They're Everywhere!! (Sort Out All Such Filth!!)
Revealed: leak uncovers global abuse of cyber-surveillance weapon
Spyware targets Uyghurs by ‘masquerading’ as Android apps – report
The Pegasus Project (what are its links to Paperclip?)
Moving away can be a effective way to stop gangstalking but then comes into question is this a form of human trafficking? To intimate or forcibly be pushed away from your home due to investigational gangstalking or informal group social control, would be considered human trafficking. Which is much easier to prove than gangstalking and human trafficking is a solid charge and self explanatory.
Then does the person or target being gangstalked have the means to move away? If it has got to the point to where you are being swarmed by a different social class than the social class you were apart of this probably means your support network is gone and your financial assets have been depleted. It makes it hard to move when you have literally no assets and your name has been slandered so badly that no one will employ you.
Personally I can't stand walking away from fight that has come to my door although I am forced to by my own morals to do so quite often. I would much prefer to stand my ground and not let them win [or avert their Karma] and maybe that is why my life is so difficult.
NO! The pagan genocidal occult rules the world and wherever you go there they fucking are…
location means nothing to them. Imagine how gratifying it would be to them to know they forced you to completely change your location based on their program.
go on vacation, they will be there waiting, on the plane next to you.
Never underestimate the power of not giving a sh3t
so far fat gross as**s Stalked me in 6 (SIX) countries to date; true that location by the looks of it mean nothin’ to’em, while me struggles, sort of, bc i’ve come to the conclusion that am MUCH Stronger than any of them, and that’s My Truth; issue at hand is they destroy my SELF- realizations, me for one NEVER caused any of them any issues, let alone to lose their daily bread, it seems that i’ve ‘helped’ criminals, predators scumbags, that’s NOT going to happen again EVER!
locally and abroad where this INSANITY began in an island of CRAZIES, that’s what they did, attacked my professional life, thus directly / indirectly my income (daily bread), been coerced by the island (uk) bullies to move, completely destitute; here in a major ‘military land, they ALL greedy and corrupt and dumb af, latter Exactly the same as in uk (the dumbies, zombies)
My experience to a t
So very right. Also this involves the US military. Here in Dayton Ohio the wright Patterson AFB is involved in these crimes against humanity. They come off the base to join local law enforcement and paid community members to to commit their crimes. Stay away from US military bases if possible. And don't trust the police. Local law enforcement is filled up with these twisted evil creatures.
No. Depending on how deep/heavy you have been stationed into this evil corrupt circle of experimenting, ethnic cleansing, dark webbing, murder for life insurance, identity thieving and basic moronic idiotic mentality, hating ass monkeys who will break in and kill your pets, fry your family, and isolate you from love, finance, work, and more - they follow you like a dog high on your scent. IF you are ethnic, female, single - it may be worse.
People dont understand what is happening to them and so they run. They dont realise they are on a F*mason black list and that where ever they go nothing will change.
There is no gray area this is very much black and white. They are committing crimes against humanity, war crimes. It is ILLEGAL IN EVERY COUNTRY in the entire world there's no place where any population of people would consider this a reasonable course of action against anyone including their worst enemies or potential terrorists. This is a crime that is inexcusable and should be punished with the death penalty. In fact it is punishable by death. Because committing psyops on US civilians on US soil is a crime punishable only by the death penalty.
Feet first into a wood chipper
Most likely not. I have heard many TIs say they moved and got a short break, then it started right up again. Some have moved across the country and it did not stop.
A lady , Linda Shelton, went to Europe for some time , and there her house was sabotaged and her dog was poisoned. Back in the states, she was targeted again. Her autobiography is called Adventures in Forgiveness. It is worth reading for any TI or anyone unwilling to believe this crime is real, and that even professing Christians can be perps. She cofounded 3ABN, a big Christian TV network, ,and is very credible. I understand as my own church has targeted me for reasons no one will reveal.
You have a profile, like a portal or company profile on you. In this profile it's a show that shows everything you do and things that are altered. Anyone for the most part can buy “tickets” to the “show". Hints why gangstalkers always say you're the star of the show. It's because it's a profile created just about you but for the world. The only thing is once you/they purchase the ticket you/they leave the show with a camera attached to their back. I believe the saying is, broad is the road that leads to destruction. Gotcha! 😜
In layman's terms you were sold out by relatives that wanted to destroy you for profit/ envy etc. In this online profile people place bets on you and what will happen to you. If you are on rnm they monitor your thoughts to certain reactions and people get paid off of that. If you react in real time, they get paid off of that, they get paid from taking your pictures, altering pictures, etc. For them they get watched, their phones/electronics gets hacked. They have been hijacked into the program by partaking in what they thought was a game but it's a surveillance system. When they get that contact by the hidden hand, you will see them disappear from you.
I feel the only way to stop “gang stalking” is exposure.
“Gang Stalkers” HATE cameras! In my case, I hired a private investigator to help obtain credible evidence. As a targeted individual, it is difficult to post photos and videos on social media because the stalkers have full access to computers, servers, and iPhones. No Antivirus will protect your electronics. They utilize backdoor entries provided by the manufacturers. Microsoft and Apple provide the United States Military with their systems called “passports.”
The United States Governent obtained the hacking “passports” after 911 and the passing of the Patriot Act.
With no public oversight, the United States government intelligence agencies started to utilize this secret tool intended to be used in rare cases and only against terrorists - Against innocent American citizens.
The “Apple and Microsoft “ passport allows your “Gang Stalkers “ full control of your financial accounts, social media, and online streaming. “Gang Stalkers” utilize overlays that make any photos or video blurry or ridiculous. The slam dunk photo you obtain of your attackers will likely look like a “sponge bob “ when you attempt to post it online.
“Gang Stalkers” slander you as a person to family, friends, and community. Pointing the finger that the targeted Individual is mentally ill versus a victim of unimaginable crimes at the hands of federal and local law enforcement.
“Gang Stalking” is so sensational and and against the core values of the freedom that the United States has proudly fought for for many years. it makes gang stalking too sensational to be believable.
I found live streaming to be an effective tool to expose gang stalkers. Facebook allows the “Gang Stalkers” to encode targeted individuals' live feed that includes an overlay designed to distort video quality.
Vimeo does not allow “Gang Stalker” access. So your live feed will be original video quality. But, expect the live feed copy to be re-edited. Because with full backdoor “passport access” they a full access to your passwords and 2-factor authorization. (They have a cloned version of your phone)
In my case, Cherokee County Sheriff's Department, Cherokee County Marshals, Cherokee County Department of Family Services, GBI, and Army CID are the “Gang Stalkers”
I have the terrorist in charge confirmed via face ID. As the stalker at my home, Miami, Nashville and even a Virgin Voyages Cruise Vacation.
Nope net negative.
Heres the problem with gang stalking, you are taking a persons ENTIRE life away from them, everything is manipulated since birth, and worst of all it’s people with our own abilities and will.
You have NO RIGHT. And we are completely irrelevant people who have harmed no one.
So not only are we not part of the group, but we are also parasited from. It’s ONE or the OTHER guys. Way out of balance.
You think you’re just going to take everything from one person and everybody else gets to sloppily fatly and grotesquely laze around your automatic robo society?
You think your fat robo society is more important than our human lives? It’s not. 😬
There is no difference. Being a Targeted Individual means you are subject to a 2-sided torment. One side is “gang-stalking” (aka vigilantism) by actual people who are given instructions on what to do, and where to do it. They use cell phone private apps like Whatsapp, and you become the subject of a TikTok-like photo challenge. The other side, is the Electromagnetic Warfare tactics used. They are DEW (Directed Energy Weapons), which is a class of weapons, and not one single device. They use high tech RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring) to to transmit broadcast UHF (Ultra High Frequencies) waves that can induce the language portion of you brain, and will broadcast to you in your own voice, or the AI cloned voice of someone you know (typically a family member). They can also scan and “read” your brainwave language EMF (Electromagnetic frequencies) emitted to “know what you are thinking out loud “. So a Targeted Individual is attacked with electronic harassment devices.
THIS IS GANG STALKING! If anyone ever doubts your gang stalking experience, where you describe a group of people under a false accusation about you, harassing you in public, AS IF YOU WERE A TIKTOK CHALLENGE, refer them to this story. Or ask anyone who has doubted you in the past, to see this News report. Find it on whichever News media outlet that person trusts, because they are all reporting on it. This is the crack in their wall, which will expose them.
FIRST LESSON: is a report that validates everything we have said. But more important, delivers it in a message that anyone can immediately understand. It’s not complicated. It is only our own emotions, AND PTSD, that prevent us from presenting our case as well as it is packaged here. Let this News report speak for you. Say you are a victim of “this” whatever “this” is.
SECOND LESSON: The true CULT behind this uses gullible non-cult people to do their dirty work. It would take only ONE paid-to-torture-you-evil-cult-stalking-person, to tempt and instigate 25 other people into stalking and harassing another person without question, based on completely fabricated information. So do not be so quick to blame every person that stalks you, of being part of a deep state stalking cult of evil doers. Most of them are just ignorant to what they are doing. And THOSE are the people who can expose this “game”. Because the real evil cult members are controlling them from the shadows.
Evil alone has no power. It requires ignorance to execute its will. And unfortunately, there’s a lot of ignorant people out there willing to do anything for a dollar and thrill.
They are supposed to only talk with their handlers. The handlers are afraid of their superiors which are usually elites of some kind. The elites thought they married into prestige. No, they married into slavery!
I'm sure they talk to each other about us. I think they believe they are extremely powerful. They are not at all. They live in constant fear. That's how it's their job to keep TIs in fear. Fear breeds fear. They are taught in their manuals to breed fear You know that. You think we don't know. We know.
You have to remember that with gang stalking, everyone knows about the truth of what's going on except for you. You are the target and therefore you are the one in the dark. You have to know that you are famous and that everyone in town or your community knows about. It is easy for them to get honeytraps because. random ladies and men alike will volunteer to be the honeytrap for money and for clout. Rumors were spread around about you not being a good person so people will volunteer to trap the bad guy which is you in their eyes. remember in order to get everyone on board, they have to paint a bad image of you.
The point is to crush you. This is the new tactics and warfare citizen now face for any perceived wrong doing or perhaps just for their enjoyment. It’s a sick sick world. This cohort of demon possessed persons simply lives off of the pain and suffering you now experience. It really it’s the lowest filthiest type of evil doing to another human. It’s a sad day in hell.
I found they became more scarce physically, but they turned to using mind control torture more and more. They still show up in public with their antics and paparazzi weirdo shit. They do that knowing that I'm public I'm not dumb enough to cause a scene with my family present. I think they got tired of the booby traps and bulldogs. They used to get close enough to our house that my wife could hear them, now it's just me that hears them daily. Try, when in public, looking at the people that you suspect of participating in this sex offender shit, right in the face and simply think about their flaws and the reasons they are sex offending. If you are correct about their involvement, they will show signs that they are irritated by your thoughts alone.
Targeted Individuals are picked by anyone. Most military and police have access to this technology as they use it for investigations and covert military operations where silence is a must. Amongst these people who have sworn their lives to protect our citizens there is a number of treason committing Benedict Arnolds. These traitors will accept payment from anyone to add your name and info to a program much like the one make by the CIA called MKUltra or one that almost every police office in the country uses The Phoenix Systems that has the ability to monitor a individual much like Targeted Individuals describe.
Hardest part of life? Your whole life will be hard.
This is a very violent persecution aimed at destroying your life, emotionally, spiritually and financially. It never stops.
It will affect every aspect of your life. Don't let it change you. All you can do is your best.
Be brave and strong 💪 and Never give up. Hold on to hope. Have faith that God is always by your side. 🙏 You are never alone. “You will get through it.”
Big hug everyone 🤗
Honestly, you will probably never know. However; you should know this. It’ s not that you have done something horribly wrong there are just very envious and jealous people in this world. They will hate you simply by some half-truths that they heard about you and they do indeed know the whole truth. They do this in my opinion to collect data and to be noisy of course because they are not satisfied with their own lives. If you are being stalked stay strong no matter who has brought this order against you. Justice will be served.
Once the stalkers join the network, they are given a description of the victim, a memo describing their assignment, and a link to the victim's clone social media accounts which contain all their info.
Armed with lies, false accusations, and a large smear campaign, they're ready to go to work. They're very excited.
Since they already have control over the victim's hacked cellphone and other devices, they can easily access their locations. They can also install a GPS device in their cars to trace their every every 🚶♂️step 🚶♀️. Now, that they're able to determine the victim’s locations, the real mission is now in full gear.
The stalkers communicate via expensive cellphones and burner phones to protect their true identities.
It's a wonderful endeavor for them, for they're given gifts 🎁 such as cars 🚗, electronic devices, money 💰, drugs, etc… (la vie est belle.) 😀 😊 😃 😀
Take good care of yourselves. Be aware, but live your life. God is with you.
Big hug everyone 🤗
Go to aTRUSTED attorney, tell him you know a targeted individual; get him to help. Tell him he or whoever he refers you to can start a class action suit and be a hero- if you think that this targeting ends with us, you're an idiot like most people or a sociopath who doesn't care about their grandchildren. It started with us; it ends with everyone. Everyone will be controlled and tortured who doesn't comply in the near future. Does that mean you should hide? Hell no. it means we have to speak out or THERE IS NO FUTURE. NO FREEDOM. NOTHING. Don't you see that? Why are so many people thought- challenged? It is not difficult to stay silent and they strengthen and we have fewer and fewer rights. This is about ALL Of Us. you look and think “ that'll never happen to me.” That's the stupidest way to think and you lack critical thinking skills if you think that way and sadly most Americans do
If you choose to be slaves to a criminal mob, what kind of life is that for your children,? Where is their future when all the good leaders have been murdered?!
Write these words on a pamphlet and pass it out at your next “ neighborhood watch.” Try to avoid the town busybody who is a sociopath pretending to be a cop.
Get enough of your friends together to do a protest in front of your city hall
Go on Dr Phil and say hey you know what? That lady wasn't delusional it's happening in my town.
Stalking isn't that bad. A strong family can easily handle it.
If you have a family they cannot ruin you. They only target sociopathic cult families who abuse and then sells out their own; talk to an attorney
Everyone needs to stand so that everyone has freedom in the future. There are 1 million targets in China being tortured in prison, is that what you want for America because thousands being murdered in America is worse than that and soon just disagreeing will get you imprisoned!
A revolution of all the planet’s people is necessary against this criminal cabal that has its tentacles in most countries’ cop and military systems. That's why we need the people of the world to stand against these few thousand or million we are 7 BILLION STRONG!
They are involved in secret black money projects largely connected to government through a rodents maze of secrecy and are motivated through various forms of compensation largely incentivised by their own paranoia too because they may be prisoner slaves or criminals who do deals so instead of doing prison time they do evil criminal shit like this.
Of course they come undone too quite often spectacularly and may even die for what they are doing by some other faction in the whole web structure and cult organisation.
They quite often don’t get that the people in these structures are mass murderers drug dealers and pedophiles.
Extreme fear, paranoia, isolation and a suicide so I've heard. If not I can get back with my ex who will be all too eager to use me yet again until I finally die either by suicide or my failing health. I don't think anyone in this position is going to live a decent life until they die. An entire country was shut down and world put on pause so they could torture me into suicide and if not put me in bondage to someone who will do it slowly. Mr. Musk has taken the liberty and answered the call for justice by the world to implant me so as to torture and kill me. He's not being electrocuted, terrorized or tortured but is surely providing that for those that want me tortured and dead, which appears to be most of the planet.
I have been targeted since 2012 and I am stalked everywhere I go, even now in 2024. I am also a victim of electromagnetic harassment. Whenever I relocate to a new town the stalking slows down temporarily until the perpetrators have enough time to set up shop near me. Once the perps are in place the harassment, smearing, gossip, remote neural monitoring (mind reading) resumes. It is important to maintain a positive attitude I pray my way through the pain.
It really doesn’t matter what it comes down to is that these people (if you could even call them that) are cowards, evil, and selfish. They will continue to stalk you and harass you until you do something about it.
Disturbed B astards and disturbed B itches saw something they did not like about you
You are most likely a nice likeable genuine person while they are vicious venom spitting hypocritical miserable shits
They want to manipulate you / control you
If you have Light in your heart, they will know you are one of many who are going to inherit Eternity whilst they will be thrown into Hell
Cowards use electronic equipment on us lot as it gives them a feeling of power
They brag to the rest of their family on what they are doing to you
If you are female they will stalk you far more as they want illicit sex with you as if torturing us will want us to get sexual with these sick voyeuristic sadistic perverts
As someone who has endured the nightmarish reality of gangstalking for nearly two decades, I can unequivocally state that the motivations behind gangstalkers are complex and deeply rooted in a thirst for power and control. The relentless harassment, psychological torture, and constant surveillance I have experienced are not random acts of cruelty; they are deliberate tactics used by perpetrators to dominate their targets.
Understanding the Will to Power
At the heart of gangstalking lies the concept of the "will to power," a term famously explored by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche posited that humans have an inherent drive to dominate and control their surroundings. Gangstalkers embody this philosophy to its most malevolent extreme. By orchestrating elaborate campaigns of intimidation, surveillance, and psychological manipulation, they exercise a profound sense of power over their victims.
These perpetrators derive a perverse satisfaction from the physical, emotional, and psychological suffering they inflict. Each act of harassment is a means to assert their dominance, feeding their insatiable desire for control.
Political and Social Manipulation
Gangstalkers often seek more than just personal power; they aim to wield influence over broader societal dynamics. While they may avoid overt involvement in organized politics, their actions are politically motivated. Manipulating public opinion, spreading disinformation, and developing extensive networks of contacts are all part of their strategy to exert societal influence.
Their methods can include blackmail, extortion, and threats, all designed to destabilize their targets and maintain their grip on power. The use of such tactics is not merely about immediate control but also about creating an environment where the gangstalkers’ influence remains unchallenged.
Spiritual Domination
Beyond the physical and psychological realms, gangstalkers also seek spiritual power. This form of control, as described by mental health expert M. Scott Peck, involves mastery over one's own thoughts and emotions and, by extension, those of others. Gangstalkers' obsession with spiritual domination manifests in their attempts to control their victims' behaviors and perceptions, pushing them towards paranoia and obsession.
The Horrors of Gangstalking: A Personal Account
My personal journey through the horrors of gangstalking has included encounters with white supremacist groups attempting to poison my coffee, workplace mobbing, and continuous surveillance by law enforcement. The complicity of authorities in incidents like the one at Starbucks, where law enforcement ignored blatant harassment, underscores the pervasive nature of this menace.
As someone with access to sensitive information, I became a prime target for espionage, subjected to interrogation tactics that resulted in the outing of prominent politicians and the extortion of my friends and family members. These experiences highlight the lengths to which gangstalkers will go to assert their power and control.
Call to Action
It's crucial for those of us who have endured gangstalking to share our stories and raise awareness. By doing so, we can shine a light on these insidious practices and encourage others to stand up against this form of psychological warfare. Support targeted individuals, spread awareness, and join the fight against gangstalking. Together, we can expose the truth and put an end to this relentless persecution.
Remember, knowledge is power. By understanding the motivations and tactics of gangstalkers, we can better protect ourselves and others from their insidious grip.
Some gang stalkers I have witnessed only seem to be in it for the pay. They don’t care about the subject and just do and say what the handlers tell them to do. Most don't have integrity because of their government backgrounds nor use critical thinking to figure out if the job is worth the pay.
Criminal handlers are a different story. They are often predatory and display signs of the personality disorders they may have. They transmit synthetic brain audio to the subject of their choice and seem to be addicted to causing the subject torment. They even love it when you beg for them to quit their behavior. Often they are sociopathic and have power complexes. Plus they generally lack empathy.
My handler seems to be motivated by arousing strong negative emotions like fear, anxiety, and anger. He gets a relay of your nervous system and love the feelings of power that come from your negative reactions to their comments. The more harmful and negative your reactions are to their prompts, the more they torture you. In my case, the best scenario tends to involve limiting your negative reactions to their harassment and torture. They don’t get the relay of your negative emotions and stress, and they don’t get the predatory thrill of targeting the subject.
Surveillance, property damage, vandalism, street theater, mobbing, random encounters, burglaries, strange phone calls, being followed, items being removed from your home, then placed back, smear campaign, discretion, electronic harassment etc.
That's Just to name a few..
Can it [Gang stalking] be stopped? I've been a target for over 15 year's, and because it's such a silent crime between you and them, it's hard to prove that it's happening to you proving to everyone else family, friends, co-workers etc. The only way it can be stopped, is if you have the evidence to support and prove that you are being [Gang stalked] by the group and it has to be rock solid evidence. Meaning your gonna have to catch them in the act by using video recordings, pics, audio recordings, and written documentation, registration of cars plate numbers, strong descriptions of those cars, the drivers also, names, alas names known on the streets, addresses, phone numbers, social media profiles their more than likely to be on [facebook, instagram, Snapchat, Twitter] known locations of where gang stalkers are likely to be, because those cowards are cunning enough to know if their caught in one place? It’s over for them so they would have more than one place hidden. I starter doing my own investigation against this organised gang stalking group who have targeted me for 15 years. The more information I gathered in the last 3–4 years the more it has reinforced me to take that whole gang stalking down one by one. The turning point for me was when I was raped in 2015, and then again in 2016 by a perpetrator from this group the most horrific feeling of all wasn’t so much the act of what this male did to me, it was the fact that the rest of the gang stalkers saw it happened stood by smirking, smiling, laughing, yahooing like it was some sort of a special event they all attended, and encouraging this vile scumbag to keep doing what he was to me. People saw. Nobody came to my aid.. not one decent human being..I am pinned trying to fight for my life with everything I’ve got in me knowing I’m either going to survive this shit or not. I made a promise to myself afterwards that I would get justice done, and if it meant doing what I have been in order to get these bastards locked up permanently? So be it. Because what happened to me has changed my life forever now.
Gang stalkers are capable of doing anything to a target never in a million years did I think I would be raped no way. My advice is, be careful and keep yourself and loved ones safe at all times. These a holes will stop at nothing they will go to extreme levels intentionally wanting to hurt you and your family. Be strong, and don’t let them destroy you I’m not going to lie, things will escalate to a point of where you will start questioning yourself if your going crazy, remind yourself that your not crazy they want me to think I am but I know I’m not..
Take care
God bless
Scaring you and making you feel uncomfortable is just one aspect of Gangstalking.
I think not all the gangstalkers have common purpose for stalking you.
Some do it becuase they want to feel powerful some of them join gangstalkers just because they want to be part of something big , some of them want to be famous and popular so they target you.But its effect on victims life is similiar.
They want to control you and every aspect of your life , they get wicked fun when you respond and react to their stimulus and sensitization.
They liked to run different simulations and experiments into your life and watch you react accordingly.
It's worse to survive when they can read your thoughts,we can control our actions and words but we can not control our thoughts.
Our brain analyse what is in front of you and respond accordingly so what they do?
They put something in front of you, something which they want to do with you or something which they want your brain to think and analyse.
And when your brain think about it they blame you for it or worse they portrait it as you wanted it.
But most importantly:
They do it because they Believe that they can do it and escape without any consequences.
A big reason stalker gangs continue to stalk even after they know a target isn’t afraid of them is because they’re blind flying monkey followers. They’re the ones who were easy to brainwash and easy to control to do the head narcissist’s bidding.
Gang stalkers continue to stalk you because according to them, nobody ever drops off the target list. The end goal is your institutionalization or preferably suicide. They will unmercifully continue stalking you until then.
As far as online gang stalkers go, they have no identity without you. Online these stalkers have virtually no one viewing their content so they hitch a ride onto someone else’s name with more views, because the associated status is extremely important in stroking their ego.
The main reason gang stalkers continue their pursuit is because they aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer. Narcissists feel justified in their actions, refusing to accept accountability for them. Many of these gang stalkers appear oblivious to the fact that they’re committing online crimes or they simply don’t care, once again demonstrating they’re narcs and a few slices short of a loaf.
Gang stalkers will use the following techniques on a t.i
- Intimidation
- Extreme high surveillance
- Direct conversations
- Gaslighting
- Baiting
- Anchoring
- Electronic harassment
- Street theatre
- Work place mobbing
- Sexual harassment (if they are organised criminal gang stalking groups) not sure about the other groups
- Emotional, physical, verbal, sexual attacks
- Property damages
- Vandalism
- Profiling target years ahead of the t.i even knowing he/she has been targeted
- Mail tampering
- Social media hacking
- Malicious smear campaigns against the target and his/her family
- Black listing a target
- Community mobbing
- Gang stalkers will use vehicles , motorcycles, scooters, and in foot to use their tactics against a target..
If? You suspect you’ve been targeted? Be very careful. Protect yourself and the ones closest to you. Don’t be fooled into thinking gang stalkers will just go away, because they won’t, just in the same way as they won’t stop doing what they do to a targeted individual unless that target commits death or gang stalkers end up murdering him/her. The best thing you can do is survive, that is the only thing you can if your a t.i. Change everything in your life right now to suit your needs and your loved ones. Use what’s happening to you? To your advantage, not gang stalkers.. Things like, daily routines, destination routes, limited or change your profiles on social media apps, i was tracked on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat. Eat healthy, stay physically fit too, because you are going to need all the strength to be able to survive this bs.. Trust me.. I am a target for 15 years, and 9 months now, so I know what I’m talking about. Be careful of who you talk to as well especially, random encounters who just cease the opportunity to approach targets wanting to know info.. Invest in home, personal security it’s absolutely crucial! There’s too many of them and one of you, so surround yourself with extreme protection. Have your phone with you 24/7 your mobile will be your biggest tool for safety at home and when your out etc. keep your family and friends aware of what’s going on too, their your support system your going to need it more than ever
Document? Everything.. stash it away somewhere safe and whatever info you may know about this gang stalking group too. Have a bag packed ready to go if you need too. Include, another mobile phone, few clothes, your personal documents, food, water to cover you for few days, money as well. Choose a destination? Of where they won’t look for you.. Keep in touch with your family&friends, let them know where you’ll be and for how long, and your movements from there etc. If you need to change your appearance? So be it. Once gang stalkers have knowledge you’ve left town? They will come looking for you believe me, I’ve done this before, I disappeared for 5 months, nobody knew where I was the gang stalking group were hunting me for those 5 months so, when I returned back home? Thinking the heat had died off? They were already waiting for me so you can imagine? What happened to me next..
Be safe
God bless
Yes it is real, gangstalkers are used in a program ran by the “intelligence” agencies to silence activism and whistle-blowers. Below is a picture of Harris County Fire stalking me after I was set up by Harris County Police. This was taken as a horn honking campaign was being waged in many cities as they followed me around, honking their horns. All recorded on many videos. There is of course the well publicized case of yet another gangstalking, horn honking campaign reported on ABC news, this started after the couple had angered the Fire Chief of their town by not selling their property to him, so they were terrorized for years. The Program is ran by the NSA, FBI, DOJ, Homeland Security, FISA courts, police, fire, ems, community watch groups, citizen corps, freedom corps, infraguard, with the cooperation of tele-communication companies, such as AT&T which received a 6.5 billion dollar NSA contract to help spy on all citizens DATA connections, leaving the children of our country vulnerable to the paedophile elements of these agencies whom we often finds charged with child pornography charges.
Targeted Individuals are assaulted in every way, often leading to their deaths, NSA William Binney, Karen Stewart, etc talk about the use of microwave weapons on these innocent civilians, and of course Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne spoke of these military grade microwave weapon assaults on civilians as early as 2006. The V2K that targeted civilians speak of is nothing more then a progression of Allan Frey’s 1961 work on the “microwave auditory effect,’ this was many years after WWII techs spoke of actually hearing the microwaves while working on Radars, DARPA became heavily involved in this in the 1950s when Russia was bombarding the US embassy with microwaves, at that time they were named ARPA. Their present research programs that relate to this are neural link, and brain bio, to name a few. These frequency weapons work in a range that can be compared to the frequencies found in the 5G tech that is presently being rolled out, making some fearful that this targeting program was nothing more then a human experimentation, torture program that is soon to be implemented on the
population as a whole, with the help of nanotechnology distributed to the population through the vaccinations now being tested at Fort Detrcks, home of the 9/11 anthrax, and the CIA’S MK ULTRA program as well as the headquarters for the CIA’s medical division.
- You will hear a high-pitched noise in initially one and eventually both of your ears.
- You will hear your heart beating as if it is following you around the house.
- You will feel burning sensations on your body. Feet, Knees, Hips, and Nerve Centers are the usual target. That is so you remain in the house, and they can find you from your heartbeat.
- Either yourself or have another check your body for burn marks. Go to a neurologist once a year to look for skin cancers, as I have had some burns turn into skin cancers.
- Buy an EMF instrument from an on-line carrier of many goods. Check EF, EMF, and RF frequencies. Those frequencies should be zero or barely above zero.
- Find out via using the EMF instrument to determine from which direction and point in room it is directed toward you. Buy a $30 dollar mirror and put it at the point turned around so the mirror is directed toward them. Give them a dose of their own evil.
- Buy on-line an EMF protection Parka and wear it whenever you feel a very stone sense of noise in your ear. Also get a very good box of ear plugs to eliminate some of the heavy noise.
- Thomas Gov Eng
For everyone to bow down and agree with whatever they say like little bitches . Basically quit thinkin for yourself.. So to get the.planet onto a different course rather than the one its on now called destruction they want everyone to blindly choose their “doctrine" rather than work on everyone gettin along and helpin each other. Theyre like a narcissist but in group form. They are doin this crap as a hobby too instead of stayin home and pleasin the wife.. So ive.been takin care of that for them and im a T.I.!! HAHAHAHA
Welcome to the united states of CHINA
Many gang stalkers treat TIs like they’re suspected criminals. They harass and bully TIs in public. Gang stalkers also slander TIs wherever they go. To the community, TIs are seen as problematic citizens or suspected criminals, they’re often labeled as crazy, and unstable.
Doctors see the symptoms that TIs display as mental illness and nothing more. They treat the symptoms with antipsychotics, anxiety medication, and sleeping pills.
Law enforcement typically don’t have the tools or jurisdiction to prove the claims made by TIs, so they tend to side with doctors and the community and medical professionals.
Families of TIs tend to side with medical records and doctors.
There are many ways to become targeted in domestic surveillance operations.
The Senates Weaponization of the government committee has exposed the FBI, DHS directed targeting of activist l, whistleblowers, ordinary civilians.
Of course with homeland security wanting to label anyone who questions election integrity or experimental vaccines as domestic terrorist, the majority of Americans could be targeted if they caught the eye of these rouge agencies.
There is also Homeland Security’s See something Say Something program, which our children are indoctrinated with beginning at a young age as our public education curriculum is “swamped” with this mentality.
The domestic surveillance operations resemble East German Stasi Policing, the Stasi police created a massive network of Germans who were the eyes and ears of these tyrants who quickly attacked any opposition to their tyranny.
Stalkers torture, radiate, defraud, and slowly murder people so that it looks like natural causes. Complex sadistic mental gymnastics is used to discredit the victims mental health. It’s the perfect crime because when people are labeled as crazy they lose their legal rights without any defense or representation. Organized stalkers peddle in the unbelievable so that the truth is actually crazy.
It's the nature of that individual to begin with. A normal, sane, secure person would never do anything like that. Don't get me wrong, we all have our personal troubles in life to deal with, but gangstalkers are weak pathetic fools, not to mention the heads of the whole rotten structure, who lack , ( or refuse), the ability to exact self refection or promote an intelligent though process ( through empathy) because they are selfish self loathing scum. Mostly be choice I believe. They’re bad eggs to begin with. Some don't agree with me, but at this point in my life I've seen plenty. There are insects on the planet that are beneficial, and many that are a nuisance. The is plant life on the planet that has benefits to life, and many that do not. Good and bad encircle us daily. Though it is hard to accept that the bad has a purpose just as much as the good, but that's how it is. I look at it as, wow, they are such of a wretched and deplorable stock, that I am thankful I am, and will never be seated at the same table as they. They're setting up their banquet In hell. Let them have it.
I’ll give an example: let’s say you go to a laundromat and turn on your washer and leave to grab a drink, you come back to someone having opened your washer and your clothes are sitting there unwashed for half an hour. You think WTF? while two random people are standing right next to the washer wearing military pants and actively trying to listen or record your reaction. Coincidence? Maybe. Same thing happens a few more times that day.
Another example- truck follows closely on your tail while driving to work- when they could easily pass you in the second lane. You drive off to get out of his way, then a few streets later yoh see them waiting in a business drive so they can again tailgate you all the way to work. Coincidence? Maybe. And again this happens daily or a few times a day.
What is the point? Mainly to lower your spiritual vibration. Why? Because humanity is evolving and some don’t like that.
I know they're tactics like the back of my hand I've studied this bullshit for 8 years I know exactly what they're made of and that is nothing but pure shit scum I'm watching them right now go back and forth back and forth up and down the road that I'm staying next to it's absolutely comical they really think that they're getting something done the only thing that they're getting done is triggering part of the spell that they have put on me with witchcraft if you don't believe that look it up or I'll give you a lesson we'll talk about it just get in touch with me I'll tell you everything you need to know these people are nothing but pure evil and they don't care they're scum
Feet first into a wood chipper
If your being electronically harassed the charge is slavery for those individuals who are identified at the source. That said, to regain yout life file a claim (FTCA) against the DOJ demanding they terminate the illegal BCI in the targeted individuals eye and once the DOJ complies with that claim, that individual will no longer be targeted, gang stalkers will no longer be able to spy through your eyeball, you will no longer be electronically harassed (schizophrenic), the voices in your head will go away, and you will get monetary compensation to restart your life.
for the most part yes.
Dont buy into that “they dont know what theyre doing shit.”
Most know EXACTLY what theyre doing.
maybe some of the sellouts who just take pics/videos of us have been manipulated/lied to.
But the ones using the weapons on us know damn well what it is theyre doing.
I think the perps are the ones who started the rumour of “they dont know what they're doing”in a lame attempt to cover their asses in case the rest of the world catches on to what they are doing, and holds them accountable.
Dont fall for that bullshit.
These animals know all too well what they are doing and have agreed to do so in advance..
How do I find other targeted individuals in OC?
You most lilely won’t.
They like to keep us from each other.
I don’t think I have ever met another real t.i. in person,(except for maybe 1 or 2 at the rally),and perps ,who seemed like they too were being gangstalked ,and told to do it to me or it would get worse,or some shit..
They will do everything in their power to keep us separated.They probally even only gangstalk 1 or 2 people within a certain mile radius to ensure we never team up.
They want you looking on the internet,where they can control content and put their stupid perps there posing as t.i.’s.
If you happen to try to arrange a rally,or t.i. group,they will send their goons posing as t.i.’s and block the general public from being able to see your advertisements online.
You need to try n find people in person and off the internet.(which is not easy).
Quora is most def infiltrated and controlled by “them”.
I didnt know that when i started this space.
I have posted about this lots of times in the past already.
I keep the space up for the few real people who.may,or may not be on here.
I dont need to explain myself to a bunch of perps who silence,and shadow ban me .
If someone is a contributor they can post whatever the hell they want whenever they want.I really dont give a rats ass.
I dont post /come on here much anymore because quora is shady/involved/psyop/shadowbanners/cia/a.i.bots,etc.etc.
So people can talk all the shit they want ,i really dont care.
Im making moves in real life.not wasting my time posting my plans to a bunch of people who want to destroy me.
im not a babysitter either.If people dont like that someone posts too much ,or about stuff they dont like/agree with,then too damn bad.
dont read it.
I gave up on quora a long time ago.
it is not the answer to exposing our problem.
All we are doing on here is giving them market research info on their sick little psy op.
So thats why i havent been on here much.
perps are trying to stir shit up again,when they think i wont see it to defend myself.
We as a group are working on the eradication of the program. There is great opportunity in the year ahead. We have the finest leadership of any such group known today. Just find friends that you can trust, exercise, meditate, and ask your questions as you did to the Forum. Do not bore your friends and families with your burden regarding Gang Stalking. That program is made to make you feel unstable, destroy marriages and rob you of friendships. Don’t let that happen, find higher ground.
Eradication. That would really be something. Please hurry and make this miracle project happen.
Unfortunately, every relationship I have or had is through the gang stalkers or they blackmailed them. Even my family is in on it and my closest family is literally dead.
The chronic fatigue caused my rollover and two months of critical condition. Then the stress/duress caused cancer in me. Law enforcement makes a joke out of it and calls me the crazy one? I know who these people are. I read about real estate mobbing because they want my property.
Exposing the Fusion Centers: Their Role in Organized Stalking
Alright, folks, it's time to shed some light on a topic that doesn’t get enough attention: Fusion Centers and their role in organized stalking. If you’re a targeted individual or someone seeking the truth, buckle up because we’re diving deep into this murky territory.
What Are Fusion Centers?
Fusion Centers were established post-9/11 to enhance information sharing between federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. Their intended purpose is to combat terrorism, crime, and other threats by consolidating data and intelligence. Sounds legit, right? But what if I told you these centers have been implicated in organized stalking and harassment of innocent civilians?
The Dark Side of Fusion Centers
Here’s where things get sinister. Fusion Centers, with their extensive surveillance capabilities, have allegedly been used to coordinate and facilitate gangstalking activities. These centers can access a vast amount of personal data, enabling them to track and monitor individuals extensively. The question is, why would they do this?
1. Overreach and Abuse of Power: Fusion Centers have been accused of exceeding their mandate, targeting not just potential threats but also regular citizens, activists, whistleblowers, and others deemed “undesirable.”
2. Surveillance and Harassment: With access to comprehensive surveillance tools, these centers can conduct intrusive monitoring and coordinate harassment tactics that form the core of organized stalking.
3. Information Sharing: Fusion Centers share information with various law enforcement and private entities, potentially creating a network of harassers who can execute coordinated stalking efforts against targeted individuals.
Impact on Targeted Individuals
The involvement of Fusion Centers in organized stalking amplifies the severity and reach of harassment. Here’s how:
1. Constant Surveillance: Targets feel they are under perpetual watch, with every move being tracked, recorded, and analyzed.
2. Psychological Warfare: The extensive monitoring capabilities allow for precise psychological manipulation, increasing paranoia and anxiety among targets.
3. Isolation and Discrediting: By sharing false information or labeling individuals as threats, Fusion Centers can effectively isolate targets from their communities and discredit their experiences.
Real-Life Implications
Many targeted individuals have reported seeing police and government vehicles during their stalking ordeals. This isn’t coincidental. There are documented cases of law enforcement being directly or indirectly involved in these harassment campaigns, often coordinated through Fusion Centers. These reports highlight a disturbing misuse of power that turns protective agencies into instruments of oppression.
Fighting Back and Seeking Justice
If you’re a targeted individual, it’s crucial to document every instance of harassment meticulously. Here are some steps you can take:
1. Gather Evidence: Collect videos, photos, and any other tangible proof of the harassment. This can be crucial in validating your claims.
2. Legal Action: Consult with a lawyer familiar with civil rights violations and consider legal action against those responsible.
3. Raise Awareness: Share your story with trusted media outlets, advocacy groups, and on social media platforms to raise public awareness and garner support.
4. Community Support: Connect with other targeted individuals. There’s strength in numbers, and a community can provide much-needed emotional and practical support.
Fusion Centers, while ostensibly created to protect the public, have a dark side that involves the coordination and facilitation of organized stalking. This abuse of power represents a severe threat to personal freedoms and mental health. By understanding the role these centers play and taking steps to protect ourselves, we can fight back against this insidious form of harassment.
Stay vigilant, stay strong, and remember: DEFEND YOURSELF! STAND YOUR GROUND! SURVIVE! Together, we can expose the truth and demand accountability from those who misuse their power to terrorize innocent individuals.
Yes, they can and anyone that tries to play the “you’re mentally I’ll”, card is full of crap. Think about it logically, they locked people in asylums for a fear of heights etc. in the 1900s which is normal now-a-days. They have simply created a ploy to keep you from talking. They use the mental health bs department as a cover up. It’s meant to sound crazy because of the fact that it sounds crazy and no one will believe you but it doesn’t matter. Get support with the chosen one community. Validate yourself as that is the only validation you need. Change the way you respond psychologically and work on yourself. Feel what you feel about everything internally than move forward.
Yes, they will mess with employment opportunities… I have been in my field 14 years and there bs has cut many job opportunities but they don’t have as much power as they think.
Yes, those who are stalking and harassing watch listed TI’s are paid in gift cards, $$, autos, appliances, bitcoin and more. The cops involved…it is their lucrative side hustle. The Sheriff is involved and pretend they aren’t They also steal from TI’s and keep what they have stolen. They will even intercept your Amazon deliveries and never update the tracking while delivering it to your criminal neighbor as payment. It is a multi billion$ human trafficking, asset stripping, discrediting, revenge for hire, satanic ritual abuse, trauma based mind control program.
Targeted Justice helps TI's, goes to lawsuits etc., they recommends TI's (Targeted Individuals) to writes an e mail FBI and ask to get removed from the Terrorist Watch List, bcs you haven't committed any crime or got charges and now you has become a target. Targeted Justice has the article and e mail adresses to FBI.
It’s proven that FBI and CIA are involved in Gangstalking, and known that many cops is in it, too.
JazzyT, Gangstalked in Europe for 25 years.
The police and sheriffs are the government gang stalkers and their co workers and the military. They all work together. As well as private disability, workers compensation and accident/injury companies.
They are waiting for the targeted folks right now as we speak outside, lurking in the trees or bushes or down the street from you. They've notified your neighbors IF THEY have not managed to make you homeless yet to let them know when you are leaving your residence. THEY ARE HANGING OUT IN THE PARKING LOTS OF RESTAURANTS YOU MIGHT EAT SO THEY CAN GET A FREE MEAL. WE HAD LUNCH YESTERDAY WITH TWO FRIENDS. THERE WAS 8 OF THEM IN THE CHINESE RESTAURANT CALLED GOOD CHINA STAR, YUCCA VALLEY, CA. THEY FRAUDULENTLY CHARGE THEIR MEALS TO THEIR EXPENSE ACCOUNTS.
They are in their vehicles waiting with bated breath to hit the road after you. The air surveillance will be after you shortly as well.
They are clicking their apps and searching their phones looking for something to do or say to report on you. They are hoping you are on their watch lists. THEY'VE made up phoney information about you! All of this is done because extra cash has been offered to these monster cops, firemen, EMTs, park rangers, FBI, CIA, CIs, SSGs, community policing, military, probation officers, parole officers, their neighbors, your neighbors and families of them all and whoever they offer to pay join in on the Stalking. Private insurance companies and corporations pay them, too. They don't care that your case is over and has been settled if you have one or had one. You don't have to have a case. The cops and private surveillance and any of the above select you and you are automatically their targets for life.
They’re testing methods of oppression on TIs. Grooming gang stalkers for future assignments, I believe. Using regular citizens as guinea pigs.
You are a subject in an illegal experiment.
It’s all a matter of gathering data for the bigger picture, which is to control the masses on a global scale.
Here’s the comedy…
These gang stalkers don’t even realize they’re the weakest part of the human food chain. They’re expendable. That’s how ignorant they are, as they try to bring down the strong.
High value people can’t be swayed. Only people with a low moral compass, and weak accountability become gang stalkers.
And the weak always crumble.
Life has STOMPED these cowards already. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be stalking you.
Remember this…
After the gang stalkers have completed their daily shift they return to their own delusional life, destroying themselves with their own self-destructive habits - ruining their lives further and future - until they pick up the next day’s shift.
Laugh under your breath, while you give these fuckers nothing. You OWN them. They sold their souls to follow you. YOU RUN THE SHOW.
Grow strong. Be positive. And push outward with kindness and value.
You run the show. Not them. They are slaves to your EVERY move!
6/20/2021 Update: Do a Google search for “Bryan Kofron” for more info. Watch his YouTube video interviews (and podcast) and read what you can find about him.
There is no gray area this is very much black and white. They are committing crimes against humanity, war crimes. It is illegal in every country in the entire world there's no place where any population of people would consider this a reasonable course of action against anyone including their worst enemies or potential terrorists. This is a crime that is inexcusable and should be punished with the death penalty. In fact it is punishable by death. Because committing psyops on US civilians on US soil is a crime punishable only by the death penalty.
I think when you travel, say, state to state, or even further/ INTERNATIONALLY, and the weirdness is there waiting for you after years of enduring it to begin with, is a good indicator that its much much more than just a local harrassment program.
[Real Targeted Individuals?] Never!!!! But its the total opposite for the gangstalkers they get stalked ever day and they dont realize that there the ones that the government is afraid of because there the ones that knows this group really exist and therefore before they realize that what there doing is wrong and start having second thoughts there the ones that are being stalked. TI's are the true Resistance the whole time
Their will be lot of intentions involved in this harassment, you cannot escape. Due to psychological harassment, targeted individual will lose trust on everybody around them, these so called organized gang stalkers won’t let you go anywhere nor they will bring any good to you, they will be having vast connections, wherever you go, whatever you do they will get know. They will take away your personal life so the individual will become vulnerable to society and it is very hard for a victim to survive because whatever you speak nor do anything in your daily life these people will be turning against you. They will use you as a bait. First thing they do is, will keep you in less economic conditions, with an intention that an individual should not move from his living place. Gradually they will start projecting you as crazy, whenever you speak about that you are being targeted. You cannot escape until you disappear from your living place. (Even it is very hard to disappear) because whomever comes to help you, these gang stalkers will some how divert them. No escape until someone finds you, understand your situation, trust your words and give a lending hand.
Do comment your thoughts if you are facing the same situation.
They are involved in secret black money projects largely connected to government through a rodents maze of secrecy and are motivated through various forms of compensation largely incentivised by their own paranoia too because they may be prisoner slaves or criminals who do deals so instead of doing prison time they do evil criminal shit like this.
Of course they come undone too quite often spectacularly and may even die for what they are doing by some other faction in the whole web structure and cult organisation.
They quite often don’t get that the people in these structures are mass murderers drug dealers and pedophiles.
They are motivated by 💰. How can a person defend or protect themselves and their assets, when facing abominable circumstances that no one understands?
Psychological harassment is very neferious and the cruelest of all cruelties. It's a silent war that confuses its victims, while sending them into a violent, painful, scary, emotional roller-coaster ride with no way out. It's a major weight upon both, the victim and their family. They will not be able to comprehend their loved one's affliction. The targeted person will do their utmost, to defend themselves, to no avail. There's only one diagnosis: mental illness. Meanwhile, the victim suffers alone and in silence. Some end up in mental institutions or nursing homes, others may commit suicide, while pretending all along, that all is well.
The best way to protect yourself is via prayers 🙏. When we pray, God listens. Faith is very powerful.
Continue to do what you love, no matter how you may feel inside. Stay active and move around, no matter where you are. These dreading feelings have no power over you. God has all power.
Love yourself, and always be grateful for each day. You're much stronger than you know. 💪 🚶♀️ 👏 💪 🙌 ♥️ ✨️
Big hug everyone 🤗
They love being in a tight knot community where they have got their heads up each others arse’s drinking each others piss eating each others shit
They are raving lunatics in the days of old they would be sitting in gutters having chamber pots poured over their heads
You could at one time call the meat wagon out to take them to the looney bin
Now they are living in houses being given money for all their mental illness’s conditions personality disorders challenging behavor’s they use the coppers as social services calling them up for all and anything
The wiring in their heads are totally different to a neuro typical
They were raised by mad simple grandma’s with no rights no wrongs and allowed to do whatever they like any time they like the way wards do not even take their meds or sleeping meds
They may look human that is just their meat suits but they are the devils pure evil spawn
Go on rallies
Create petitions
Post up post its everywhere
Bring stalking up in conversation do not say you are being stalked as that is when any conversation will stop
“Is it not unlawful for neighbors to stalk their neighbors isn’t this dreadful” you can raise this with complete strangers
Everyone accept us who are being stalked are wearing blinkers
So you could raise conversation about one person being stalked by another
Open blogs and talk on stalking of person / persons by family community groups
Wear tee shirts with slogans on change it daily
No nosey parkers today - they all watch you on their technology now
Busy bodies view you on their tech
Keep your camera fully charged and have it switched on video to record from under your coat
Voice recorders that come on automatically when they hear speech are good too
Do not know who your stalkers are? Go to the library their voices are on loud there
And with all the other computers in there it is harder for them to see what you are typing searching . . .
Keep online journals
Answer people’s questions
Post questions this is our platform
Just like everyone who has fought for their rights we have to fight for ours
First of all, when you are a targeted individual, almost everyone in the vicinity knows. Even the ones, who aren’t involved in the harassment. These particular people, who know about it, don’t want to help a target, because they don’t want to be implicated, nor do they want to suffer the consequences (retaliation) from gang stalkers, if they found out they helped a target..
Of course they can see a TI is being stalked and harassed 24/7, that’s why they just stare and do nothing, like almost everyone else.. Because helping a target is absolutely forbidden, because a target is the most hated human being scapegoated on the face of the earth, which is why we go through so much for years. There’s no ending to it. There’s no quick-fix stopping it, once a target is blacklisted by gang stalkers there is no removing that label, no matter what.
When I was sexually assaulted by a perpetrator from gang stalking group, 2016, it was done in broad daylight, for everyone to see. Did anyone stop and help me? NO.
Did the ones, who knew about me being a target and all the BS this gang stalking have given me since 2004, did they stop and help me, while I was pinned to the ground and raped? NO. What they did do was stare, smile, and salute this individual what he was doing to me. Just like the rest of the gang stalking group.. Who drove down in their cars beeping, and yahooing out the window.
So, the way I see it the ones who know about what goes on in the gang stalking world and what these sick and twisted people do to a targeted individual are as guilty, as gang stalkers. Or part of the network funding them.
God Bless
The most common way they watch you is hacking your wi fi and using it to map out your house on the inside. Then track you. There is Advancement with 5 g also. On the outside they use boots on the ground, Cameras and Infrared to track movement. As far as real time video they need to have access some way to planet it. If they had that you may have cameras inside . I found my pest control company was planting things while he was spraying. I put a dog collar with a mini camera on one of my dogs and let him follow him around one day then fired them. He was planting live bugs also fruit flies and spiders and cock roaches also. Since they are gone so arnt the bugs.
Just to update this post since I wrote this I have learned that I have been loaded up with micro chips now I know of about 20 planted in me in my tooth fillings arms and many other places in my body. So outside they need nothing to track you with any longer up inside depending on your structure they still need your wi fi or something to track you if you have Inproved your structure to defeat there intrusion of it. If you have your cell phone will not get a signal out of the structure eather.
I have a handheld scanner that picks up bug transmissions and can locate hidden cameras. Mine’s less than a year old and quite effective. YouTube has videos on how to use these devices properly. It's very satisfying to locate these devices, then take them out into the middle of the street and dangle them to those memtards posted up at either end of your street, and then drop them on the asphalt and crush them under the heel of your boot.
Like I stated, my year old scanner is effective, yet they're coming out w even better scanners. Amazon or Temu is the ticket. W Amazon you will pay significantly higher prices yet receive the “Made in China" item the next day. Temu is noticeably different, the more affordable price encourages you to buy from them. The downside is that it's up to 2wks before it'll arrive.
So that's not only the way you can find out, it also allows you to crush the very expensive electronic surveillance devices you'll locate.
Be Real, Do Real
I don't know why either of us turned out to be so lucky to have gang stalkers but I do know that most other people do not? So there must be something different about us? Because this is a massive campaign for little ole homeless me?
You don't send an army for a nobody. I know that Obama gave a speech in which he said (I am paraphrasing not directly quoting) “There are some people who’s crimes are so bad that they cannot be forgiven. Ever. But these people can't be punished in our justice system because we don't have any evidence justifying what is being done. And so we have devised a form of punishment that will punish them forever.”
What did we do? I don't know? I am searching. I filed a complaint once that may have gotten me in the program? I thought I was dealing with rational adults. It turns out I was wrong.
Hold your head up no matter what happens. Believe in you. And pray God doesn't abandon us forever.
Fusion Centers add you to the watchlist so they can target you without due process and get FISA warrants for electronic surveillance for intelligence and fuse CIA, NSA, FBI, Air Force sattelites (electronic harassment) with police, Infragard, Citizens Corps, informants (organized stalking). Fusion Centers spy on anyone for anything and also secretly run the targeted individual program and do electronic surveillance on you're phone to monitor you and track you're GPS location and tell gangstalkers what to do on their phones. Every incident is fake, staged, scripted, and set up. Fusion Centers spy on you with all police resources including streetlight cameras and drones. Also expect to be tracked by GPS trackers on you're car and from sattelite tracking from the Air Force and physical observation from gangstalkers that do 24/7 monitoring and sabotage on every TI.
No, in fact they want the target to know they sre being harassed. It's a part of the psychological torture that they bombard the target with. It's very effective especially when coordinated with a group. They do use covert ways to get in close enogh in some circumstances, however the main goal is to confuse, scare, intimidate and belittle the target.
What do they want? They want you petrified, isolated from the world, they literally want to drive you insane to the point you csnt handle it. The ultimate goal is suicide. They want you to kill yourself. Of course they fo settle for homelessness, imprisonment or forced into a psychiatric ward. They want you pychoyic, and crazy. Forever suffering in a realm of an inescapable maze you cannot find your way out of.
I'd like to add that I believe that sometimes mass shooters may be the victim of gangstalking.
Honestly? What is the end result that perpetrators hope to achieve? Either that the target commits sucide? Or they murder the target themselves.. The primary goal for perpetrators is to literally drive the target into thinking he/she is going crazy, by enabling this the target is going to think he/she is insane by what they are hearing and seeing from the gang stalking group ultimately use barbaric tactics against a target by reinforcing the tactics more to the point of where, a target is starting to feel he/she is going mad, questioning his/hers sanity trying to seperate fantasy from reality. The tactics are use so badly against the target, that it becomes that much more horrific for a target and often the target will break down psychologically. This is why the harassment that is dished out to the target is absolutely vicious, psychologically it messes up your mind, and you do question yourself if you really are going nuts or what! It’s absolute torture.. It gets even worse when a target starts to tell their families and friends he/she is being gang stalked by a group of strangers. What’s the result there? NOBODY? Believes the target and automatically think he/she is making it up and has a mental disorder!
How do I know this? Because I am a target. I have been for over 15 years, and I tell you i have been to hell and back and back again because of what this organised criminal gang stalking group have done to me and my children. The ongoing psychological harassment that never stops, sexual harassment, intimidation especially, losing friends, work colleagues, through the slander campaign against me, having one whole town who absolutely hates you and your children just because we hold the truth, and the worst of all the assaults that happened to me not once but twice by one of the perpetrators in 2015, 2016, from the group, several attempted kidnaps, verbal threats you name it ive pretty much had it all done to me. So what did I do wrong ? Nothing.. How am I dealing with being a target now? Because there’s so many of them you lose count they are always recruiting new people, so you see the vast numbers of cars increase your within a days, weeks, months. I am a survivor not a victim, a survivor because to have gone through what I have for over 15 years? Takes courage, and strength and now I’m that much more stronger and wiser than ever.. i play them at their own game. I’ve surrounded myself and my children with so much home and personal security, because I’ll be dammed? If these scumbags are going to hurt my daughters and me again not an option as far as I am concerned. Gang stalkers can sit there and pretend they haven’t done anything wrong oh really? So why have you scumbags targeted me for all these years? Exactly.. That’s what I thought. Im not the only target gang stalkers have harmed in such a disturbing and twisted way, they have hurt a lot of innocent people across the globe because of what they do, where’s the justice in that? How is it these gang stalkers who are nothing but thugs go around and snatch females off the streets just so they can do what they want to them? How is it they get away with assaulting, kidnapping, beating, and raping females? And what’s even more sickening is that everyone KNOWS IN EVERY COUNTRY AND TOWN WORLDWIDE.. WHAT GANG STALKING GROUPS DO AND EVERYONE? SHUTS THEIR MOUTH AND IT SIMPLY STAYS THAT WAY .. Because it’s all about the ‘code and following protocol’. And if you don’t? Oh well there will be consequences.. not me though, I’ve already got the ball rolling because a target reaches a point in his or her life where you know what? That’s it.. ive had enough..
Sorry but I absolutely loath? Literally loath? Anyone who is associated and or involved with a gang stalking group.. They are callous, evil people that walk this precious earth.
My advice is if you are a target? Use the whole gang stalking thing to your own advantage.. These people are fixated upon one person in a town? Fire it back at them.. Give them something to write home about, something that will make their heads turn and give them something to really think about. I’ve done it, and I’m still continuing in doing so, and now they just don’t know what to do about one little lady.. Thing is? By me doing what I have for the last 4yrs, has literally? Shocked this gang stalking group because they didn’t see it coming after last two sexual attacks they committed upon me? They expected me to hide or run or to gain more control over me. But I did neither, I got back up on my feet told myself ‘get up Nicola, your stronger than they are’ and I have become so much stronger.., I have made it. [Unpredictability is amazing use it as a tool, against gang stalkers] I’ve changed the whole situation to suit my children’s and my needs use gang stalking to MY ADVANTAGE.. And? It works..!
God bless
I appreciate this. Being a T I myself, I know the heart and courage it takes to stand up publicly when we are made to stand out. And I couldn't agree more, to loathe this sickening psychological warfare. We must not forget that this is spiritual warfare as well, and the original perpetrators behind gang stalking have been engaged in the program for thousands of years. As disheartening as the experience has been for me, I find comfort in knowing that I am not going to give in to their shenanigans nor will I resort to rash decision such as killing myself. Do not lose that strong heart that you possess, the struggle is not in vain.
Yes, they call it domestic surveillance. It’s directed by the CIA, NSA, FBI and DHS-DHS oversees law enforcement nationwide. The domestic surveillance ops are carried out as the decades of illegal counterintelligence surveillance, psychological warfare, assassination ops were. (Cointelpro)
It's the Roman Catholic Church using its secret societies of Greeks to infiltrate law enforcement and run their own unit and operations pretty much the way the Klan did. Go Google it Nairaland Pink and Green
It’s not as complicated as you think it is, someone likely reported anonymous to “crime stoppers” in your area. Every county or area has one and they give info to the police and depending how serious the accusations are, they will actively gang stalk you. It happens to me because a faithful false reporter hates me and nonstop makes reports on me
Reporting Criminal Civil Rights Violations: A Crucial Step for Targeted Individuals
In an era where privacy and personal freedoms are increasingly threatened, targeted individuals—those who endure gangstalking, psychological harassment, and constant surveillance—must take a firm stand against these violations by reporting criminal civil rights abuses. This article underscores the importance of reporting such violations, addresses common counterarguments, and provides practical guidance on how to proceed.
The Reality of Being a Targeted Individual
Targeted individuals face an existence marred by psychological torture, defamation, harassment, and physical harm. Tactics like street theater harassment, vehicular brighting, and neurolinguistic programming are employed to manipulate and control them. As someone who has endured these horrors for nearly two decades, I can attest to the devastating impact on one's mental and physical well-being.
Why Reporting is Essential
1. Legal Protection and Justice: Reporting civil rights violations is crucial to seeking justice and legal protection. Targeted individuals often face coordinated efforts to undermine their rights, and official reports can catalyze investigations and legal actions that hold perpetrators accountable.
2. Raising Awareness: By reporting these incidents, targeted individuals can draw attention to the severity and prevalence of gangstalking and related abuses. This awareness can spur broader societal and institutional changes, leading to better protection for all victims.
3. Creating a Record: Filing complaints creates an official record that can be critical in establishing patterns of abuse. This documentation is invaluable in legal proceedings and advocacy efforts.
4. Empowerment: Taking action by reporting violations empowers targeted individuals, giving them a sense of control and agency in combating the abuse they endure.
Addressing Counterarguments
1. Fear of Retaliation:
While the fear of retaliation is valid, it's essential to remember that reporting to federal authorities offers a level of protection. The U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI are equipped to handle such sensitive cases, and anonymity can often be maintained.
2. Skepticism about Effectiveness:
Some may doubt the effectiveness of reporting, believing that nothing will change. However, each report contributes to a larger body of evidence, increasing the likelihood of action. Collective reporting can lead to significant legal and policy changes.
3. Distrust in Authorities:
Distrust in authorities is a common concern, especially when law enforcement is perceived as complicit. Nonetheless, federal agencies, unlike local authorities, operate under strict regulations and oversight, offering a more reliable avenue for justice.
How to Report Civil Rights Violations
For those ready to take action, here are the steps to report civil rights violations:
1. Contact the U.S. Department of Justice:
- Civil Rights Division, Criminal Section, PHB
- 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530
- Phone: (202) 514-3204
- Fax: (202) 514-8336
- Website: [United States Department of Justice](United States Department of Justice)
2. Contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
- Find the nearest FBI office listed in your telephone directory or on the FBI’s website.
3. Report Police Brutality or Abuse:
- U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Coordination and Review Section
- 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530
- Phone: (202) 307-2222
- TTY: (202) 307-2678
- Fax: (202) 307-0595
- Website: Website: [United States Department of Justice](United States Department of Justice)
4. Report Discrimination Based on Disability:
- U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section
- 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530
- Phone: (202) 307-2227 or (800) 514-0301
- TTY: (800) 514-0383
- Fax: (202) 307-1198
Example Letter to the Department of Justice
Here is a template for reporting a civil rights violation:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]
Civil Rights Division
Criminal Section, PHB
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to formally report a series of ongoing civil rights violations that I have been subjected to over the past [number] years. As a targeted individual, I have endured constant harassment, psychological torture, and surveillance tactics orchestrated by various groups and individuals.
Specific incidents include:
- Street Theater Harassment: Groups of individuals have staged public scenarios designed to provoke and intimidate me.
- Vehicular Brighting: Vehicles have frequently used high beams to disrupt and distress me while driving.
- Direct Energy Weapons: I have experienced unexplained physical sensations consistent with the use of direct energy devices.
- Neurolinguistic Programming: Conversations and interactions have been manipulated to cause psychological distress.
On [specific date], an incident at [specific location] involving [brief description of the incident] highlighted the severe extent of this harassment. Despite reporting this to local law enforcement, no action was taken, and I have reason to believe that some officials may be complicit in these activities.
I urge the Department of Justice to investigate these violations thoroughly. The relentless harassment has significantly impacted my mental and physical health, and I seek your assistance in holding the perpetrators accountable.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.
[Your Name]
Reporting criminal civil rights violations is not just a personal necessity but a civic duty. By stepping forward, targeted individuals can help dismantle the networks that perpetuate these abuses and foster a society where everyone’s rights are protected. Don’t let fear or skepticism deter you—reporting can lead to justice, awareness, and change.
Excellent post - all deprivations of civil rights and human rights that TIs experience should be reported. This is a guide to doing that.
You're right. Deprivations of rights should be reported.
Thank you for this. This is extremely helpful. I’ve already contacted these agencies several times and haven’t heard anything back. I follow targeted justice and they have similar templates and contacts. Even though it feels futile. It gives us some sort of autonomy over ourselves. It’s better to do something than nothing at all.
It is the entire matrix that is against us. How do you fight that? 100% justice seems impossible.
I agree. I reported to every agency listed by writer when it began in 1990. Nothing was done.
Here here!!!
Yes thank you for the template
It's corporate thugs running people off their staffs, realtors running people out of residences
And local authorities turning a total blind eye or aiding in the abuse
The Targeted Justice Team is in the early stages of putting together lawsuits for targeted individuals. I'm currently being targeted right now and narcissism is involved and v2k mental mind control manipulation and gaslighting and exploiting my rights to privacy and community narcissistic gang stalking and military weapons from the sky satellites electromagnetic radiation microwaves that are programed to track me wherever I go causing health concerns and I've talked to the local police department about my situation and I've spoken to the FBI about my situation and nothing has been done whatsoever about being targeted and victimized I have 16 police reports in the past eleven years and I've been dealing with extremely dangerous narcissistic abusive toxic evil lying jealous greedy narcissistic individuals going through their cycle of narcissistic abusive tactics for the past thirteenth years now I've had to figure everything out on my own and I was married to a covert narcissist and worked for a grandios malignant construction company and flying monkey co-workers and when through my divorce process that took 6 years to finalize and my family members scapegoated me out of the family and I was wrongfully let go from the construction company all at the same time I was going through my 6 year divorce process and my 401-k retirement plan was the same amount as our current combined credit card debt was and while I was still on unemployment going through my divorce process I did have to represent myself in divorce court and I didn't even know what was going on between empaths and narcissists I wasn't educated on narcissism or v2k mental mind control manipulation smear campaign against me and these narcissistic individuals mentally communicating along with surveillance networking together like a loyal cult organization of narcissistic abusive criminals targeting unexpected empaths mostly for financial purposes and I was basically future faked into a false covert narcissistic marriage and career and set up for financial failure and devalue and isolated from everyone and trying to figure everything out on my own I didn't actually get educated on narcissism until 2021 and I didn't have a smartphone until 2016 so I was definitely to late on getting educated on narcissism and human behavior and development and the dereference between empaths and narcissistic personality disorder trait individuals and fell into the covert narcissistic trap and cycle of abusive tactics that go on throughout the marriage and career and having no idea what kind of situation I was in because I'm not stupid and I kinda new that things were not right in my marriage and career but what I for sure didn't know was that my ex covert narcissist wife could mentally communicate with the construction company that I was working for and other narcissistic individuals throughout the covert narcissist marriage and career behind my back and these narcissistic abusive toxic individuals are mentally communicating along with surveillance 24hrs a day 365 days a year and narcissism is extremely prevalent in all walks of life and in the world population I just wish I was as educated on narcissism as I am now and I can't believe that the United States of American government is involved throughout the United States involved in narcissism and targeting empaths its a criminal offense in my opinion and narcissism is the downfall of the US military its a proven fact and narcissism is the downfall of the United States of America I'm not safe as an US citizen being targeted by a organization of narcissistic abusive criminals who only care about themselves and money and blame shift everything onto their intended target and not take accountability for their actions and these narcissists are Master manipulators pathological liars and their is a bunch of narcissistic abusive individuals going along with narcissism and targeting US citizens you can also call it spiritual warfare between empaths and narcissistic individuals their always looking for new supply. God-bless.
Through their lies and weak people who don't investigate…. I done seen the hardest circle of friends… get dismantled by this group they work on the weak link first…. Money blackmail material things.. your kids have needs…normally someone's in the group that can't keep their dick in their pants. or all of them…someone will sell you out., Wasnt any of my friends worth a shit my friends and family chose this evil over me
Single women. Because of Vulnerability , Sexual exploitation or use, Robbing of finances.
Whistle-blowers on Government or large influential corporations. Obvious of why.
Mentally ill, Homeless and
People with drug problems.
Targeted mostly for testing of weapons and mind control technology because who will believe them ?
Activists usually that attend rallies or involved in groups against Government or large corporations or post anti-government statements on social media .
To shut them up.
To ruin thier reputations and destroy thier finances usually By character assassination rumor starting and Workplace harassment.
Scientist who know the truth about vaccines chem trails 5G and population control.
Once again it's obvious of why they're targeted
Highly intelligent ……
dont really have a good answer for this group other than they are afraid this group will somehow interfere with thier agenda get them caught or create countermeasures against thier weapons and plans. Or all three.
First I must begin by defining what is a “Targeted Individual”. This is a person who has been entered into the Terrorist Screening DataBase (TSDB) of the USA or the corresponding database in your country which is primarily maintained by the five eyes terror group. The victims of this program are subjected to various human rights violations, Harassment techniques and secret military weapons testing, as described on the United Nations website for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Just Google “united nations Harassment techniques” and you will find it.
Now as for whether the victims know that they are in this government database, most of them have no idea. This is because a key part of the Harassment techniques involves setting it up so that some uninvolved innocent person gets the blame. This sometimes results in defensive behavior being directed at the wrong person or people and is the cause of the large number of mass shootings which take place.
The military has become more involved in this program online by sending gangstalkers to forums like this to try to discredit the victims and accuse them of having specific mental health conditions. This exacerbates the situation considerably because the kinds of drugs which are prescribed can disregulate a person's behavior and trigger a mass shooting or other lethal incident. So if you see any military guys here who are doing this, you should accuse them of endangering public safety and committing treason because the origins of this program go all the way back to the Nazi ideology indoctrinated people who were recruited in operation paperclip.
They live all around me,have prooven links to paedophiles sex offenders,in fact their are many in this town
Prooven they are physcos and fakes
All I get is just ignore them
What about the cost of the hospital visits,the lock changes,the stolen goods,
And the rest of it
They are breaking the law
Spreading infections diseases,and only pick on the vulnerable in society
The worst type of scum.
Slander. Painting the target as deserving. Especially if their homeless, addicted, or/and an ex-convict. Even if they are only a run of the mill type ex con, as in no weirdo crimes. This is how they get rouge police, social workers, psychiatrists, etc involved. But even if Ur not any of these still, gang stalkers are bullies and will paint the target deserving. And many people love to see a freakshow and others tormented.
If you can gangstalk someone you can do other inhumane acts hint hint pedophiles hint hint serial killers the sht is disgusting or else they would admit what they do
I don't know about others situation but who are you going to get to help. I am of the belief that any law enforcement will just turn you over to these guys. Federal government asks for help local law assists. I think what we would need is some private investigators (that takes money) possibly if you can find a lawyer who is willing to take on the federal government. You could get enough on these people and link it back to federal gov.maybe you have a case. Maybe. I don't know who's involved but I know there is a lot of them. Mostly I can identify them by their voices. It's a hard thing to prove. Even though you are aware of them everyone else seems oblivious. I would like to say one thing though, keep your facts straight know what you know only. just because something is posted don't mean it's right. Gang stalkers use web sites also. What better way to direct your thoughts in a set direction than to post it on here. So think for yourself observe and get your own facts. One more thing who pays all these people. That's a lot of cash why go through all this. there is a set procedure they follow. Everything is scripted each person (target) goes through the same procedure. Crying, anger, laughing at you it's all set up they do the same script on everyone. Ignore the words look at their motive. follow the money!!!!!¡!
The reason is hatred. They have secret hatred groups that are completely devoid of any responsibility or accountability because they have the networking ability with status and technology. Any attempt to hold anyone or part of this to account is met with twisting of words and facts to be used against you. It’s like quicksand, the more you attempt to defend yourself against these attacks, the further you sink into the trap. It is completely unfair and also completely corrupt.
It doesn't matter. There's no excuse in it. And don't allow these people to steal your life. Live your life. Don't allow these people to intimidate you into staying up in your house. They have no right. And what they're trying to do it subtle and sneaky. That's why they keep doing their drive-by campaigns and trying to follow you and got a old bag ladies following you drug addicts following you low life's following you homeless people following you around our bicycles. Because these are some low life sick cycle. Evil wicked people. And all they're doing is bluffing don't start. Stop living your life over these people. Seriously, they're trash. Some of them suffer, probably from personality disorders. Some of them probably been troubled all their life. They're living out their little fantasy world by going around trying to intimidate people. And play all these smoking mirror games. They're not going to do nothing. They're bluffers. They try to play on your psyche. That's their game is to try to play with your psychological welfare. Don't buy into it seriously. They're not going to do nothing. Except for doing the same old thing following you all around town and cars. Different cars. Have an old ladies bag ladies meth heads homeless people, people from all kinds of walks of life different shapes sizes, colors, creams following you all around wherever you live. Don't let that stop you from living your life. Live your life. Just turn your head on them. Them let them be the clowns they are. Don't nobody care and half the stuff that's written on here. They writing it so don't pay in no mind
Gang stalking is a crime of opportunity perpetrated by criminals for the purpose of acquiring all your assets over a period of time.
They do this by knowing some soft spots, and everybody has them, where they make you think real law enforcement is behind it.
This enables them to run a continuous criminal enterprise against you and generates a positive cash flow from what amounts to human trafficking offenses or trata de blancas or white slavery.
Call it what you want it all comes down to being falsely imprisoned and all your efforts end up in someone else's pockets.
The danger is that they can at any time alert the authorities and then what was fake gets real real real quick.
If you screw someone over reeeeaaal good what is the one thing you can never let happen .
Let him get on his feet again.
Think about it.
Gangs have changed their m.o. considerably over the years. At first there was a pool of likely candidates from which to choose to play this new form of vigilante intervention on, but as time and activity dried up these cattle off from which they have comfortably lived and operated, they find themselves constantly hungry and on the lookout for new business. This is where people like you enter the equation.
Gang stalking’s days are numbered. Law enforcement and everyone for that matter are only going to be able to deny it's existence for a little while longer when an event happens or someone of position and consequences spills the beans.
This like everything else in life is inevitable. Mark my words.
Basic, inescapable insecurity mixed with a strong desire for superiority/control. Individually, they pretty much suck, but “apes together strong.” And once you get a taste for manipulating and controlling others - like those who need authoritative figures to follow because they can’t think for themselves - you get these cult mentalities where the priorities get more than a bit out whack. Don’t tell anybody becomes rule #1 (because saner people might object to cult practices and rightly so), and rule #2 is we’ll apply the most intense peer pressure we can on anyone who dissents, disagrees, or gets in our way (not even reality will stop us). So the alleged “alphas” of the group get up in everyone else’s business to keep them in line - they’re incapable of controlling themselves at the end of the day - and for those insecure narcissists, the ultimate goal is to completely control the thoughts and actions of others, because only complete and total submission of others gives them a feeling of security. That’s my opinion.
I have a better question- why are they such pussies?
Gangstalkers want to ruin your life. They declared a war on you. These individuals are a bunch of losers and lowlifes. They slander your name to get others to join their group in attacking you. It is psychological warfare and they do everything possible to take you down, but usually won’t lay their hands on you. There are a few people who have done something serious, and get targeted as a result of that. There are also people who have done nothing to warrant that type of treatment.
Your stalkers consist of toxic people who are jealous, envious, cowardly dolts. In many cases, these losers don’t get physical, unless you get in their face and start fighting back, which I have done and keep doing, because many of them are cowards breaking the law.
There are government and non-government agencies involved in gangstalking. Investigate the scum harassing you, to see who is pulling the strings. Outsmart them and hold them accountable for their actions. It’s time to stop being on defense and start going on offense.
They fully intend on turning you and your family into dollar signs. They want you to act out in a way that deems you criminal, mentally ill, or an unfit parent. They intend to take money from the federal government in the form of subsidies and per diems for housing you in a correctional facility, “treating” your “mental illness”, and/or caring for your children in foster care. Then they fully intend on perpetrating the same activities on your children to defraud the government again. This parasitic evil costs billions of dollars a year [and thus the monumental national debt?!] while simultaneously stealing/ robbing/ destroying our [very lives].
[In a failed and MISERABLE world --- your government, society, family, friends, colleagues, landlords, priests and just about every acquaintance you have ever had or will ... are all easily gainfully involved against you if you are a target!!]
The United States is really doing this to their own citizens?
Yes. [And around the whole world as well!!] Unfreakinbelievable, yet true. It's very sad that we have evolved in this way. It will only get worse If no one steps in to cease this madness.
Here's the sad part. Any idiot can call up anybody anywhere and tell the following set of bold face lies and whoever answers the phone will automatically believe them. They do not ask for any kind of verification like…. Give me the case number and I'll check out your story instead of turning on the targets and automatically believeing these lies. The store owners never say “hummmm. The person in my store is spending money not the person on the phone.”
Which stores are going out of business or filing bankruptcies: Rite Aide in some states, 99 Cent Only stores, mom and pop stores, nail salons, massage stores, thrift stores, restaurants, shoe repairs, health clubs, book stores and more. Gang Stalkers are causing this. Targets have stopped shopping 80% of the time. More Stores that are closing stores…Macy's, JCPenney, Smith's, Neiman Marcus, Saks fifth Ave, sears, Montgomery wards, Kroger, Albertsons, k Mart, big lots, thousands of shoe stores, entire Malls, beauty salons, churches, spiritual centers, ashrams, mosques, bakeries, Mac Donald's, Kentucky Fried chicken, Waffle Houses, IHOP, steak and shakes, Caesars, Carvels, dairy Queen, Lucky's, 1000s of clothing stores, hotels, motels, 1000s of night clubs,
The first lies they tell are the following:
You are a child molesters.
Sex workers.
Prostitutes, male or female.
Drug dealers.
Alcohols. (When you are sober, you are not).
Drug addicts (When sober, you are not).
Human traffickers (gang stalkers are).
Child traffickers (gang stalkers are).
Kidnappers (gang stalkers are).
Lie about your work.
Lie about your family.
Lie to your family.
Misdeameanors. (In case you don't know misdeameanors are a much lesser offense.
You are not a felon, GS say you are.
You are not a MISDEMEANOR, GS say you r.
Past misdeameanor, paid all your fines. The GS say you never did. (Why r we not in jail).
Past felonies you paid for.
Abuse animals (GS poison animals and kidnap them and dump them for away).
Report you to child protective services. You are not abusing your kids. They r abusing THEIR KIDS ALL THE TIME.
They love to say we are abusing our elders when we don't have elders to abuse. They r abusing their elders.
These are very vile and hateful and evil people. Anyone that takes their kids, animals and elders to stalk and harass a target needs to be eliminated from society as quickly as possible by being arrested and left in prison for life. That won't happen because most of them are the authorities.
Watch the movie “Compliance” and you will see how people really think and what people do to Targets all the time.
Projection is dumping your unpleasant feelings, or behavior, onto somebody else. For example: A bully provokes you with cruel taunts, until you fight back, then tells everybody who will listen, you are a bully, and you are mean. Projection is a common tactic used by narcissists and sociopaths. People who stalk others are always personality disordered, or mentally ill in some way Normal people don't terrorize, and bully others.
Well the problem with most so called “christians"is that a lot of them are hypocrites.
do as i say not as i do know the types that will say divorce/abortion is wrong.But only if other people do them.If they do it,then its some how ok because its them.
This mentality runs rampant in churches/church organizations.Also most of them do not practice the real meaning of know, being kind to others,honest,not lying or stealing/cheating.
A lot of evil types hide behind religion.They use it to mask their real evil selves.They think that if they go to church and call themselves religious then they can get away
And in a way they do.Because most good people will automatically assume that someone else who calls themselves Christian and goes to church must be a good person.They know this and use it to prey on innocent people.
They will single the weak minded ones out and convince them that theyre doing “gods work" by gangstalking targeted individuals.And fill their heads with indoctrination.
Anyone who considers themselves "a true christian" becomes a gangstalker.
There are very few real christians out there.You know the ones who actually practice what they preach,and live a good honest life.
The world is filled with fakes and phonies.
churches are one of the biggest money making entities in the world.
enough said.
Yes. It's known as the “covert stage” of Organized Harassment. It's the beginning stage where you're being watched and followed and those running the Program are digging up all they can about you and twisting it to create the kind of narrative they are going to use to get people on board for targeting you. They go around to all your friends, family, relatives, neighbors—any and everyone they can and especially those you interact with on a daily basis. The only ones they omit are anyone they feel they wouldn't be able to bribe and turn against you, as some people are very loyal and will not fall for any lies against you. Anyhow, like a disease, the Program is spreading around a bunch of false crap about you and people are being given instructions on how to interact with you but you have no idea because it's purposely being kept covert. It's not until it hits the Overt Stage that you'll begin to pick up on—at some point—the strange and sometimes hostile way people treat you and how everywhere you go you're being stared at, glared at, or outright watched. And that's just the little stuff. There's a handbook on one website I found a couple years that explained this matter factly, based on Cointelpro since that's basically what Organized Harassment is.
Tell-Tale Subhuman SSickness of Cabbalists [of all sorts/ religious-and-other guises]:
!Psychopathic Warfare!
Always pretending to be in control.
Psychotic and delusional lying.
Childishly saying "no you" to ever person and thing that exposes them and then acting arrogant which includes everything exposing them here.
Constant slander and lying accusations.
Constant denial of their crimes.
Arrogant grinning to appear confident when they are really scared.
Blood drunken induced psychopathy.
Violence, torture, and murder.
Declaring themselves brilliant for acting like demented and violent liars.
Using sadistic, murderous, and cannibalistic women as a weapon.
Blood drunken praising of themselves.
Financing liars and slanderers.
Financing propagandists to dominate the internet.
Control the perception of "public opinion" through paid propagandists.
Claiming gang stalking is a democratic process. Organizing and ganging up on individuals in larger numbers and calling it democracy.
Gang stalkers acting like their victims are in a court room where the gang stalkers operate as the judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, and jury.
Dictating lies with covert violence.
Calling the use of self defense against them "dictating lies with covert violence."
Psychotic insolence and terrorism.
Electronic vandalism like hacking vehicles and electronics to cause them to break.
Electronic harassment.
Recruiting local gang stalkers who use electronic weapons.
Insolent and demented mockeries.
Framing people.
Stealing other peoples writings, claiming them as their own, and using them as bait to target people in a controlled environment.
Poisoning people.
Electronic spying.
Violently attacking people and then running away and calling the people who expose them false accusers. That is them violently attacking people and calling their victims false accusers. That is a form of gaslighting.
Using more violence to dictate their lies and false accusations.
Reverse psychology like the media pretending to be against Trump or Trump pretending to be against the media. The entire Trump psyop is using reverse psychology.
Political theater. Democratic and Republican shills covertly working together to spread division.
Divide and Conquer.
Republican cult members falsely accusing people of being liberal shills for exposing corrupt republican politicians
Democratic cult members falsely accusing people of being conservative shills for exposing corrupt democratic politicians.
Criminals arrogantly pretending they are in control. Fake omnipotence.
The weaker and more fearful they are the more they finance shills to defend them with boldness and arrogance. Fake omnipotence.
When they are scared they murder children.
Claiming they are gods or claiming god does not exist because they really do murder children and if "god" existed then he would stop them and this is all because the Creator expects good people to do something about it.
When these criminals get killed they retaliate by killing innocent people or children.
Charlie Sheen's tactic of saying the word "winning" over and over again which is what Trump and his QAnon cult members do.
Using the placebo effect to induce mindless arrogance when they are scared.
Attacking someone and claiming before they attack that person that their victim will react by exposing the ones attacking them and then the attackers claim to be all knowing. Part of their fake omnipotence and fake precognition.
Falsely accusing people of crimes they believe people are going to do in the future.
Pretending to "know what's going to happen."
Claiming that psychotic behaviors and insanity is genius.
Claiming that deep stupidity is genius.
Claiming that using violence and gang stalking is genius.
Making bold false claims. Bold lying.
Radiating vague one word spells at people.
Vague denial. Denial of information without debating any of the facts.
Them saying "NO YOU" to everything you say about them. "I know you are but what am I"
Evil people claiming that their evil associates are innocent. Defending each other.
Evil people trying to hijack opposition against evil like the Freemasons of 1776 or the alternative media that claims to oppose the NWO and then completely ignores those running the NWO.
Making lying accusations against people who really expose criminals.
Child murderers and pedophiles calling people that expose them false accusers.
Falsely accusing the victims usually of their crimes and usually only after they get called out first.
Claiming that if you are aware of evil then you are in on it. It is like saying if a woman was raped and then she exposed her rapist that because she had information on her rapist that she must have been in on it. They are really that insane and do claim this.
Calling people greedy for exposing their financial persecutors.
Calling people violent for using self defense.
Claiming that violence cannot be used against war criminals, gang stalkers, poisoners, pedophiles, child traffickers.
Promoting "Peaceful Protests" against murderers, war criminals, and lawless tyrants.
Claiming that pacifism against tyrants solves tyranny.
Claiming that exposing evil people is an act of violence.
Falsely accusing people of being trolls for calling out shills.
Shills spreading fear and threatening the destruction of society when they get exposed.
Gang stalkers making up the most insane lies like claiming they control the royals and nobles they work for.
Inverted witchcraft or engineered lies.
Reflective witchcraft or engineered lies.
Radiating doom spells on society and individuals.
Sabotaging a persons life through covert methods like poison, financial persecution, violating rights, violating privacy, electronic vandalism, slander, and also bribing or corrupting people and turning people around the victim into gang stalkers.
Christians threatening destruction on society and saying its because the Bible says so.
Christians claiming to own "belief in a creator."
Gang stalkers calling their victims "sinners."
Gang stalkers claiming that their gang stalking is "punishment from god."
Christians calling people Satanists for exposing Satanism in the Bible and Christianity.
Christians threatening society and telling people they will burn in hell if they don't bow down to Jesus.
Christians who are also gang stalkers and murderous cannibals calling themselves "sinners" and saying things like "only god can judge" for a false piety and fake humbleness.
Denial of self defense.
Demanding that people "love their enemies."
Claiming that killing an attacker in self defense is a sacrifice.
Claiming that defending your life is the same as the initial attacker. Someone assaults you so you fight back and then they claim both are equally guilty.
Ignoring context.
Distortion of context.
Ignoring motives.
Claiming that calling a fascist male bisexual rapist a "faggot" is homophobia and offensive. The correct definition of a faggot is a male bisexual rapist who rapes other men for control and most male members of the NWO are faggots.
Claiming that exposing racist cults of supremacists who target individuals of different races is racism.
Using gang stalkers and shills to attack people as distractions and as a defense for high level criminals.
Claiming that ignoring the annoying low level shills and gang stalkers means the low level gang stalkers control a person because they are not focusing on them.
Child murderers and murderous cannibals claiming that naming and exposing them is the most evil thing there is.
Attempting to hijack facts and truth by agreeing with it and then mix the truth with lies and completely made up information.
Trolls latching onto people who expose evil as an attempt to make the legitimate person seem like they are associated with trolls.
Known liars agreeing with truth to make the truth seem like a lie as a form of reverse psychology through a fake association.
Demanding proof while completely ignoring existing evidence and proof.
Claiming that evil people are in prison when they are not.
Falsely accusing people of being false accusers for exposing criminals that other criminals claim are dead and or in prison when they are not. They are this insane.
Dictating their fantasy world and delusions onto others.
Acting demented, childish, and insolent to annoy or enrage people.
Claiming that exposing gang stalkers is gang stalking.
Claiming individuals who expose gang stalkers is gang stalking and completely ignoring the meaning of the words "gang" and "individual"
Claiming that exposing the murderous gang stalkers is a "murderous plot against them"
Pretending they are brainwashed.
Claiming that women cannot be evil.
Gang stalkers claiming that only wealthy or famous people can be evil.
Calling a person a false accuser and basing it on their claim that they are "possessed" and therefore innocent of their evil actions.
Claiming they don't have to pay back for damage and thefts they caused or did while they are "demonically possessed" and then saying they have "repented."
Claiming that taking a vacation from gang stalking is "repentance."
Blaming evil technologies for gang stalking.
Falsely accusing people of being Jews for not generalizing and blaming all Jews.
Blaming "Satan" for everything evil.
Blaming "Sorcerers" for gang stalking.
Claiming its "supernatural" and claiming there is nothing that can be done to combat it.
Christians saying that their god and Jesus will take care of the evil. Spreading apathy.
The moment the Black Nobility get scared they finance thousands of YouTube shills that blame all Jews for all evils and if you don't agree they claim you work for Jews.
Claiming "life is an illusion."
Feet first into a wood chipper
The scope of this blogpost can be substantiated, evidenced and expounded infinitely when reviewed in light of the excellent wealth of information and documentation contained in:
Karma/ Purge || Sort Out & Fix This Ugly/ Crass Problem || SSatanic/ Misopedic Criminality: Gangstalking, Narcissistic Abuse, Covert Murder!!
Karma/ Purge || Sort Out This Ugly/ Crass Problem || SSatanic/ Misopedic Criminality: Gangstalking, Narcissistic Abuse, Covert Murder!! (2.2/ 4.4)
Spies, informants and new enemies - Today’s intelligence agencies | DW Documentary
Spy Cables reveal Israel’s Mossad tactics
Human Rights Abuses in Saudi Arabia with Joey Shea (All bogposts, esp. the recent months', apply),expense%20to%20combat%20this%20issue.