They're simply reaping what they've sown, much as only shayateen/ satanists do not want the idea of accountability and consequences!

On the other hand, not all "Muslim countries" are being attacked, impoverished, looted, bombed or displaced!  A lot of such countries --- due to their Freemasonic compromises [/ nature], at least since their "Independence" (!), if not since WWII or WWI or the 1898 --- have been basking in the Freemasonic patronship (that comes with being a complicit agent/ ally/ active-abetter/ silent-abetter with the enemies of: Allah, RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam), Qur'an and Islam) to the point of having irreparably lost their Imaan/ Islam a long time ago.  

A truly discerning human being today will be unable to prove, with evidence, that there is ANY country in the world today that is NOT Zionist/ pro-Dajjal! 

And it cannot be reiterated enough, at this near-twelfth-hour, that True Muslims [and Mu'mineen], carrying the entire heft of their "Jumur" with incorruptible sincerity, are only but INDIVIDUALS, in any land! It ought to be common sense for any real Muslim who ever understood and lived even the most basic tenets of Islam, that Allah only looks at individual hearts, and not at groups/ groupings of any kind [duh] --- which is exactly why humans are born, and then later buried upon death, individually.

The Zilzaal that are prophesied to unfailingly emanate from the Holy Lands ... will surely affect the whole Ummah and the whole world!  And those with discernment would understand this already.

As for the compromised/ hypocrites ... the protocols of their own Elders of Zion clearly says how each and every one of those who served/ supported/ upheld Babylo-Kabbalo-Zio-Dajjal through Freemasonry ... will be [well-deservingly] sacrificed/ suicided.

And the few Truthful souls remaining today can never miss the joy of finding and holding on to The Truth that is only the Blessed Qur'an, since we're counting the days to Allah's Answer o promised events ... anytime now.

Salatanw wa Salamun Alaika, 
Ya RasulAllah!

Sorting Out and Dissolving: diabolical deception/ dialectics/ delusions/ mass-dumbness/ [cognitive] dissonance/ delirium/ dajjala & SSHIt!!

  The True Authors of Communism & Socialism [and almost every "-ism"]: The JESUITS  !! June 19, 2020   James Arendt 6     This...