Everyone knows who "they" (the real terrorists/ criminals/ thieves/ demons -- in their inverted, queer, cold & shadowy pale of lunacy) are!
The continued suicidal lies [viz., Riba/ Khayana/ Conspiracy] of soulless/ remorseless/ FILTHY "them" is inescapably ensuring ... why their annihilation/ depopulation/ PERISHING from Allah's Punishment (whether "they" call it coronavirus/ covid19/ pandemic/ plague/ depression or anything else) is as INEVITABLE ... as [e.g.] luciferian yajuj-majuj's "white people" [and serfs/ actors/ impostors/ impersonators] NOT being "semites"!
Everyone knows, now. Even "Media" IS "their" mass-murderous/ suicidal shit!
Everyone knows, now [even the ubiquitous & incorrigible ignorant/ wicked, worldwide, since 166 AD/ 19th Century/ WWII].
The End.
The End.