Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Confusion of Confusion! ... What's going on?!

There abound several different [and yet interrelated?] phenomena/ patterns out there in Dajjal's dying world of deception!  Connect for yourselves ... 

Hono[u]r Blackman passed away.  
The flagrantly transgender-looking "Bond-girl" died on 4-5-2020. S/he hailed from Lewes (Sussex) which is the police and judicial centre of Sussex!

Following this, some time later, a black man named George Floyd was dishonoured and murdered by police in a [different] country to which the self-proclaimed Duke of Sussex (and his reportedly black duches?!) migrated!

The very few discerning ones on earth inferred that the same (jinn-like) white Jesus (or Yahway) that this "Luciferaunic-Kabbalah-Pharisaic-Masonic-Colonial-Trinity-JimJonesPlanet-Christian" black man worshipped had descended upon his neck --- like the Babylonian-Judeo-Christian holy ghost/ Rama/ Krishna/ Kali/ Durga/ Shiva/ Mithra/ Buddha/ Zoroaster etc. --- with a pure rapture!!!  

And so very very few alive on earth wonder/ ask if all [deceptive] world events in the news/ media varieties are simply scripted chronicles of self-fulfilling prophecy ... err ... luciferian/ criminal evil and "Da-Ja-La"/ deception!


Yajuj-Majuj broke loose by 700 AD!
Where all haven't they gone/ miscegenated/ INFECTED/ corrupted/ stunk-up the world to death, by now?!

(SHI-A ... Xi-A ... CIA ... et al!)


Jinns (like Lucifer/ Iblis) are electrical beings (or e-beings!)!  When you are suspended in an e-world grid, you are already immersed in the Jinns' world! ...  And heedlessness towards Allah (and the Qur'an), abandoning the conscience, an unclean heart/ conscience/ soul (filled with Ar-Raan), your complete submission to Dunyah (and your lowest impulses/ greed), and Riba/ alcohol/ narcotics/ microchips in your veins are all it takes for the Jinns to control you like you were their slave ... wherein Lucifer/ Iblis wins, and you get raised with Lucifer/ Iblis in Eternal Hellfire!  This is a major implication/ warning of the prophesy regarding the "999 out of every 1000", especially in a world where a lot of Jinn-ridden non-humans/ clones/ robots are already parading as "world leaders/ notables/ celebrities/ authorities/ scholars etc." (and they are, clearly, incapable of any "love and affection" towards anyone/ anything, DUH!)

Clearly, the "999 out of every 1000" (prophesied in the only True Prophesy --- that of RasulAllah, Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) have already long been rushing towards their own Freemasonic suicide --- having "drunk too deep" again, like they did with Pheraun's Samiri --- by following Lucifer's/ Dajjal's/ Yajuj-Majuj's every (inhuman/ unconsciencious/ psychopathic/ arrogant/ fake/ selfish/ vain/ evil/ corrupt/ criminal/ Anti-Fitra/ SUICIDAL) way!


Yajuj-Majuj broke loose by 700 AD!

Where all haven't they gone/ miscegenated/ INFECTED/ corrupted/ stunk-up the world to death, by now?!







The following news clips are the tiniest glimpse into what a demonic/ filthy/ wretched abyss of failed/ broken [human-looking] shayateen that this world's heedless/ fake/ suicidal societies have [morally, culturally and in every other sense] prolapsed down to! 

(Reuters: 25 July, 2020)
The Mu'minun who constantly heed and seek [Allah, RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) and the Qur'an's] Truth and Knowledge know that the last ten minutes in the illustration above show the horrors of the Perished Nation catastrophes throughout human history!

The End.

Sorting Out and Dissolving: diabolical deception/ dialectics/ delusions/ mass-dumbness/ [cognitive] dissonance/ delirium/ dajjala & SSHIt!!

  The True Authors of Communism & Socialism [and almost every "-ism"]: The JESUITS  !! June 19, 2020   James Arendt 6     This...